Quotes of Influence of Others over You
- spiritualcookie
- Posts: 3158
- Joined: Sat Dec 02, 2023 10:32 pm
Quotes of Influence of Others over You
See also: - Pleasing Others - Relationships
See also Non-Abe quotes on this topic: (1)
You are here as example to say
"The beliefs and expectations of a society need not affect me.
Of course they are strong,
and of course they buffetted me around a bit in the beginning, before I caught on,
but they need not affect me.
Only if I embrace them do they affect me.
And so, some of them I embrace. (...)
And there are some things that are here that I do not embrace.
It is a well stocked kitchen with every ingredient imaginable
and I may pick from it that which I want and chew upon it and experience it,
but I am pretty picky.,"
Do you go into a restaurant and try everything?
or do you peruse the menus and pick things that you know will delight your taste?
Do you eat everything that you see?
Or do you identify what they are?
Esther smells everything before she puts it in her mouth.
She makes certain that before she puts it in her mouth that it at least passes the test of her nose.
And so, that is what we encourage you to do with whatever it is that is coming to you.
You do not have to embrace any thought
until you have weighed it against the other intentions that you hold.
And as you weigh it, you know right away, by the way you feel,
whether this is an ingredient you want in your experience or whether it is one you would rather release.
And how do you release it?
Take your attention from it.
- Abraham Hicks, New Beginnings II, 1991, pg 203
Everything that you think has been introduced to you by someone. (...)
We have experienced with Esther the great concern that one statement from a doctor can bring you.
One statement that takes maybe 4 seconds to utter, took Esther 2 months to pivot away from,
and in the 2 month interim, she experienced all sorts of physical manifestations
that had nothing to do with what she wanted.
Just this little bit of powerful stimulation of thought.
And all along we would say to her:
"All is well. Just relax, it is passing.
It is only there because of the stimulation of thought of one who speaks to justify their reason for existence."
- Abraham Hicks, New Beginnings II, 1991, pg 200
See also Non-Abe quotes on this topic: (1)
You are here as example to say
"The beliefs and expectations of a society need not affect me.
Of course they are strong,
and of course they buffetted me around a bit in the beginning, before I caught on,
but they need not affect me.
Only if I embrace them do they affect me.
And so, some of them I embrace. (...)
And there are some things that are here that I do not embrace.
It is a well stocked kitchen with every ingredient imaginable
and I may pick from it that which I want and chew upon it and experience it,
but I am pretty picky.,"
Do you go into a restaurant and try everything?
or do you peruse the menus and pick things that you know will delight your taste?
Do you eat everything that you see?
Or do you identify what they are?
Esther smells everything before she puts it in her mouth.
She makes certain that before she puts it in her mouth that it at least passes the test of her nose.
And so, that is what we encourage you to do with whatever it is that is coming to you.
You do not have to embrace any thought
until you have weighed it against the other intentions that you hold.
And as you weigh it, you know right away, by the way you feel,
whether this is an ingredient you want in your experience or whether it is one you would rather release.
And how do you release it?
Take your attention from it.
- Abraham Hicks, New Beginnings II, 1991, pg 203
Everything that you think has been introduced to you by someone. (...)
We have experienced with Esther the great concern that one statement from a doctor can bring you.
One statement that takes maybe 4 seconds to utter, took Esther 2 months to pivot away from,
and in the 2 month interim, she experienced all sorts of physical manifestations
that had nothing to do with what she wanted.
Just this little bit of powerful stimulation of thought.
And all along we would say to her:
"All is well. Just relax, it is passing.
It is only there because of the stimulation of thought of one who speaks to justify their reason for existence."
- Abraham Hicks, New Beginnings II, 1991, pg 200
- spiritualcookie
- Posts: 3158
- Joined: Sat Dec 02, 2023 10:32 pm
It is not possible to create within the life experience of another.
You cannot create in their experience -
and they cannot create in yours.
Therefore, everything that you are experiencing is by your own creative hand
or more appropriately said, by your own creative thought. (...)
You are the only one in your Creative Workshop
unless you allow another in,
or invite another in through your thought.
- Abraham Hicks
- spiritualcookie
- Posts: 3158
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The physical world in which you are currently focused
has evolved to a highly technical and complicated state.
