
Introducing the Abe Quotation sub-forum We've been noticing more and more members enjoying and sharing Abraham's words of wisdom in many different forms. The momentum of such generous sharing has caught our attention so we've created a place here on the forum to assemble such gems "under one roof," so to speak.
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Post by spiritualcookie »

What do you do if there are foods you feel guilty about eating?

The most important thing that we're talking about relative to this path of least resistance is we want you to:
- give yourself the benefit of the doubt
- and ease your stress
- and ease your worry
- and ease your disappointment
to the place where you can actually eat something that you formally had beat up on yourself when you were eating it and actually enjoy it.

- Abraham
from the youtube clip: This Is The Truth Of Today! ⚠️💜 Abraham Hicks 2024
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Post by spiritualcookie »

Is it true that certain "bad foods" will affect your health negatively?

Abe: So, truth [in your human understanding] is backed up by evidence.

And the thing that's really interesting about that, is that
when you give your attention to anything long enough ,
the evidence of what you've given your attention to will surround you.

So people focus upon things that they don't want,
and then they create things that they don't want,
and then they say, "See! I told you it was true!"

And we say, We would not use the truth of anything as our criteria.
We would use how it feels.
Because if you use how it feels as your criteria about whether to focus upon it or not
then what you're saying is,
"As I feel good as I focus here, that means that the Source within me is focused similarly".
And THAT is the truth that you're looking for.

- Abraham
from the youtube clip: Abraham-Hicks ~ on The Galactic Federation

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Post by spiritualcookie »

“Your physical wellness is affected much more by your vibrational balance
than it is by the things that you put into your body.”

- AH
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Post by spiritualcookie »

“You may have noticed that there are those who are very deliberate about food and exercise whose physical well-being is obvious.
And then there are those who seem to be offering tremendous effort regarding food and exercise
who struggle for years to gain benefit
and still have no success in maintaining their physical well-being.

What you do in terms of action
is far less important than the thoughts you think,
the way you feel, your vibrational balance,
or the story you tell.”

- AH
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Post by spiritualcookie »

Why Extreme Self-Denial of Food through Dieting is not a good idea

“Relief always feels good, and there are many things of an action nature that can give you a feeling of relief:
When you are thirsty, your body feels relief of something refreshing to drink.
When you are hungry, it is a relief to eat something.
When you are tired, it is a relief to rest.

But if you wait until your body is completely dehydrated before you drink something
or completely emaciated before you eat something,
your body can get far out of balance.”

- Abraham
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Post by spiritualcookie »

Never diet, and never step on a scale.
When you eat your food, love the flavours, the textures, the colours and the aroma.

Try new foods all the time.
Talk to your food.
Tell it thank you.

All food is, is recycled sunshine. That is fact.

All food is the same.
It's all Source Energy.
It's here for us to experience and appreciate.

Make peace with your body and your beauty.
And your body will response in terms of health.
Let your focus be health, not weight loss.

Extra pounds will yield to improved health thinking.

Standing on a scale is frustrating and can ruin your vibration for days and weeks.

Think "health gain" not weight loss.

You want to attract something, not repel.
It's the law of attraction.
Attract health.

- Abraham
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Post by spiritualcookie »

You could eat cardboard and receive nutrition from it.

- Abraham
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Post by spiritualcookie »

Is it bad to drink tap water? Is it important to drink purer water?

HS: How do you like the water that we drink?

]Abraham: When you are in a state of unhappiness, doesn't matter how pure the water you drink is, you don't receive full benefit from it.

So we would rather that you are joyfully connected -
which means you are able to overlook the impurities in the water and still remain Connected To Source and drink impure water then that you have the purest water that you can fashion in your worry and pushing against impurities.

So the more important question is:
How do YOU like the water you drink?

HS: Somehow I knew you were going to ask me that question!
Today I love the water that I drink.

Abraham: (...)
Most people say:
"Pure water makes me feel good.
Impure water makes me feel bad.
Therefore I must purify the water in order to feel good."

And we say: if you can find a way of tuning yourself into Source energy
regardless of the water you're drinking...

- Abraham
from the youtube clip: Abraham Hicks - Drink Lots And Lots Of Water
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Post by spiritualcookie »

HS: Preservatives in our food and alcohol -
Does that cut us off from our spirituality?

Abraham: No.
The only thing that cuts you off from your spirituality is holding yourself in a vibration that doesn't allow it.

And you certainly have power to dominate the vibration of the carrot.

from the youtube clip: Abraham Hicks - Drink Lots And Lots Of Water
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Post by spiritualcookie »

If we were standing in your physical shoes and we were wanting to guide ourselves to be most in Harmony in terms of action with our non-physical knowing and intent - there are three things that we would do that most of you don't do:

[1.] We would drink enormous quantities of water.
So much water that in the beginning we would find ourselves uncomfortable because the elimination process would be a bit hindering.
But we really would we would drink lots and lots and lots of water.
Your Capacity to to hold more water will grow as you consume more water and so the elimination process would not be so uncomfortable.
And the every cell of your body which is mostly water would benefit because the energy transmission of your body is affected.

The more water you drink the more easily the energy flows.

And so there are lots of things that you could eat but the one thing that we really encourage is more water.
And we mean water minus preservatives; water minus caffeine; water without sugars. We mean water. We really do. We mean water.
Water with minerals. water with all of the natural stuff that is in water.
We would drink water and we would find a source of it that is pure without too much dealing with.
In other words if you can find water that is water - that's what we would drink -


[2.] The other thing that we would do is that we would move our bodies intentionally.
In other words we would find reasons to move.
And by moving we don't mean dramatic exercise - we mean moving - we mean motion - we mean walking mostly.
Moving the body.
Moving the arms.
Flexing the muscles.
Stretching the muscles.


[3.] And the third thing that we would do is that we would rest when we are tired and we would awaken when we are refreshed.
In other words we would try to follow a more natural Rhythm.
Now that's hard to do under the work environment that many of you live but we would sleep shorter snatches more frequently.
In other words we'd take a little nap on the lunch hour if we could.
And we'd snatch a little nap after work if we could.
And we'd sleep a shorter expanse in the middle of the night.
In other words we would we would not sleep longer than 4 hours at any stretch, only because the Body Benefits so much by motion.

HS: Wow thank you. That's what I needed to hear.

- from the youtube clip: Abraham Hicks - Drink Lots And Lots Of Water
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