Easy Matches

This new forum is created and a focus for those that want to participate with the study of Abraham-Hicks in their many books and processes.
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Re: Easy Matches

Post by Tara »

I am so happy…
I feel so blessed ❤️
It was wonderful
The best…
Thank you Universe 💜
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Re: Easy Matches

Post by Tara »

I have just easy matched… I brought myself in such a good place but then I thought maybe it is a bit personal…
And then my post disappeared as I had to re- login again…

Things are always working out for me.

Even this is an easy match ❤️
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Re: Easy Matches

Post by Tara »

Easy Matches ❤️
- I love sitting in this cafe with my flatmate.
- I love listening to the gentle piano music they are broadcasting.
- I love being aware how many things have worked out for me, for her, for many other friends I know this year.
- It feels like there was a wave of Wellbeing
- I appreciate this place.
- I appreciate that it is a peaceful place where people focus.
- This is a perfect moment.
- This is a cafe I wrote some dreams early this year that came to fruition.
- I love this moment.
- I love to take time to be aware of matches
- I love to take some time to dream 💭
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Re: Easy Matches

Post by Tara »

2024.... Easy matching as I go through days...

- Today I matched with this good feeling thought. I thought about all the easy matches, synchronicities and then I thought to myself:

~ I am a good ATTRACTOR ~

- This thought felt so good. I am a good attractor. I have a good point of attraction. Wonderful!

- I wanted this particular yoga teacher to teach me. She will be my teacher from 2024 :) That was an easy match.
- I wanted to find Abe forum. I matched with the idea to google: Abraham Hicks forum instead. That was an easy match.
- I wrote AbrahamNow and they read my question (of course, advising that I hold the power of where my life will go in my focus). It was an easy match to get on the "online hot seat".
- Before this Abraham came to my dream and picked me up on the hot seat, and gave me an answer to my other question. That was an easy match.
- I continue easy matching with numbers on the clock. I love love love this!
- I am loved
- I am seen
- I am understood
- I am known
- I am answered
- I am the centre of my Universe

All is really well
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Re: Easy Matches

Post by Tara »

I love the new impulse of energy I received through the meditation on the New Years.
I love feeling that energy today.
I love feeling inspired.
I love feeling newness.
I love that I am inspired to cook :)
I love my soup that I cooked today.
I love my couscous with veggies.
I love this beautiful rose that still blossoms.
I love my tea, it tastes so nice.
I love that he texts me once in a while.
I love that we had a good day.
I love that we are free to choose our matches.
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Re: Easy Matches

Post by Tara »

Easy Matches of NOW
- I like feeling like today is a new day.
- I like that it is bright and sunny outside and my room is filled with light. I love light.
- I like that I received an inspiration to drink Canneynne pepper and my body feels so much better.
- I like this tea.
- I like that this girl responded to me.
- I like that I am taking a few sec to focus on the good.
- I like the new born desire in me to become happy 😊
- I want to be a happy woman.
- I want to feel happy frequently.
- I want to radiate happiness.
- I want to easy match a happy life
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Re: Easy Matches

Post by Tara »

- I am so glad I did not escalate my outside the vortex feelings, they come and go, and come and go…
- I do have “reason” to feel this way, yet it’s 2024 and try to remind myself I’m vibrational being first and foremost.. the goal is to feel better and not worse
- I am glad I allowed myself to feel bad but did not add to it by talking…
And then easy matches appeared:
- I did some breathing techniques and received a different feeling of the stick;
- Still aware of the contrast, but vibrationally started feeling better
- And then he called and he was in a good mood and because I felt better I did not feel like bringing up contrast and we had a nice conversation 💜
- That was easy as I felt so much better
- That was easy as I was more aware of the love
- That was easy and we even had some laughs
- That was easy as my tendencies were reduced and the conversation went smooth…

Easy matching as I go…
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Re: Easy Matches

Post by Tara »

Easy matches as I go..
- I like that he said he misses me
- I like that he was in a good mood
- I like that we laughed a bit
- I like that he offered to stuff together
- I like the good feeling energy he shared
- I like his optimism
- I like that I did my practice
- I like that I went for a walk
- I like my flatmate
- I like her energy
- I like that things continually working out for me

All is really well

💜 Soothing is solving 💜
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Re: Easy Matches

Post by Tara »

Easy Matches
- I like my “Yogi Tea”. I like the taste and I like each teabag has a statement. This one has: “Compassion is your strength”
- I like that the work in the morning was not busy and I could do my practice.
- I like that he came with me to do a viewing. He is wonderful.
- I like that I found a note written 5 years ago where I sent him a picture and I wrote to myself, I sent a beautiful picture to my friend. He is my friend and much more. I am so happy to have him in my life.
- I liked the place I viewed today.
- It had so many easy matches: the room was large, plants everywhere, little crystals, good energy, nice ambience, cozy little room with TV. Perfect.
- I had a lovely rendezvous with the guy who works in our local shop, I asked him to put my stuff in two bags. He said sure, do not worry we do not charge for bags, we just charge a smile :) then he recommended me to take 4 soups instead of 2 as they had an offer.
- I like rendezvousing with nice people.
- I saw another heart today in a meaningful moment.
- I also had so much fun with “Soothing is solving” game. I even googled it and found one persons blog (he is also Abrahamer) that was fun !
- I love easy matching as I go…
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Re: Easy Matches

Post by Tara »

As I finished typing (here while sitting in the kitchen), my eyes looked at the buckwheat’s box and it has written “Livingood” v is in heart shape 💜

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