Anyone here from Abetalk?

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Re: Anyone here from Abetalk?

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

FeelGood wrote: Sat Nov 02, 2024 11:26 pm
yes to both of you.
the "yet", of more forumer's
and loving this harmony compared to too much drama of the last forum, even though it might have been that contrast to convince me of this......hahaahhaha
peace and harmony feel sooooooooooooo good!
YEEEESSSSS!!! :lol: :dancing: :happy117:
In the end, it ALWAYS works out and I am thankful for all of it! I even guess, sometimes we still might want to poke at crap with a stick, for just a little while. :teasing-poke:

But... after 60 years of drama :crazy: I now am finally ready to really choose love, and so much more ease, more fun, more nice tea-times, more bright-eyed, bushy-tailed happiness...!! :tee: :lol: It's SO much more fun!
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Re: Anyone here from Abetalk?

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

:lol: I love the :goodjob: lemon-sign!

You are the queen of uplifting emoticons!! :romance-hearteyes: :happygaze: :king1: :romance-cloud9: :royalty-queen: :romance-wub: :wave:
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Re: Anyone here from Abetalk?

Post by Leah Southey »

Might as well bung in the infamous photo Dawn mentioned.
113 at New Idea 1982.jpg
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Re: Anyone here from Abetalk?

Post by Leah Southey »

Thank you for this post, POE. I've been away for a while because (for me, and my desires) there didn't seem to be much happening here. I've more than a hunch it has to do with What's Going On In The World which clearly comes under the don't-talk-about-it umbrella.
Paradise-on-Earth wrote: Fri Nov 01, 2024 8:04 amWhen I joined the old Forum in 2010, they where an incredibly joyful bunch! They seemed to skip and cheer and laugh and love and celebrate all the time, people freely asked questions and added their opinion...
and then, imo, it got "moderated" and there came a more harsh tone, disguised as tough love.
Yes indeed. I loved Abetalk for its freedom, because freedom is what it's all about for me. And oh SNAP, that was what happened on Abetalk.
Then bullies got allowed -in the sense: "you attract what comes to you"
Same here. One member of Abetalk committed suicide and named Abetalk as the reason (he offended just about everyone, and we gave as good as we got)... so "Rodney" (a generation down from me) shut the forum down. Who wouldn't have?
I had some contact with it's founder David, and he had lost his mojo long before he physically croaked. Imo, that showed directly in the Forum. It needs a Creator with a strong joyful, not shattering vision ...
But isn't that the guts of it? When we're in our power Abraham makes sense and everything's fun, but the power years are ours for a limited time. Then all the old-age creaks and cracks appear. I 'found' Abraham so very long ago, and I danced. I really did. Everything made sense. Now I feel so very jaded, no longer viable. It hurts.
Abe said, it takes only 1 person -and may it be the cleaning lady!- to keep up the good feeling idea and -vibe. "One who is in Alignment, is more powerful than millions who aren't. -Abe). I was obviously either not enough in Alignment to "save" the old Forum...
I feel that. I really do. I have to say that since early 2020 I've wondered how hard I have to work to make Life feel okay to me. I can't ignore what's going on in the world. I have no doubt that's the topic that brought the previous forum down, and I don't want that to happen again.
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Re: Anyone here from Abetalk?

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

Leah Southey wrote: Tue Dec 17, 2024 12:09 am Thank you for this post, POE. I've been away for a while because (for me, and my desires) there didn't seem to be much happening here.
I want to be completely honest (all the time, for myself- and I am certain it's the best I have to give to others as well): I raised my kids with the sentence "Only boring people feel bored", when they nagged me to entertain them, or that they would "neeeeed" something, or that "it would be boring".

YOU create your own reality!
In the time where you've been away, sooooo much has happened for *me*! -There have been so many meaningful, joyful, soothing, fun, hilarious, inspiring interactions. Others might see the very same as mundane, boring stuff- and that is ok. I don't live for them, and I feel the awe, the magic, the goodness of it: There has been so much beauty. There has been uncountable insights. There has been wonderful celebrations: Here on this Forum, and in my "normal" life. But it takes one to see one!

We had this discussion before: The active people come here to do their joyful/soothing work, I like to call it their "service" just like the interactions that can happen in a church, between "source-YOU" and the "you". In this service or "work" you become aware of who you really are, more. And that's not really about others. It is between you and YOU, and so, it might not at all look thrilling (or even discernible) to those who stand outside.

It is not made to entertain!

Abe have often explained that normal humans would prefer drama and even trauma before "nothing" happens (while it is literally impossible that nothing happens, as everything is vibration, and vibration is always in motion. But for those who are trained to look for outside-entertainment, it seems as if things always change to more of the same). Outside-entertainment is hollow and unsatisfying. Because, you must OWN it! You must entertain yourself! "Happiness is HOME MADE!"

