Nothing just comes upon you

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Nothing just comes upon you

Post by Blue__Butterflies »

Nothing just comes upon you…whatever is manifesting is the result of a pretty steady vibration before it manifests. And the same with dreams (not as much with dreams)but the same with dreams. So, if you are relaxed in your willingness to let your dream bring you a message of vibration, and you’re not uncomfortable…in other words, if you say, “Oh, I hope I don’t have any dreams that point out that my vibration is not where I want it to be,” that will keep you from recalling your dreams. But if you say instead, “My dreams are so helpful in helping me to see things that I might not be able to see as clearly without them,” now you’re queuing yourself up for more recall of your dreams.
It’s very helpful when you put yourself in your bed at night to acknowledge, “I’m going to withdraw my consciousness from this time-space reality, and I’m going to re-emerge into non-physical, and I’m going to have glimpses into the relationship between me and Me. And I want to remember them when I wake up. So it’s my intention when I wake up to remember anything that’s meaningful.” Then, when you open your eyes, lay there and let the first thought that comes to your mind be, “Did I dream?” And lie there for a little while until you reel it all in. Sometimes you just get a little piece, but stay there until the dream begins to come back into your recollection. And as it comes wafting back, say to yourself, “What really matters here is how I was feeling in this dream,” because the emotion that you felt in the dream is the true indicator of the vibration that you have going on.
When something manifests, whether it’s in what you call your real life experience or your dream state, and you are looking at the manifestation of it – maybe it’s not enough money and too many bills, or maybe it’s a physical condition, or maybe it’s an argument that you just had with someone, some manifestation (and when you think about it, everything that you are living is a manifestation…you’re living the manifestation of your financial wherewithal, you’re living the manifestation of your accumulation of stuff…everything that you are living is a manifestation) – here’s the thing we want you to hear: It’s a vibrational indicator, period. You call it reality, you call it manifestation, you call it real life, and we want to call it a vibrational indicator because we know that you could have twelve deadly diseases (which are only vibrational indicators of chronic thought), and that you could change the thought, and the vibrational indicators would have to change, too. In other words, the manifestation will change after the vibration changes. And so if you look at it as an indicator, you don’t go to the gas station with your tank on empty and just lay your head on the steering wheel and sob in defeat, “Oh! Look what I’ve come to!” because know you can do something about that indicator. And we want you to realize that every indication is the same thing.
So, when you realize that everything that you are living is an indication of vibration, and you stop and say, “How does this indication feel to me?” so that you isolate from whatever is happening how you feel, once you’re able to do that, then you can begin to notice that feeling and you can recognize how that feeling has been showing up in your experience. And as you recognize how that feeling has been showing up in your experience, then you realize you have some other options – how you could have turned it there and turned it there and turned it there – so that you could come to a different culmination.
That’s the way we would utilize dreams. If we had a dream and it felt just euphoric, we’d say, “Whatever I have going on is good, and I’m going to keep thinking and speaking pretty much as I have been because I’m really on the right track relative to this.” But if you have a dream that is upsetting, and you’re able to isolate what the emotion was, and you are able to acknowledge, “Yeah, I’ve been feeling that way about that, and I’ve been feeling that way about that, and I’ve been feeling that way about that,” then you can do something about that incrementally.
~ Abraham-Hicks
Orlando, FL 11/10/2007
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