Being a match to outrageous Abundance!

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Re: Being a match to outrageous Abundance!

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

I know and love what I want!, I MASTER TRUST.

Day 30

...Last day of the 30 day-challenge on TRUST... I'll celebrate!

I LOVE my desires. What is it that I want to be, do or have? How does that feel?

At day 16 of this challenge, I posted this content, below..
Now I want to go over it, again, and see if I trust more! :hearts:
DH and I came 6 years ago across a special youtube clip, that is an amazingly funny, heartwarming little documentary about a hanggliding-vacation in Namibia, offered by a German flying school. You can still, each year again, book this exact vacation. We decided to do it, ad hoc! And then, came Covid :roll: And then, money was tight. And then, and then and then... NOW, years later, we do it!!! It feels AMAZING!! It feels certain.

(If anyone is interested, this inspiring clip is here: ... lDimension
"Namibia Paragliding 2018"... It comes with wonderful scenes of flying, having fun, laughing, feeling good, exploring the beautiful African nature, but comp
letely without talking.) And I feel already as happy as this clip feels! :vortex-small: :dance2: :in_love: :woohoo:

I sooo look forwards to explore this amazing cities, with the harsh history and the beautiful buildings that look like German gingerbread, and have German names so often... I expect the food to be amazing (even their cuisine is half rooted in Germany, which really looks weird -to see Eisbein with Sauerkraut and Schwarzwälder Kirschtorte... in Africa...!) I want to relax into pure love, and transform the terrible shadows!
I expect this to be a love-trip. A transformative, incredibly loving journey.I expect to love, love, love, love!!

pictures of the cities and villages we will see: Windhoek, Svakopmund, Walvis Bay and "our" resort...
I COMPLETELY trust that this will become an amazing trip. Even we are, now, in turmoil... I DECIDE to trust, and experience a wonderful, fulfilling, delightful adventure. I DECIDE, because I can! :lol: I CHOOSE what I want. This feels wonderful. Nothing else makes sense.
Since I saw the clip... I KNEW, I wanted this, with all my heart, too! Wolf dreams even longer about FLYING in this spot of the world... the sand is supposed to be soft as silk. The wind is supposed to be strong and steady. It is said, that by flying here, you will be hours on end in the air... and I know, normally it is about "Parawaiting" (for perfect wind) so much more than about "Paragliding"... I expect my beloved to fly until he is totally filled and fulfilled and so very, very, VERY HAPPY!!!

flying in the dunes close to Svakopmund, that border directly at the Atlantic Ocean and "our" resort, again, that is just minutes away from both! :hearts:
I trust that we will experience all we desire- and even more, of WANTED! I deeply deeply trust that "we can be or do or have EVERYTHNG our life caused us to desire." (Abe) I relax into all fears and all doubt and deeply trust. It feels so peaceful! It feels so powerful. I like this stance! Trust in God. Trust in my desires.Trust in joy. Trust into my love. Trust. Trust! Trust. Trust. Trust. Trust!

-I will experience the very famous Namib- and the Kalahari-desert. Sossusvlei- a famous mostly dried out Saltlake and the highest Dune of the world.
-I will spend 2 nights in a roof-tent in the savanna and the desert and hear and sense nature, without walls between!
-I could meet elephants, giraffes, leopards, rhinos and crocodiles, face to face from an OPEN Jeep!
-I will see Walvis Bay, Pelican Point and all these other coasts where the much appreciated heroes of the seals do their daily work (which I SO appreciate!!) -Freeing and dis-entangling (and saving their lives) seals from all sorts of garbage that they played with, in the sea. (You can follow their amazing work on the youtube channel "Ocean Conservation Namibia")
-I will be at the Tropic of the Capricorn- the area where at solstice, there is no shadow!
-I will eat al fresco under the fantastic starry southern sky.
-I will experience a roadtrip through AFRICA. Pinch me!! :lol:

It feels AMAZING already! I expect it to be soooooooo much fun!
I trust that our mates are so nice to be with! I expect to laugh daily. I expect to be happy, happy, happy! I expect to feel blessed and surprised and delighted. I expect to be ultra happy, all day long! I expect to be... HAPPY. It feels very, very expectant! :lol: And- HAPPY already!!

