Quotes on Who and What We Humans Are

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Quotes on Who and What We Humans Are

Post by spiritualcookie »

You are far more than the beings that you perceive through your physical senses
and that you see in your physical bodies.

Each of you has emerged forth from another dimension
from an inner world
from a broader, wiser Inner Being.

And that being is connected to a group of beings
that emerged from another group of beings,
and so on.

While you are here upon the Planet Earth in your physical body,
living this physical life experience,
you are in a sense, a representative from much, much more than only one being.


All of you who are in physical form are connected to all of us who are not in physical form,
and we are all connected to All That Is.

And as you set forth a thought,
literally the entire Universe goes to work to assist you
in the completion of the creation of that thought.

- Abraham Hicks, 1987
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Post by spiritualcookie »

You are a being who has lived thousands of lifetimes,
physical and non-physical.

[You are] one who has gained knowing through all of those life experiences. [...]

[You are] a being who has been evolving through life experiences.

[That is your] broader, wiser, certainly older, Inner Being.

- Abraham
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Post by spiritualcookie »

Many of you will awaken that important part of your awareness to perceive from a broader perspective,
and rather than seeing yourselves only as the physical conscious thinking beings that participate here upon your planet,
you will see yourselves as everlasting, evergrowing beings,
who are only now, temporarily, focused in this brief, though important encounter with physical life.

- Abraham 1988


You have lived many lifetimes,
and from the knowing that you have accumulated through all those life experiences,
you knew the grandness of this particular physical life experience,
and you eagerly made the decision to participate.

- Abraham
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Post by spiritualcookie »

simon wrote: Wed Dec 14, 2022 2:50 pm “We are all love, looking for a place to happen.”
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Post by spiritualcookie »

Blue__Butterflies wrote: Tue Apr 18, 2023 5:58 pmWe are that which you are -
you are more that which we are than you are anything else.
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Post by spiritualcookie »

Blue__Butterflies wrote: Tue Apr 18, 2023 6:19 pm You are Source Energy and mostly you don't know that.
You are Source Energy personified, you are Source Energy in a person;
in a person who has beliefs that hinders your connection to your Source.

You were Nonphysical before you became physical, but even though you’re physical, you're still Nonphysical. Got that?

So, if you accept that there are these two throbbing, thriving aspects of you - human you and Nonphysical You -
and then you begin to understand that there is a relationship between you and You...
We don't want to create split personalities, but we do want you to understand that
there is a You that is sure; there is a You who loves.
And when you're unsure and not loving, you're causing trouble for yourself - not for your Greater Self, for your human self.

Your Inner Being is what we call that Nonphysical Greater Self -
Inner Being just because it's always within you.
And it is certainly beingness, it is consciousness - it is consciousness aware of you. Some of you may want to call it your Soul or your Source.
It existed before part of that consciousness came into this body, and it exists now.
That part of that consciousness is in this body,

But you came as consciousness into this body with absolute free will to create your own reality.

~ Abraham-Hicks
Long Beach, CA 7/28/2018
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Post by spiritualcookie »

Blue__Butterflies wrote: Tue Apr 18, 2023 6:21 pm So, you get it that you are Source Energy,
and you understand that part of you comes forth.

Now, do you understand that the larger part of you remains Nonphysically focused?

In other words, only a part of the Consciousness that is You is here [in your physical realm].

So here you are with this part of Consciousness, and you are expanding.
And when you do, that larger part that is You becomes more.

~ Abraham-Hicks
San Rafael, CA 2/9/2008
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Post by spiritualcookie »

We are Physical Beings because we Intended to Be

HS asks about how to put his focus on the more spiritual, non-physical plane iwhen there are so many things drawing his focus in this physical plane.

You are a physical being in a physical dimension,
intending to live on this plane.

That which you are thinking and doing here in this focused dimension
is that which you are intending to do.

Now, we are encourging a blending fo this conscious physical being with your Inner Being, yes,
but not a focus that is taken from here and put somewhere else.

It is important that you understand that you are in the physical becauase you have INTENDED to be.

And so, do not feel that you are focused where it is not meant to be,
for you have intended to be focused here, you see.
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Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

The power of the Universe is at your fingertips!

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Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

You are powerfully on your path.
And you are just beginning the best part of your life!

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