The Appreciation Game (Join in!)

This new forum is created and a focus for those that want to participate with the study of Abraham-Hicks in their many books and processes.
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Post by Tara »

Your purity rampage is so pure, fine tunnel and full of beauty… I was taking straight there when I was reading it.

Thank you, Cookie ❤️ you have a talent to express the states 🤗
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Post by Tara »

Hi Cookie 🥰

Once again thank you for your beautiful rampage about purity and bringing in the nature.

It allowed me to contemplate how nature is felt as pure as it is untouched by a man. Yet that we are also nature and have purity inside us.

And how if we were to purify ourselves and in our being there would be no negative thoughts left there would be nothing inside us that would oppose that divine nature within 🥰 Abraham analogy of the cork.

I also shared an experience that I simple manifested through playing Abraham Hicks “Deactivation Box Game”. Through the consistency I caught myself one day all of the sudden feeling compassion for the specific person that was hard to feel good around and that person within weeks time disappeared from my life (not close person but a match to my lower frequencies).

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Post by spiritualcookie »

Tara wrote: Sat Feb 08, 2025 8:43 am if we were to purify ourselves and in our being there would be no negative thoughts left there would be nothing inside us that would oppose that divine nature within 🥰 Abraham analogy of the cork.
Oh that's such a good point!
Purity could mean the ideal, perfect Source-level version of things. There's nothing more pure than Source I would think!
Our Inner Beings are our ideal perfect "pure" version of ourselves, with pure love / pure positive emotions, and no negativity or resistance.
So our journey to align with our Inner Being can also be described as a journey towards purity. :hearts:
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