More than flying: flamingo- seal- and dolphin watching, going on a Safari with rooftents in 4x4's, Quad-horsing in the Dunes, Deserts, Savanna...
Ohhhh my!!! I surrender into whatever is resistant! I drop the pushing-against! I give up and I give in... and it feels sooo joyful! Thank you, thank you, LIFE!!!
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Re: Being a match to outrageous Abundance!

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

Munich, my beloved, beauty and I...


Day 1

I LOVE my desires. What is it that I cash in, while I "pay for it" with love, trust, knowing my worthiness, knowing my freedom, peace and feeling powerful?

I cash in this true precious ABUNDANCE, this rich, wonderful manifestations where someone has deep trust in me, with trusting myself and the Goodness of life. I cash in this beautiful, precious surrender of others, with me, deeply believing the Goodness. With me, being stable, in my love and Alignment. I cash in the magic, the miracles of feeling awesomely close to others, with being close TO MYSELF: With being in true, deep peace, and true, authentic power. I cash in the opportunities, the gifts of awe, with trusting source and myself, fully and wholly.

I can cash in BEING SHOWERED with wonderful abundant gifts, when I feel worthy! I cash in an amazingly abundant lifestyle, with feeling precious. KNOWING my goodnness, knowing that I am precious just "because". KNOWING that I am a wonderful match by my love and appreciation! Feeling precious
and attractive is me, attracting being showered with love and appreciation, beauty and deliciousness!
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Re: Being a match to outrageous Abundance!

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

Munich, my beloved, beauty and I...


Day 2

I LOVE my desires. What is it that I cash in, while I "pay for it" with love, trust, knowing my worthiness, knowing my freedom, peace and feeling powerful?

"I say yes, and learn how to do it, later!"
I cash in this true precious ABUNDANCE, this rich, wonderful manifestations IN THE VERY MOMENT.
Abundance happens all the time! And I get it, when I'm open to the wonderful, the rich, the tasty, the awe, the beauty, the locking eyes with a stranger, the smile of a child! A happy friendly dog looking at me and waving his tail. Seeing a PERFECT recipe, with ingredients I never thought of bringing together, and being so eager to cook it! And then, the momentum becoming, and being offered and served with all kinds of resources to get hold of this rare ingredients, and what to do also with them... that is ABUNDANCE. Feeling rich! Feeling blessed! Feeling HAPPY!

I "pay" the "Terrible Price of Happiness" to get my desires. Abundance feels awesome when I trust it. And it feels horrible, when you feel fear. I pay "faith" into the Goodness. Into safety. Into normalcy and being completely sheltered, without ever feeling less than absolutely safe. It is sweet wonderful innocent faith. I so love KNOWING that. I pay the proce of trusting the divene energy of Abundance. It is the same as true freddom, true power. true joy, true love! In true, deep, absolute faith I am safe. I am absolutely SAFE. And that feels amazing.
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Re: Being a match to outrageous Abundance!

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

(Obviously) I wasn't inspired to keep up this Practice-thread. Now I did this amazing transcript that SOOO inspires me. I am eager to see what "will happen with it"! :hoppy: :D

Don't get limp! Don't get overboard with "chilling out"!
Instead, explore the delightful path of specifically and deliberately CREATING what you desire. And only soothe yourself in overwhelmed, tense times with the much less passionate "letting go and letting God"

I know that I've got huge amounts of great things stacked up around the door (Abe: yes!) and I've been working with the tapes for about 10 years and so I know that I'm not allowing all that I could, so I'm...

Well, it helps to know that you never get it done. In other words, there'll always be more and more and more!
But we can feel- and it is... we're playing with you in the way, (...) what we've been talking here today: We talk about this all the time! About how your life experience causes you to ask. And that the Universe hears it, and lines it up for you. And sometimes our physical friends have this confusion- in fact, it came up a few times today, about

"Well, which is it? Abraham, am I the deliberate creator of my experience?
Or shall I just let go and let God?
Am I the creator of my experience or do I just pet my cat, and relax and allow?"

