Quotes on Desire

Introducing the Abe Quotation sub-forum We've been noticing more and more members enjoying and sharing Abraham's words of wisdom in many different forms. The momentum of such generous sharing has caught our attention so we've created a place here on the forum to assemble such gems "under one roof," so to speak.
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Re: Quotes on Desire

Post by spiritualcookie »


You do your greatest creating from wanting.
And most of you spend most of your time suppressing yoru wanting.
You want only a little.
You don't want too much,
for you are not wanting to experience disappointment of wanting and not getting.

Because you don't understand what makes you get and what makes you not get,
because you don't understand how you are getting what you are getting,
you have withdrawn,
and because you are not understanding that you are creator of yoru experience and controller of that which you will receive,
you make no decisions,
so that you do not become Selective Sifter -
and then you receive some of everything.

And you are part of a world that has evolved to the state of overwhelment.
Overwhelment because yo uare receiving all of this that means nothing to you,
and you are stifling the decision of what IS important to you. (...)

You are not here because you sort of wanted to be here.
You are not here because you were the lucky one.
You are here in physical form at this time because you said: "I want it."
And you wanted it enough and allowed it enough that
- splat - here you are.

And as you are here in this physical form, you are upon the brink of hte most joyous of al lexperiences.
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Re: Quotes on Desire

Post by spiritualcookie »

Strong desire with excitement and enthusiasm is strongest for manifestation success

When you sort of want something,
it lumbers along on its way to you.
And most often you have lost interest in it long before it arrives,
and so it never arrives,
or when it does, it is no big deal.

But those things that you want very much,
those things that excite you very much,
come into your life experience very quickly.

And so, as you are intentionally setting forth this vision of that which you are wanting to receive,
bring yourself to an emotional state of excitement about it. (...)
Do whatever it takes to get yourself excited about it.

- Abraham
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Re: Quotes on Desire

Post by spiritualcookie »

Need vs Want

When you are creating towards your wanting, there is enthusiasm and excitement.
When you are creating toward your need, it is negative creating.

And so, turn it in your mind into something that is very much wanted.

- Abraham
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Re: Quotes on Desire

Post by spiritualcookie »


We often say to you:
"Think about what you want
and decide what you want;
decide what you want."

And the reason that you are hearing us hammering about that so much, is because
most people are running around making decisions about what they don't want.

We are wanting you to let the contrast of course, tell you what you don't want,
but then always look for the nugget within it.
We want you to feel the nugget, the prize, the wonderful uncovering.
The fresh new desire that is born is the reason that the entire Universe exists.
And once the desire is born within you,
then the Non-physical Energy will answer it.

- Abraham


When your desire and belief are the same - it is. (...)
When there is something that you want - you must believe it.

That's a hard thing for people to grasp,
because you've been carrying some of these uncomfortable beliefs around for a long time.

And we would like to help all of you let yourselves off the hook,
because you can't buck Law of Attraction.
If you've been thinking this thought,
and thinking this thought,
and thinking this thought,
that's the thought that's active in you now.
And Law of Attraction is going to bring you more stuff that matches that thought all the time.

And then you beat up on yourself.
You say: "I shouldn't be thinking those thought"
when in truth, you can't stop thinking those thoughts because your radio signal is programmed to those,
and so Law of Attraction is bringing you more. (...)

We don't want you to try to buck that current.
We want you to start setting a Tone that is more in alignment with the current that is really already you.

- Abe
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Re: Quotes on Desire

Post by spiritualcookie »

Within the seed of your desire is everything necessary for it to blossom to fulfilment.
And Law of Attraction is the engine that does the work.
Your work is just to give it a fertile growing place in order to expand.

- Abe, Albuquerque NM, 5/9/99


The entire Universe is set up to produce wanting within you!
You cannot squelch wanting.
You are born wanters.
Wanting is a good thing.
Write that down in big letters:
Wanting is a very good thing!

- Abraham, Tarrytown NY, 5,15,99


Desire summons Life Force.
If we must continue to be alive, we must continue to have new desire.

You are not willing to let yourself outrageously want
because when you outrageously want something that you haven't found a way of getting,
it is too uncomfortable,
and the risk feels too great.

We're wanting you to hear that:
there is no risk at all!
Fantasize and watch what happens.

- Abe, Chicago IL, 4,24,99
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Re: Quotes on Desire

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

Abraham on New Year's Resolutions:

Abraham, How do you feel about New Year's Resolutions? And how would you approach a New Year's Resolution if you were in our physical shoes?

ABRAHAM: They are a wonderful idea. They fall into the same category as Segment Intending or Positive Expectations or Deliberate Creation. Most New Year's Resolutions, like any new decisions, are made from a rather clear awareness of what you do not want or of what has not gone well, and so, in order to set your New Year's Resolutions into motion with enough momentum to keep them going, it is necessary to spend some time lining up your energy with your new decision. Many people make resolutions, and often by the first or second day of the new year they have gone back to their old habits, and then they feel discouraged.

Every day provides a wonderful opportunity to set forth your clear intentions. You do not have to wait for a new calendar year.
Find a comfortable place where you will not be interrupted by. Write at the top of your notebook page: My Dominant Intentions: Then write four sub-headings: My Current Intentions Regarding My Body, My Relationships, My Home, My Work. Then, write a general description of how you want to feel and be, regarding each of the four categories. Be general and easy. Let these words come easily from you.

