Easy Matches

This new forum is created and a focus for those that want to participate with the study of Abraham-Hicks in their many books and processes.
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Post by Tara »

Easy existing matches:
- One of the stocks I bought some time ago is skyrocketing 🥰 as always wish I put more but still love the positive trend. Love how I “knew” this is a good stock. I love how this stock felt at the beginning, even when it dropped quite a lot, I “knew” eventually it will go up… I just felt confident and secure about this stock.
- Today I am proud of myself. Yesterday was advised that I have to write something for today.. it was a poem that I had to whisper someone in the ear. My initial reaction was to decline… but encouraged by my partner I thought I first need to give it a try and this morning thoughts flew to me… and I am so happy I went in this event, it was heart touching and elevating.
Easy match.
- Ha! I was thinking I need to take some mint but then I forgot about and this person gifted me this cool mint that melts in a mouth. It’s only on Amazon it’s a very tiny “sheet” of mint flavour that you put on your tongue…(normally I would think maybe he gave me because of my bad smell from the mouth ( he showed me this last week and this week gave me 😅) , but now I am a bit more leaning towards positive and I think he is simple excited about this product and wanted to share with me). It was perfect timing, easy existing match.
- During the event… hearing poems whispered in my ears… imagining that they are meant for me… I truly felt my heart opening… it was so beautiful.

Thank you Universe for such beautiful experiences ❤️
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Post by Tara »

Easy matches…
- Today was a good feeling day.
- I felt like doing things.
- I tidied up my room. Nice easy match.
- I came with an idea what to gift him for Valentine’s Day. Nice easy match.
- It was a rituals thing; I actually got one item for free as they were giving one item for free for the members. Nice easy existing match.
- I found a video on YouTube which I probably saw 10 years ago (it was not the full version, but the essence was there) nice easy match
- Spiritualcookie transcribed it and showed me how to do in the future (hope it works on phone as I normally listen to YouTube and text here via phone). Thank you Cookie 🥰
- Life is getting better and better and better…

I always dream. Always. Not always the dreams a positive. Today I heard Abraham say that in dream state we have less resistance to cover up our feelings so it is a great tool to know where we really are. I have this tool :) (ps this is my rewording they didn’t use word “tool”, but the essence is the same) nice easy match.

Goodnight 😴
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Post by Tara »

Easy Existing Matches:
- I appreciate the freshness in my room.
- I appreciate this warm duvet that I bought from John Lewis. I appreciate its quality. I appreciate its double duvet that serves me in all seasons.
- I appreciate Simon has created this forum. I was thinking how there must be some asking from someone like myself and Simon received an impulse and responded to the asking with his skills and ability. I appreciate the forum has the same outline like the old one. I appreciate Simon’s knowledge and ability to create this forum and make it so similar to the old one.
- I appreciate Abraham clarity on the dreams. Recently I have some “not so good feeling” ones and I now suspect it maybe related to one of the two subjects and my Inner Being is helping through my dreams to know where I am vibrationally. I appreciate this understanding and it helps me to view these dreams in a different light with gratitude somehow.
- I think I know what to do to shift the energies, but wouldn’t it be nice if I “clearly knew” which process would serve me best.
- I appreciate that I never get it done.
- I appreciate that I also have a good feeling momentum on many other subjects.
- I appreciate knowing that I’m not alone in this.
- I appreciate pondering that there is another end of the stick and my Inner Being is focused there.
- all is well
- all in good time
- I think I know the game I want to play for know
- I think it may serve me. It served me in the past.
- I look forward to have more “space” in me around these subject and what I really look forward is to receive insights and thoughts that a new insights and thoughts for me but there are the insights and thoughts that my inner being is sending to me.
- I am loved
- I am known
- I am understood
- I am guided
- I am answered
- I am called
- I am invited
- I am powerful
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Post by Tara »

Easy Existing Matches:
- A couple weeks ago, I took a Chinese cookie in yoga centre (it was for Chinese New Year) and the cookie said “ You have a secret admirer” . There were my friend with her partner there and this a bit “strange” guy, he once wanted to buy me a chocolate. I thought maybe it’s him 🤣
- Yesterday, my friend’s partner said you know I thought it was a perfect synchronicity that you took that cookie in front of me because I’m your secret admirer 😅 I was not sure if he was joking or serious, it was fun though. I could sense he was more excited about synchronicity (those spiritual people…). In that environment, ambience it is normal to admire women even if you are deeply in love with another and vice versa (tantric approach), so even his compliment I can accept as normal thing and know that he is still deeply in love with my friend…she is part of that environment too.
I am new to this way of living… but I guess it’s about being truthful to your heart and appreciating freely, like you would appreciate a sunset or a beautiful tree 🌳

Ok… let’s move on from admiration to Love (after all it’s Valentine’s Day )

“ <…> the LOVE vibration in itself is one of COMFORT and HAPPY, where I am EAGER for it, it is the feeling of WELL-BEING.
It’s a feeling of NEVER ENDEDNESS. It’s the feeling of ETERNALNESS ... there’s no lack in it. <..>” AH

- I am deeply in Love with my partner.
- He is such a beautiful soul.
- Yesterday I felt a different nuance of his love. We were so happy to see each other, and kiss 💋
- Then during yoga practice as always I’m so serious closing my eyes (here we do yoga with closed eyes) and I can feel he is looking into me wanting to connect so I opened my eyes and we looked to each other and smiled… and this love that we feel, that we flow towards each other so freely felt so pure…so warm… so connected… so happy
- It was state of love filled with warm and happiness.
- That moment felt like eternity…
- I felt a bit like “kids”, “teenagers” being in love without inhibitions
- It felt home and happy
- Fulfiling…
- Wellbeing

Happy Valentines Day ❤️! Spread your love, appreciation, admiration to the things and persons around you ❤️

Being in Love is seeing the world through the eyes of source.

