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Post by spiritualcookie »

Topic: Soothing stress about neighbours

- I've lived next door to good neighbours in the past
- These neighbours may not stay there forever... who knows, they may even move out sooner than anticipated
- I guess even these neighbours have some positive aspects as well, maybe I can think about some of those
- There are certain areas of my home where I don't feel or notice the effects of these neighbours very much
- There are certain things I can do that are in my power to soften the effects of these neighbours; to make my situation feel a little better. (Ear defenders, soundproofing, setting up in a different quieter room, offering to pay for the improvements I want done etc)
- I like the idea of the Abraham Inactive Box technique that I can try to apply here to inactivate the things that are bothering me about these neighbours. I liked hearing some success stories people have had with this technique.
- I even have the choice to move homes if I want, and next time I can carefully check out the neighbours and check out the noise levels in the rooms and all other matters that I've sifted-and-sorted-to-learn are important to me, before moving in.

(Source: Taken in part from the Abraham book "The amazing power of deliberate intent" with additions by me )
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Post by spiritualcookie »

Topic: Soothing a relationship issue

- Nothing is set in stone; people change; relationships change - maybe it's even possible that change could also happen for the better in this relationship.
- All relationships have up and downs.. and ups... It would be nice to be on an "up".
- They do have some positive aspects to them
- I do like this thing about them
- I like seeing that they are caring about this thing which shows they are caring.
- I like seeing that they can be kind to this person which shows they can be kind
- I like seeing that they can be thoughtful about this thing which shows they can be thoughtful

(Source: Taken in part from the Abraham book "The amazing power of deliberate intent" with additions by me )
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Post by spiritualcookie »

Topic: Soothing being bossed around and told what to do

- When they try to guide me, they are meaning well. They are wanting to be helpful.
- I know their intention is to help me make a good choice to have a good outcome.
- I have the freedom to take their suggestions or leave them as I desire.
- Sometimes their suggestions are helpful.

(Source: Taken in part from the Abraham book "The amazing power of deliberate intent" )
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Post by spiritualcookie »

Topic: Soothing feeling bored and unstimulated at work

- When I really get into a task, I can enjoy it
- I can use my creativity to make fun games out of some tasks to make them a little more interesting and fresh.
- I can try to beat my last attempt at a task each time to see how quickly / how much better I can do it, to add a new dimension to a familiar task.
- I can see how others in my field do things to see if I can learn from their approaches and maybe adopt something new from this observation
- I enjoy improving my method of accomplishing tasks.
- I can experiment with new techniques, technologies and approaches to old tasks to make them feel fresh.
- I'm going to watch for more ways that I can be of value. I really like to feel of value.

(Source: Taken in part from the Abraham book "The amazing power of deliberate intent" with additions by me )
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Post by spiritualcookie »

Topic: Soothing difficulty in getting dream job

- I'm gathering experience in the meantime
- I'm getting clearer about the work I really want
- I do get to meet really interesting people
- I've come a long way
- I've had some good job interviews - I love the feeling of a good interview

(Source: Ffrom the Abraham book "The amazing power of deliberate intent" )
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Post by spiritualcookie »

Topic: Soothing difficulty with seeing success in own business

- I'm glad that we were able to open our business
- I'm grateful this person in my life believed in my vision
- I'm definitely making some money - more than when I just started
- I'll figure out more as I go along
- My current customers do appreciate our business
- I sure do appreciate our current customers

(Source: Taken from the Abraham book "The amazing power of deliberate intent")
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Post by spiritualcookie »

Topic: Soothing a feeling of lack of money (for parents)

- On the whole I do have a comfortable lifestyle
- There isn't much that I really really need that I don't have
- I'm living so much better than a lot of other people are
- Our children rarely complain about any shortage
- Our children are so eager about their lives
- It's so rewarding to be a parent of children like these.

(Source: Taken from the Abraham book "The amazing power of deliberate intent")
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Post by spiritualcookie »

Topic: Soothing worries about the state of the world

- Worrying about things that have nothing to do with me isn't really helping the situation. I can't worry the world into well-being!
- There have always been conflicts in the world somewhere - this isn't new. The fact there are conflicts somewhere doesn't mean the world is deteriorating - it's just part of the contrast of the world, and always has been.
- Usually the majority of people affected by world issues do survive.
- There are people that evacuate areas safely.
- Most of what is actually around me directly is harmonious
- I rarely see problems I hear about on the news directly around me
- As technology develops, we have more resources to solve some of the world's problems.
- Some of the Earth's nature problems may just be part of the natural weather cycles and patterns of the Earth and not all down to real problems.
- There's much more wellness in the world than sickness
- The standard of life worldwide is improving
- For most of the world, things are getting better and better.
- I can choose to focus on those pockets of the world that are having problems, or I can choose to focus on the majority of the world that is doing fine. It's my choice. And what I focus on is what remains active. So by putting the power of my focus on harmony, I can help to diminish the disharmony in the world. I like knowing that.

(Source: Taken in part from the Abraham book "The amazing power of deliberate intent" with some of my own additions)
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Post by spiritualcookie »

Topic: Wanting to travel, but can't right now for various reasons

- There's still plenty of time for me to find a way to travel
- Right now I can still gather information about the world
- I can think of places I'd like to visit most and make a list
- There are some places that cost less than others to visit
- It will be fun to make a long list of interesting destinations and fun things I want to do there
- It will be enjoyable someday to add to the list as I check things off

(Source: Paraphrased from the Abraham book "The amazing power of deliberate intent" )
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Post by spiritualcookie »

Topic: Soothing unwanted Government Election Results

- No matter who's elected, my life is always pretty much the same
- My decisions affect my life much more than theirs do
- I'm able to experience freedom as I move about
- The government doesn't stand in the way of my personal choices

(Source: From the Abraham book "The amazing power of deliberate intent")
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