I love to be satisfied. And I love to be eager for more!

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Re: I love to be satisfied. And I love to be eager for more!

Post by MonetImpressed »

I absolutely LOVE this, in particular:

" I dared to DREAM BIG. I promised myself when I was very young, to never ever quit loving my dreams and desires! No matter what church said, what society preached and condemned, what family thought would be reasonable or even wise. I was stubborn. :lol: "

To follow our hearts and passions because we know what is the best path for us is our greatest gift! To follow our impulses, and to grin at the dance of life!

I had the most beautiful walk with my fox-red Labrador earlier; well, two walks - one in the morning, one in the evening. The morning walk was resplendent with dew-kissed grass and a very happy Labrador bounding along, completely following her own heart! She did not want to stop sniffing things, she did not want to stop eating grass, and I thought 'good on you, you beautiful independent spirit - you are a lesson for all of us.'

I feel blessed and appreciative for today, and now it is time to prepare a delicious meal. No doubt the Labrador will be after some for herself, and she has the most beautiful soul-deep brown eyes, and the most glorious rusty red hue to her coat. How I love her!
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Re: I love to be satisfied. And I love to be eager for more!

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

So beautiful, and poetic, and touching! :hearts: Thank you!
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Re: I love to be satisfied. And I love to be eager for more!

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

I have to, once more, rampage on cruising! :hearts:
Cruising is calling me big time, every day, in this days. And I SO appreciate it. I am satisfied to feel my calling! I am satisfied, to have a desire that is so wide awake within me. This feels SO SWEET.

I love being in contact with my yet unfulfilled desire!
I love being aware of what I want, and loving my desire, and enjoying my desire and going after it, and enjoying the "journey" of googling about it, and reading catalogues, and dreaming upon itineraries. And being so eager when I found something that especially sparks my desire! It feels SO eager and alive! And so sweet, sweet, sweet!!

I love to watch youtube clips from different travelers, who all have their unique lovable styles! I love hearing from them about the unique styles of the shipowning companies! I love to become an expert on who caters to what, in which way. I ADORE the incredible variety of options! I love that there are really different styles according from the countries where the shopwners are based!

It satisfies me so deeply that you can explore the oceans and coasts of this whole world in elegant French style, with unique French food, and French entertainment. Or with overflowing mediterranean zest for life, partying and thousands of children that run around and yell, all day long, like in Italy. Or British poshness. Or with German perfectionism and care for the tiniest detail. Or with American lovely relaxation... it all has it's wonderful calling upsides that I am so eager to explore them, all!

I am SO incredibly satisfied with the fantastic variety of ships, that are open to be booked!! I am thrilled to explore the river cruises, to begin with one. I am wowed that they rebuilt the old paddlewheelers that once cruised the Mississippi, with all the beautiful details, up to one indeed running on steam. I am SO eager to explore "the South" on the American Riverqueen! And I smile inside by learning, that the paddlewheels- perfect for shallow rivers- are now used in very modern vessels in Europes shallower rivers as well, as the Elbe or the Moldau, on their way to Berlin or Prague. Ohhh, I am so satisfied about the fact, that we can explore Germany not only on the famous Rhine or Danube, but crisscrossing in the East as well. I am so eager though, to travel on the Danube down to the Black Sea and seeing some of the most fascinating Capitals as Vienna (Austria), Bratislava (Slowakia), Budapest (Hungary), Belgrade (Serbia), and Bukarest (Romania).

I am so satisfied to see that I could book a small slow houseboat in the United Kingdom or the Netherlands, and explore the canals all on my own! I am so satisfied and eager at the same time to see how many slides and laser tags and flying-pads and bells and whistles there are on the modern Megaships that carry up to 7000 passengers all at once. I see me with all my grandsons and my extended family on one of them, I see our all eyes glistening while we run carts against each other, in the Inner Passage on our way to Alaska, along "my" home coast, where I got born.

"This would be so nice!"

I am SO SATISFIED that all this options are there! I am in awe to see that I could explore the holy Ganges river in India. Or the Nile, including the pyramids, with classic river- sailboats, where you live on elegant decks in the shadow, while the world glides by. Or almost the whole Amazon, through the rainforests, in a luxurious expedition-ship! Speaking of expeditions, I could explore the Arctic and Antarctic seas and coasts and sail along northern Russia, at least in theory! And I am so eager for this option, opening up once more!! I am so eager to see the Baltic area, to cruise through the Panama- and the Suezcanal... and sail on paths that I never before even thought about. AND, I can book a cruise on a hundred years old luxury yacht, and watch the famous regattas in the Carribbean at St. Barth, or in the Mediterranean, at Saint Troupez... I can watch the crew rig the sails, and feel and sense and hear the boat cut through the waters! Ohhh, ohhhh, this is SO wonderful! I am SOOOOO eager for this!