...And you heard us say to our friend just now, that everything is lined up. And that you're really wanting to work on letting it in! And while we want you, all of you, to focus more on reducing resistance- because, as you said so clearly, you have got enough lined up for 20 or 30 lifetimes, and so the work really is in finding the... finding more ways to be less resistant. Or more allowing, in order to let in what you are wanting. There is nothing more delicious than to be specifically focused upon specific things, that you are wanting, while you are letting it in! And we think that this is most what you're wanting to hear from us. And we'll be very clear about this, it will benefit all of you!

So for example. To say "I saw a new car, and I love the idea of it. And it costs a lot of money, but it feels good just to think about being in it. And whatever will be will be. And so, the universe knows I want the car, and I've wanted it for a long time. And now I'm just not going to think about it anymore! Because the universe has got that handled."

-That's one way of approaching it.
And if you were really feeling negative about the car, that's the way we would encourage you to approach it.

But we think that it is ever so much more Hands-On, and delicious deliberate creating, to think about the car, to pretend you're in the car, to talk about the color of the car, to smell the leather of the car, to pretend you're in the car, to imagine being in the car, to go test drive the car, to look at the car, to think about driving the car, to imagine having the car in your garage, even to making a place for the car! To telling other people about the car... in other words, we think that

...the more specifically involved you get energetically with the car, the more satisfying the unfolding of the car can can be!

Unless you have convinced yourself that you don't get what you want. And we can sort of feel that from you!
We can feel that from a lot of you! -Where you have sort of shied away from getting too specific, for very long, about the things that you want, because you get tired of wanting things that don't come. And so, you don't let yourself focus upon them very much. And the result of that is, you sort of feel limp.

Where what we really want you to do, is to get into this sort of cocky, arrogant attitude where you begin to believe that the universe will give you anything, and everything that you want, and see yourself as the Maestro that is directing the energy toward the specifics of things!

And you want to start with things that you already believe. That you can achieve, because, lining up that energy light will give you instant manifestations on some things. And then, every day, just add more to your list, and add more to your list, and add more to your list! we can feel that you understand very clearly the principles that we have been expressing, for a very long period of time. And we do not feel a big disconnect within you, about worthiness! In other words, we don't feel that you're deliberately holding yourself apart from things.

But we can feel not just with you, but with a lot of, a LOT of our physical friends, that you've stopped being very deliberate about things! Because you are feeling the discomfort. You're tired of feeling the discord of wanting things, that don't come easily. And so you decided, that you would sort of just take another tact in it. And you got really heavy on allowing, now. This is really a great deal of fun for us, because as we begin to interact with our physical friends, and we talk about the science of deliberate creation- many of you get very clear:

-You start thinking about what you want.
-You start setting goals, and you start sucking in the thoughts that don't match to what you're wanting.
-You worry about talking negatively!
-You're afraid that the universe will take off with you, on something that you don't want.
-And so, you get very... sort of, worried about directing your thoughts at all times.

And then, we notice that in your attempt to be deliberate creators, that you are not relaxed and allowing as much.
So, then we began emphasizing the "Art" of Allowing. We begin saying to you that- yes of course, it's important that you want things! And it's nice to set those goals. And it's nice to write it down what you are wanting.

But the universe already knows what you want!
The universe heard you the first 100,000 times, that you said that you wanted it!!
And it's already lined up for you now!
Your work is to relax and let in.

What you've been saying- you want... you've gone overboard, on relaxing and letting in!
In other words, in the same way that we began expressing the "Art" of Allowing, in order to calm people who were very analytic, who were focused very specifically on what they'r wanting- now we' sort of like to get you focused more upon your goals. And we think that now, this time when you do it, we think it will go very well for you!

-Because you've done enough relaxing.
-You've come into alignment with who you are!
-You're beginning to expect good things to come for you, you have evidence of that.
-You have knowledge of the law of attraction!
-You don't misunderstand the correlation between what you're thinking, and what you're feeling, and what you're getting.
-You're beginning to understand, that the Universe is always consistent.

And we think, that even though you have launched desires and the Universe knows what they are, that a little bit of attention to what you are wanting, would net you some big results right away.

