Quotes on Alternative & Complementary Therapies
- spiritualcookie
- Posts: 3193
- Joined: Sat Dec 02, 2023 10:32 pm
“If you have a strong desire for recovery,
and the doctors are giving you no hope,
it is logical that you would turn to alternative approaches
where hope is not only allowed but encouraged,
for there is much evidence to show
that people can recover from supposedly ‘incurable’ diseases.”
- AH
- spiritualcookie
- Posts: 3193
- Joined: Sat Dec 02, 2023 10:32 pm
“In your world today there are countless action remedies, medicines, surgeries, and exercises offered –
but there are not enough actions in the world to compensate for vibrational resistance.”
- Abraham
but there are not enough actions in the world to compensate for vibrational resistance.”
- Abraham
- spiritualcookie
- Posts: 3193
- Joined: Sat Dec 02, 2023 10:32 pm
On Chiropractice
We don't want the action to be the thing we don't want you to perform an action in order to accomplish a physical symmetry in order to find alignment.
We want you to find alignment which will then Inspire the movement - (...)
We don't think it's a good idea to go to a chiropractor and ask him to crack you into alignment,
because while he could help you with more symmetry in your body
you wouldn't maintain it
because you got there through an action that the vibrational energy of you is not supporting.
[You wouldn't be treating the vibrational root cause, so you'd probably get out of symmetry again quite soon unless you change the root cause vibration].
- Abraham
from the youtube clip: Abraham Hicks Symmetry Balance Alignment And The Fountain Of Youth 2014
We don't want the action to be the thing we don't want you to perform an action in order to accomplish a physical symmetry in order to find alignment.
We want you to find alignment which will then Inspire the movement - (...)
We don't think it's a good idea to go to a chiropractor and ask him to crack you into alignment,
because while he could help you with more symmetry in your body
you wouldn't maintain it
because you got there through an action that the vibrational energy of you is not supporting.
[You wouldn't be treating the vibrational root cause, so you'd probably get out of symmetry again quite soon unless you change the root cause vibration].
- Abraham
from the youtube clip: Abraham Hicks Symmetry Balance Alignment And The Fountain Of Youth 2014
- spiritualcookie
- Posts: 3193
- Joined: Sat Dec 02, 2023 10:32 pm
On using Crystals
(see also this non-Abe, Bashar quote on the use of crystals)
Early on someone was offering some crystals, some big crystals some crystals to Esther and Esther said ,
"Abraham the crystals are beautiful - are they energy enhancing?"
And we said: "They can be.
When you focus on something, anything, it can cause you to quiet your mind.
It could be a marble or a crystal or a stick - when you focus you focus."
And Esther said, "But if these really hold some sort of value then should I get one?"
And we said to Esther: "Yes if that is your belief and get the biggest one.
Because the bigger the better yeah? Because [that was] the belief."
Then we said, "But now you have this thing that you NEED.
It's like calibrating to something other than vibrationally calibrating to who you are."
And that's sort of what we're getting at.
from the youtube clip: Abraham Hicks 2025 new - Substance to raise vibration
Law of attraction
(see also this non-Abe, Bashar quote on the use of crystals)
Early on someone was offering some crystals, some big crystals some crystals to Esther and Esther said ,
"Abraham the crystals are beautiful - are they energy enhancing?"
And we said: "They can be.
When you focus on something, anything, it can cause you to quiet your mind.
It could be a marble or a crystal or a stick - when you focus you focus."
And Esther said, "But if these really hold some sort of value then should I get one?"
And we said to Esther: "Yes if that is your belief and get the biggest one.
Because the bigger the better yeah? Because [that was] the belief."
Then we said, "But now you have this thing that you NEED.
It's like calibrating to something other than vibrationally calibrating to who you are."
And that's sort of what we're getting at.
from the youtube clip: Abraham Hicks 2025 new - Substance to raise vibration
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