I SO LOVE my dreams! I LOVE the satisfaction of being in such passionate contact with my desires. And I am sooo eager, to follow their path and to enjoy the journey... until I get there and live it fully wholly physically! IT IS ALL SOOOO GOOD!!!

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Re: I love to be satisfied. And I love to be eager for more!

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

breakfast-picnic in the car, on a free day...

It is Saturday, and also an officially free day! DH and I use those to pack a basket and have our breakfast out in nature, in our car... on a hilltop, or looking at a lake, enjoying sunrise and the mists that rise out of the forests.
This sooo satisfying!
This feels so in tune with nature, and with peace, and with being in love, in a blessed country. I feel so thankful for it. It is as a service to God, inside out, thankful, touched, in awe, deeply deeply appreciating!

Discovering "resistance" on our path :D :dance:

We found a tree blocking our path, a winding dirt road, in a beautiful forest. We had mighty storms the last days, and this tree must have broken the last night... which is such an awesome opportunity to NOT turn around, but to find a way to "a beautiful solution"! I am SO satisfied when life throws challenges in my path, that just call for adventure, and a new approach, and a clearer focus, and for FEELING ALIVE in the process!! I am so satisfied to have an adventurous mate! I am so satisfied to own a Jeep which is SO capable of doing nonsense like this!

I LOVED hopping out and watching from outside, as DH drove the Jeep up the muddy, steep hill, and through old tree stumps and across brittle branches, and I was SO SATISFIED taking a small video with which I could share the adventure with family, and I LOVED the triumphant feeling when the Jeep was back on the road on the other side. :D This all feels SO GOOD!!! Bless those resistances, that feel so much more lively than an open road! :lol: :lol: :lol:

AND, I am eager for open roads. In myriads of ways! I adore taking the times to turn problems around into chances and triumphs and wins, and JOY. And I adore the thundering along of an open path! I LOVE driving fast, and being fast, and "flying high"! It is ALL so good!!

I am so so so thankful for all of it. THANK YOU, LIFE!!

The landscape of this morning... my home county
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Re: I love to be satisfied. And I love to be eager for more!

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

...talking of our beloved Jeep, I am inspired to the next rampage :hearts:
I am soooo SATISFIED with this car! It, at first, was "just" the absolute dreamcar of my husband. When we bought it, it was a feast of figuring out what was possible with this astonishing car! :D
I was amazed! It gave us SUCH a sense of freedom! It was such a liberation. It was such fun!! It was sooooo satisfying!

our fantastic roof-tent on top of the Jeep...

Then, be borrowed our sons roof tent and started to do amazing roadtrips in the Alps, completely liberated from the need to find hotels or all the fuss that goes with regular camping. It was freedom, freedom FREEDOM! And it felt so GOOD.

While I now love myself to drive the Jeep every day, I also am eager for more... as for my beloved convertible, that croaked 4 years ago. my youngest son, a mechanic, promised to rebuild it's engine which became a true challenge du to several reasons. Right now, he is ALMOST there. :) But the car is old, the parts are to be made all on our own, and nobody knows when it REALLY will be done! In the meantime, I dream about it!

my beloved BMW Z3

I remember the silence, in which we drove through nature, almost nothing that shielded us from the world around us, the mists of the morning chilled our faces, the sun kissed our skin, the car was so hush, that animals never shied away. It was almost a magic carpet ride. It felt SO OPEN AND FREE!!! It felt so awesome. It felt as being one with the world.

I look forwards to, again, drive my beautiful tiny car in every weather (maybe just not in heavy rain), in every season, in the snow, in the spring- smelling the lilac bushes, and then, autumn leaves raining on us. At every time of the day, OPEN.
I am eager to be "outside" so much, once more! I am eager to feel the wind and the summer heat and the night. I am eager to hold out my hands and "touch" the world. It was SO WONDERFUL! And I am so eager to do it, again!

:D AND I am even eager to drive or even own, even more fantastic convertibles as those, that our sons opened the paths for us to testdrive. They captured my heart. I want more, more more! More of this beauty. More of this thrilling technical inventions. More!

being able to sit in one of my absolute dreamcars, a stunning vintage Mercedes SL 300, worth several millions

driving a beautiful and powerful modern Mercedes SL

Ohhh, I am so satisfied where I am!!!
I am soooo thankful that life "pushed" me here. I had not chosen on purpose where I am now. But my, HOW GOOD IT IS!! I would not give that up for nothing. Thank you thank you life!!!
And I am so eager for more!!
And it is SUCH JOY to dream it up, to remember, to plan, and to KNOW it will come. To milk the goodness, the beauty, the joy I want to have physically- but doing it now, unconditionally, and FEELING the joy already. Oh, Life is incredibly rich! THANK YOU, THANK YOU LIFE!

