I love to be satisfied. And I love to be eager for more!

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Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

This is a small one, and I'm inspired to rampage on it, now... :hoppy:

...on "normal" days, this was the kind of dinner we enjoyed in our nights- mostly directly at a beach!
I SO LOVED to eat out every day. (I just saw my bank-balance about the month :shock: :lol: :lol: but it was SO worth it!!!!)
I SO enjoyed all the amazing seafood that I love so much and that I don't get at home in my place, in this super-fresh quality!
I SO enjoyed eating under the starry sky, almost every night!

But then, one day when the bulk of the group wanted to visit a sort of disco with life-music, I knew that the time had come to visit- on our own, just accompanied by 1 other man from the group) the "Dining Room-Restaurant" at the Hansa Hotel in Svakopmund, that counts as one of the best Restaurants in Namibia. The descriptions praised it as a "time capsule" out of the colonial aera (well, i thought: "hopefully NOT!!!"). And of course, there where no terrible discriminations, but just a REALLY nice evening.

Even it was no time-capsula (thankfully) and not even something so very extraordinary in what we are used to, in Germany, really,
I so appreciated to have had allowed me to make this happen- as I had been so curious about it!
It felt a bit as a kid that so wanted to visit the candy store- and getting allowed it. :happygaze:
It felt as being nice to myself.
It felt as being generous with myself, it felt sweet and deeply thankful.

Hansa-Hotel in 1905 (notice the camels!) ...and today...

stuffed figs, oysters natural and gratinated, and fantastic springbok-loin with Spätzle and red cabbage

After some exquisite starters, we "did it again": we chose the extraordinary Springbok-loin, in this case cooked rare- with parmesan crust (so good!) with -for our German taste- strangely combined side-dishes. I am certain that this combinations became here somewhen traditions, called "German trades"! But, of course, it IS Namibian, even it had, maybe, a German root or even -name. And it was delicious!! I enjoyed it so much. I felt so thankful to be able to sit here in THIS blessed time and order and eat this specific food: Namibian oysters, and Namibian Springbok, and be served by free, black Namibians. :hearts:

Colonial-Café, flambeéd at the table

What I really never had experienced before, was witnessing food getting flambeéd at the table! And so, I HAD to choose the Crêpe Suzette! My two mates only opted for the Colonial-Café that got flambeéd as well and- as we learned in the process, consisted of more liqueur than coffee :lol:

I so enjoyed the show!! It was, as we Germans say, "huge cinema" :lol: Another point off, of my bucket-list!
It was such fun. It was so nice! And so really, really yummy!

Crêpe Suzette a la Hansa-Hotel
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Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

At the very last day before we left our flying-ground, we headed to Walvis Bay. In former, "not so good old days", this was a huge place for processing the hunted whales (and so the place got called "Walfish Bay", which later got slurred). Despite the past, this was a really nice small town -with about 100.00 citizen the second-largest town in Namibia! (...And which old place doesn't have some terrible stuff in their past...).

I so appreciate to see and "touch" the insights toward care, love and less greed humanity has taken just in the last 100 years! It makes me so happy to See and get the shift. I so loved to be able to see this famous place, as well, and to even deepen a very personal relationship I have with this place....

...There are admirable people this day, who- at this exact place, give their life's purpose to help the creatures of the oceans, which touches me so much. The thousands of cape-fur-seals (in Germany they are called Seebären, bears of the ocean) that live around Walvis Bay are incredibly playful, and they, too, play with all the garbage, the thrown away fishing lines and even the ghost-nets that are in the sea- and often get entangled within them. Which can cause severe wounds or even their death, as the plastic doesn't grow with the animals, but starts to cut deep into their bodies.

So, I am a huge fan of the actionist-group "Ocean Conservation Namibia" https://www.ocnamibia.org/ that I have subscribed to since many years on youtube, that spend their life-time cleaning up the shores and disentangling the animals, so that they can happily live further. It was a huge extra-joy for me to see their "stomping ground" myself! I SO appreciate their work! Since years, Wolf and I have nurtured the dream to come to Namibia for flying. And since years, I had embraced Namibia through the work of this specific men and women, whenever I saw them rescue seals, or even whales, at Pelican Point.