Because you have the ability to receive communication and information
literally from all around the world,
you also have the ability to be INFLUENCED by that which is happening anywhere upon the face of your Earth.
While technology allows you many advantages,
it also brings with it the disadvantage of confusion and overwhelment,
for you are living in an age of information overload.
Your marvellous conscious thinking mechanism is eager to participate in thought
and quickly goes to work upon whatever stimulation you provide it.
In this time of technology, you are receiving tremendous amounts of thought stimulation
to be sifted and sorted..
Because most of you are not making deliberate decisions about what is most important to you -
you are dealing more with that which is immediate
than with that which is important.
Rather than tending to your dominant desire,
you are bombarded by, and giving your thought and attention to whatever is near you.
And because of the technological society in which you live,
literally everything that is happening upon y6our Earth is "near" you.
Therefore, it is more important now than ever before in the history of your Earth
that you take time in every day
to identify and state clearly that which is most important to you.
Otherwise you may be easily influenced to give your attention to that which surrounds you.
Until you have made a decision about what is important to you,
all stimulation of thought draws your attention.
And as you give your attention to anything
you begin to create in the direction of it.
- spiritualcookie
- Posts: 3158
- Joined: Sat Dec 02, 2023 10:32 pm
As we observe your world
we see the power of influence from others as a tremendous hindrance to your own individual creative thinking.
It seems that you prefer to accept the creative thoughts of others
above setting forth creative thoughts of your own.
This is primarily due to your effective communication systems
through your televisions and radios and publications.
For a very small percentage of your population makes the decisions regarding what is being offered -
while a very large percentage of your population participates by viewing or hearing or reading.
And the result is that many are influenced by a few.
Every being who receives anything
does so by his own choosing.
The information that is offered is not being thrust upon you.
You are making the decision whether to receive it -
or whether not to receive it.
As most of you are not making a decision about what is important to you,
you are not utilizing the value of becoming a selective sifter;
therefore you are receiving some of everything that is being offered.
And because there is so much that is being offered,
and because you are not selectively sifting by making your decions about what is important -
you are, for the most part, overwhelmed.
As we observe one hour of your television viewing,
we are impressed with the amount of information
and the amount of thought stimulation
and the amount of influence that is offered in such a short span of time.
And we are also aware of the effect that it has upon most of you. (...)
While you are occasionally stimulated by something that is outstanding or more unusual,
for the most part you have become
numb to life,
for it seems to be coming at you faster than you can cope with it,
and so you literally close down,
out of self-preservation. (...)
As you make a decision about what you want
you become a natural sifter.
By making more decisions in every day about what you want,
you will automatically sift through all of the data,
all of the words,
and all of the information that is coming to you.
You will receive that which enhances what you want -
while you will not receive that which does not apply.
we see the power of influence from others as a tremendous hindrance to your own individual creative thinking.
It seems that you prefer to accept the creative thoughts of others
above setting forth creative thoughts of your own.
This is primarily due to your effective communication systems
through your televisions and radios and publications.
For a very small percentage of your population makes the decisions regarding what is being offered -
while a very large percentage of your population participates by viewing or hearing or reading.
And the result is that many are influenced by a few.
Every being who receives anything
does so by his own choosing.
The information that is offered is not being thrust upon you.
You are making the decision whether to receive it -
or whether not to receive it.
As most of you are not making a decision about what is important to you,
you are not utilizing the value of becoming a selective sifter;
therefore you are receiving some of everything that is being offered.
And because there is so much that is being offered,
and because you are not selectively sifting by making your decions about what is important -
you are, for the most part, overwhelmed.
As we observe one hour of your television viewing,
we are impressed with the amount of information
and the amount of thought stimulation
and the amount of influence that is offered in such a short span of time.
And we are also aware of the effect that it has upon most of you. (...)
While you are occasionally stimulated by something that is outstanding or more unusual,
for the most part you have become
numb to life,
for it seems to be coming at you faster than you can cope with it,
and so you literally close down,
out of self-preservation. (...)
As you make a decision about what you want
you become a natural sifter.
By making more decisions in every day about what you want,
you will automatically sift through all of the data,
all of the words,
and all of the information that is coming to you.