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Re: I love to be satisfied. And I love to be eager for more!

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

I feel so satisfied, as I know, really deeply KNOW, what I care for and what not. I care for what feels good to me, and I don't care for what feels less than good to me. :D And while I KNOW it, sometimes the old paradigm still is within me and I feel shame to act upon it, and that's ok. It will fade! :hearts: I may take my time. I may go slowly. I may be NICE to myself.

I am so satisfied that Kryon (channeled by Lee Carol) gave the word "CARE" as operative word for 2024.

I LIKE TO CARE! I like to be cared for. I like to understand care. I like that Kryon prophesized, that in this new year, we all will learn to care in the right ways! I love how Abe has explained care (see the long quote below. I am so satisfied to be so close to God in all its beautiful forms (as Kryon or Abe or Bashar or whoever!) I love to hear my guidance so clearly, in myself or others. EVERYWHERE.

I am so satisfied to think about people that I would have judged before in a way, that I really care about their wellbeing. I like to entertain the idea, that they would CARE. I feel so satisfied in trusting the Goodness of the source, that holds the power. I trust in myself who I hold my power. I trust. I care. I love to care. And I love to not care about where I have no power. I am eager to see how this year will go, in CARE. I am eager to see deliberately, how people start choosing care over needing to be cared for. I am really eager to see the beauty that will come when we all CARE for ourselves. When politicians really start CARING. When we want to see and hear others, we really start to CARE from our hearts.

CARE is trust in goodness. Instead of fear! It is care for ourselves and the light for the others, deeply, wholly, lovingly. TRUSTINGLY. CARE.

This is so clear! So good. So very very simple- and easy, and light. IT FEELS SO SWEET AND GOOD.
Thank you, life!!

I don't care....

What do you mean, "you don’t care"?
-Well, I don’t mean I don’t care about anything, because there are a lot of things I do care about. I care about feeling good. And I care about clarity.
I care about being in the receptive mode.
I care about being an uplifter. I care about presenting all of myself in any moment in time. I care about being of value. I care about feeling good. I care about this magnificent environment.
I care about what’s in my vortex. I care about what’s in your vortex. I care about everything that you desire. I care about all good things coming to me, and to you. I care about us all living happily ever after.
But what I don’t care about are conditions that I cannot control. What I don’t care about are things that take me out of my alignment. What I don’t care about, meaning I don’t have momentum about it anymore.
I don’t care, it’s not a hook for me. It’s not a knee jerk response to me. I’ve trained myself to care about what infuses me, not what diffuses me. I care about what lifts me, not about lowers me.
I care about what feels good, not about what doesn’t feel good. I care about alignment. I care about being an extension of Source. I care about fulfilling my reason for being here. I care about being in this world, and not necessarily only of this world.
I care about the whole of me being present in this moment. I care about all who have gone before me, and all they have come to know, and all they do now know and all that they are now presenting to me.
I care about the revelation that’s constantly coming to me, and I care about being in the receptive mode of that. I care about being on the leading edge. I care about contributing in positive ways. I care about feeling good, and I care about others feeling good.
But what I don’t care about is that which I cannot control. And what I can’t control is everything that is conditional, and what I can control is everything that is unconditional.
I can control the way I feel, I’ve practiced it. I can hold a steady vibration. I can stay in vibrational sync with who I am. I can present the whole of myself, in this time space reality, in any situation.


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Re: I love to be satisfied. And I love to be eager for more!

Post by simon »

It's so sweet and heartwarming to see and read about your exciting journeys in life, thank you for sharing :) :romance-heartbeating:
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Re: I love to be satisfied. And I love to be eager for more!

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

simon wrote: Mon Jan 08, 2024 10:50 am It's so sweet and heartwarming to see and read about your exciting journeys in life, thank you for sharing :) :romance-heartbeating:
:hearts: :hearts: :hearts: Thank you!!!
You have no idea how the energy of you, and those like you adds to the energy that I feel, when I rampage on this Forum. SO much more and faster vibe than doing it alone!
This Forum is such a blessed "place"...

:text-thankyouyellow: :text-thankyoublue: :romance-grouphug: :romance-heartspink:
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Re: I love to be satisfied. And I love to be eager for more!

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

I am soooo satisfied to have "found" (or did it find me?) a version of God that I feel so totally, happily, awesomely connected with! When I think of God today, I feel a huge, golden, warm happy "YESSSS" within me.

I am so satisfied that there was huge contrast for me that taught me to SO MUCH appreciate this! :D Oh my. WHAT A CONTRAST IT HAD BEEN. My mother became (...was?...) a fundamental catholic. She chose the idea- or maybe the fear of- of a vengeful God over love, or me, or her family, her grandchildren and great-grandchildren, for decades. My grandparents who raised me, were atheists. They chose to shed their religious upbringing and not believe at all. I deeply appreciate that I saw this all. I saw the love in their eyes, and I saw the fear and the doubt creep in. I saw the difference of their light, when they were ITV, or OOTV. I saw what happened when life happened... I saw what people fear who don't KNOW the greater love, the greater clarity, the greater light that could hold and soothe and secure them.