Our group had divided up for this adventure- some went on a comfortable small yacht to cruise through the lagoon, and some others had opted to go much more close with kayaks, where we could paddle as close as 20 meters to the seals, without disturbing them too much. DH had hung his heart to the kayaks, and so we did that. We needed to drive first for about an hour, close to the home-places of the seals, along the lagoon up to Pelican Point.

I was disappointed at first, because I had seen youtube clips of what is happening on the yachts, but later I was SO happy to have been in the kayak! To have felt the spray on my hands, to be beyond the waves, to look on eye-level into the face of an incredibly cute tiny pup! It was such a gift of life!!


Damara- Sea Swallows

After getting into the boats, we almost immediately got surrounded by hundreds of Seal-cubs. We learned that they flock together in sort of "schools"- just as dolphins (and they very much move and jump like them, in the water!). The very young cubs learn swimming together in the more shallow water, and it is incredibly cute to witness this beautiful tiny animals wiggle and jump in the water, sticking out their cute heads again and again- so curiously! Well, the grown ups are not less playful. They didn't seem to be bothered by our bots at all. The guides told us that it happens quite often, that a seal jumps over a kayak, or even climbs upon it and takes a ride.

I felt BLESSED to be so much in the middle of all of this! The sea seemed to boil with all the life around us. It was an incredibly touching, beautiful thing!!

The other group on the excursion-boat experienced the seals, also... just in a slightly different way! :lol:
Of course they couldn't come so close to the many different colonies, but some seals had learned to mount the boat and get some fish there. As did the seagulls, and even the huge pelicans- that didn't care if they where hitting people in their greed for the fish-bites. I must admit, in hindsight I sooo preferred my own experience.

Not only the seagulls, the pelicans and the seals got food on the ship, but the people as well!

...but we, too, had our lovely lunch-break, afterwards, with ready made sandwiches, coffee, cookies and cake...

...and the meeting with a few jackals. I so appreciated that I was able to see them, and also huge amounts of the flamingo-colonies (There is a steady population of about 18 000 flaminos, in this area). The guide told us that Walvis Bay had had no rain in the last 3 years, and the flamingos started to migrate, as they can't breed under that conditions. But in this year was good rain- and so, there will be new flamingo-chicks, as the year becomes!I loved hearing this. It felt triumphant, a joy of LIFE!

On the drive home to the meeting point, the sun came out, and we saw the colors in a much more beautiful way... I so enjoyed it. It felt like a feast. It was so beautiful!

salt-production... we learned that it takes years from the first salt-pond to the ready sea-salt!

Later, along the coast of Walvis Bay, we again saw rich and poor, so close together. I appreciate the contrast. I am so very thankful to SEE it, and to feel that the poor people not necessarily are less happy. And also, I wish the freedom, the opportunity, the ease of abundance, to all of us! I wish for a future where we all live carefree and FREE, and in knowing how to change and mold our lives. I came to contribute my small amount to the beautiful whole- I came to teach those in touch with me, to FOCUS. With this exact thoughts on my mind, I realized this picture motive (below, left), as we drove by it...

...I just KNEW, I could "focus" a beautiful picture out of it, and see, how it worked!! :lol: :muscle-flex-small:
It was SUCH a wink of God's eye to me! I felt the communication between me and ME. And, I sooo enjoyed it!
Thank you life- for all this small and huge bits. It was such a wonderful day, with so incredibly many precious moments!!
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Post by FloatingBoat »

Paradise-on-Earth wrote: Tue Feb 25, 2025 5:26 am
FloatingBoat wrote: Mon Feb 24, 2025 11:05 pm
Hello PoE, welcome back! :balloons_wave: :angelic-flying: :angelic-flying: :angelic-flying:
I'm glad you're here again and that you weren't eaten, :angelic-green: . I'm also back, and it's really nice to have you here again. You immediately bring a good vibe to the place. :in_love: :in_love: :in_love:
thank you so very much! :hearts: I'm really glad to be ...back?... or even better: FORWARDS in my base... we can't go back, right? :vortex:
As Abe say, the Vortex is always becoming bigger and more, it always moves, and we MUST catch up with "who we really are" when we ever want to be happy.