Abraham Hicks


The Attitude of a successful deliberate Creator!

Where what we really want you to do, is to get into this sort of cocky, arrogant attitude where you begin to believe that the Universe will give you anything and everything that you want, and see yourself as the Maestro that is directing the energy toward the specifics of things!

Abraham Hicks
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Re: Being a match to outrageous Abundance!

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

You have to come into alignment! You have to!
You must be your friend.
You've got to start doing things that make you feel better!

Abraham Hicks


You have to come into alignment! You have to! You must be your friend. You've got to start doing things, that make you feel better! And that's where this "keeping my promise to myself" comes in. And the promise to myself is:
When you're not happy in your body with the way it feels, or the way it moves, or the way it looks- you're launching further and further rockets. So, the worse you feel in your body, the more you ask for, and the higher your standards become. And so, you've got a fabulous thing going on over here (in the Vortex) that you've got to get up to speed with! Because you're creating your own tug of war, and this process will cause you to ease that tension between the two, we promise you. It will shift your vibration.

And when your vibration shifts, your body will become the way you want it to!

And here, here's the part we really want you to understand:
So, being slender and fit the way you want to be, is over here (in the Vortex). And where you feel like you are, is over here. we want you to realize that turning like this (downstream)- because you did something on that, is enough!!

In fact, it's not only enough- it's all you can do! (...) In other words... you've got to make peace, with all that you can do.

(Outtake from the large interaction, below)

Day 1

I wasn't inspired to move on with this thread, until now. This time, I feel eager and highly inspired to "work and soothe and become my friend, deliberately" here- while, on a different topic. :D yeaaahh!! I'm following my beloved, happy impulses!

I trust my beloved body!
I trust the process. I deeply believe in what Abraham are teaching: It males so much sense, and IT FEELS SO MUCH BETTER!!
I'll cash in what is in my Vortex- it must be HUGE. Abraham say, when we have amassed a huge Vortex-version, getting to it will be FAST as soon we let go of our resistance. I am eager for that! :lol:

And also, this is the first time in my life that I have TIME. I am not at all impatient! It will take as long as it takes. THere is no urgency, as I am truly in the place where I love myself, anyway. That feels so much better than my hunting and rushing, because I neeeeded my stuff!
:in_love: :vortex:

I am eager for a beautiful figure.
I am eager for amazing results!
I am eager to knock some socks off! :lol:
I am eager to dance along the street, and to adore my mirror-image and to wear the amazing clothes that I love so much.
I am eager to do cartwheels and ride horseback, and to do all this awesome, wonderful things!
I am eager to be so flexible and happy while moving my body, as I used to be!
I am eager to run up the stairs, and yodel down the canyons! :D
I am eager, and EXPECTANT!

YES I trust that it is possible! I have no doubt, at all.
And I LOOOOOVE this stance!!
AND: I am sooo satisfied where I am! I love my amazing body. I am so incredibly thankful for all that it does for me, and how wonderful it works, and that it functions perfectly WITHIN it's "disfunction" aka illnesses! It is A-ok. Even the "disfunctions are PERFECT functions, and serve as perfect illustrators and messages. This is indeed awe-some!
I am so curious for the next steps!
I am so curious and eager to see how this will unfold.
I am soo thankful for this wonderful "vacation"!


Being Upstream or Downstream around losing weight on your body

Um, so, as I'm listening to you, I'm thinking okay... I've got the relationship. I've got the money flow. You know, life is good in so many arenas! Now I want to learn how to turn downstream with my body. So, what I've noticed first of all, it feels like all my life, I've done everything I could possibly do- and it just keeps getting worse! So, I've done every diet. I've taken every pill. I've read every book. I've...

But, but... when we... let's talk about this, just for a moment: Because, "I've done every diet", now just in in the context of Upstream/Downstream, "I've done every diet"- which way should we point?
(HS: Up.) -Up! "I've take taken pills"... did you take diet pills...?"

HS (laughing):
Oh I took every...

Abe (tuning into the fun, moving Esthers hand either left or right to show "upstream" or "downstream"):
Which way are they?

HS: Up.

Abe: "Read every book..."