I am so incredibly thankful that it is different for me!
I SO LOVE to KNOW God, in so much of it's ease and lightness and sweetness and joy and KNOWINGNESS that all, ALL is really good. I KNOW God that is never ever vengeful, but understands deeper than I ever could.
I KNOW that I am known through and through, and never judged, but loved and cheered on, and understood completely. And that feels soooo good! It feels so safe. So sweet. So applauded and seen. So fully wholly LOVED. This is so satisfying! So satiating. So... blessed.

(my mother, 40 years ago...)

I appreciate that I saw my mothers love in her eyes, NO MATTER WHAT. I saw her fun and her eagerness and her light! I saw it vanish, and I still hope and hold an open place in my heart that I will see it again. That there might be a miracle. And if it is not on earth, I know it'll be beyond! I KNOW who she truly is and I will never leave that behind. I am eager to be lead where I can see it again.

I am eager to be lead into a stance where I see it, NOW. Unconditionally. I am eager to feel the love between us once more. I am eager to feel that my mother understands, too, what I am about! I am eager to hear her laugh about it! And it might be now, because she has an IB that certainly laughs NOW, with me. :hearts:

I am eager for more! I am eager for healing and resurrection. I am eager to believe it so deeply, that it fully can happen. I am eager to be open in that big way. I am eager for source to lead me there! I am eager to live who I REALLY am. I am eager to become whole, in this way!


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Re: I love to be satisfied. And I love to be eager for more!

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

I love to realize again and again: I literally, really, AM the center of MY Universe! I love pondering that MY Universe MUST revolve around me. As I create *MY* own reality.
I love to relax into the wonderfully good feeling resonance when I hear, that everything that is, is FOR me. Even the contrast, or lets say: ESPECIALLY the contrast. It is here to serve me. I came for that stuff.

I am satisfied to realize how much I am guided (I did that!!) in even seemingly small things- as that I was so NOT attracted to certain youtube-channels, in the time of the pandemic, that I now REALLY enjoy watching. I watched an old episode where somebody spoke of the predictions that were made about 2022 and 2023 (which all not became true). Oh my, they would have burnt me if I would have watched them, then!

I SO appreciate, I feel SOOOOO satisfied with my guidance, that is FOR ME! That leads me, guides me, around and through stuff that unneccessarily would hurt me. But also, that guides me right into contrast that I want to grow and build what I truly want- even if I would never never have picked it on purpose. :lol:
I sooo appreciate that, I feel so cozy and loved and understood and thankful in it! I feel so SATISFIED in it!

I feel satisfied, with the "small" life that I am leading in the moment. I cook, I love, I watch the world go by, I research what fascinates me, I train myself in awareness and unconditional joy. IT FEELS SO SATISFYING. So FREE. SO RICH!
It is so strange, because I always dreamt of having a very busy life, a huge platform, and interacting with the whole world to share my wisdom and my insights...


...And now I seem to be "disabled" and SO MUCH of what I have planned did not go as I thought it should. I was having a lot of problems with this, for decades. It seemed that God was out to lunch. It seemed that I would NOT create the life I wanted. :D And there were many who tried to shame and blame me about that, pointing their fingers about what a lousy creator I was, and no teacher at all, because, obviously, I did it all wrong. Which, of course, was a perfect mirror of what *I* myself believed about me, then!

But, truly, what all of this did, was clean me from what did not serve me. It was me, needing to shed all the "musts" and "shoulds" and "have to". I would have fought for them to the end (and almost did!) :lol: But my life, that is always always always FOR ME, held me where I needed to be. Taught me what I NEEDED to know and what I needed to master to live not less than PARADISE.

Because, truly, THAT is what I came for.
Not less. Not fake. Not make-believe. My life held me where I needed to be, to GET TO WHERE I TRULY WANT TO BE. Insisted on me, going deep and deeper, through and through. It did not allow me to stay shallow, but to UNDERSTAND. And to then, deliberately offer my thought from a VERY VERY pure stance. It feels soooo satisfying! It feels pure. It feels solid. It feels unshakeable. It feels totally unconditional. It feels incorruptible! It feels SO GOOD!!!

I am there, in Paradise. Every day. And I don't care that others might not see a bit of it! *I* see it, I feel it, I know it, I FEEL SO SATISFIED in it! And I am soooo eager to see what there is to come, yet- while I KNOW, it will stun me even more. It will satisfy me even deeper. It will be "only" more of Paradise, now, now now, now! More, more more! :hearts:

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