Realms of Reality - Physical & Non-Physical Realities

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Realms of Reality - Physical & Non-Physical Realities

Post by spiritualcookie »

(See also Non-Abe Quotes on this topic: 1)


As man explores using the conscious physical perspective, he is limited to the discovery of those things that are within that conscious physical realm.

He must step outside his conscious physical perspective in order to view that which is outside of hte conscious physical realm.

The simple process [of meditation] of quieting or ignoring conscious physical perception, allows keener awareness of inner perception. (...)

Your physical perception allows you a wondrous view of life experience, but as you are blending your physical perception with your inner perception, all life experience will be enhanced. (...)

As more conscious physical beings allow themselves to experience that which is beyond the physical, the creative vibration that empowers your planet and empowers All That Is, is increasing, thus altering physical life experience.

- Abraham, 1987
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Post by spiritualcookie »

Blue__Butterflies wrote: Tue Apr 18, 2023 6:04 pm

In one sense, this [physical] world is an illusion
when you understand that it’s all Energy that has been manifested.
But when you are standing in the midst of the manifestation
with all the tactile, tangible evidence of it,
to call it illusion is to distort what it has become.

And yet, it is not inaccurate to call it an illusion because it is all vibration.

What you see with your eyes is an interpretation of vibration,
and what you hear with your ears and smell with your nose and feel with your fingertips and taste with your tongue, these are vibrational interpreters. (...)

So, as you have evolved to these species who interpret vibration in the way that you do,
this reality that you conjure is a reality.

In other words, whether you call it a tangible reality or a manifestational reality
is really not so important.
It is a very real experience.
Whether you call it a real illusion or whether you call it a reality,
you’re having exposure to these experiences.

And when billions of you concur or have similar experiences,
then the reality is that much more tangible.



People say to us all the time
“Abraham, I’m wanting to have this rapture;
I’m wanting to have this experience where I do not die,
where my physical body goes with me.”

And we say, and what will you do with a physical body in a Nonphysical dimension?

And they’ve never really thought about that
because they’re not thinking it through. (...)

Nothing that is matter ever leaves this Universal sphere in which you are living,
it just continues to reconstitute itself; i
t continues to take on new form
as the Nonphysical Energy addresses it. (...)

But this physical body will one day have that which you call death,
and it will remain - the matter of this physical body will remain for centuries for those who dig it up, who look at it.

Even if you are ashes in a can, that physical body of yours will remain a part of the physical context of this time/space reality
because you came forth from Nonphysical and you expanded into this physicality,
and once something exists it does not cease to exist.
But it constantly changes forms.

~ Abraham-Hicks
Boca Raton, FL 11/5/2005
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Post by spiritualcookie »

Blue__Butterflies wrote: Tue Apr 18, 2023 6:05 pmAnd as the world says, “Face the facts,” say,
“Those are your facts, We’re each the creator of our facts.”

And they say, “Look at reality!” Say,
“Reality is a product of our thought. That’s your reality.
Why should I allow someone else’s evidence [into my reality if it doesn't serve me]?”

~ Abraham-Hicks
San Antonio, TX 5/24/1991

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Post by spiritualcookie »

When someone says you're not being realistic about something, and they offer you their "realistic" perspective that negates what you want, what's a good comeback to them?

Abraham: What is your intent in "coming back?"
[If it is] to stimulate them to the knowing that you have come to, this is what you would say:

"I have come to know that my realism holds me right here,
for if I will only allow what is presently real in my experience,
then I will never grow beyond it.
And so, I have decided to forget about current reality
and to think about future reality.
And hte future holds much more for me than the present,
for I am getting better at creating every day."

And the one who is seeking will say, "... What?!"

- Abraham
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Post by spiritualcookie »

Are there parallel physical realities?

Indeed, there will be many realities,
for there are not two of you who are anticipating precisely the same thing.
And you are right: That which you are envisioning,
that which you are thinking about, is that which you will attract. (...)

You are currently experiencing on many levels.
In other words, you are currently a multidimensional being,
participating in many dimensions simultaneously, as you are here.
And so, as you are focused here, and this is the dimension in which the earth changes are occurring,
the you that is here will experience them.
The other parts of you may or may not,
depending upon how connected they are to you in this focused state, you see?

- Abraham
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Post by spiritualcookie »

There are limitations to our creative power over physical reality

You have entered into many agreements as you came to [this physical reality on] Planet Earth.

You have agreed to experience gravity.
You have agreed to experience physicalness.
You see, in your Non-physical dimension you merge in and out with one another.
Here you bang together.
There are many things that you do from the Non-physical dimension that you do not do in the physical,
and changing the shifting of the Earth is just one of those, you see. (...)
[You cannot] intend that the sun will not come up in the morning,
and intend that winter will not come in this year. (...)
And your Inner Being is complete with that.

- Abraham, 1988


Q. We have set physical laws... can we change those physical laws?

Abraham: Indeed. Not all at once.

Q. As we accept that we can?

Abraham: Indeed. You are part of the changing of a physical law. (...)