HS: Up. Worked out... you know, not just worked out but... but, I've bought every piece of workout equipment! (Esther swinging her hand into "up", audience hilarious).

So, now... you say... but here's the really good news! In all of that (pointing "up"), there is the realization of what I'm wanting! So you must understand- whether you can feel it or get a sense of it, of what's percolating over here for you, in vibrational Escrow! In other words, with all of that focus and all of that energy and all of that desire, that... in other words, when you really really really want something, and someone said to us one day, "oh Abraham I don't want that. I've already got that." -and it was laughable to us, because people associate wanting with that feeling of not having! And the reason that they do is, because

when you want something that you're not letting yourself have, and you really want it, you can really feel it, you see.

So what we want you to realize is, that there is a really positive side to that feeling. Which means, there's something really... in other words, your river is really flowing strong in this way! Otherwise you wouldn't be feeling that. Which means, when you do find the way to turn and go with it, the results will come readily for you! You have to know, that different people have different results from food. Because you see people eating much more than you eat, who are slender, and in the body condition that they want. So you have to know... and you say, well, it's metabolism. We say: blah blah blah blah blah!

Whatever you want to call it- it is the energy-balance in your body!
And so, it does not matter how much you do, if you're vibrationally pointed upstream.

-You'r Doing isn't going to get you the results!
-That's why your metabolism is slow,
-that's why your body holds on to what you do not not want: You're pointed upstream in it, you see!

So, once you start playing the game... so you're downstream, downstream, downstream, downstream, downstream... then not only will the inspiration about what to do be easier and easier, but you're going to discover that you don't have that many things you have to do differently. Because the things you are doing differently have got you in a different vibrational stance. And that different vibrational stance is causing your response to food to be different, than it has been before!

Your metabolism will kick up when you're pointed downstream, we're not kidding you.

Resistance bogs everything down that's why all heart disease, that's why strokes, that's why every disease, that's why every sickness that every single person has ever lived, no matter how severe or slight it might be, is always about vibration, that's pointed upstream. It's always about that vibrational tug of war! Doctors only recently are beginning to understand the stress effect, relative to diseases! And it is EVERYTHING.

Disease: Dis- ease! Disease... dis- ease. Dis- ease, you see!

But it's all right. It feels like if you really really want something, so the energy is really really moving fast.

Yeah. And I the harder I try, the worse it gets.

And that's the feeling that we're... that's the feeling that we want you to identify here! "The fact that I'm trying so hard means, I'm really pointed upstream. So,

It isn't that there are certain foods that you must eat, and therefore you will get results.
It is that you can't eat something that you believe will make you fat, and be slender!

In other words, it's about your vibrational energy balance. So as you start doing those things that you believe that you need to do, and you do them with ease, your resistance begins to resolve. And so, then what happens is:
-more ideas flow to you.
-people send you recipes.
-you find new products.
-you begin to get results!
-you begin to notice that the weight is coming off.
-you begin to get into the flow of it.
-you begin to feel better, your energy increases.
-you want to move more,
-and then you get on the scale which you haven't done for 30 days...

...and you say, "wow, 15 lbs! And I wasn't doing any of that hard stuff! I was doing only the stuff that felt good, and looking at the results I'm getting!" ...and we say: the results that you will get are because of your energy alignment.

But... so let's talk about the components of this process. What really is it? What is the getting-out-of-debt-process about? It's about using action to improve vibration. And we think it is a good human technique, because what you usually hear from us is: clean up your vibration, and don't act, and then follow through with inspired action.

But this these things that have you by the throat, these things like your body... you know your body is a hard thing to control when it gets out of balance! So, how your body looks and how your body feels is a big part of your vibration. And the same thing with money: Money affects you all day every day, and so when you apply these actions that make you feel a little better, what happens is: The action then drives the improvement in the energy. And the Improvement in the energy then inspires more action, and the action drives the improvement in the energy, and more improvement in the energy,

and then you start feeling motivated from the inside, and motivation from the inside is what we call inspiration.