The unsatisfied Ones think they would need to observe good-feeling or at least entertaining (and therefore, hopefully "big") stuff. While the key to a truly happy and fulfilled life is living/allowing/enjoying/appreciating a permanent string of happy -seemingly normal- moments. But again, when you are ITV aka in the receptive mode, nothing is "small" in the way of minor or trivial! But, you must be in the receptive mode to "get" the Greatness, that often orgasmic satisfaction, to be able to see and decipher it!

And to be in the receptive mode/the Vortex you must TRAIN yourself -step by humble babystep, a joyful, trusting, loving, friendly focus, where you drop what doesn't feel so good, and choose a focus on what does feel good: Good to you, here and now.
And nobody and no-thing will be able to help you out of being OOTV, when you don't do that.
I've more than a hunch it has to do with What's Going On In The World which clearly comes under the don't-talk-about-it umbrella.
You have mentioned this in another post already. Truly, I have no clue what you really mean!
The whole world talks about the unwanted. And how does that work out? It trains your focus on more of the unwanted, and will bring you more of unwanted.
Clever Abers stopped doing that!

Certainly you CAN talk about everything that is of interest to you. So: WHAT DO YOU WANT? It would be so wise to talk about that! :hearts:
Yes indeed. I loved Abetalk for its freedom, because freedom is what it's all about for me.

Freedom is the basis of your existence: You are so free, you can choose bondage.

I, too, always LOVED freedom! But I have stopped arguing or even fighting for it, as I have realized, freedom is my birthright. I can focus on the freedom I have, or on the absence (and why would I do that!?). Nobody and nothing can take freedom away from you, when you see where the seed of freedom -undestroyably- lies: In your ability to focus WHERE YOU WANT. Be it what feels good- or be it the absence of good feelings! When you focus there long enough, LoA will bring you more and more and more of it.

And when you don't, you will perceive less and less of it: Of either the bad- or the good feeling stuff! But you are doing it all to yourself: Nobody else can. Noone else has the tools!
But isn't that the guts of it? When we're in our power Abraham makes sense and everything's fun, but the power years are ours for a limited time. Then all the old-age creaks and cracks appear. I 'found' Abraham so very long ago, and I danced. I really did. Everything made sense. Now I feel so very jaded, no longer viable. It hurts.
I'm sorry to hear this. On the other hand, isn't that a perfect example how it all works, and how you could stop the unwanted tendencies, and turn things around?
I feel that. I really do. I have to say that since early 2020 I've wondered how hard I have to work to make Life feel okay to me.
The harder you'll work, the harder it will be (makes sense, yes?) The more jaded and hurt and tired and burned out you'll feel. LoA ALWAYS brings you back exactly what YOU put out! :hearts: What comes back is YOUR mirror-image. When you don't put out lightness and joy, that can't be mirrored back to you!
I can't ignore what's going on in the world. I have no doubt that's the topic that brought the previous forum down, and I don't want that to happen again.
Well, that is a story that you tell yourself. Does it feel good? -If not, that means that source does not agree, aka: Source knows that something different is true.
I personally have turned my life around, from terrible poverty and deep depression and me and my children being terminally ill, to living my Paradise on Earth under -in the beginning- not changed conditions, in the middle of all-the old-all-that-is. Unconditionally. You CAN ignore the unwanted, and INSTEAD look at the wanted. And then, step by step, conditions will change around. "Magic" will happen, which is nothing else than life, reacting to YOUR newly set vibration. Life will feel wonderful, meaningful, like dancing: fresh and new.

They both are always there for you, the Wanted and the Unwanted. And you -eternally- have the Freedom (!) to choose if you want to live Hell on Earth, or Heaven, aka which focus you choose therefore: On wanted or unwanted.

-When I could do it, you can do it as well! :kiss:
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Re: Anyone here from Abetalk?

Post by spiritualcookie »

Paradise-on-Earth wrote: Tue Dec 17, 2024 6:10 amIt is not made to entertain!
I got little goosebumps from this bcause you are so right POE and you have put it so eloquently and with such clarity, kindness and understanding! :hearts:

And then the thought of this made me laugh: An advert for Abeforum!

Abeforum: It is not made to entertain! :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: Anyone here from Abetalk?

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

spiritualcookie wrote: Tue Dec 17, 2024 8:36 am
Paradise-on-Earth wrote: Tue Dec 17, 2024 6:10 amIt is not made to entertain!
I got little goosebumps from this bcause you are so right POE and you have put it so eloquently and with such clarity, kindness and understanding! :hearts:

And then the thought of this made me laugh: An advert for Abeforum!

Abeforum: It is not made to entertain! :lol: :lol: :lol:
:hugs: thank you so much! :hearts: And, I understand Leah sooo well. :hearts:
Abeforum: It is not made to entertain! :lol: :lol: :lol:
:lol: It REALLY isn't, right?!!
And I also think to understand only this tiny bit, gives sooo much clarity- which can change someone who is a bystander or even victim in life, demanding to be entertained (or helped, or rescued, or whatnot)-
or someone who jumps through all kinds of hoops to earn some applause. While both will never ever truly fulfill, or make us be the CREATOR that we all came to be...
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Re: Anyone here from Abetalk?

