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Post by Blue__Butterflies »

Q: Hi, Abraham. Thank you for all of the wonderful, wonderful guidance you’ve given me and my family. First question: What is the message to my son about doing homework? He’s in junior high. I think homework’s stupid, so I’m not very supportive on this. But I think homework is essential in order to pass this thing we call public school.
A: We will speak from his point of view.
Q: Thank you.
A: “Doing my homework because someone thinks I should is not reason enough, as I have found out, so I’m going to do one of two things - I’m either going to bring myself into alignment with the idea of the value of homework, or I’m going to stop doing it altogether.” Sound familiar? Teachers don’t like that, and parents don’t like that, either. But it is our message. Why do something that somebody else wants you to do when doing it just makes you feel resentment and disconnects you from all of your resources of life?
“So, what I’m saying as I do my homework is, I don’t want to do it. I’m not inspired to do it. I haven’t done the Energy work about it, but I’ll take this action because you want me to take this action, because then you’ll like me better if I take this action. So then, I’m giving up my awareness of my connection to my Source and the closing of my gap, and instead, I’m trying to align with you.
And you’re not big enough. You’re not going to walk with me everywhere I go. You’re not going to be a big enough reason for me to behave. So, what I’m doing is, I’m turning over my ability to trust my own Guidance; I’m giving up my ability to get in alignment with the resources of Source just so that I can keep you happy about this stupid homework.”
Q: Okay. I agree. I’ve told him that. And I said I agree, I don’t know why you have to do this thing. I don’t even know why they’re sending it home. I think it’s a waste of our time. And so, do I go to home schooling like I did one year? Because, I don’t know, I feel like... Am I going to fail him by not saying son that I love, you need to work within this system so that you can go do those things.
A: All right, let’s play this out. “Son that I love, the system does not acknowledge that you have Guidance within you; the system believes that you have no ability to guide yourself. So the system requires that you give up all impulse to follow your own bliss and follow your own calling, and jump through their hoops.”
And so, we love that you have a son who is so resistant that he’s not willing to jump through those hoops, because what he’s saying to you is I sense that there’s something greater going on that I would like to try to find. Now, we’re not for a minute saying that his Inner Being would not guide him to ecstasy in homework, because if he gets tuned in, tapped in, turned on, he’ll find all kinds of things within it. But we adore the fact that he is not willing to.
If we were standing in your physical shoes, we would say “I don’t want you to replace doing what you feel like doing, like video games or being with your friends, I don’t want you to replace your homework with those things. I want you to be in vibrational alignment with who You are and then do what you’re inspired to do. And I believe,” we would say to him “that when you are in alignment with who You really are, that your quest for knowledge will expand, and that you will come to appreciate the system that provides it for you, that you will come to realize that the school system, while it is by far more advantageous to you as a social structure than as an educational facility, that it does have benefit - it gives you an opportunity to get out there and mix it up. You are living in the real world, and it is important to me,” say to him “that you do feel good first, and then do everything else you have time for after that. But I do not believe,” say to him “that when you are really in alignment with Source, that you then do not have thirst for any expansion about any of these things.”
Jerry and Esther have a dear friend who has established the Sudbury Schools in Massachusetts. And when they read his book, they had not met him yet. A friend gave them the book and they were thrilled at this book. The premise of the school is no one learns anything unless they are asking for it. And this man who founded the school - his name is Daniel, he’s a scientist and a mathematician – and with any student that asks for any learning, they will find a way for the student to receive whatever it is the student is asking for.
But no one ever asks the student to ask. No one ever says “Don’t you think it’s time that you learned that?” Or “Don’t you think this would serve you well?” It all comes from within. And what they have discovered is that as these kids allow it to come forth from within, when they fixate on something, they are in alignment with Source and they soar and excel and live life joyously. And it is such a different picture than someone who’s jumping through the hoops because somebody else says that they should.
The point that we’re making with all of this is, if we were a mentor or a teacher, or if we were even a mentor of a parent, what we would be asking is, do you want your child to be someone who is just good at following the inspiration that other people set into motion, or do you want your child to be the one who guides his own life experience? Because it’s two very different standpoints that that is achieved from. In other words, if you say to your child “I believe that you have within you the ability to create a magnificent life, and, in any case, I think it is yours to create. And so you get to choose in what way you apply yourself.” You’re not offering any sort of threat.
Say to him “I believe that anything that you want to accomplish, you will find a way to accomplish it. And I’m proud of you for feeling these resources within you. And I would not, even if I could, make you do anything, because I do not believe that that is the premise on which any of us were born. I think we were born into this physical environment so that the variety that surrounds us would inspire us to what we want. And I think that each of us, once that inspiration has sparked and once that creation has taken hold, that our only work then is to find a way to bring ourselves into alignment with that dream. And that dream will call us. If that homework is not calling you, then it must mean that it is not part of your dream. And I will not ask you to subvert that calling, which is the calling of your life, which is the calling of Source, which is the calling of You to you, with something that is outside of you. I don’t want to be a part of that, either.”
Then say to him “But here we are. We live in this environment, so what are our choices? When you play in a football game, they have certain parameters that they offer. They say these are the goals, and these are the areas in which you can run, and this is the area that you can run under these conditions, and if you want to play this game, then you have to play within these rules. And so, there are a lot of players that say this looks like a good environment in which I can play this game, and I will apply myself given these guidelines. And so, we come into an agreement, and we all keep the agreement.”
Say to him “I do not believe that we have to give up our agreement with Source and self in order to keep agreements with other people. I believe that you can find plenty of what you want, and plenty of alignment with Source right here in this school. Why not begin to ask your Inner Being to go to school with you? Ask your Inner Being to look around and see what the benefits are there. In other words, is there someone that you can uplift? Is there someone who could be uplifted by something you say? Is there some benefit that you could get from some interaction? Is there something that some teacher has to offer that might serve you well? Is there anything in your Vibrational Escrow that anything here in this school environment serves?” And then say to him “I know that there are many things in your Vibrational Escrow that this school environment is the path to, and if I were standing in your physical shoes, I’d go to school every day trying to figure out what those are.”
He’ll know that you’re on his side, and he’ll know that we are all in this together. And he’ll begin to look for things to appreciate. And he’ll discover that he is part of the real world. In other words, you don’t want your message to your child to be “Oh, you’re unhappy at school? I’ll take you out of school. Oh, you’re unhappy here? I’ll take you to Cancun. Oh, you’re…” You want the message to him to be: “I believe that you have the ability to find alignment with your Source wherever you stand. And when you take the time to find alignment with Source wherever you stand, now you’re finally free. And until then, you won’t find freedom anywhere.” Yes.
Q: Thank you.
A: Yes.
~ Abraham-Hicks
Sacramento, CA 2/17/2007
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