So, I went "out" and experienced so much, and grew so much, and caught up in ways i couldn't fathom before, and now I am new and more whole and more set up for even more expansion! Life is amazing!

I read that you've been in a not so easy "place" as well, and I love that you caught up, too, and grew, and didn't get eaten! ;) Cheers, to life!! :occasion-balloons: :angelic-green: :tee:
Hello PoE, :balloons_wave: :jumphug:

Yes, things are always moving forward, and that's really wonderful! :auto:

I am very pleased that you are experiencing even greater expansion through your journey and celebrating life so much. It almost sounds as if you are now on a completely new platform, and I can imagine that this is very exciting and great because the way you talk about it sounds very inspiring. :hearts:

Yes, you're right, I haven't been eaten. :D But through such rather negative phases, I always notice how quickly the law of attraction affects my body. As soon as I go through a phase where I'm quite negative, I become sluggish or catch a cold. But that's not bad to know, because in these times I launch a lot of rockets of desire. :rocket-of-desire:

Moreover, I also know that if it's easy to stay in pessimistic thoughts, it's just as easy to stay in optimistic thoughts. But now I'm really glad not to be in that sunken place anymore. Or rather: I'm happy to have absolute control over the place where I am. I'm now more in a happy place again. Reading in my Abraham book reminded me today how wonderful it is to simply enjoy the positive thoughts and feelings.
:dancing: :dancing: :dancing:

I wish you a wonderful day and look forward to hearing about your new experiences and adventures.
:hugs: :in_love: :in_love:
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Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

FloatingBoat wrote: Wed Feb 26, 2025 11:02 am
Hello PoE, :balloons_wave: :jumphug:

Yes, things are always moving forward, and that's really wonderful! :auto:

I am very pleased that you are experiencing even greater expansion through your journey and celebrating life so much. It almost sounds as if you are now on a completely new platform, and I can imagine that this is very exciting and great because the way you talk about it sounds very inspiring. :hearts:
Thank you so very much!
I love to use the opportunity to "re-live" what was and feel it deeper, and put it into perspective, or draw my deliberate, aware conclusions from the contrast! I so love to have this time, and I love the internet and the help of computers to do this work. :lol: I still know writing by hand, and waiting for a week for the ready photos on paper to see if they turned out... things are so much better and faster and more detailed, today! And you can share SO EASILY. Being "inspiring" feels so easy! So much of it gets gifted- by all this amazing tools we can use! So, we can focus solely on our energy and focus... and, so it feels to me, that is actually such a simple thing: Does it feel good?

If so, continue.
And if not- shut up, and look for ANYTHING that feels better... :lol:
Yes, you're right, I haven't been eaten. :D But through such rather negative phases, I always notice how quickly the law of attraction affects my body. As soon as I go through a phase where I'm quite negative, I become sluggish or catch a cold. But that's not bad to know, because in these times I launch a lot of rockets of desire. :rocket-of-desire:
...and your body insists on you, resting and taking a break, so that you can re-assemble. So wise, isn't it! :hearts:
Moreover, I also know that if it's easy to stay in pessimistic thoughts, it's just as easy to stay in optimistic thoughts.
Depends solely on where you are trained... everything that you train, becomes easy. And what you don't train, feels hard... but "hard" is an awesome part of the adventure, when it feels good and calling, right?
But now I'm really glad not to be in that sunken place anymore. Or rather: I'm happy to have absolute control over the place where I am. I'm now more in a happy place again. Reading in my Abraham book reminded me today how wonderful it is to simply enjoy the positive thoughts and feelings.
:dancing: :dancing: :dancing:

I wish you a wonderful day and look forward to hearing about your new experiences and adventures.
:hugs: :in_love: :in_love:
Thank you, and you as well! :hearts: :vortex: :wave:
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Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

Day 17: For the last time, we watch the sunrise over "our" beautiful Rössmund desert-lodge at Svakopmund!

...We had a long day of driving before us. After breakfast, our group divided into those that will stay with the teachers and fly for 2 days more- and those- DH and I included, that where eager to explore more of Namibia, and visit the Naukluft National Park, especially the famous Sossusvlei- region with the highest dunes in the world (about 300m). Including the most photographed spot of Namibia- Deadvlei... most of our day, we will drive through the Namib desert again, but we will see it in yet unknown forms.

