Easy Existing Matches/Feeling Place - Work

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Easy Existing Matches/Feeling Place - Work

Post by Tara »

A couple days ago I was in the bus and this person was watching a video of a Chef cooking. The chef was very passionate. And I felt inspired, uplifted by his passion. And then I remembered the words this clairvoyance gave me that the passion is not in the thing, it is not in the cooking, it is the state that this person has when he cooks. Somehow this understanding clicked in me in a more profound way.

<<Passion - is a state of being>>
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Post by Tara »

Day 1:
- This morning my intention was to feel centered and focused, and present at my work. I felt this intention helped me to be in the present moment. Especially, during the first part of the day I felt good, and interested to go an extra mile in certain areas.
- I do appreciate the teamwork I have with my Manager. She is very dedicated and she always gives me professional and valuable advice. We do have different opinions very often and see things from different angles. Sometimes it causes clashes but often it makes me realize what value our diversity brings as we are able to see from different mindsets, it does feel good.
- Certain things have flown very timely today. I even forgot that I need to check some info before tomorrow's meeting, and this person who provides this info contacted me to check in on this for her own purposes, and it reminded me what I need and helped me to prepare better for tomorrow. Nice, easy match.

Feeling Place (how would I like to feel):
- Present
- Clear-minded
- Connected with my Inner Being, connected with my heart
- Connected with people
- Lightness, easiness, fun
- Enliven
- Alive
- Interested
- Wanting to be part of it

<<Passion - is a state of being>>
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Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

I was blessed to read your long text before you deleted it- and it touched and inspired me so much. :ta: for having shared it! :hearts:

And so much success and joy with the new thread! :vortex: :wave:
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Post by Tara »

Thank you, POE for your kind words. I was very inspired to write it, so glad you enjoyed it ! but then I thought I should start with were I am now, and not were I was before :)

Today has a different contrast than the past... Today is my bouncing off place :)
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Post by Tara »

Day 2: I had a little bit contrasty meeting with this group of people. So keen to tune and sharpen my focus on the easy matches:
- The people who work in this Team are very loyal. They are good people. They do a good job. They have the right attitude.
- I especially feel good about the person K. He feels light to me, youthful, eager to learn and contribute more, he shows initiative. He loves the company. I am glad he has received some acknowledgement for his work. I really like him. It would be nice to see him succeed.
- The manager is very heartful. He cares about each and everyone of them, and then the opportunity arises, he is eager to share the opportunities with them.
- Somehow I even appreciate this person who asks so many (sometimes provocative questions). His intentions are always good, and he expresses what the whole group of people thinks, which is good for me to know.
- And I guess I want to pet myself on a shoulder. I do notice where and what I could improve in the future and I act on it. I am also quite resourceful when responding to them, and I make a good judgement overall.

All is well.
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Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

Tara wrote: Thu Jan 23, 2025 2:31 pm Thank you, POE for your kind words. I was very inspired to write it, so glad you enjoyed it ! but then I thought I should start with were I am now, and not were I was before :)

Today has a different contrast than the past... Today is my bouncing off place :)
I totally get that! :thumbup: :thumbup: such a good decision! :woohoo: :hearts:
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Post by Tara »

Feeling Place. How would I like to feel?
- In my vortex I am quite keen to do what I do overall. Maybe there are days when I feel lazy to get from the bed… but when I go to work I feel so energised there, regenerated. Maybe because my source is focused there and I am connected with my source, maybe because of all the uplifting interactions that I have. The interactions that move us forward. I love my job and I feel it’s such a blessing and a gift. It’s a place where I easily feel good.
- It’s captivating. I naturally dive fully into what I do.
- It’s joyful. I feel joy in my heart doing what I do. Every time I think of my work, I feel blessed.
- Expansive. My work feels expansive, full of opportunities, full of possibilities, and I feel like I am in the flow of them and it feels satisfying.
- Satisfaction. Yes! I feel satisfied with what I do, with what I am achieving. Deeply satisfied with the meaningfulness I perceive in my activities.
- I feel proud of myself. Truly proud. This is the place I know I wanna be.
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Post by Tara »

Day 3:
- Today I had some fun with chatgbt. I have to make one proposal and I needed to do it more sophisticated than just an email. I have asked chatgbt how would you propose sth and it shared the report as an example, then I asked how would you do this and that. Of course, I had many other thoughts but it was such fun game to play with AI 🤪 I felt like I was cocreating and that my intelligence adds different angle while chatgbt was very resourceful ❤️
- I enjoyed the creative process of ppt.
- I appreciate my manager always being there to help me in a more complex situations. She is very caring.
- I love people who work on our client’s site. We managed to onboard one person on time, and when I advised the client, he wrote in capital letters: YOU ARE SUPERSTAR!!!! 🤪 this is a huge blue chip company and people working there are amazing. Professional yet down to earth 🌎 I love their vibe.

All is well. I guess I will skip the practice for the weekend break and day 4 will be on Monday unless I feel very inspired :)
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Post by Tara »

Easy Matches:
- Today was a good day to work from home. I enjoyed that I could be relaxed and do some things at home.
- I am glad I found one survey that I was looking for last week. It was easy to find today.
- I am glad this case was taken by my colleague now. It feels like a relief.
- I am glad I asked my other colleague to help on this specific report, she is mostly free now so good for her and me.
- Things are working out for me.
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Post by Tara »

Day 5:
- I feel well compensated for what I do. Thank you Universe.
- I have created two beautiful friendships from this work. They will be long lasting. Thank you Universe.
- Today I dreamt the owner of the company, and that she gave me hand to get out of a muddy water. While I’m not going into the dreams, but the feeling place I felt for my boss was one of wellbeing, I felt she has helped me indirectly a lot.
- I recall when I first joined this company (it was just a few of us, and I was very close to everyone including the owner, I could observe her behaviour)
- She used to practice appreciation a lot. She naturally appreciated every single improvement anyone brought to the company. She is also a runner and appreciates beautiful scenery when she goes for a run. I always thought that these naturally felt appreciations connected her with more and more success in life…
- It feels good to work for a boss who is an appreciator
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