Practice a little every day

This new forum is created and a focus for those that want to participate with the study of Abraham-Hicks in their many books and processes.
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Post by spiritualcookie »


I appreciate that I slept very well.
I appreciate that my bed is so cosy and comfy; and that my bedding is so lovely, soft and comfortable. It is so pleasant to snuggle up against my pillow and into my puffy duvet.
I appreciate I woke up at a good time to enjoy a full day of daylight.
I appreciate that my room is warm and cosy no matter how cold it is outside.
I appreciate that my street is so quiet and peaceful and has a relaxed feel to it.
I appreciate that I have such huge windows in my room with a plentiful view of my quiet street
I appreciate the softbox light today that is soft and gentle on the eyes
I appreciate how quiet it is - at this moment, there isn't even a tweet of a bird it's so quiet.
I appreciate that I feel an appetite stirring in my tummy, a desire for breakfast, a sign of good health - I love knowing that
I appreciate living with quiet, peaceful people, creating generally peaceful vibes in our home.
I appreciate that I am aware of my desire to raise my vibration - it's a good place to start - just to have this awareness
I appreciate that I know about all the abraham processes so i can apply them to help raise my vibe.
I appreciate knowing that it's all about getting to the feeling place - that's the most important thing - and I look forward to accessing this more and more - and mastering more how to lift my vibe from there.
I appreciate that all is well in this moment.
And now to breakfast! :)
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Post by CoreEssence »

thank you for allowing a whole focused list on patience to flow through! I love feeling myself expand into the consciousness of patience.

I also honor and love your desire to communicate with your IB in a clear way! I love that you acknowledged all the ways in which you have already "received" communiques from your IB! I appreciate your desire for greater discernment between what is you and what is the bigger part of you. Maybe you could also lean into how the space of communicating with that bigger part of you feels like?

I can share some ways it feels to me--it feels like a clear resonant note in my belly. it feels like I have "received" the thought/feeling/idea/knowing--I did not "think" it into being. it feels like tuning in to the greater, deeper knowledge that already exists. it feels like a quieting of everything else and bringing into focus that particular piece of information that I am wanting more knowledge/clarity/information on. it feels like a natural next step evolution/development of my already existing five physical senses. oh, it feels like a sense of trust--trusting the information I am receiving (though this trusting happens hand in hand with developing discernment too). oh it feels like fun--like playing around with my non-physical loves. it feels like a deeper communication with my non-physical friends. it feels like a deeper communication with my own self. it feels like a natural development of the gifts I already have. it feels like a blooming into the fullness of who I am. it feels like forming a firm and deep friendship with all aspects of who I am. it feels playful, and good, and joyous, and lighthearted, and meaningful, and always evolving and always developing.

:) thank you spiritualcookie!
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Post by spiritualcookie »

CoreEssence wrote: Sun Feb 16, 2025 12:47 am Maybe you could also lean into how the space of communicating with that bigger part of you feels like?
That's a good idea :) I'll try that!
CoreEssence wrote: Sun Feb 16, 2025 12:47 am I can share some ways it feels to me--
- it feels like a clear resonant note in my belly.
- it feels like I have "received" the thought/feeling/idea/knowing--I did not "think" it into being.
- it feels like tuning in to the greater, deeper knowledge that already exists.
- it feels like a quieting of everything else and bringing into focus that particular piece of information that I am wanting more knowledge/clarity/information on.
- it feels like a natural next step evolution/development of my already existing five physical senses.
- oh, it feels like a sense of trust--trusting the information I am receiving (though this trusting happens hand in hand with developing discernment too).
- oh it feels like fun--like playing around with my non-physical loves.
- it feels like a deeper communication with my non-physical friends.
- it feels like a deeper communication with my own self.
- it feels like a natural development of the gifts I already have.
- it feels like a blooming into the fullness of who I am.
- it feels like forming a firm and deep friendship with all aspects of who I am.
- it feels playful, and good, and joyous, and lighthearted, and meaningful, and always evolving and always developing.

:) thank you spiritualcookie!
I love seeing you getting into this zone! :in_love:
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Post by spiritualcookie »

CoreEssence wrote: Sun Feb 16, 2025 12:47 am Maybe you could also lean into how the space of communicating with that bigger part of you feels like?
GETTING INTO THE FEELING PLACE OF: Communicating with my Inner Being / Source / Spirit guides

hmm let's see

What have been some times when I've felt very clear communication from my Inner Being.. or from Source, or from Spirit Guides?