We packed up 3 of the cars. But before we left, "the girls" showed up for a last farewell! SO sweet! :hearts: I so appreciated this explicite "one more last embrace" and -goodbye! I so appreciated to make this picture of Günni and Karin, that I, both, adore so much for what they built and what they offered to us, und who they are. I felt so much love, and deep thankfulness and appreciation for all this "strangers" that have given me so much and touched me so intensely!

A strangely beautiful rock-formation on the side of the dirt road, that shined up in the fog was a perfect excuse to take a firsts small break (together with an adventurous visit of the unique toilette)...

...and on the road again! For hours we drove and so appreciated that almost all the time, the wind blew the dust of the car in front of us sideways... "miracles" can be so small and have such wonderful effect! I so appreciated it, and felt that it also could have been very different. I felt understood and catered to, by "the angels of the Universe" (Abe)!

Somewhen, there started to be a little more to be seen, than sand and nothingness.
Many have told me how impressive the pictures feel where there is such a reduced, clean landscape: Just Earth and Sky. And I agree and I am so thankful to have experienced that! I deeply appreciated it. And, I also felt relief, when there was "more", again!

"Out of the blue" we encounter our very first real African RIVER... not just an empty river-bed, but real water! It felt completely surreal! :lol: There was the urge to laugh and to jump into it! I so appreciate to have experienced THAT, as well.


And then we paused at the sign for the Tropic of Capricorn (the südlicher Wendekreis, where at summer- and winter-solstice the sun is in exact elevation, and all shadows fall exactly under the objects- which I would have LOVED to see!). It was so fun how all our "rainbow-boys" behaved (just as it would be the leaning tower of Pisa) -and shot Selfies on and on! :D I sooo appreciated their joy. I so came to appreciate our mates, no matter what! And I so appreciate Karin who offered to take a picture of us! :hearts:

It felt so exciting to "meet" a lonely ostrich on his way to his buddy- crossing the street in front of us! It felt awesome and blessed to meet a herd of Oryx (the official state-animal of Namibia), who got behind the veterinary fence and ran free besides the street. We where 5 meters close to them. It felt as a gift of Africa itself! How beautiful it feels to observe this fairly unknown animals, see their movements from close up, feel their energy (very calm and peaceful...) Thank you, life, for the timing, for the touching rendezvous!

We had seen the huge nests of whole colonies of weaver birds already when we drove with the bus to Svakopmund. A guide explained later to us, that this colonies start with one single nest of 1 couple of birds. All their offspring will build their nests on, for ever and ever... until the tree breaks down, or a snake eats all the eggs and chicks. In the night, you hear the hundreds of bird-voices chirp, in their tribe-tree! I loved to see such a nest one time from close up- where it looks like a piece of intricate art, instead of an ugly sack! :hearts:

Then we arrived at the quite known road-juncture, gas-station and bakery of "Solitaire". Our cars are supposed to park in the shade of the akazia-trees, under which it is known that the thorns that this trees lose, can prick through steel belt tyres... we felt a bit uncomfortable but our park-guard insisted. 8-) Well, nothing bad happened! And I REALLY appreciate that! ;)

Again, as often in those places, the location gets used to collect vintage car-bodies (probably to decorate it in a way that tourists are attracted). Beloved husband fell in love with this old beautiful MG roadster TC from 1949... when he shared this fact with family in the night (as soon we had internet), our son Heiko -who is coachbuilder and works with classic cars all the time- cheered him on to buy one!! He would help him to restore it. :hearts: :hearts:

Ohhh, wouldn't this be sooo much fun! (But preferentially, I want one with engine and without rust) :D I almost could touch the rocket of desire that formed within the 2 (or 3?) of us!!! :rocket: :lol: I LOVED how this felt!! It was so eager, and happy, and playful, and felt SO FREE!!!
And also, I soooo appreciated to be so close to this amazing cactus-flowers! I never saw such beautiful ones, so very close. It felt a bit as Paradise. It felt like, everything is possible. It felt as a wink from Gods eye. It felt like: ENJOY YOUR LIFE!! GO FOR IT!