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

Leah Southey wrote: Tue Dec 17, 2024 12:09 am
I feel that. I really do. I have to say that since early 2020 I've wondered how hard I have to work to make Life feel okay to me.

I wanted to bring some wisdom directly from the horses mouth to you! :romance-heartstiny: :romance-kisscheek:

spiritualcookie wrote: Thu Jan 25, 2024 12:55 am Lowering Reistance through Relaxation

How do you lower resistance?
There are lots of ways:

Appreciating lowers resistance
Basking lowers resistance
Applauding lowers resistance
Complimenting lowers resistance
Meditating lowers resistance
Sleeping lowers resistance
Laughing lowers resistance
Going to a good movie lowers resistance
Having a great meal lowers resistance
Basking in the deliciousness of life lowers resistance

So many things that you do that lower resistance, we see you beating up on yourself: You say: "I shouldn't have eaten that."
We say "You were lowering resistance. Relax and your body will maintain its balance."

You say: "i shouldn't have wasted the time and gone to the movie.
I should have kept I should have kept my nose to the grindstone"
We say: You were following your intuition. You were lowering resistance.
Why ruin it all by beating up on yourself now?

Lighten up.
Be easy about all of this.

Follow your heart.
Let your dominant intent be to let the joy that is natural to you flow.
And find all of the wonderful creative ways that you can find even in one day
to let it flow.

- Abraham, from the youtube clip Here’s How To Script. Manifest Your Desires By Scripting Them In Your Lifebook. ~ Abraham Hicks
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Re: Anyone here from Abetalk?

Post by Leah Southey »

Paradise-on-Earth wrote: Tue Dec 17, 2024 9:28 am in_love:

I wanted to bring some wisdom directly from the horses mouth to you! :romance-heartstiny: :romance-kisscheek:

spiritualcookie wrote: Thu Jan 25, 2024 12:55 am Lowering Reistance through Relaxation

How do you lower resistance?
There are lots of ways:

Appreciating lowers resistance
Basking lowers resistance
Applauding lowers resistance
Complimenting lowers resistance
Meditating lowers resistance
Sleeping lowers resistance
Laughing lowers resistance
Going to a good movie lowers resistance
Having a great meal lowers resistance
Basking in the deliciousness of life lowers resistance

So many things that you do that lower resistance, we see you beating up on yourself: You say: "I shouldn't have eaten that."
We say "You were lowering resistance. Relax and your body will maintain its balance."

You say: "i shouldn't have wasted the time and gone to the movie.
I should have kept I should have kept my nose to the grindstone"
We say: You were following your intuition. You were lowering resistance.
Why ruin it all by beating up on yourself now?

Lighten up.
Be easy about all of this.

Follow your heart.
Let your dominant intent be to let the joy that is natural to you flow.
And find all of the wonderful creative ways that you can find even in one day
to let it flow.

- Abraham, from the youtube clip Here’s How To Script. Manifest Your Desires By Scripting Them In Your Lifebook. ~ Abraham Hicks

Thank you both for this. I'm wondering whether there's a thread (or another forum!) that'll get me where I live.
It's funny really. I now have two fora in MY world that don't nourish me. And clearly that's MY problem.

I'm drinking a lot. My friends from Abetalk would roll their eyes and say "what would you expect?"

So maybe this is about ageing. It's a ... let's say NOT HELPFUL self-image.

Yeah yeah, I'm doing what it says to lower resistance.

Here's the nub: focus on what's wrong is hard-wired. The good stuff "doesn't need management".
Are we humans hard-wired to EXPECT everything will work out for us?
I think we were, as babies. I can remember the shock I felt at my first memory.
I've been FITH ever since...
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Re: Anyone here from Abetalk?

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

Leah Southey wrote: Fri Jan 17, 2025 11:05 am
Here's the nub: focus on what's wrong is hard-wired. The good stuff "doesn't need management".
Are we humans hard-wired to EXPECT everything will work out for us?
I think we were, as babies. I can remember the shock I felt at my first memory.
I've been FITH ever since...
I think, the very first order of day is to allow yourself to be, where you are (and I know, that sucks.)
Pushing-against-what-is only makes you more angry!
It is SUCH a relief to embrace yourself where you are, and to stop torturing yourself with "bettering yourself".

I also think, we came in willingly to play this weird human games. THAT is what our souls wanted! -You can't enjoy coming home into freedom from resistance, when you haven't been out there, in the wilderness. Learning to love unconditionally, but not without being honest about your misery, your boredome, frustration, your annoyance, even your hate and worse. The whole enchilada.

We all train that crap all life long, getting taught from those who have lost their way, as well...
And we all look at the others and try to learn what works best, instead of listening into ourselves for the guidance of a "tiny bit better"... We are TRAINED to suffer and to even wear that as a shield of honor. We think, working hard, paying the prices of blood, sweat and tears and being ashamed when something went wrong would be virtuous.

We can prolog that for the rest of our life and suffer, or- somewhen- choose to leave it behind! :kiss:

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