What influence are you under?

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What influence are you under?

Post by Blue__Butterflies »

You are Source Energy and mostly you don't know that. You are Source Energy personified, you are Source Energy in a person; in a person who has beliefs that hinders your connection to your Source. You were Nonphysical before you became physical, but even though you’re physical, you're still Nonphysical. Got that?
So, if you accept that there are these two throbbing, thriving aspects of you - human you and Nonphysical You - and then you begin to understand that there is a relationship between you and You, we don't want to create split personalities, but we do want you to understand that there is a You that is sure; there is a You who loves. And when you're unsure and not loving, you're causing trouble for yourself - not for your Greater Self, for your human self.
Your Inner Being is what we call that Nonphysical Greater Self - Inner Being just because it's always within you. And it is certainly beingness, it is consciousness - it is consciousness aware of you. Some of you may want to call it your Soul or your Source. It existed before part of that consciousness came into this body, and it exists now. That part of that consciousness is in this body, but you came as consciousness into this body with absolute free will to create your own reality. So your Inner Being or Source or anyone that you think is Nonphysical is not dictating to you what you should want or how you should go about it.
You're making all of those decisions with your free will. In fact, your will is so free that only you can offer a vibration that Law of Attraction responds to. Others can influence you, and you let that happen far more than is good for you because you often care more about what others who are physical like you, running around looking real - you can see them and hear them and smell them and taste them and touch them (especially smell them) (Fun) - you can see them, they are vivid in your experience, and you care far too much what they think of you.
And the reason you do is because they're thinking about you because they're weak. What we really mean by that is they care too much about what you think, and you care too much about what you think they think, so you run around caring about what each other think, and you make yourselves crazy because there's not one of them who can understand you even close to who You really are. You don't have the basis, the capacity (and we don't mean mental capacity - but we do mean mental capacity) (Fun) - you do not have the ability to understand any other people.
You make mistakes, you make misjudgments, you misunderstand them, you get your nose in their business - we think Facebook should be called Nosebook (Fun) - you give them so much attention, and in the doing of it, you make miscalculations about what they think, or even worse, you know what they think, and what they think is bogus. They judge you, they evaluate you, they compare you, they want to be like you, they want to be nothing like you, they need you to change in this way and this way and this way, and every one you look at wants something different from you, and they all make you nuts.
We'll say that better - you all let them make you nuts. You let them make you nuts because (we love you so much - we do) you seek mutuality with them; you want them to get you, so when you're with them, you try to be the way they need you to be. And oh, it is so hard on you when there are two of them that want something different from you and you're all in the same place. That's hard.
So you try to control who you hang with - you try to control their compatibility because you are attempting to continue to perpetuate a belief within yourself that is never going to work out for you. You want to please them, and you want to be pleased by them, and so you stand on your head in all kinds of different ways, and you try to affect all kinds of control over them, and none of it really gets you anywhere. And in the meantime you're missing out on the true mutuality that you were born to look for.
And here's what we mean: This Source Energy part of you came with such decision into this physical body. You came into this Leading Edge time and place because you knew that the variety would inspire within you new desires - new personal (and therefore perfect) desires. And you knew that the way that you would contribute the desire that you discover into the atmosphere of your personal creation and that of everything around you (because you can't create without adding to the whole), you knew that the way that that would happen is you would emanate a vibration that the Universe would respond to. And you understood that the Law of Attraction would understand the vibration that you emanated and would match that vibration up with other things, which would accomplish what we call your point of attraction, which is what happens to you - it's what your life experience is about.
So you're offering a signal, Law of Attraction is reading the signal and feeding back to you more of the same, and then you are doing whatever you're doing about all of that. Mostly you're having knee-jerk reactions to it. We want to show you by understanding the process how to come into control with not just what you emanate, which is what deliberate creation is, but what you are observing in others and what they are emanating, and what your response to them is.
Really, what we're wanting to help you with is how to benefit from the magnificent others around you (and that includes all of them), which helps you in the launching of your desires, in the deciding of your desires, in the deciphering of your desires, in the sorting and sifting of life experience and the launching of your desires. In fact all of them help you in the creation of that which is You, so we want to show you how they help you in the launching of your desires.
But then what happens next? We call that Step 1 - when life causes you to ask for something (and you're asking for more all day every day), the Source Energy part of You, who is intimately involved, aware of what life is causing you to ask for - not dictating it to you, not telling what it should be - you have free will, you are here to create, you are here to have a new experience with new contrast in order to create new things. That's what we all signed on for, and your part is sift and sort and decide, and our part is (we're the Step 2 part) once you launch your rocket, we acknowledge it, we acclimate to it, we become a vibrational match to it, and we become your strongest point of attraction, because we are consciousness that is You also, so when you ask, we become the vibration that allows that asking to be answered.
In other words, we hold to that vibrational frequency, and we emanate a signal so much stronger and so much bigger than you can even fathom - you don't even know the benefit that your Inner Being offers to you in the perpetuation, in the furthering of your desires. When you say "I'd like that," we say we are on it. And further, unlike you, we're never off of it; we never lose focus with what You have become. We hold steady to the furtherest most whatever it is that you have asked for and You have become.
You, on the other hand (we love you so much) deviate all over the place because you’re not seeking mutuality with your desire and with us who has found mutuality with your desire. You're looking around to see what other humans think about it - "How do you like me now? How do you like me now? How do you like me now? How do you like me now? How do you like me now?" (Fun) "Not that much - can you change a little more for me? (Fun) If you'd be different, you'd be perfect."
That's what you keep saying to each other - "I just need the slightest little adjustment from you." And as soon as you make it, then they need another slight little adjustment. And then you make that, and then they need another slight little adjustment. And before you know it, you don't feel like you have free will, because you've given it away to what somebody who is never going to be pleased - not really, not if they're looking for love in that place. If they're looking for their harmony with the changes that you're willing to make for them, good luck. (Fun) That's never going to work out well.
But if life causes you to ask for something, and your Inner Being holds focus on that, and all the cooperative forces are moving toward the expansion and evolution of that desire, and you are aware of what influence you are under - are you under the influence of your Inner Being who is with you in what you desire, or are you under the influence of old beliefs that you've picked up along your physical trail? Or are you under the influence of what other people think about you, who aren't even that interested, or who don't really understand, or who want you to be a little different so that they will feel a little better. In other words, what influence are you under?
~ Abraham-Hicks
Long Beach, CA 7/28/2018
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