And the big thing is, and we say this relative to every subject you have: to leave everybody else out of the equation! Because it doesn't matter how somebody else looks, or how much they eat, or how much results they get from what they do- none of that is relative to you. (...) Esther remembers going out to dinner with some dear friends, years ago. They went to a wonderful Indian restaurant in San Francisco, and Esther's beautiful friend... she looked like a model, from head to toe, ordered two complete meals and ate them herself. And then ate dessert, and then everybody else's dessert that didn't finish it.

And Esther said to her: "I hope you understand, that we can no longer be friends!" and Gloria said to Esther: "Food is my friend!" and Esther said: "Well, it hates me, it just hates me!" And that's really the point that we're wanting to make: In other words-

You have to come into alignment! You have to!
You must be your friend.
You've got to start doing things that make you feel better!

And that's where this "keeping my promise to myself" comes in. And the promise to myself is:
When when you're not happy in your body with the way it feels, or the way it moves, or the way it looks- you're launching further and further rockets. So the worse you feel in your body, the more you ask for, and the higher your standards become. and so you've got a fabulous thing going on over here (in the Vortex) that you've got to get up to speed with! Because you're creating your own tug of war, and this process will cause you to ease that tension between the two, we promise you! It will shift your vibration. And when your vibration shifts, your body will become the way you want it to!

And here, here's the part we really want you to understand.
So, being slender and fit the way you want to be, is over here (in the Vortex). And where you feel like you are, is over here. we want you to realize that turning like this (downstream)- because you did something on that, is enough!!

In fact, it's not only enough- it's all you can do! And it's not only all you can do- it's enough. But it's not only only enough... IT'S ALL YOU CAN DO! But it's not only all you can do, it's enough. But it's not only enough it's all you can do! (Laughter). In other words... you've got to make peace with all that you can do.

And when you make make peace with all that you can do, by keeping those commitments... ah, you just start floating along! You feel better and better. You're getting the results, and then it becomes a non-issue, and then one day, not very long from now, you'll sit in this chair and you'll say: "I've got the relationship. I got my body under control! And, Abraham, this week I won the lottery!"

from the (official) youtube clip "Abraham: NATURAL WEIGHT LOSS - Esther & Jerry Hicks"[/color]
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Re: Being a match to outrageous Abundance!

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

You have to come into alignment! You have to!
You must be your friend.
You've got to start doing things that make you feel better!

Abraham Hicks


Day 2

I REALLY love my wheelchair. I find it amazing that so many people think it is a tragedy!
I think it is such a token of self-love. Of all this amazing help, that I allow to take place in my life.
All this extra-respect.
All this EASE!!

It is so much EASIER with the chair!
Most things only become POSSIBLE for me, with the chair!

All this friendly faces, of people who take the extra-moment to look into my eyes, and genuinely SMILE!
All this readiness to hold open a door, or to think about how they could be of service.

All this AWARENESS of others.
They almost seem thankful to see me laugh and ENJOY!
I feel blessed by all this experiences!
I feel stunned how much closer to the Vortex people suddenly seem to be, when they meet a clearly ITV-person in a wheel-chair:
Must be that they feel inspired to be more awake, more aware, more thankful for THEIR circumstances...?
Whatever it is, I realize it and I feel blessed by my awareness of it! It certainly serves ALL OF US!

Loving and Enjoying my life FULLY- no matter what.

So the key is: how do I look at a wrinkled face and feel appreciation?
How do I feel prosperous, when my checks are bouncing?
How do I feel well, when they tell me I have cancer?

And we say: You must not put so much credence upon the current condition!
And you should let your vision be dominant.
And when you are able to look and see what you are wanting to see,
rather than what everybody else sees- then you have the true vision of energy flow.
And that's when you begin to create miracles, and we're not kidding you about it!

In other words, that's when the physical manifestation that defies all of the properties of your physical laws, begin to take place.
It's because your knowing has superseded the vibrational habit of thought, that is physical perspective. And has entered into the realm of the broader awareness.

Abraham Hicks

I am not only at peace and fantastic ease, I feel in bliss about this abundance of Goodness that I learned to accept, to ask for even, and to respectfully let flow into my life. I feel worthy of it. I feel deeply thankful for it. I feel RICH within it. It feels as an everyday-life showering of BEING WORTHY all this care, all this thoughts, all this friendliness, all this thoughtfulness, all this extra-miles, all this sweat of those that push- and lift- and help me.

