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Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

Trees and plants are balancers of energy
(The language of Vibration)

I really have a really deep love and appreciation for plants and trees, and I was wondering if you could speak a little bit about not just learning about them academically, but tapping into them, sort of like consciously. Like, how do they relate to us in our physical?

Well we think the best way to approach this is a bit like, we were talking about your cells of your body earlier. Because in their absence of resistance, they have direct connection with non-physical energy and so they have a lot to demonstrate to you! They focus less than humans do. They are less deliberate in intent, in terms of intention that they're picking up, along their physical trail. In other words, the majority of the intention that they hold in the cells of that which is them, was a trajectory that was in place even before they came into their physicalness. Where humans- you had plenty of that trajectory in place, but as you sift through the contrast with more focus, more mind, you are launching more rockets of desire. So you are more purposeful than they are.

Which means, you run a greater probability, possibility you might even call it, risk if you're... before you really have a handle on all of this; of introducing more resistance into your experience than you really mean to. Or than you want to. So, that's the thing that they have most to offer to you, it's that they don't freak out! They don't worry about things. The atmosphere that has been created around them, their vibrational atmosphere, remains constant. And they are not reacting to circumstances in a negative way! But instead, are adapting to circumstances in positive ways. So the evolution of that which they are is unhindered by things, that humans often hinder themselves by.

You could be adaptive, too! You could be adaptive if you could embrace the contrast, that surrounds you! And reach for that which is at the core of that which you are, and then proceed from that centered place! ...Did we get there for you? Is there something more specific that you want, that makes sense? Esther remembers walking- they had newly planted a few acres in Texas. And Esther was walking with Jerry every day around the property, and each day they would walk past this one segment. Esther would say, "those guys over there are telling me they want more water!" And Jerry would say, "well they look like they're doing all right!" And talking about lawn and bushes, and plants in general. "But they look like they're doing all right." And there's a sprinkler system that's on a timer- and so it's probably just fine.

And so the next day and the next day and the next day- there, there: "I can feel them telling us, telling me, that they would like more water!" and so, now Jerry goes to the box on the wall in the garage and with the walkie-talkies, he starts pushing buttons- and that whole zone had not been operating for several days! And the plants were saying what they wanted. They weren't complaining. There they just waited for someone listening, to express themselves! And they do all day, every day.

In other words, this is the most wonderful thing about being conscious (of) vibration:
There's a vibrational language that even Abraham can speak to you!

In other words, we're not whispering words into Esther's ear, and she's repeating them to you! We are offering our knowledge in the form of vibration. Esther's the Interpreter of the vibration, putting it into the words that are meaningful to you, you see. And so there are vibrations of well-being all around you! And that is the predominant message that they are speaking to you, you see. And so, the better you feel, the more communication you'll have, and the more communication you'll have, the more they will be the teachers that they were born to be.

Because they are here to enhance, to exaggerate and to teach the art of allowing.
You're here more as step 1-ers and step 3-ers, but when you realize that they are step three, step three, step three, step three... and they will help you in that that's why they stand there in all their amazing Beauty for you to Revel in have you looked around this planet and do you acknowledge the balancing mechanism, that the Flora and the fauna are meaning for you- that's what they are.

They're balancers of energy. You can be that for each other, as well!

from the youtube-clip: Abraham Hicks ~ Trees and plants are balancers of energy
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Re: Nature

Post by spiritualcookie »

Everything around you: your animals, your trees - even your rocks, dirt and dust -
are actually pulsing, living Consciousnesses,
who are experiencing contrast and who have preferences.
And these living, pulsing preferences have summoning power.

- AH


Everyone and everything in the Universe is Consciousness.
And all Consciousness is Vibration or Energy.
And all Consciousness has the ability to focus- even the one-celled amoeba.

All Consciousness is having experience.
And all Consciousness is having personal perception of that experience -
and constant preferences are being born from that personal perspective.

- Abraham

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