Gratitude vs Appreciation

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Gratitude vs Appreciation

Post by Blue__Butterflies »

Q: I like the session you had on frequency and vibration yesterday. And my question is around the specifics that you put toward the vibrations for gratitude and for appreciation. I think you're saying gratitude has a different vibration of frequency....
A: Different people use words in different ways and so it's never a good idea to really split hairs too much over semantics. However, often when people use the word gratitude, they are mixing in what they've overcome. It's sort of like the looking back and being grateful that they’re not there anymore. Well, when you're grateful about not being there, it's in your current vibration, where with appreciation you can even take it as its accounting term, where appreciation is the adding to what already is; it's something becoming more. So appreciation usually, when it is offered, is a purer vibration. In fact, appreciation in the way we mean it when Esther finds the word of it - that's another thing, Esther is not hearing us whisper words in her ear and then just repeating them to you, she's receiving a vibration and then at an unconscious level she's finding the physical word equivalent - so when Esther finds the word appreciation, it is a purer vibration than when Esther finds the word gratitude. And it's true of the majority of the population.
Q: OK. So, where does thankfulness come in then? I am thankful - I know that I say that so often, and then I'm thinking...
A: Thankful is a purer vibration, too, because thankful is saying thank you. When people ask the question about should they pray, should they be prayerful, we say most people when they pray are focused upon something wrong, and really yearning or begging for a solution, so those prayers are not pure - there's a lot of resistance in them - so then they think whoever they're praying to is not hearing them, where when you pray with thanks, now you're focused upon what is working; now there's no resistance. So thankful and appreciation are very similar in vibration.
Q: OK, OK.
~ Abraham-Hicks
San Francisco 7/24/2016
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Re: Gratitude vs Appreciation

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

The more thankful you are, the more reasons to be thankful you will get!

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Re: Gratitude vs Appreciation

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

Each time you are appreciating, you bring pure positive Energy into the experience
of whatever is the object of your appreciation.

It sounds so simple, but it is POWERFUL in it's pureness.

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Re: Gratitude vs Appreciation

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

Are you making the best use of your Life?
Abraham , Tarrytown, NY - 10/18/98

Everything is about life. The only question that, if we were standing in your physical shoes, is

we would ask ourselves:
"In this moment, am I making the best use of my life?"

In other words,
"As the idea of my mother comes, am I choosing the most uplifting thought about her?
As I focus upon my mate, am I choosing the most uplifting thought?
As I focus upon my physical body, am I choosing the most uplifting thought?"

And most of you are not. Most of you are choosing the loudest thought.
Most of you are choosing the most present or the most obvious. When the question is,
"Am I making the best use of this moment,
am I choosing the thought that is of the highest vibration -- which is the same thing to say as
"Am I choosing the thought that feels the best?"

-Then you cannot help but live out your experience in the way that you have intended.
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Re: Gratitude vs Appreciation

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

Appreciation and Self-Love are the most important subjects you could nurture.
Appreciation of others and Appreciation of yourself are the closest
vibrational matches to Source energy of anything we have witnessed anywhere in the universe!

Abraham Hicks
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Re: Gratitude vs Appreciation

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

If you would become obsessed with the best parts of your life, which means:

you talk about it and
you think about it and
you play with it and
you observe it and
you take pictures of it and
you tell others about it and
you think about it and
you talk about it and
you observe it;

until you activate it in your vibration until more thoughts like it come!
If you would become obsessed with the best parts of your life,
you would deactivate the parts of your life that you don't want.

But when you are obsessed with the parts of your life that you don't want,
and you keep them active, then there aren't enough helpers in the world
to help you get to where you think you want to be.

Abraham Workshop, Los Angeles, August 17, 2008
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Re: Gratitude vs Appreciation

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

Become OBSESSED with what you like!

...If you would become obsessed with the best parts of your life! Which means:

you talk about it and
you think about it and
you play with it and
you observe it and
you take pictures of it and
you tell others about it and
you think about it and
you talk about it and
you observe it;

...until you activate it in your vibration until more thoughts like it come.

If you would become obsessed with the best parts of your life, you would deactivate the parts of your life that you don't want! But when you are obsessed with the parts of your life that you don't want, and you keep them active, then there aren't enough helpers in the world to help you get to where you think you want to be.