Thank you, people! Thank you beloved husband! Thank you alll family! Thank you engineers! Thank you street- and house-planners! Thank you. I embrace it with such awareness and thankfulness and pleasure. It is SO PRECIOUS for me.
And- easy. Easy, easy, easy, easy! I SO LOVE THIS!

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Re: Being a match to outrageous Abundance!

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

You have to come into alignment! You have to!
You must be your friend.
You've got to start doing things that make you feel better!

Abraham Hicks


Day 3

I love to ponder that "making peace" with what is is not only "all I can do", but really, really ENOUGH.
I so love to finally understand it!!

It's NOT about forcing me to eat or not eat.
It's NOT about forcing my body to fast, or work out hard and steady!!
It's about embracing myself!
About being happy in my skin, NOW- regardless!
It's about being NICE to myself!!
It's about trusting the process, and denying myself to focus where it doesn't feel good.

And here, here's the part we really want you to understand:
So, being slender and fit the way you want to be, is over here (in the Vortex). And where you feel like you are, is over here.
We want you to realize that turning like this (downstream)- because you did something on that, is enough!!

In fact, it's not only enough- it's all you can do! And it's not only all you can do- it's enough.
But it's not only only enough... IT'S ALL YOU CAN DO! But it's not only all you can do, it's enough.
But it's not only enough it's all you can do! (Laughter).

In other words... you've got to make peace with all that you can do.

Abraham Hicks

...It's about LOVING MYSELF, adoring myself, enjoying my life passionately!
It's about emanating love, shining my light, not holding back 1 second.
It is about trusting my worthiness- always!
It's about believing that I am attractive, stunning, more than lovable!
It's about fully and wholly believing the compliments that I attract.
It's about complimating myself-
AND FEELING AND BELIEVING every detail of them.

It is about believing and trusting that I can be, or do or have everything that I desire-
as long I choose a happy path to them!

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Re: Being a match to outrageous Abundance!

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

You have to come into alignment! You have to!
You must be your friend.
You've got to start doing things that make you feel better!

Abraham Hicks


Day 4

"How do I want to live, from now on?"

2, I want to be a CREATOR of my own reality in HAPPINESS- REGARDLESS. did that work out, so far?
I AM happy, most of the time! (And my life is certainly not boring!)
But as it is said, there are a few "hold-outs" where I am not so very happy. And, even I smile, even I HAD achieved a great figure and bold health and physical capability (as in the picture below that shows me, being 19- and indeed being intensely unhappy about being "fat")- "the conditions" don't MAKE us happy!

And, in this unhappy, judgemental stance, I will never be able to master the Alignment that it takes to fully, empoweredly, freely create what I want.

I see today, how CRAZY it has been, that I had the good stuff- but I looked at what was still incomplete.
I had the appreciation from so many attractive men- but I felt not see, and un-attractive.
I had been such a cutie- and I felt- if not ugly, so at least not beautiful!

I had created my hells on earth, and I was sitting in this beliefs as if they would be true!
Today I see, nooo, they are a lie! And I could have known all the time, as they felt terrible. And always, when something feels off it means: Source does NOT agree.

...I wanted to live THIS way! And: I DID THAT: I was "attractive"! :D ...I created this, and in the most part, I was VERY happy. :superhero:

I WAS beautiful! I WAS attractive! ...I had created so much of what I wanted- I was just not in the receptive mode to "get them"! Others could see it. I did not. Now I reallllly want to end this crazyness! I want to see what I want, UNCONDITIONALLY. Until I developed Sources eyes- and see, myself.

And, for now, as always, we remain eternally and happily incomplete.

Abraham Hicks

(for a long time, Abe closed every workshop with this words...)
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Re: Being a match to outrageous Abundance!

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

You have to come into alignment! You have to!
You must be your friend.
You've got to start doing things that make you feel better!

Abraham Hicks


Day 5

I always KNEW what Abe teach about food:
It is not about the stuff we put in our mouth. It is about the vibration, the energy, the self-love.
I have zero doubt that this is right!

