Quotes on Taking Score

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Quotes on Taking Score

Post by spiritualcookie »

See also
- Quotes on Patience
- Non-Abe Quotes on Taking Score (1) , (2)


You are here to bring yourselves to a joyful state of being, moment by moment, day by day, as you chew upon the data of life.

As you stand in your now, aware of where you want to be, or even aware of where you are going,
your tendency is to note the lack of where you are.

As you contrast now with future success, what you usually are feeling is the pain of the Lack of the Now.
And as you feel the Lack of the Now, your now will remain unchanged.

- AH


No matter how much you want something,
and no matter how much you believe that you can have it,
if you are in your now, noticing that it is not yet here,
you are focused upon the lack,
and the lack of it is what you are attracting,
and you could remain in that position of attracting lack forevermore.

- Abraham

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Post by spiritualcookie »

99% of your creation is complete before you see any physical evidence of it.
But most of you are so evidence oriented, you do not sense your motion forward until you see the physical proof.
And as you see only the absence of the physical proof, you worry or doubt or writhe in the pain of the absence of what you want,
and push what you want further and further away.

- Abraham Hicks.


How do you get rid of impatience? (...)
By not keeping score.
By not measuring yourself against anything else.
By letting the only measurement be the measurement of how good you feel
right here, right now.

- AH



What's the rush?
Everything is coming to you.
Don't put an end date on everything.
Just let the Universe yield it to you,
because if the path is a fun path
you don't care how long it takes.

- Abe
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Post by spiritualcookie »

Paradise-on-Earth wrote: Sat Feb 03, 2024 12:49 pm

If it's a fun path you are on, you don't care how long it takes.


The longer it takes, the more fun it will be!

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Post by spiritualcookie »

The farmer who plants the seed of the tomato understands that his creation is well underway before he will see any physical evidence.

He does not go to his newly plowed ground, and stomp upon the seed, demanding that it show itself to him now - right now!

Instead, he allows the natural Laws of the Universe to do their work as the small seed matures into something more beneficial to his experience.

- Abraham
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Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

Ignore Reality!

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Post by spiritualcookie »

When you say, "I want this thing to happen that hasn't happened yet,"
you are not only activating the vibration of your desire,
but you are also activating a vibration of the absence of your desire -
so nothing changes for you.

And often even when you do not speak the second part of the sentence and you say only,
"I want this to happen,"
there is an unspoken vibration within you that continues to hold you in a state of not allowing your desire.

- AH
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Post by spiritualcookie »

Avoid setting schedules and deadlines for your desires

Perhaps you may say,
"Well, our current circumstances really don't allow us the money to do all this stuff that we want to do.
We want to remodel our kitchen,
and our decisions about not going into great debt about it are very clear decisions that we don't want to violate.
So what do we do with these exploding ideas?"

And we say, Does every one of them have to manifest RIGHT NOW?
Or can you begin to take pleasure from the idea itself?

Can you say, "Well, if not right now, then soon..."?
And so, you can begin to take pleasure from the growing of the idea.

But when you put yourself on a schedule, where there is a deadline,
then very often the shortage of time or money looms up and contradicts the Energy, making you miserable.

It also makes you wish that you had never broached the idea to begin with.
But then you can say... "For now we are most pleased with the manifestation of this, and what ideas we are conjuring for the future!"

Then one day, you might move into a new home, shocked that it already has all the things within it that you have been conjuring.
And it will come when you have enough money;
you have enough time.
In other words, the Universe will line it up in response to the ideas that you are giving birth to and freely flow.

- AH
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Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

You'r on track.
You'r on schedule.
Nothing's gone wrong!
Everything's gone wright.

It's time for you to start ENJOYING YOUR JOURNEY!

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Post by spiritualcookie »

[Hotseater says that when he just started learning Abraham's teachings he manifested lots of things, but now things have slowed down and he feels he's "lost it". He asks Abraham what happened.]

So what happens with most is that at first they want to believe it but hardly do

And then because their desire is strong and their expectation is improved as a result of the new information
they are in a more receptive mode than usual and things start clicking and they begin to realize hey I can do this.

But then most humans begin to apply to these formulas the same things that they've been doing with their physical action lives.

They begin to go after it too hard.
They begin to set goals and take score.
And in doing so, introduce resistance into the equation.


In the early days when Esther began receiving us we called this forum the Science of Deliberate Creation.

But then so many people were having the experience just as you've described where they were digging in too hard and trying to make too much happen and holding themselves in different resistance than usual but still in some form of resistance.

So we began emphasizing, this is the Art of Allowing
where you ask and Source answers and then you have to feel your way through
chilling out; through meditation; through lists of appreciation.
You just have to relax!
Which takes you back to some of your Christian roots of Faith and Trust.
Faith in what has not yet been seen.
Because a lot goes on before the manifestation is apparent.

And if you're trying too hard to see the manifestation before you're quite in sync with what allows it to come
then it feels like well it was working better before.

- Abraham,
From the youtube clip: Abraham Hicks2025 - When you fall back into the old ways of struggling✨ The law of attraction

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Post by spiritualcookie »

Don't take score on your way to recovery

“It is a common thing for people to begin to lean in the direction of recovery,
only to stop and take score too soon.
And when they still find unwanted symptoms or conditions, they then offer resistant thought and lose the improved ground they have gained.
With consistent releasing of resistance, ALL unwanted conditions will subside,
returning you to your natural state of Well-Being.”

- AH
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