When I meditated and received images from Source, it felt like...
- As I sat and scanned the nothingness for images during the meditation, it felt like I was tuning my frequency - tuning my radio dial - effectively and getting a clear transmission - which felt satisfying!
- Receiving that transmission felt exciting!
- It felt like the images were beyond the ordinary things I would imagine myself usually - which added to the feeling of trust that it wasn't being received from my normal everyday physical vibrational state - and that it was being received from a different vibrational disc.
- It felt actually a little foreign - like it wasn't me! (which is strange - because your Inner Being / Source IS you)
- It felt like surprise and delight as I couldn't have guessed what I will receive
- It felt like I was experiencing spiritual development and growth by receiving these images - which felt very satisfying

When I tried automatic writing and received messages from Source, it felt like...
- It felt like a type of very deliberate listening as I tuned in to receive
- As the words came, it felt like a type of flow
- It felt like I wasn't sure what the next word coming would be - but it flowed through, popping fully formed into my head, without my having to think it into being. - I loved that feeling of easy thought-free flow.
- My state of being during the automatic writing felt like a state of positive, excited expectation.
- It felt like a type of surrender to the "not knowing"ness of not knowing what words are coming next.
- It felt satisfying when the ideas arrived - it also somewhat felt like relief that things were coming - i guess there was some tension there doubting whether anything would come which was relieved when it did come.

When I imagine my ideal of what it'll be like to communicate with my Inner Being on an everyday level, I think of how it is for Suzanne Giesseman: How she just pauses, asks a question, listens and almost instantly goes "oh! ok! how interesting!" as she gets a clear answer so quickly, without having to meditate first or anything - it's just a very normal part of her waking life! How cool that would be to have such a clear, easy line of communication!
How I imagine it would feel:
- It feels easy
- It feels so obvious, like asking another human a question and knowing they will answer
- It feels like KNOWING, and expecting a quick, efficient, brilliant answer
- It feels like trusting that the answer is there if you just listen
- It feels like appreciation for this wonderful resource; this wonderful source of wisdom, insight, help
- It feels like love for this Source of information- It feels like appreciative loving, love-filled energy
- It feels like happiness that we are in this together - and that they are here with me- that feels so good; how they are interested and following along and here with me, helping me if I just turn to them to ask. How comforting to always have that helpful, wise, loving energy at hand!
- It feels quite magical in the early days - and later on it feels so normal that it no longer feels like magic - it just feels like a natural, expected, obvious part of life.
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Post by spiritualcookie »


Today I am appreciating the song "Wedding Day at Troldhauen, Op. 65, no. 6" by Edvard Grieg - The main introduction theme has been running through my head all day - and I like how it's uplifting, energetic, robust, strong and feels so positive :hearts:

I also enjoyed the observation of how Edvard Grieg kinda looks like Einstein :lol:

I liked reading a little about Grieg and discovering he's Norwegian! It feels so nice, expansive and enriching to me, filling in details about things I previously knew little about.
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Post by spiritualcookie »


I am intending to relax
I am intending to raise my vibration
As I relax and raise my vibration, I am intending to allow positive inspiration to flow to me
I am intending to let my cork float
I am intending to let go of anything that doesn't serve me
I am intending to release any resistance
I am intending to ease my feelings
I am intending to connect with feelings of love and appreciation
I am intending to feel good
I am intending perfect alignment with my Inner Being
I am intending receiving clearly from my Inner Being
I am intending receiving clearly help and guidance from my spirit guides
I am intending to feel guided joyfully



Lately I am appreciating Bashar. There are a lot of great recordings from him available online at the moment which I am loving. It is so different from Abraham in the kind of questions and topics that are focused upon - and I am enjoying the "out-there"-ness of it all :lol: It is interesting to learn about ideas I've never heard about. And hearing about people's extraordinary experiences that seem quite fantastical - it is all very interesting!
I love feeling stimulated and interested
I love feeling this freshness that this information is giving me - like a breath of fresh air

I have also noticed some discrepencies between Abraham's teachings and Bashar's here and there. I like it most when they agree because it gives me more confidence in the teachings as "one truth" -
But in the variety - I am enjoying Bashar's acknowledging of the usefulness of permission slips. I like how he is more allowing and open to so many things as long as you believe they will help you. It feels so positive, giving loving energy to permission slips; seeing them in a loving positive light. I like it :)

I appreciate Darryl Anka for all these years that he has been bringing us Bashar's wisdom. I appreciate how he channels so clearly. I appreciate how many of his teachings resonate and feel helpful. I appreciate Darryl's consistency in arrangings gatherings for Q&As, and his diligence in recording everything for lots of people to enjoy around the world. I appreciate how despite him being in the US, I can enjoy his teachings all the way in the UK.
I appreciate bot hDarryl and Bashar's intention to be helpful to people; to help them realise their desires and dreams; and to help soothe their confusion and increase their understanding.

I like how he takes every question seriously even if it sounds silly or weird. I like that he tries to add humour where he can too. I appreciate his good intention to bring a smile or a laugh.
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Post by spiritualcookie »