...The landscape become more and more mountainous, and the clouds more and more puffy and bold. A huge sand-devil crossed the road in front of our first car. One of our mates shared a story of how powerful this mini- hurricanes still are, and we had goosebumps.

A huge, black thunderhead built right before us, we saw lightnings flash within it. Wow!! The dark stripes in the sky showed, that heavy rainfall was, somewhere, ahead of us. As Europeans, we were not trained at all to realize the Bliss that was happening, here and now! We just shuddered in acknowledgement of the beautiful, potent but also awe-inspiring drama around and before us. But not too much later, we would understand...


We had to drive another hour -through a silvery, lighter and also completely dry sky- until we came to the intersection that showed us we would almost be at our days goal. We had not encountered rain, and I was puzzled about the awesome silver- sky above... I felt blessed by the beauty around me and didn't think too much about it, anymore. I was eager to get out of the car, to see our new lodge-cabin for the next 2 nights, and to possibly eat a bite. I felt so very very very thankful for the amazing, rich, beautiful, intense day, and I am again, when I think about all of it:

Thank you, thank you life!!!

...(while this specific day is still to be continued.)

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Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

Hello dear friends,

I'm "back" alive. I had a severe food-poisoning, and slowly I'm feeling able to do more again than just staring at the ceiling... it was an intense experience for me, and it made me question so very much, that I have not challenged for several reasons for a long time.

Per example, I don't know if I am still inspired to share further, on this Forum.

I want to give up what hinders me to go into a direction that allows me the full satisfaction that I desire... I have no clue yet how this will unfold, but right now it feels strange to just move on in the same way I always did... inspirations will come, eventually.

However this will play out, I thank you for all the love, inspiration and shared fun I found with you! I wish you all so well for what is ahead of us. I am absolutely certain, that Paradise on Earth will be our lived reality, not so very far from now. So, take care and follow your inner guidance of joy and "Paradise"!

So much love to all of you :vortex:
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Post by Jenny Lee »

Paradise-on-Earth wrote: Sun Mar 02, 2025 8:26 am Hello dear friends,

I'm "back" alive. I had a severe food-poisoning, and slowly I'm feeling able to do more again than just staring at the ceiling... it was an intense experience for me, and it made me question so very much, that I have not challenged for several reasons for a long time.

Per example, I don't know if I am still inspired to share further, on this Forum.

I want to give up what hinders me to go into a direction that allows me the full satisfaction that I desire... I have no clue yet how this will unfold, but right now it feels strange to just move on in the same way I always did... inspirations will come, eventually.

However this will play out, I thank you for all the love, inspiration and shared fun I found with you! I wish you all so well for what is ahead of us. I am absolutely certain, that Paradise on Earth will be our lived reality, not so very far from now. So, take care and follow your inner guidance of joy and "Paradise"!

So much love to all of you :vortex:
It will be so nice that you are continually inspired to share further, on this forum. But if you are inspired to go other ways, then just follow your inner guidance.

You inspire so many people. You are such a gem. Thank you so much for what you have been sharing both here and on that old forum.

Best wishes.

But still, it would be really wonderful that your Inner Being keeps calling you to share there.

:grouphug: :vortex:
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Post by spiritualcookie »

I'm glad you're feeling better!

Perhaps you don't have to decide right this red hot minute what you will do forever and ever. You have the freedom to choose every day anew. And if one day you feel inspired to other directions - go in that direction! And if on another day you crave doing an appreciation on here, you have the freedom to follow that heart's desire on that day too. Allow your heart the flexibility to do whatever it desires in the moment and feel the freedom to do as you wish, when you wish :hearts:

The forum is really here to help us all strengthen the satisfaction that we desire rather than to keep us away from it!

Personally, I share on here when I feel inspired; and I'm ok with not posting for a while if I feel inspired to do other things for a while too. But I'm always glad the forum is here should I feel the desire to dip back in again (and I find I almost always do :) I missed it so much when it was gone!).

Whatever you decide I send you lots and lots of love, and appreciation for all the joy, inspiration, interest, help and feeling of friendliness, love and togetherness your posts have given me!

