Past generations have lived contrast that launched rockets of desires that future generations, even those like you, are now living.
And it’s a wonderful thing that has happened, because when they asked, now you are receiving the benefit of it.
But we want to say to you, you can ask, and you can be the recipient of what you’re asking for.
You don’t have to launch things into your grandchildren’s experience and deprive yourself of them now, you see.
The reason that the grandchildren will benefit by the launched rockets that you’ve set forth is because they’re born with no resistance to the rockets that you’ve launched forth.
You’ve seen those little ones on computers? They have no problem with that. They were born with computers in their life. They’re born cable-ready.
They’re already up to speed with what you’ve launched into vibrational future.
~ Abraham-Hicks
You receive the benefit of past generations
- Posts: 26
- Joined: Mon Feb 20, 2023 6:58 pm
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