I appreciate ABW.
I appreciate how she's so fearless!
I appreciate how she recently visited a country that many would consider dangerous, especially with her passport, and yet she was so confident, so aligned with her well-being that she didn't have an ounce of fear about being there, and all was very well for her while she was there! That is so inspiring! :animals-duckie: :animals-duckie: :animals-duckie:
I appreciate how she is often so light-hearted and cheerful, even in situations that others would consider to be stressful. I like how she laughs her way through life, finding the joy and humour in so many situations she comes across.
I appreciate how she is so strong and nothing phases her.
I appreciate how it feels like she can do anything! Without fear she can do so much! She explores so much of the world - whether she has someone to go with or whether she's going solo - it's all good - she does what she pleases without having to depend on anyone else. She is so independent.
She puts herself out there in the world for all to see - and doesn't care what anyone says when the peanut gallery do comment about her - She is above all that - she is so secure in herself, in the way she does things that she just doesn't care about others' opinions. It's so cool!
She must feel so secure and stable in herself.
She must have such strong self-belief, trust and inner confidence in her ability to deal with all sorts of situations
With a smile, and beautifully put together hair and make-up, she runs head-on into areas that many wouldn't dare go into - and in that, she feels her own power and strength.
I feel so much admiration for all these qualities she has.
And I love that she shares her stories and experiences for me to vicariously get a feeling of a part of what she must be feeling - it feels really good to sense it :)
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Post by spiritualcookie »


I appreciate YK.
I appreciate how voratiously he has read and how he now wants to share everything he's learned with the world.
I appreciate the speed at which he developed. It's so amazing to see how quickly he picked up things and ran with them to surpass many who have been studying the same subject for decades.
I appreciate his enthusiasm - his focus - his powerful desire that pushes him forward to fast.
I appreciate his intuitive powers; and how he allows himself to play with tuning into his intuition. How he honours impulses he has by following them; how he appreciates the synchronicities it leads him to.
I appreciate his attention to noticing the little things that indicate signs his intuition is guiding him. I appreciate how observant he is in spotting feels that feel good and are in line with his desire to boost his intuition.
I appreciate his suggestion to play a game with a deck of playing cards, seeing if you can feel any inkling of what the next card in the deck is, and see how you improve over time as you practice this game more and more.
I like how he gives himself a day a week to just walk around, explore and enjoy the world about him. It feels like a nice habit to have : )
I like his consistency in making videos even though he doesn't have many viewers - I like how he follows his feelings regardless of external indicators like stats. If he feels inspired, he makes a video because it feels good to do so.
I like that he's found a way to speak and connect with others in a way that feels good to him; and I like that it feels good to me too : ) It feels so free and the lack of expectations part makes it feel even freer.
I appreciate his thoughtfulness and his intelligence
I appreciate his clarity in expressing complex things - he is a really good teacher - it's just an effortless talent for him; teaching comes naturally to him.
I aprpeciate how he allows himself to be himself; unashamedly; warts and all; and shares it all with the world so freely. It feels to me like it is a courageous thing to do - but to him I suspect he just doesn't think about any negative aspects that may come from sharing something that feels to me risky to share - he just shares because it feels good to share who he is - so perhaps from his perspective it doesn't require courage - just a desire to share what he wants to share.
I appreciate how he always answers all messages. I like how it makes me feel like he is considerate, thoughtful and kind.
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Post by spiritualcookie »


I appreciate RD
I appreciate his natural talent to draw cute things.
I appreciate how good he is with finding soothing pastel colours that work well together - his artwork feels so pleasant and pleasing to see.
I appreciate the feeling that he has a good heart - I just feel it so strongly in him.
I appreciate his friendliness and openness - how he will always answer if I write to him.
I appreciate his growth over the years - seeing how his artistic skill has blossomed from a young amateur to a fully fledged professional now. I like witnessing people blossom and flourish so beautifully - from bud to beautiful bold flower. There is something satisfying in witnessing this!
I have enjoyed following his journey - as a fellow colleague - it has been interestng for me to see where he choses to put his efforts. It is interesting for me to see where his niche thrives and I like how it has helped me understand the market in our field better.
I like his strong connection to his inner child
I like his unashamed love of cute things despite being a 40-something year old man :lol: I like how he doesn't care at all what society expects is manly etc - he just allows himself to love what he loves; enjoy what he enjoys, regardless. I like how true to himself he is. It's so beautiful to see! It is so allowing of him! I love it!


I appreciate her artistic talent. She has always been such a natural with art, from the first day I met her when we were both 8 years old and she drew me a cute happy cartoon frog to welcome me to the class when I was the new kid in school.
I appreciate how her need to make art is so strong within her - it has been stable and strong for all these years. It feels somehow reassuring to see such stability; such natural leanings - It makes me think that we have natural leanings within us guiding us; showing us the way, and that feels good to know. No matter where you are, and how confused you may temporarily be feeling of the next step in life; there are these natural tendencies within us, guiding us if we just take the time to relax, let go and let them shine through.
I appreciate how she always seems to have some interesting hobby to explore - and how she allows herself to explore so many different things.
I appreciate how she has become such a self-taught expert on so many things that have interested her over the years. It is inspiring to see how knowledgeable she is; how her knowledge can add to the world.
I liked learning her love of mud larking - and how she has found all sorts of ancient historic artifacts and learned to identify them.
I admire her for settling down in the part of the UK that I think is beautiful and lush - I would love to visit there and explore the area too :)



I like her idea of using the wildflower seeds I received by planting a little meadow. It's such a nice idea taking an area that is currently uncared for and quite ugly, and spreading wildflowers there to make it pretty! I love this idea :hearts:
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