:grouphugs: :in_love: :grouphugs:
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Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

Jenny Lee wrote: Sun Mar 02, 2025 10:06 am It will be so nice that you are continually inspired to share further, on this forum. But if you are inspired to go other ways, then just follow your inner guidance.

You inspire so many people. You are such a gem. Thank you so much for what you have been sharing both here and on that old forum.

Best wishes.
I read this 2 days ago already, and it uplifted me so much. THANK YOU Jenny, from all my heart!
True story is, I'm not so sure that I really "inspire so many people". I would love to, it feels like I came with this calling, and I REALLY want to live it. While- even in the time where the old Forum was croaking, I wasn't so sure anymore that this would be my best place. It was awesome for me to learn and grow- but was it really where I "am meant to be", aka where it feels best to be?

Despite a handful of (wonderful!!) active people, most Forum-members are (and have been) sleepers, they read, they consume what gets offered, but they never share here themselves, offer a compliment, or even a question. I have been feeling very alone in all this years. Yes, I learned to be happy regardless, to not do things for others when it doesn't feel joyful, to not to look for love in all the wrong places, because of that. And that was HUGE for a people-pleaser as me! I am beyond thankful for it! BUT, it also felt as if I would be drained in some slow, sad way. :lol: A bit as a bubbly extrovert in the middle of a huge group of introverts that see no reason to loudly sing, discuss all night, wear glitter, laugh with each other, dance with others, thunder through the skies- or celebrate! While also, this bubbly extrovert knows exactly how introverts feel, as well, and also likes it, a lot... :lol:

BUT, as I said, also I really WANT to interact, co-create and have fun with others.
...I feel that I ought to be a teacher, who- in practicing her unique art openly, "teaches by her example". And I know that I reach a few people with that, here, and that is such a wonderful thing and it SO fills my heart when it happens! Also, I felt a bit as an author, who rarely sells a book, or an actor, who rarely gets applause, no matter how well she performs.

It helps me to finally write that out... "You are where you are", and looking at where I am with full honesty can only make things better, and is the basis of change to what is more wanted. So, I still don't know how this will go on, as a Forum might simply not be the right place for me, in the longer run.
But still, it would be really wonderful that your Inner Being keeps calling you to share there.

:grouphug: :vortex:
Right now I AM inspired to finish a few projects- and to hug and "dance a round" with this loving, caring, generous souls as you, Jenny! Thank you for being, for showing yourself and for reaching out. It means more than you might know! :hearts: :vortex:
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Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

spiritualcookie wrote: Sun Mar 02, 2025 12:16 pm I'm glad you're feeling better!

Perhaps you don't have to decide right this red hot minute what you will do forever and ever. You have the freedom to choose every day anew. And if one day you feel inspired to other directions - go in that direction! And if on another day you crave doing an appreciation on here, you have the freedom to follow that heart's desire on that day too. Allow your heart the flexibility to do whatever it desires in the moment and feel the freedom to do as you wish, when you wish :hearts:
you are so right. :hearts:

And still, it was necessary to come to the point where I really found and saw my wound. Now I can choose new, and better, and with so much more clarity.
The forum is really here to help us all strengthen the satisfaction that we desire rather than to keep us away from it!

Personally, I share on here when I feel inspired; and I'm ok with not posting for a while if I feel inspired to do other things for a while too. But I'm always glad the forum is here should I feel the desire to dip back in again (and I find I almost always do :) I missed it so much when it was gone!).
It's very much the same for me. But while I felt huge pain (I had given so much into it) I also felt a huge relief when the old forum went down and it became clear, that it would stay down, and I almost was in shame about it. Today is the first day where I slowly understand the reason for my deep sadness... I wasn't allowing myself what I desire, and no person, no group of people, no circumstance can heal that.
Whatever you decide I send you lots and lots of love, and appreciation for all the joy, inspiration, interest, help and feeling of friendliness, love and togetherness your posts have given me!

:grouphugs: :in_love: :grouphugs:
You are such an incredibly generous, witty, loving, incredibly wise woman! You have inspired me so much! Thank you for each single interaction... and all your work, that also adds to the richness of my life in so many ways!

:vortex: :in_love: :ta:
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