When you love someone, you love yourself because in that moment you are LOVE (paraphrased from Abraham 🥰🤗)
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Post by spiritualcookie »

aw I loved reading about your beautiful yoga experience and that romantic moment of pure, love-filled connection! 🥰

Happy Valentine's Day! :hearts:
I hope you have a love-filled day - with hearts everywhere!

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Post by Tara »

❤️ Happy Valentine’s Day ❤️

I wish you too to be a match to the hearts 💕

There are so many of them once you open your eyes… love is everywhere surrounding us 🥰
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Post by Tara »

Today was a beautiful day 🥰
- I started my morning with AH playlist of rampages and some of them took me home ❤️
- When I wrote a birthday wish to my brother, a bit different thoughts were flowing… he said he even had a tear reading it… i felt it was a truthful wish for him.
- I had a brief chat with my flatmate, about “flower days” she wants to go in France for them, i heard that Valencia (Spain) also has these type of celebrations. Nice, easy, pleasant chat.
- My time with him was magnificent. It’s like another reality, dimension. It was super beautiful day that we had… synchronicity was so perfect 😍 when we looked each other in the eye and that song came on the radio… ❤️
- I am intuitive. Felt like calling my mum and then realised she called me 14 min ago.. that was fun.

Life is beautiful when you let it in…

P.s. yesterday i attended the drawing workshop for which i was encouraged to think about “wonder” we concluded that a state of wonder is seeing the “real” world. State of wonder is being “fully” in the present moment. One with your inner being and seeing the world through the eyes of source. There is so much wonder around us… and we can start seeing it once we let ourselves to see it 😍

Goodnight 😴
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Post by Tara »

Easy Existing Matches:
- I like that today is a beautiful day and it is sunny.
- I like that I feel replenished after my sleep. I slept well.
- I love my neighbors whom I hear behind the wall. They have a kid or a few, I often hear them laugh, I hear sometimes dad sing and have fun with them. It feels very happy and alive place. It feels like well being.
- I love now hearing birds outside. They also give me a sense of wellbeing.
- I love that one of my flatmates is away since November and the other one works in the office which means I am at home on my own most of the day. I like having the space.
- I love how big my room is.
- I love that it gets most of the sunshine ☀️
- I love being here.
- I love living here.
- I love that it is:
Central (zone 2 with 20 min bus ride to zone 1 (Angel)
Sunny and bright
Facing communal garden with little squirrels coming to visit me daily
I like that floor is laminated
I like my wardrobe and how easily the landlady agreed to split a cost
I like my comfy mattress
I like that this is a warm building
I like that the heating works well
I like that I have lots of light in the evenings (I have huge light that I took from previous home (two of them and normal light)
I like the space here
I like that it has plenty of room for me to work and do my yoga practice
I love how close to shopping street it is (12 min walk), but not affected by it, you cannot see or hear that street
I love how close to the park it is (again around 15 min walk)
I love this park, it’s alive, they sell coffee there, there are two ponds and once I saw a turtle there and now they also built a mini zoo
I love there I live
There are so many more easy matches to milk but for another day ❤️
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Post by Tara »

Tara wrote: Sun Feb 02, 2025 10:27 pm Easy Existing Matches:
- I had good timing…
- I then did a very good and long practice.
- As I finished my friend arrived and we went for a long walk.
- I brought her to the same park like I brought others but this time I received an impulse to go the other direction and there was a mini zoo 🥰 and I saw a parrot 🦜 (I wanted to see a parrot for a specific reason as she symbolises a certain energy and I thought when I be consistent enough I’ll see a parrot 🥰). Easy existing match.
- Then I walked my friend to a bus stop just near my home and myself went to do some food shopping. I saw this bouquet of flowers in Tesco and received an impulse to buy them. So I took … part of me why I am buying myself flowers that cost £8/10… but part of me stopped this chatter and I was I clearly received an impulse and more abundance is coming in and this is to celebrate my life… then I went to counter and I had to scan a price tag and I noticed written “reduced” from £10 to £3.80. And these are a beautiful bequest of flowers. I guess the universe wanted me to have them 🥰 I like flowers and was appreciating some when I was buying for my friend. Easy existing match.
- I cooked myself a nice dinner and lunch for tomorrow
- Had a call with him, and I’m feeling fulfilled.

All is really well ❤️
I came here to check when did I buy these flowers 🌹
(And this post was back in 02/02/2025)! At that time I was meditating with Tara and sometimes you buy flowers to those Goddesses. I did not think of buying to her but I just received a strong impulse to buy. It was a mix of tulips and roses. Roses stayed so very long…

One of them is still in a good condition:
It was definitely flowers from my vortex on a heal of my appreciation for flowers. It has been 18 days and this rose is still beautiful 😍

P.s. I also saw a parrot 🦜 flying by yesterday through my window.

Love the playfulness of the Universe.

Love easy easy matching as I go.

More of these type of impulses please 🙏 🥰
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