What is my Purpose of Life - Meaning of life

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Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

You'r on track.
You'r on schedule.
Nothing's gone wrong!
Everything's gone wright.

It's time for you to start ENJOYING YOUR JOURNEY!

Abraham Hicks
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Post by spiritualcookie »

Your role is to utilize Energy.
That is why you exist.
You are an Energy flowing Being - a focuser, a perceiver.
You are a creator.
And there is nothing worse in all of the Universe
than to come forth into the environment of great contrast, where desire is easil yborn, and not allow Energy to flow to your desire.
That is a true squandering of life.

There is no "high work" or "low work".
There are just opportunities to focus.

You can feel as fulfilled and satisfied in any task as in any other,
for you are on the Leading Edge of thought,
and Source is flowing through you -
no matter what your endeavor is.

You can be joyful at any endeavor where you decide to allow the Energy to flow.

- Abraham
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Post by spiritualcookie »

People often misunderstand their role in this magnificent process of Eternal expansion, humbly seeing themselves as insignificant in the larger scheme of things. (...)

From our broader Non-Physical vantage point we understand the power, purpose and value of the human being, the human mind, and human thought, for we know that you are the Leading Edge of thought.

We understand the value of the variety in which you are living and the purpose of the contrast that you observe.

We feel the clarity that arises from your focus in your environment and we revel in the expansion of thought that results from your exposure to your life experience.

- Abraham Hicks
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Post by spiritualcookie »

Deliberate Creation Makes Life More Satisfying

Life is really about the ongoing, never-ending refocusing from each new vantage point.
Life is always flowing to you and through you,
but for you to have conscious, DELIBERATE awareness of it, is the ultimate in truly living.

- Abraham Hicks
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Post by spiritualcookie »

You did not come forth to fix something that was broken,
or to help to redirect a misguided world.
You did not come forth to prove your own worthiness,
or to earn a reward for efforts offered while here in this body.

You came here with full knowledge of your value and worthiness,
and with knowledge of the perfection fo worlds, physical and Non-Physical -
into a contrasting environment that you knew would produce fresh, new personal desires:
Desires with the power to summon Energy, Consciousness and All-That-Is forward into this new Leading Edge creation.
You knew that you are Life in the process of living Life, in the creation of more Life.
And most important, you knew (and your Non-Physical; [art still knows) that the reason for all of all of all of that - is JOY!

- Abraham
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Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

Be selfishly, selfishly, selfishly interested in the way you feel,
and let everybody take care of the way they feel-

and it is our PROMISE to you, that you will fulfill your reason of being!
And you will live the life of joy THAT IS YOUR LEGACY.

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Post by spiritualcookie »

Thank you for this quote FloatingBoat :hearts:

I will do these things because it will be joyful to do them.
I'll build the bridges that are fun to build.
I'll cook the meals that are fun to cook.
I'll have the relationships that are fun to have.
I will grow, oh I know I will grow.
I will not be able to help but expand.
I will not be able to help but contribute.
I will not be able to help but add (something) to this time-space reality.
I know I will be of immense value,
but I'm not coming forth because of the value that I will offer, because that is a given,
and I'm not coming forth to prove anything because there is nothing to prove.
I'm coming forth because this looks like a vacation I'd like to take.
I think there will be some fun here.
I think there will be some interest.
I think that more life will flow through me.
I think that this is gonna be a really good time.
Therefore, I go forward.
That's what you said,
That's why you're here,
That's why we're all here.
It is for the joy,
And when you get your eye on the joy,
everything else will fall into place. :hearts:

(Abraham Hicks)
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Post by spiritualcookie »

When you don't know what your "purpose" is

My life has caused me to create it.
I know it's waiting for me.
My Source is there not only tending to it but being it.

I can feel that I'm being called toward it.
I don't know exactly what to do or where to go
but I can feel the call
and I know that as I relax more
that I will begin to translate the call of Source into more real details
where I will be able to identify and describe this wonderful creation more vividly.

- Abraham
from the youtube clip: Abraham Hicks ~ It´s easy to feel good! SasM!X
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Post by spiritualcookie »

Make sure your path is YOUR path and not a path you've decided based on other people's criteria

Everyone has their own path
and that's what's tricky because you - we love you so much -
you've got your nose on other people's paths!
You care too much [what other people think].

And the reason you do is because you've been using criteria other than your own guidance system to understand what your path is.

So you look among you and
[based on what you see others are saying and thinking -
even if they are not in alignment when they say and think these things -
and even if what's right for them isn't what's right for everybody,
but based on others]
you decide what's wrong activity, what's right activity,
what's good behavior, what's bad behavior.
You try to sort it out in an action-oriented... place

And we want to say to you,
that's the hard way of going about it
and it's way too long in the process.

- Abraham
from the youtube clip: Abraham Hicks ~ Hocus, Pocus, Focus
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Post by spiritualcookie »

My singular work as I moved through my day is to prepare my grid as best I can
- not only for outcomes - but for journeys.
Not only for manifested results but for feelings.
Not just for statues and monuments and empires but for life's work, for life's
So I know it's in the vortex
What am i doing with my grid now?
What am i doing with my grid now?
What am i doing with my grid now?

and as that becomes a more pressing intention
and so you discover:
go general
go general
go general
go general
because it's the best you can do.

what begins to happen is you do such a good job with your grid that things start flowing to you and then you start making the connection

oh I totally did that
oh I totally did that
oh I totally I totally finally let that in Oh

As you start making that connection
and then you start realizing that that's what inspiration is
then you find yourself not even wanting to do those things you're supposed to do - but wanting to do those things that you feel like doing.

It can reach the place where you can live for the most part in an inspired way

- Abraham, from the youtube clip: Abraham Hicks - Struggles With Motivation
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