You will receive that which enhances what you want -
while you will not receive that which does not apply.
- spiritualcookie
- Posts: 3158
- Joined: Sat Dec 02, 2023 10:32 pm
[Where do resistant thoughts that counter your desire come from?]
Those countering thoughts come to you from many sources.
Some of them you dredge up from [your own] past experience,
but many of them you receive from those who are around you. (...)
It is important that you avoid the negative influence of those physical beings who surround you
in your work place, in your home and in your social gatherings.
[If] you enter into conversation with one who is speaking negatively
regarding any of the subjects of your desire,
you will have strong negative emotion,
for your Inner Being will be signalling to let you know that in that moment
the words that you are receiving
are not in harmony with that which you have previously intended.
[If you have] not taken the time to identify your dominant intentions,
then you will be more easily influenced by this negative conversion
for your "warning bells" will not be so specific
and you will not be as sensitive to them.
At the moment you "hear" or feel the ringing of the "warning bell"
it is most important that you immediately
turn your conscious thought towards that which you want.
For in every moment that you are experiencing the ringing of the bell
you are creating in the direction of the thought that has caused the bell to ring
and you are moving rapidly in the direction of that which you do not want.
- Abraham
As [others] are stimulating your thoughts
in the direction of that which you do NOT want
they are encouraging you in the creation
of that which you do not want.
The easiest way to avoid the negative influence of others
is to remove yourself physically from that influence when you feel the negative "warning bells" ringing.
But it is not always comfortable to do that.
Therefore, it is important that you remove yourself mentally and emotionally
and that you give your conscious thought to that which you want
and remove your attention from the conversation regarding that which you do not want.
Others may think that you are rude or uncaring when they sense your withdrawal -
but they do not understand the importance of controlling thoughts,
for if you do not withdraw, because it is more comfortable for you to remain than it is for you to disappoint your fiends -
you will be creating by default.
Most of the physical beings who surround you are not in deilberate control of their life experience
for they are caught up in the influence of that whic hsurrounds them,
and they are not, at this point,
willing to remove themselves from that influence
and to give conscious thought to that which they want.
Those countering thoughts come to you from many sources.
Some of them you dredge up from [your own] past experience,
but many of them you receive from those who are around you. (...)
It is important that you avoid the negative influence of those physical beings who surround you
in your work place, in your home and in your social gatherings.
[If] you enter into conversation with one who is speaking negatively
regarding any of the subjects of your desire,
you will have strong negative emotion,
for your Inner Being will be signalling to let you know that in that moment
the words that you are receiving
are not in harmony with that which you have previously intended.
[If you have] not taken the time to identify your dominant intentions,
then you will be more easily influenced by this negative conversion
for your "warning bells" will not be so specific
and you will not be as sensitive to them.
At the moment you "hear" or feel the ringing of the "warning bell"
it is most important that you immediately
turn your conscious thought towards that which you want.
For in every moment that you are experiencing the ringing of the bell
you are creating in the direction of the thought that has caused the bell to ring
and you are moving rapidly in the direction of that which you do not want.
- Abraham
As [others] are stimulating your thoughts
in the direction of that which you do NOT want
they are encouraging you in the creation
of that which you do not want.
The easiest way to avoid the negative influence of others
is to remove yourself physically from that influence when you feel the negative "warning bells" ringing.
But it is not always comfortable to do that.
Therefore, it is important that you remove yourself mentally and emotionally
and that you give your conscious thought to that which you want
and remove your attention from the conversation regarding that which you do not want.
Others may think that you are rude or uncaring when they sense your withdrawal -
but they do not understand the importance of controlling thoughts,
for if you do not withdraw, because it is more comfortable for you to remain than it is for you to disappoint your fiends -
you will be creating by default.
Most of the physical beings who surround you are not in deilberate control of their life experience
for they are caught up in the influence of that whic hsurrounds them,
and they are not, at this point,
willing to remove themselves from that influence
and to give conscious thought to that which they want.
- spiritualcookie
- Posts: 3158
- Joined: Sat Dec 02, 2023 10:32 pm
As you enter physical experience,
you are surrounded by beings who have already arrived at many conclusions.