Now, go back to the first category, focus on the topic, and sit back, relax, and daydream about this. Imagine your body looking just as you would like it to look. See it in your mind's eye. Try to imagine how that beautiful body would feel. Move it, in your imagination. Take it for a walk, dress it in something that pleases you. Appreciate its stamina and flexibility and clarity. Spend as much time daydreaming about this wonderful physical vehicle as you can. Stay in your vision until you feel refreshed, and continue to be there as long as you can.

Now, go to the second category, and do the same thing. Bring an image of the most significant person in your life experience and see that person with you. Feel appreciation for that person. Mentally speak your appreciation. Imagine that person loving you back. Praising you, and complimenting you. Feel your mutual appreciation and admiration. Stay within the vision until you feel refreshed.

Now, go to the third category, and feel appreciation for your home. Make mental pictures of your home as you want it to be. See it orderly, if you desire that, and beautifully furnished, if you desire that. In an easy and carefree manner, imagine it however you would like it to be. Take pleasure from your vision and stay there until you feel refreshed.

Now, go to the fourth page, and gather a mental picture of your work. Feel appreciation for the excuse it gives you to flow energy toward something. Acknowledge how expansive it is, and feel appreciation for its ever changing nature. See yourself expanding and thriving. Stay there until you are refreshed.

There is no right or wrong way to approach this. The thing that is important is that you choose areas of your life that matter most and that you conjure positive images that thrill you. And as you do that, you have not only resolved, in your own mind, how your New Year will be, but you have notified everyone and everything in the entire Universe and you have solicited their assistance in achieving your intentions. And from that moment forward - the entire Universe will conspire to assist you.

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Re: Quotes on Desire

Post by spiritualcookie »


You will always, almost always, most of you,
choose negative emotion over no emotion.
Because emotion indicates desire.

Abraham Hicks, Silver Spring MD, 4/11/99


Well-Being is lined up outside your door.

Everything you have ever desired,
whether spoken or unspoken,
has been transmitted by you vibrationally.

It has been heard and understood by Source
and has been answered.

And now you are going to FEEL your way into
ALLOWING yourself to receive it,
one feeling at a time.

- Abraham


We all must have objects of attention and desires
that are ringing our bells
in order to feel the fullness of who we are, flowing through us
for the continuation of All-That-Is.
That desire is what puts the eternalness in eternity.



Do not underestimate the value of your preferences,
for the evolution of your planet depends upon those of you on the Leading edge of thought
continuing to fine-tune your desires.
And the contrast or variety provides the perfect environment fo rthe formation of your personal preferences.



As you are standing in the midst of contrast,
new desires are radiating constantly from you
in the form of vibrational signals that are received and answered by Source -
and in that moment, the Universe is expanding...

These Teachings are not about the expanding Universe
or about Source answering your every request,
or about your worthiness -
for all of that is a given.
They are about you putting yourself in a vibrational place of receiving all that you are asking for.

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Re: Quotes on Desire

Post by spiritualcookie »

You do not have to use your words.
You just have to feel it in your Being.
I desire this.
I adore this.
I appreciate this
and so on.
That desire it the beginning of all attraction.

You never grow tired of expansion or creation,
for there is no ending to the new ideas of desires that flow.

With every new idea of something you would like to experience, possess, or know...
will come its actualisation or manifestation -
and with that manifestation will also come a new perspective from which you will desire.

- Abraham
, excerpt from "Manifest your desires : 365 ways to make your dreams a reality"


The contrast or variety never ends,
so the sprouting forth of new desires will never end.
And as that "asking" never ends,
the "answering" never ceases to flow.
And so, new contrasts and new inspiring desires and perspectives
will be laid out eternally before you.

- Abraham


When your thoughts are a vibrational match to your desire,
you feel good - your emotional range would be from contentment to expectation to eagerness to joy.

But if you are giving your attention to the lack, or absence of your desire,
your emotions would range from feelings of pessimism
to worry, to discouragement, to anger, to insecurity, to depression.

Your emotions provide a wonderful Guidance System for you,
and if you pay attention to them,
you will be able to guide yourself to anything you desire.

- Abraham


Every subject is really two subjects:
There is that which you desire, and the lack of it.
Often, even when you believe you are thinking about something that you desire,
you are actually thinking about the exact opposite of what you desire.

- Abraham


You are not always aware that your desires have been answered
because there is often a time gap between your asking and your allowing.

Even though a clear desire has emanated as a result of the contrast you have considered,
you often, rather than giving your attention purely to the desire itself,
focus back on the contrasting situation that gave birth to the desire -
and in doing so, your vibration is more about the reason why you have launched the desire
rather than about the desire itself.

- Abraham
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Re: Quotes on Desire

Post by spiritualcookie »

Whenever you find yourself beating the same old drum about your [desire or your current unwanted situation],
if you would make an effort to turn your thoughts downstream,
and stay focused upon the subject until you feel a slight turn,
in a very short period of time you will improve the vibrational relationship between where you are
and what you want.
And you will be amazed at the leverage this improved vibration will give to your process.

- Abe
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Re: Quotes on Desire

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

When you desire something, and you DOUBT it,
that tortured feeling is: Summoning life, and not letting it flow.

When you desire something and you EXPECT it,
that delicious feeling is: Summoning life, and letting it flow!

Abraham Hicks
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