Perhaps one day you will not have so much gravity.
Perhaps one day you will be able to blend your physical beings as you blend your Inner Beings, perhaps in your lifetime, if you are wanting it, and believing it.

- Abraham
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Post by spiritualcookie »

Hotseater asks about out of body experiences, to enable humans to experience non-physical reality whilst in this physical reality..

Are you knowing how much you wanted to be in that body?
Out of body experiences are interesting to us,
for we are knowing how much you wanted to be in that body,
and so it interests us as you are trying to get out of it all the time!
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Post by spiritualcookie »

Hotseater asks whether in non-physical reality there is a hierarchy of non-physical beings.

There is not a hierarchy in the way that you are thinking that there is.
There is just constant evolvement.
There is no ending to growth you see.
And there is not someone keeping score abotu hwo well you are doing.
And there is no judgement or comparison.
There is just joyous life experience.

Hotseater: I just heard that [there is the] "Planetary Logos"...

Abraham: He is the "greatest one of them all?"

Hotseater: Yes.

Abraham: Indeed. There are many of those. What else? (Group laughter)

[Abraham have previously said that lots of channeled non-physical beings claim to be the wisest, greatest ones of them all and it is no indication that they actually are.]
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Post by spiritualcookie »

Many people... find it difficult not to observe what is happening around them [in their physical reality];
and the problem with being such a tenacious observer [of What Is] is that
when you are observing unwanted things,
you are at the same time attracting more unwanted things.

But there are positive aspects to seeing what you do not want:
Whenever you see something you do not want,
you automatically send a rocket of desire outward,
for you always know more clearly what you DO want
when you are seeing something you do not want.

As you are observing those things in your work environment that seen unfair or unjust or inappropriate,
you are, in those moments, creating a Vibrational Escrow of an improved work environment.
And your Inner Being has now focused its attention upon those improvements.

The negative emotions that you are feeling arise because YOU are still focused upon the unwanted What Is, while your Inner Being has moved on to the thought of improvement.

- Abraham
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Post by spiritualcookie »

What is it like when Body-less Non-Physical Beings Interact Together?

"Many of us gathered here", in Non-physical dimension, cannot be literally translated into your physical perspective, because we are different than you are. We are not contained in bodies, and we are more flexible in our movement.

When we say "gathered together", we do not mean that we have gathered around in a comfortable old room to chat about our physical friends of the Earth plane. We are literally merging, one with another, as many smaller lights may join together to cast a brighter beam.



Physical joys are there to enhance our state of being

There are many wonderful things of a physical nature for you to explore and experience and enjoy.
And we do acknowledge the beauty and the deliciousness of your physical world.
For all of the physical stuff of your world exists for one purpose only,
and that is for the enhancement of your "state of being".

- AH


There are no boundaries in non-physlcal

As physical beings you readily identify boundaries and limits within your physical realm.
But from our perspective there are no boundaries or limits.
There is no guard at our gate of our glorious state of being, monitoring and evaluating and deciding who enters or leaves,
for the gathering is a natural process of like attracting like.
Those who are not currently wanting or seeking that which we are about - simply exist in another state of being.

- AH


Physical & Non-Physical are Linked

Physical and non-physical dimensions are intricately intertwined, and cannot be separated.

Physical life, as you know it to be, could not exist without the existence of the Non-physical dimension, Energy, support and knowledge.

Physical Earth is a product of the attention and knowledge of the Non-physical dimension.


Indeed, contact between physical and Non-physical is certainly not something that is new that we are now excitedly explaining to you, for countless tales of ghostly encounters, unexplainable happenings and divine revelations abound in your physical archives.

Physical man has long been receiving inspiration, intuition and eleven clear communication from that which he absolutely acknowledged was separate and apart from his own conscious physical mind.

- Abe


Why is there skepticism in our world about Non-physical?

Physical man has been interacting with the Non-physical dimension for as long as physical man has existed, and his experiences have varied tremendously as his perspective and expectations have changed. (...)

There are accountings of wide ranges of experiences as physical man has been interacting with the Non-physical dimension, and much as been written and expressed about it, and much confusion and sketpticism has emerged.

The confusion exists largely because of the comparison of many conflicting details as physical man tries very hard to wedge a variety of different experiences into a handful of conclusions.

As physical beings who depend almost entirely upon physical evidence to support your beliefs, you find yourself in an uncomfortable position as you explore this Non-physical area, seemingly devoid of any physical evidence.

Rather than trying to understand the experience of others,
rather than trying to unravel the never-ending thread of experience from the perspective of all others -
we encourage you to give a larger part of your attention to your own personal life experiences.
For within that which you are living, runs a thread of perfect consistency.

By observing your own life experience, you will gain understanding of the absolute, consistent Laws of the Universe.

You cannot, no matter how much effort or time you offer, see through the eyes of another. Therefore, you cannot conclude for another. But as you are evaluating you, and that which touches you, you will gain absolute insight into everything in the Universe as it relates to you.

- Abe

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