They have created within themselves many beliefs based upon the life experience that they have lived -
or upon stories that they have heard from those who surrounded them at the time that they were born.
As you are stimulated to think about beliefs that others offer,
very often you attract life experience that "proves" to you that it is just as they have said that it is.
For as you believe that it is, it is,
and for that reason, beliefs change very slowly.
Rather than absorbing the beliefs of others,
we encourage you as you receive thought stimulation,
to weigh it against the emotion that is coming forth from inside,
and as the emotion that you feel is positive, continue the process of thought,
and as the emotion that you feel is negative, release the thought immediately.
If you allow the "guidance" from your Inner being to assist you
rather than listening to the varied opinions and beliefs of those who surround you -
you will have a much faster, clearer growth experience.
- Abraham 1987
you are surrounded by beings who have already arrived at many conclusions.
They have created within themselves many beliefs based upon the life experience that they have lived -
or upon stories that they have heard from those who surrounded them at the time that they were born.
As you are stimulated to think about beliefs that others offer,
very often you attract life experience that "proves" to you that it is just as they have said that it is.
For as you believe that it is, it is,
and for that reason, beliefs change very slowly.
Rather than absorbing the beliefs of others,
we encourage you as you receive thought stimulation,
to weigh it against the emotion that is coming forth from inside,
and as the emotion that you feel is positive, continue the process of thought,
and as the emotion that you feel is negative, release the thought immediately.
If you allow the "guidance" from your Inner being to assist you
rather than listening to the varied opinions and beliefs of those who surround you -
you will have a much faster, clearer growth experience.
- Abraham 1987
- spiritualcookie
- Posts: 3158
- Joined: Sat Dec 02, 2023 10:32 pm
It is not always easy for you to understand that you are individually creating your life experience,
when you are involved with so many others. (...)
When you understand that you will not experience that which you do not attract through the power of your thoughts,
when you understand that another cannot create in your life experience -
then you will not fear the intrusion of other unharmonious beings within your life experience.
When most beings who are upon your planet understand that they have the ability to create anything that they desire,
and that they need not be swept up by the desires of otthers -
for each is individually creating hrough their thoughts -
then there will be no more need for barrricades or wars or fear.
You fear being swept up in negative situations that are not of your choosing
because you do not understand the Creative Process.
Everything that you experience is of your choosing,
for as you give your thoguht and attention toa thing - you have chosen it, for that time.
When you understand that you will not invite into your life experience
that which you do not give thought to,
and that the emotion that is within you will signal you about the direction of your thouught,
then you will know that another cannot create in your life experience,
and once that is understood, your fear of what htey might do in your experience is eliminated.
When you understand that you have the ability to bring into your experience
- or to keep away from your experience -
anything that you choose,
then you are not so threatened by what others who are around you are choosing.
As you understand tha through your powerful thoughts you have the power to control that which you experience,
then you will no longer fear others,
you will no longer resent others,
and you will then be more willing to ALLOW others to be as they are.
It is important that you recognize their right to create that which they are choosing,
just as you recognize yoru right to create that which you are choosing.
- Abraham 1988
It is most important that you understand
that no other can create within yoru experience.
It is all of your own doing,
You will come to understand through this physical life experience that
another cannot bind you
or control you
or harm you
or include you
or influence you
without your agreement.
- Abraham
when you are involved with so many others. (...)
When you understand that you will not experience that which you do not attract through the power of your thoughts,
when you understand that another cannot create in your life experience -
then you will not fear the intrusion of other unharmonious beings within your life experience.
When most beings who are upon your planet understand that they have the ability to create anything that they desire,
and that they need not be swept up by the desires of otthers -
for each is individually creating hrough their thoughts -
then there will be no more need for barrricades or wars or fear.
You fear being swept up in negative situations that are not of your choosing
because you do not understand the Creative Process.
Everything that you experience is of your choosing,
for as you give your thoguht and attention toa thing - you have chosen it, for that time.
When you understand that you will not invite into your life experience
that which you do not give thought to,
and that the emotion that is within you will signal you about the direction of your thouught,
then you will know that another cannot create in your life experience,
and once that is understood, your fear of what htey might do in your experience is eliminated.