Abraham Workshop, Los Angeles, August 17, 2008
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Re: Gratitude vs Appreciation

Post by spiritualcookie »

[When you raise your vibration with appreciation & working on feeling good, you allow more of your Non-physical Energy to emerge]

As Esther stood at her gate, experiencing the beauty and brilliance of the sky, and hearing the crystal clear tones of the birds, and smelling the delicious fragrances in the air, and feeling the wonderful wind upon her skin, she experienced the dramatic result of having pulled upon a very positive rope.

By her decision to look for reasons to feel good, she attracted a thought that attracted a thought that attracted a thought that attracted a thought, until eventually her physical body was literally vibrating at a frequency which allowed a fuller emergence of her Non-physical Energy.

- Abraham

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Re: Gratitude vs Appreciation

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

What you activate- and appreciate becomes MORE!

Years ago, we offered a process called "my book of positive aspects",
where you take a page- and it can be a person, it can be an experience, it can be a job, it can be anything!- and just take your best shot at writing the positive aspects. Because when you look for aspects that feel good to you, you're sharpening up your bag of marbles. And when you do that, the Law of Attraction will not let you down! And you will have a conscious awareness, that you just did that:

"I (clicking) put it in my bag, on purpose. And almost as soon as I turn around, something reflects that. And when I'm aware of it, I'm empowered!"
But if you're just running around, talking about things you want and things you don't want, and how things are and how you'd like things to be- then you've just got such a mixed bag going on. Than it feels like it's chance, or it feels like somebody else is doing it- when nobody else is doing it! Not ever! It's all 100% you. 100% you!

What kind of marbles do you want to put in your bag? Don't you want your marbles that are in this bag, to match up the marbles that are in that bag? What do you think is in that bag? What do you think, your Inner Being is focused on, on your behalf? What's in there?

More money? More opportunity? More rendering with more people? More ideas exploding into the room? More fun every day? More free time? More time to do what you really want, to do more? Freedom to choose your projects?
-You get to have it more your way!

from the youtube-clip "I am Ready For The Major Breakthroughs Awaits! ~ Abraham Hicks Ideas"
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Re: Gratitude vs Appreciation

Post by spiritualcookie »

It occurred to Esther the other day, she's sitting and writing
and journaling and sketching and drawing focus wheels
and thrilling herself with clarity and feeling appreciation
for that and that and that and that,
She got such momentum for appreciation going,

And then she suddenly began thinking of all the things
that had led to all the things that she was feeling appreciation for.
And the list just went on and on,
She just sort of feeling the background of all of it
and realizing that all of that is now in her background,
was in the foreground for someone at some time,
it was someone‘s leading edge and now it's the background for her now.

It's the basis for her where she stands in her leading edge.
But everyone has always been looking forward, it occurred to her,
They’ve all been looking forward and everything that has been before
is all pointed toward where I am now.

And suddenly she felt herself at the pinnacle, at the point,
at the receiving end of this huge funnel of well-being;
every thing that ever happened before-
it felt like it all had happened for the benefit of her, standing right here, right now.
All of it, everything everyone had ever thought, everything that everyone had ever wanted,
every road that had ever been built, every FedEx truck
that would ever gotten on the road to bring her something
that she just ordered from Amazon yesterday.

In other words, everything in all of the universe felt as if
it existed for this moment in time, for this leading-edge being-ness,
for this culmination of who she is right here, right now.

And you know what… she's right, but she has figured that out...

Now she's standing in a place of worthiness like she has never stood in before:
“All of this for me?
All of these thoughts for me?
All of this benefit for me?
All of this transportation, all of this economics,
all of this industry, all of this technology, all of this for me?
All this for the benefit of what I see here and here and here and here and here?”

When you stand in that place of appreciation of what is available to you,
because of all that has come before,
but you focus forward which is the only place that you can focus,
you'll discover that it is the new idea
that is the richness of this promise of creation that you've come for,
not the accumulation of what others have accomplished,
but the inspiration of the new idea-
because it's the hatching of what’s new that we all live for, you see.

- Abraham
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