POLR- the "Path of Least Resistance"

Introducing the Abe Quotation sub-forum We've been noticing more and more members enjoying and sharing Abraham's words of wisdom in many different forms. The momentum of such generous sharing has caught our attention so we've created a place here on the forum to assemble such gems "under one roof," so to speak.
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Post by spiritualcookie »

Let's say that you want enough financial resources to do the things that you want to do.
So that all sounds really nice doesn't it?
And then you think:
"But I don't have the money to do everything I want to do."
So you just threw some resistance on your trail.

Now you would argue with us:
"Yeah because I faced reality Abraham. I'm not I'm not like you.
I can't just pretend that it's other than it is."

And we say, We're not pretending. We know. We know.
There's just no resistance on our trail like they're sometimes is on yours."

So you've got some resistance:
You want money but you believe that you're going to have to work for it.
So there's some resistance in that.
And not only that
you also believe that you have to do this job that you don't want to do. (...)

So you want money:
That seems like the path of least resistance. (...)

And then you think, "But I have to go to work."
So there's resistance in that.

Now we want to ask you - you can sort this out -
which is the path of least resistance:
- To go to work and get some dollars - or
- To not go to work and not have any dollars?

So in that sort of clear scenario, the path of least resistance is easy to understand isn't it ?

So let's say you follow the path of least resistance,
because you like to live well
and you like to eat food and things like that.

And so you follow the the path of least resistance
and you go to work.
And as you go to work you receive some dollars.

But then there are things about that work that you don't like:
people are mean to you maybe
or they don't understand you -
And as you focus upon it
you start activating resistance along your path.

So now you've put yourself in a really hard place
You want to work
- you don't really -
but you want to work because you want money,
but you don't want there to be a hard time.

So now this seems like a hard choice
you want something that you believe that you can't have.
[ie You want to work in a place where you feel happy and good in order to earn your money, but the workplace doesn't feel good to you right now.]

What we want you to understand is you could smooth that path out for yourself more than you know,
You could look for things at work that you DO like
and you could carve out a path of lesser resistance.
And the more you do that the more law of attraction will show you other things that you like also.
So your path gets easier and easier.

- Abraham
from the youtube clip: Abraham Hicks ~ Hocus, Pocus, Focus
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Post by spiritualcookie »

Examples of Taking the POLR (or creating a smoother path of lesser resistance) during a Family Squabble

Esther was watching a scenario in a family that she loves so much.
And there were several members of the family
and Esther was really contemplating this path of least resistance stuff.

And so Esther was watching two kids in this family squabbling with each other.
And Esther thought: "My path of least resistance is to get the hell out of here!" (audience laughter)

She wasn't enjoying it.
And then she thought: "But I don't want to hurt their feelings."
Now which is the path of least resistance?
To hurt your feelings or to hurt their feelings?
That's something that you really want to think about isn't it?
So anyway Esther did what she usually does;
she chose to hurt her own feelings.
It really was easier under the circumstances.
She chose the path of least resistance.

But then she smoothed out her path by thinking:
"I'm going to observe this through different eyes
I'm going to [use this situation as an opportunity to] observe this through the idea of path of least resistance."

So she watched this little boy antagonizing his older sister.
And she thought:
"If I were her, my path of least resistance would be to just go to my room."

[The older sister however didn't take this path of least resistance.
The squabbling continued and Esther continued to sit quietly and watch.
As she watched she kept noticing, no-one was choosing the path of least resistance, and in fact often they were choosing the paths of more resistance instead]. (...)

But now Esther is on her path of least resistance because she's found a way to be there and not be out of sorts,
because now she's observing something she really wants to understand.
See how her path is smoothing out? (...)

It was more unpleasant for everyone involved than it needed to be
because no one in the scenario is clear at understanding that it's a good thing to
take the path of least resistance.

- Abraham
from the youtube clip: Abraham Hicks ~ Hocus, Pocus, Focus
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Post by spiritualcookie »

The Key to Finding the POLR is aligning and intending to look for the POLR BEFORE you get into a situation; before you're there in the middle of it

Here's what we really want you to understand

when you're in the middle of action
when you're in the middle of conversations
when you're in the middle of events
you're already pretty far down the path

we want you to take away from this gathering
the understanding of finding the path of least resistance at an earlier stage
maybe even before it's in this action.

- Abraham
from the youtube ciip: Abraham Hicks ~ Hocus, Pocus, Focus
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