Day 17: For the last time, we watch the sunrise over "our" beautiful Rössmund desert-lodge at Svakopmund!
...We had a long day of driving before us. After breakfast, our group divided into those that will stay with the teachers and fly for 2 days more- and those- DH and I included, that where eager to explore more of Namibia, and visit the Naukluft National Park, especially the famous Sossusvlei- region with the highest dunes in the world (about 300m). Including the most photographed spot of Namibia- Deadvlei... most of our day, we will drive through the Namib desert again, but we will see it in yet unknown forms.
We packed up 3 of the cars. But before we left, "the girls" showed up for a last farewell! SO sweet!

I so appreciated this explicite "one more last embrace" and -goodbye! I so appreciated to make this picture of Günni and Karin, that I, both, adore so much for what they built and what they offered to us, und who they are. I felt so much love, and deep thankfulness and appreciation for all this "strangers" that have given me so much and touched me so intensely!
A strangely beautiful rock-formation on the side of the dirt road, that shined up in the fog was a perfect excuse to take a firsts small break (together with an adventurous visit of the unique toilette)...
...and on the road again! For hours we drove and so appreciated that almost all the time, the wind blew the dust of the car in front of us sideways... "miracles" can be so small and have such wonderful effect! I so appreciated it, and felt that it also could have been very different. I felt understood and catered to, by "the angels of the Universe" (Abe)!
Somewhen, there started to be a little more to be seen, than sand and nothingness.
Many have told me how impressive the pictures feel where there is such a reduced, clean landscape: Just Earth and Sky. And I agree and I am so thankful to have experienced that! I deeply appreciated it. And, I also felt relief, when there was "more", again!
"Out of the blue" we encounter our very first real African RIVER... not just an empty river-bed, but real water! It felt completely surreal!

There was the urge to laugh and to jump into it! I so appreciate to have experienced THAT, as well.
And then we paused at the sign for the Tropic of Capricorn (the südlicher Wendekreis, where at summer- and winter-solstice the sun is in exact elevation, and all shadows fall exactly under the objects- which I would have LOVED to see!). It was so fun how all our "rainbow-boys" behaved (just as it would be the leaning tower of Pisa) -and shot Selfies on and on!

I sooo appreciated their joy. I so came to appreciate our mates, no matter what! And I so appreciate Karin who offered to take a picture of us!
It felt so exciting to "meet" a lonely ostrich on his way to his buddy- crossing the street in front of us! It felt awesome and blessed to meet a herd of Oryx (the official state-animal of Namibia), who got behind the veterinary fence and ran free besides the street. We where 5 meters close to them. It felt as a gift of Africa itself! How beautiful it feels to observe this fairly unknown animals, see their movements from close up, feel their energy (very calm and peaceful...) Thank you, life, for the timing, for the touching rendezvous!
We had seen the huge nests of whole colonies of weaver birds already when we drove with the bus to Svakopmund. A guide explained later to us, that this colonies start with one single nest of 1 couple of birds. All their offspring will build their nests on, for ever and ever... until the tree breaks down, or a snake eats all the eggs and chicks. In the night, you hear the hundreds of bird-voices chirp, in their tribe-tree! I loved to see such a nest one time from close up- where it looks like a piece of intricate art, instead of an ugly sack!
Then we arrived at the quite known road-juncture, gas-station and bakery of "Solitaire". Our cars are supposed to park in the shade of the akazia-trees, under which it is known that the thorns that this trees lose, can prick through steel belt tyres... we felt a bit uncomfortable but our park-guard insisted.

Well, nothing bad happened! And I REALLY appreciate that!
Again, as often in those places, the location gets used to collect vintage car-bodies (probably to decorate it in a way that tourists are attracted). Beloved husband fell in love with this old beautiful MG roadster TC from 1949... when he shared this fact with family in the night (as soon we had internet), our son Heiko -who is coachbuilder and works with classic cars all the time- cheered him on to buy one!! He would help him to restore it.
Ohhh, wouldn't this be sooo much fun! (But preferentially, I want one with engine and without rust)

I almost could touch the rocket of desire that formed within the 2 (or 3?) of us!!!

I LOVED how this felt!! It was so eager, and happy, and playful, and felt SO FREE!!!
And also, I soooo appreciated to be so close to this amazing cactus-flowers! I never saw such beautiful ones, so very close. It felt a bit as Paradise. It felt like, everything is possible. It felt as a wink from Gods eye. It felt like: ENJOY YOUR LIFE!! GO FOR IT!
...The landscape become more and more mountainous, and the clouds more and more puffy and bold. A huge sand-devil crossed the road in front of our first car. One of our mates shared a story of how powerful this mini- hurricanes still are, and we had goosebumps.
A huge, black thunderhead built right before us, we saw lightnings flash within it. Wow!! The dark stripes in the sky showed, that heavy rainfall was, somewhere, ahead of us. As Europeans, we were not trained at all to realize the Bliss that was happening, here and now! We just shuddered in acknowledgement of the beautiful, potent but also awe-inspiring drama around and before us. But not too much later, we would understand...
We had to drive another hour -through a silvery, lighter and also completely dry sky- until we came to the intersection that showed us we would almost be at our days goal. We had not encountered rain, and I was puzzled about the awesome silver- sky above... I felt blessed by the beauty around me and didn't think too much about it, anymore. I was eager to get out of the car, to see our new lodge-cabin for the next 2 nights, and to possibly eat a bite. I felt so very very very thankful for the amazing, rich, beautiful, intense day, and I am again, when I think about all of it:
Thank you, thank you life!!!
...(while this specific day is still to be continued.)