Blue__Butterflies wrote: Tue Apr 18, 2023 6:22 pm When people ask the question about:
Should they pray? Should they be prayerful?
We say: Most people when they pray are focused upon something wrong,
and really yearning or begging for a solution.
So those prayers are not pure -
There's a lot of resistance in them -
So then they think whoever they're praying to is not hearing them,
Where[as] when you pray with thanks,
now you're focused upon what is working;
Now there's no resistance.
~ Abraham-Hicks
San Francisco 7/24/2016
Quotes on Prayer
- spiritualcookie
- Posts: 3240
- Joined: Sat Dec 02, 2023 10:32 pm
Quotes on Prayer
- spiritualcookie
- Posts: 3240
- Joined: Sat Dec 02, 2023 10:32 pm
How Prayer works:
Your prayer causes you to focus,
and the Law of Attraction causes everything in the Universe
that's in vibrationaly harmony with your focus
to come to you.
- Excerpted from Lincroft, NJ 10/15/96
Your prayer causes you to focus,
and the Law of Attraction causes everything in the Universe
that's in vibrationaly harmony with your focus
to come to you.
- Excerpted from Lincroft, NJ 10/15/96
- Paradise-on-Earth
- Plus Member
- Posts: 4565
- Joined: Sun Dec 17, 2023 9:19 am

DON'T WORRY ABOUT THIS WORLD, it is not broken.
And don't worry about others. You worry more about them, than they do.
There are people waging war; there are people on the battlefield
who are more alive than they've ever been before.
Don't try to protect people from life; just let them have their experience
while you focus upon your own experience.