If you haven't trained yourself to get into alignment, you could be doing your "life's work" that you intended to do when you came to this life, and still not feel good about it
You're in essence saying: "I want to make sure that I choose for my life's work something that has the potential of really satisfying me as it comes."
And we want to say: That's not something that's guaranteed even if you are on the trail of your life's work.
You could have been born intending to do that
and if you haven't somewhere along your trail come to an understanding that how you feel moment by moment matters
and you haven't shown yourself in all arenas of your life not just in the creative arena of your life that you call art
- how you can bring yourself into alignment -
if you haven't learned to manage your grid relative to this and this and this and this -
you're not going to do a very good job of managing your grid relative to this subject of what you're going to do with your life's work.
so if we were standing in any of your physical shoes
we would make our life's work preparing our grid in this moment. (...)
My true work is to prepare my grid right here and now.
Which means in the broadest and most important of terms
I am one who loves
I'm one who loves you
I'm one who loves me
I'm one who loves life
I'm one who laughs
I'm one who's easy
I'm one who trusts
I'm one who expects well-being
I'm one who anticipates good thing
I'm one who feels blessed
I'm one who feels my worthiness - I've proven it to myself over and over again
I'm in the middle of good things all the time
I am the center of the universe
Everyone and everything around me is conspiring to make this moment even better.
That's the preparation of the grid.
And if you make that what matters, everything else will just fall into place.
- Abraham
from the youtube clip: Abraham Hicks - Struggles With Motivation
What is my Purpose of Life - Meaning of life
- spiritualcookie
- Posts: 3195
- Joined: Sat Dec 02, 2023 10:32 pm
- spiritualcookie
- Posts: 3195
- Joined: Sat Dec 02, 2023 10:32 pm
It's as if humans think there's one pie and you just hacked the life out of it you're dividing it up and you're just squabbling over who gets the pieces of this pie.
Not even recognizing that you [can] just create another pie and another pie and another pie and another pie and another pie and another pie.
Leave those pies alone.
Let them fight over those pies.
Go create your own pie.
Because source is endless with ingredients and opportunities and paths and ideas.
And that's really why you're here.
You didn't come for "pie", or for your piece of it.
You came for the thrill of the creation of it.
You came for the way it feels when energy courses through you.
You came for the way it feels when a new idea is born within you
Or you've allowed yourself to realize the deliciousness of it
And then that's just the beginning because now it's going to fill in with all of the
details, you see, effortlessly,
- Abraham
from the youtube clip: Abraham Hicks - Delusion - Real Thing?
- spiritualcookie
- Posts: 3195
- Joined: Sat Dec 02, 2023 10:32 pm
When you conclude that nothing is more important than that you feel good,
you have come ot the most important realization of all.
For you have now decided to deliberately manage the vibrational relationship between you and your Source.
You have decided to use the Guidance System that you were born with to monitor and control the vibrational relativity between your current focus and subsequent vibration, and that of your Inner Being.
You have decided to tend to your Connection with your Source.
You have decided to thrive rather than pinch off your Connection.
You have chosen clarity, vitality, eagerness, abundance of all things you consider to be good - and joy.
- Abraham
you have come ot the most important realization of all.
For you have now decided to deliberately manage the vibrational relationship between you and your Source.
You have decided to use the Guidance System that you were born with to monitor and control the vibrational relativity between your current focus and subsequent vibration, and that of your Inner Being.
You have decided to tend to your Connection with your Source.
You have decided to thrive rather than pinch off your Connection.
You have chosen clarity, vitality, eagerness, abundance of all things you consider to be good - and joy.
- Abraham
- spiritualcookie
- Posts: 3195
- Joined: Sat Dec 02, 2023 10:32 pm
From non-physical our Pre-Birth Intention Purpose is very General
HS: When we jump into this world
We um I guess uh have a purpose?
do we know our purpose?
Abraham: yeah, you said on a go it's going to be a real good time
it's going to be interesting
it's going to be fun
it's going to be more
it's going to be clarifying
HS: do we forget it?
when we're here or are we supposed to look for it as we're living this life?
or how do we know we are on our purpose?
Abraham: you didn't forget it because you knew that the combinations of that which this life is about would Inspire within you.
Talk about freedom to choose
You come with a desire to live and love,
but the specifics of it are mostly picked up along this physical Trail.
And the clarity with which you came was so well established.
Because when you think about it that non-physical energy that we've been
describing - no resistance in it whatsoever.
So do you think you were standing there going:
"Ah! do I want them to be my parents or them to be my parents?
Ooh they seem like helicopter parents -
And those parents don't seem like they care at all"
There's nothing like that going on.
