Next day of my adventure:
African Turban: I burnt my scalp in the first days at the dunes, and made sure to never go out again without hat or headcloth. And really, even I had a huge sun-hat with me, I so preferred the African style cloth, as there was always wind, and the hat was all the time flying off
I appreciated to understand more of the culture, in this way. It gave me the sense of being closer.
The wind was perfect at a place 1 hr north from our lodge, at that day, and so we drove there. Our flying teachers who also worked as guides made sure we learned about the tiny, colorful village of Wlotzkasbaken- right at the shore of the Atlantik and also in the middle of the Namibdesert, a place where nobody understands why it became a summer resort...
They also insisted on showing us to ship wrecks close to the beach, where tourists like to take a break, and so there are a few locals who sell (self-collected?) semipreciousstones. Karin told us, she herself has found many rose-quarz-stones at that place in the past.
I had learned from my resistance-mode of the last day to not kill a good opportunity again to gain beautiful souvenirs and in the same time, help the people who sell them, and so we had a really nice "shopping experience" with the traders, that time! I really appreciated that. It felt so peaceful, free and lovely!
Günni and Karin care for the tradition of their company, to give a printed T-shirt to each pilot as a gift, on every vacation. The group had already teased them it would not happen this time, but now, here we are! We got the advice to pose for the picture in pointing all: "Moving up!"

I liked that, in all it's meanings!
But Wolf had shredded his beautiful new shirt 2 hours later, when the wind teared him into the compression zone of the high plateau behind the dune ridge... well, this was so much better than what another pilot experienced a few days later, when he broke his back at that place.
I appreciate it all- with all it's upsides that are FOR US. I know we get red flags before something highly unwanted happens, and I totally see it here as well. I appreciate that contrast is there for us, it is guidance, it is always a chance, even when we think it would be SO unwanted. It always brings us what we forgot or suppressed- and sometimes want even more than "life it self". (Thankfully, this pilot did not lose his life! He is in good care, and recovering quickly!)
...Standing on the plateau that we arrived on and, at first, not even being able to look down the edge, over the huge hoods of the cars! It was SUCH an amazing feeling to, then, just drive further... seemingly into nothingness. The slope felt incredible! On the pictures you can see, it wasn't bad at all- but it felt as a huge adventure! This time, the pilots built the camp almost directly on the water line. I SO enjoyed that!! In the background, you see the small village of Hentiesbay.
...I soooooo enjoyed the beach! Karin was taking pictures of us, without us, realizing it.

So you see here a totally unstaged expression of me, feeling soo high on life! Ohh, I so love the ocean. I love the water, that brings greetings from all around the world! It feels sooo wide, for me. Limitless. Endless. Eternal, totally free. Love all around the world, literally.
Karin also found this feather of a flamingo and gave it to me as a gift. It was such a joy for me! I frame feathers from all the places I happened to be, and I always had wanted to find a flamingo-feather! But even at the Rhone in Southern France, in the Camargue, I didn't find one. And here, I get it completely unexpected- just so, as a precious gift!
...In the morning, we had bought what we wanted to eat as BBQ, and as one of our flying mates had gushed about the deliciousness of Springbock-meat, we had happily chosen the Springbock-loin, that laid on top of a pile of game. And I must admit that it was the most amazing meat I EVER had the chance to eat. It was so tender, we didn't need a knife.
This day had been sooo intense, so whole, so full, so incredibly touching! I felt sooo BLESSED. Thank you, thank you, thank you life!!!