Topic: Scary Health Diagnosis
- A diagnosis is not a death sentence
- A diagnosis is just a snapshot in time; it can be a temporary state that can shift and change.
- People HAVE recovered from this
- There are many degrees of sickness with the same label
- There are mild cases of this disease
- I haven't been feeling that bad
- I actually have a hearty body
- I've always been quick to bounce back from sickness
- I can bounce back from this too
- I am not totally powerless here. I have these wonderful Abraham tools at my fingertips to help me align with wellness and wellbeing. I can apply them more and more to my life. Wouldn't it be nice if that'll help me manifest a state of health I desire? It's worth a try!
- I would like to believe that intending is a powerful creative force and I would like to intend perfect health.
- Everytime I have a fearful thought I can tell myself "[insert fearful thought about health]... but I'm intending perfect health" - and that helps me feel a little bit more hopeful.
- I like the thought of intending perfect health before I go to sleep and setting that intention going to work for me while I sleep, uninterrupted by other thoughts.
- I like believing that my cells are intelligent and want wellness too - they are on my side, helping me.
- We've got this cells! I'll do my best to relax and allow my natural state of wellness and wellbeing to flow, and you keep allowing wellness and wellbeing to flow and we'll co-create perfect health together!
(Source: Taken in part from the Abraham book "The amazing power of deliberate intent" with additions by me )