Because you know your invincibility
and you know your flexibility
and you know your ability to choose
and you count on your guidance system
and you know that your inner being will there
and you know that it's going to change
and you know that it doesn't matter where it is at any point in time because in that
point in time you can choose again and choose again and choose again
and most of all you know that you're never going to get it done
and that you can't get it wrong
so you're not nitpicking over it in any way you see.
There's no risk factor
There's no trying to keep the odds up
There isn't any of that
but it is always a perfect vibrational match to the intentions that you hold.
But we want to say to you those intentions are much more General than as
humans you think you want them to be.
Esther said: I'm sure I meant to be born in Malibu I'm sure of it I'm sure of
HS: So how how do we know though
like how how how am I supposed to know?
Abraham: warmer warmer warmer
colder colder colder
warmer warmer colder warmer warmer colder
warmer warmer colder
The first thing you got to do is be willing to care about how you feel and to
understand what that means
- Abraham
From the youtube clip: Abraham Hicks2025
Law of Attraction
HS: When we jump into this world
We um I guess uh have a purpose?
do we know our purpose?
Abraham: yeah, you said on a go it's going to be a real good time
it's going to be interesting
it's going to be fun
it's going to be more
it's going to be clarifying
HS: do we forget it?
when we're here or are we supposed to look for it as we're living this life?
or how do we know we are on our purpose?
Abraham: you didn't forget it because you knew that the combinations of that which this life is about would Inspire within you.
Talk about freedom to choose
You come with a desire to live and love,
but the specifics of it are mostly picked up along this physical Trail.
And the clarity with which you came was so well established.
Because when you think about it that non-physical energy that we've been
describing - no resistance in it whatsoever.
So do you think you were standing there going:
"Ah! do I want them to be my parents or them to be my parents?
Ooh they seem like helicopter parents -
And those parents don't seem like they care at all"
There's nothing like that going on.
Because you know your invincibility
and you know your flexibility
and you know your ability to choose
and you count on your guidance system
and you know that your inner being will there
and you know that it's going to change
and you know that it doesn't matter where it is at any point in time because in that
point in time you can choose again and choose again and choose again
and most of all you know that you're never going to get it done
and that you can't get it wrong
so you're not nitpicking over it in any way you see.
There's no risk factor
There's no trying to keep the odds up
There isn't any of that
but it is always a perfect vibrational match to the intentions that you hold.
But we want to say to you those intentions are much more General than as
humans you think you want them to be.
Esther said: I'm sure I meant to be born in Malibu I'm sure of it I'm sure of
HS: So how how do we know though
like how how how am I supposed to know?
Abraham: warmer warmer warmer
colder colder colder
warmer warmer colder warmer warmer colder
warmer warmer colder
The first thing you got to do is be willing to care about how you feel and to
understand what that means
- Abraham
From the youtube clip: Abraham Hicks2025
- spiritualcookie
- Posts: 3195
- Joined: Sat Dec 02, 2023 10:32 pm
You came here for the joy of the journey
Our favorite example or analogy about this topic
is when you decide to go on vacation
and you're at home and you're choosing all of your points of interest that you're going to stop and you say,
"I'll go here and here and here and here and here and here and here and then I'll come back home."
You never say: "oh wait I'm home. And home is my final destination -
why go?
I've already accomplished this vacation!
It would be silly to go.
I'll just check vacation off my list!"
You don't go on the vacation to fix something or to get it done or to accomplish it.
You don't say "well, I've got I'm trying to fill my quota of vacations..."
You go for the fun!
For the interest!
For the ideas!
For the clarity!
For the stimulation!
For the for the involvement with others
You go for the fun of life
you go you go because it's exhilarating to go
And that's why you came here.
- Abraham
from the youtube clip: You Are More Powerful Than You’ve Been Told!
Abraham Hicks 2025
Our favorite example or analogy about this topic
is when you decide to go on vacation
and you're at home and you're choosing all of your points of interest that you're going to stop and you say,
"I'll go here and here and here and here and here and here and here and then I'll come back home."
You never say: "oh wait I'm home. And home is my final destination -
why go?
I've already accomplished this vacation!
It would be silly to go.
I'll just check vacation off my list!"
You don't go on the vacation to fix something or to get it done or to accomplish it.
You don't say "well, I've got I'm trying to fill my quota of vacations..."
You go for the fun!
For the interest!
For the ideas!
For the clarity!
For the stimulation!
For the for the involvement with others
You go for the fun of life
you go you go because it's exhilarating to go
And that's why you came here.
- Abraham
from the youtube clip: You Are More Powerful Than You’ve Been Told!
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