Now I train to let go of the old momentum of fear, doubt and wobble.

So, once you start playing the game... so you're downstream, downstream, downstream, downstream, downstream... then not only will the inspiration about what to do be easier and easier, but you're going to discover that you don't have that many things you have to do differently. Because the things you are doing differently have got you in a different vibrational stance. And that different vibrational stance is causing your response to food to be different, than it has been before!

Your metabolism will kick up when you're pointed downstream, we're not kidding you.

Resistance bogs everything down that's why all heart disease, that's why strokes, that's why every disease, that's why every sickness that every single person has ever lived, no matter how severe or slight it might be, is always about vibration, that's pointed upstream. It's always about that vibrational tug of war! Doctors only recently are beginning to understand the stress effect, relative to diseases! And it is EVERYTHING.

Disease: Dis- ease! Disease, dis- ease. Dis- ease, you see!

Abraham Hicks, (official) youtube clip "Abraham: NATURAL WEIGHT LOSS - Esther & Jerry Hicks"

"Food is my friend".
I SO LOVE food, I love to shop, I love to cook, I love to eat!
I trust food. I trust my body! I so deeply, deeply do!! :hearts:
I will never again talk or thing against my body, or my food. They are innocent!
They work out PERFECTLY. It is me, who is thinking the unwanted marching orders!
It is me, who has the resistances. I'm sorry, beloved body! I'm sorry, beloved food!

I did it ALL ALONG. All those years: I didn't look with love. I didn't look with humor, and wisdom, and LOVE.
I will do this now, and I will enjoy the process and the journey and the time, each moment!
What a bliss that I can realize this all. So much joy of transformation and shedding unhelpful beliefs!
I am thankful for this awesome travel. I am EAGER to find more. I really really finally look forwards to the adventures on this journey!

I will be in EASE about all of this!
I have time. It didn't work for 45 years, now it doesn't matter how long it still takes :hearts:
I will have FUN in figuring it out.
I will enjoy the LIGHTNESS, literally! i look forwards to see results and I am curious and eager for them.
While, I don't feel needy anymore. My husband joked with me today: "What could go wrong? Your husband stay with you like super-glue! :D (I KNOW he will!!) You've GOT huge successes and magic miracles that you've achieved, under your belt. (I KNOW I have!) You KNOW that you are beautiful!" (I KNOW I am! I FINALLY KNOW!! I DO!)

So, of course I will be easy about all of it! And thankful for each new day with new revelations, and new adventures, and new delightful FOOD :lol: :lol: AND, indeed, I am curious for the workouts that will feel GOOD that my wise body will pick for me! I KNOW something is coming, as I feel eager to move. I feel ready to do some workouts! I am INTERESTED! Bottomline- it is about being nice to myself regardless, and remembering that impatience or anger or clubbing myself over the head, for not being further is NOT my friend! :lol: Duh!! :lol:

And when I am, it's not only joy for me, but a joy to those in vicinity, too!
I want to be HAPPY first and foremost.
AND I want to get my stuff. And, it works so beautiful together! It won't work without each other.
I think this is such an awesome set-up!!
Thank you, thank you, thank you life!!!

Cravings are food-inspiration!



Cravings are going to occur to you!
So, here is the rule of thumb about EATING,
or about investing in the stock market or about anything else:

If the impulse comes from a JOYOUS thought that FEELS GOOD- follow it.
If the impulse comes from an uncomfortable place that feels bad- don't follow it.

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Re: Being a match to outrageous Abundance!

Post by spiritualcookie »

Paradise-on-Earth wrote: Mon Jan 06, 2025 11:16 am I am curious for the workouts that will feel GOOD that my wise body will pick for me! I KNOW something is coming, as I feel eager to move. I feel ready to do some workouts! I am INTERESTED!
I have made a list of my favourite gentle workout videos on youtube. In case it's useful I include the link for you :)

As you'll be able to tell from the list because there are so many videos from that channel, MonikaFit is my personal favourite. She uses music that I enjoy and her moves feel good, gentle and well-paced to me :)
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