When you understand that you have the ability to bring into your experience
- or to keep away from your experience -
anything that you choose,
then you are not so threatened by what others who are around you are choosing.
As you understand tha through your powerful thoughts you have the power to control that which you experience,
then you will no longer fear others,
you will no longer resent others,
and you will then be more willing to ALLOW others to be as they are.
It is important that you recognize their right to create that which they are choosing,
just as you recognize yoru right to create that which you are choosing.
- Abraham 1988
It is most important that you understand
that no other can create within yoru experience.
It is all of your own doing,
You will come to understand through this physical life experience that
another cannot bind you
or control you
or harm you
or include you
or influence you
without your agreement.
- Abraham
- spiritualcookie
- Posts: 3158
- Joined: Sat Dec 02, 2023 10:32 pm
Blue__Butterflies wrote: Tue Apr 18, 2023 6:19 pm Others can influence you,
and you let that happen far more than is good for you
because you often care more about what others who are physical like you,
(running around looking real - you can see them and hear them and smell them and taste them and touch them (especially smell them) (Fun) - you can see them, they are vivid in your experience, )
and you care far too much what they think of you.
And the reason you do is because they're thinking about you because they're weak.
What we really mean by that is they care too much about what you think,
and you care too much about what you think they think,
So you run around caring about what each other think,
and you make yourselves crazy because there's not one of them who can understand you even close to who You really are.
~ Abraham-Hicks
Long Beach, CA 7/28/2018
- spiritualcookie
- Posts: 3158
- Joined: Sat Dec 02, 2023 10:32 pm
Blue__Butterflies wrote: Tue Apr 18, 2023 6:24 pm
You’ll get to the place where you want so much to feel good that you will be often the odd one who walks into the room.
And so, we think what happens is,
so many of you have been seeking approval from those who are in the room for so long,
and not wanting to be the odd one who was in the room,
that you were willing to adjust your vibration from wherever you were to match whatever was going on.
And then you’re all in that same confused place where you can’t help each other.
Fortunately, there are always those who remain connected to Source
who can offer an example of clarity.
You have your own Inner Guidance that will take you there.
~ Abraham-Hicks
Cincinnati, OH 922/2004
- spiritualcookie
- Posts: 3158
- Joined: Sat Dec 02, 2023 10:32 pm
Gossip about a person can influence what experience you draw out of that person
Have you ever known someone,
you meet them, [and think]
it is a perfect speciimen of humanity.
As far as you are concerned, it is a wondrous being.
And as you look at this wondrous being wit hthat attitude,
the being becomes more wondrous every day.
You just can't believe that you have met such a marvelous person.
And then that person takes you home,
and the mother of that person begins to tell you
of all the things that person did while they were growing up,
pointing out all the weaknesses,
all of the things that have been overcome,
or need to be overcome,
And suddenly you are looking at that person in a new light.
And suddenly you say,
"Yes, I see that,
I can see how you aren't as strong as I thought you were,
and not as smart as I thought you were."
And as you look at that being with that new set of intentions,
you begin to solicit from them that which you do not like.
And then you say, "I dont really want to be with you.
I am looking for a perfect one."
It is the reason that most relationships deteriorate.
If you focus upon that which you are wanting to see
that is what you will draw into your experience -
whether you are talking about the entire Universe,
or one single soul.
Have you ever known someone,
you meet them, [and think]
it is a perfect speciimen of humanity.
As far as you are concerned, it is a wondrous being.
And as you look at this wondrous being wit hthat attitude,
the being becomes more wondrous every day.
You just can't believe that you have met such a marvelous person.
And then that person takes you home,
and the mother of that person begins to tell you
of all the things that person did while they were growing up,
pointing out all the weaknesses,
all of the things that have been overcome,
or need to be overcome,
And suddenly you are looking at that person in a new light.
And suddenly you say,
"Yes, I see that,
I can see how you aren't as strong as I thought you were,
and not as smart as I thought you were."
And as you look at that being with that new set of intentions,
you begin to solicit from them that which you do not like.
And then you say, "I dont really want to be with you.
I am looking for a perfect one."
It is the reason that most relationships deteriorate.
If you focus upon that which you are wanting to see
that is what you will draw into your experience -
whether you are talking about the entire Universe,
or one single soul.
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