Quotes of Abraham's Rampages

Introducing the Abe Quotation sub-forum We've been noticing more and more members enjoying and sharing Abraham's words of wisdom in many different forms. The momentum of such generous sharing has caught our attention so we've created a place here on the forum to assemble such gems "under one roof," so to speak.
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Post by spiritualcookie »

I know what to do
and I make good choices
and I'm in control of my life
and things work out well for me
and my life overall is doing extremely well
and I'm always reaching for more balance
and I'm doing extremely well
and I'm wise
I make good choices
and my body knows what to do
and no matter what choices I make I'm not very far from perfect balance
and everything's coming into alignment for me

- Abraham
from the youtube clip: This Is The Truth Of Today! ⚠️💜 Abraham Hicks 2024
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Post by spiritualcookie »

Thank you for this quote FloatingBoat :hearts:

I will do these things because it will be joyful to do them.
I'll build the bridges that are fun to build.
I'll cook the meals that are fun to cook.
I'll have the relationships that are fun to have.
I will grow, oh I know I will grow.
I will not be able to help but expand.
I will not be able to help but contribute.
I will not be able to help but add (something) to this time-space reality.
I know I will be of immense value,
but I'm not coming forth because of the value that I will offer, because that is a given,
and I'm not coming forth to prove anything because there is nothing to prove.
I'm coming forth because this looks like a vacation I'd like to take.
I think there will be some fun here.
I think there will be some interest.
I think that more life will flow through me.
I think that this is gonna be a really good time.
Therefore, I go forward.
That's what you said,
That's why you're here,
That's why we're all here.
It is for the joy,
And when you get your eye on the joy,
everything else will fall into place. :hearts:

(Abraham Hicks)
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