Easy Matches

This new forum is created and a focus for those that want to participate with the study of Abraham-Hicks in their many books and processes.
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Re: Easy Matches

Post by Tara »

Easy Matches…
- I appreciate the sun ☀️ being out today. Well sun is always there it’s just sometimes through the clouds we cannot see it. I appreciate I can see the sun today ☀️
- I appreciate that I did my practice. I love my practice and looking to improve it.
- I appreciate seeing one of my flatmates this morning with a juice in a glass of wine sitting there and writing her “manifestation” list, I appreciate her energy full of excitement.
- I appreciate my “Barley” coffee, a wonderful alternative for a real coffee.. I like that my body is not addicted to coffee… it’s nice 😊
- I appreciate that my ear feels better. I appreciate those eat candles that helped me. I love people’s creativity in all sort of things 💜
- I appreciate my dreams and the messages they bring. Some of them I realise fully some of them I know I’m still sinking in..
- I appreciate reading my notes from last spring and feeling the POWERFUL energy that I built, feeling the LOVE that I felt unconditionally… such a good energy…

- I appreciate living in London, there are so many easy matches:
- I can order mostly everything from Amazon and this can be delivered at my door steps in a day’s time. So efficient, so easy, so instant. Easy Match.
- There are so many wonderful parks that I match with. I love Richmond, Holland Park, Hamstead Heath..Easy Matches.
- There is always something that I still haven’t seen, something new to explore... Fun. Easy Match.
- I love how connected London is with many other countries and how convenient it is to fly from here. I like that they have frequent flights to my home country. I appreciate Ryanair for allowing easy access to flights across Europe. Easy Match.
- I love meeting people from different cultures. Easy Match.
- I love variety of food choices, products to buy here in London. Easy match.
- I love well developed infrastructure and how London is trying to really guide and help people. Easy Match.
- I love that they have outrageous abundance here to witness. Easy Match.
- I love my Thai Massage place here in London. It is done by people from Thailand, such a good quality massage. Easy Match.
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Re: Easy Matches

Post by Tara »

Easy Matches about my Body:
- I like knowing that the tendency of my cells is to come back to the state of Wellness.
- I like knowing that my cells are intelligence.
- I like witnessing through years how my body knows what to do when it has a flue, a cut in my skin, etc. it has true intelligence on how to be well. I like knowing that this vibration is at the core of each and every cell of mine.
- I had a dream today where I was told that the body is manifesting body conditions that are in the metaphysical level, it’s how it works and to change the condition, one has to change it in the metaphysical level.
- I like knowing that my personal power and ability lies in “think and feel”, “think and feel”..
- I like knowing that this is enough: I change my metaphysical level, to which when my body has to adjust.
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Re: Easy Matches

Post by Tara »

Easy Matches
- I like that it was a peaceful and sunny day
- I like that I did a good practice
- I like that it was an easy day
- I like that I cooked some easy light food
- I like my clean house
- I like that I had a nice nap
- I like feeling ease, peaceful, present
- I like my beautiful notebooks
- I like I took some time to write there
- I like I have my space
- I like I found something new to experience
- I like that the tube strike is cancelled
- I like that painkiller have been helpful
- I like my medi
- I look forward to feeling better and I like that emotionally I felt ok today despite the discomfort
- All is well
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Re: Easy Matches

Post by Tara »

Easy Matches…
- Numbers still continue to line up for me frequently as I glance at my phone.. 11:11, 12:12, 19:19, 20:20…
- I like this match. I like this symbol of alignment.
- I like how warm it is in the house. Especially on a cold winter day, it’s nice to stay warm.
- I like winter season. Everything slows down.. it’s time to read a book or focus.
- I like that my ear is feeling much better now. I appreciate the effects ibuprofen and camphor oil combined give me.
- I appreciate soothing the pain and finding good feeling place.
- I like the movie I watched. It was an easy light movie 🎥
- I like the easy good feeling happy ending.

My overall feeling place is around contentment and a bit boredom.

Wouldn’t it be nice if I flipped more towards contentment and satisfying side and allowed the energy to take me to another level?

All is really well.
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Re: Easy Matches

Post by Tara »

Easy matches…
- I really like this book I am reading. I felt attracted to it in the library, and when I took it home and opened first pages and read that this is written by none physical energy, I laughed - no wonder I was drawn to it ❤️
- I like that now it’s 22:22 :) I like that numbers continue to line up :)
- I like that I did my practice earlier and have some time to chill now.
- I am glad my colleague is so nice and supportive towards me. She is a gift in my life. I appreciate meeting her.
- I like that I did not need ibuprofen today and my ear is so much better.
- I like that in the process of getting better I am less focused on the problem and more on easy matching.
- The journey to wellness feels much better
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Re: Easy Matches

Post by Tara »

Easy Matches…
- Today I woke up before the alarm. Checked my phone to see 5:55 (5 is very meaningful to me). Easy match with source in the morning.
- My time in bed basking and then medi, was an easy way to match.
- Not bumping in any flatmates while having shower and morning tea in the kitchen is an easy match.
- Beautiful day outside with sun shining is an easy match.
- Having no pain in my ear and appreciating the intelligence of my body is an easy match.
- I love being a match to the intelligence of my cells.
- Finding out a reason why I felt drawn to open insta yesterday is a fun and easy match (I am not there normally but it seems that my friend was thinking of me yesterday, and I went there to comment to her old message sent to me and she texted me that yesterday she was thinking of me (she is an Aber so we milked the synchronicity together)
- Awareness. Realising when it’s a habitual call and when it’s an impulse from source and following through it, it’s an easy match with source energy.

💜It’s a beautiful day 💜
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Re: Easy Matches

Post by Tara »

Sitting in the pharmacy, waiting for my appointment, trying to connect with my Soul… then I glance at some sort of medicine just to see a message: “ Lot’s of love”

Wouldn’t it be nice if I was opened and let in Lot’s of love?

There is Lot’s of love in my Vortex, in our world’s 🌍 vortex 🌍

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Re: Easy Matches

Post by spiritualcookie »

Tara wrote: Wed Jan 10, 2024 11:04 am Sitting in the pharmacy, waiting for my appointment, trying to connect with my Soul… then I glance at some sort of medicine just to see a message: “ Lot’s of love”
Wouldn’t it be nice if I was opened and let in Lot’s of love?

That would be nice if we could fast-track our way to letting in feeling genuine Source-connected love like that!
I wonder if perhaps it could be good for a visualization exercise to help us to receive & allow it to flow to & through us :)
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Re: Easy Matches

Post by Tara »

spiritualcookie wrote: Wed Jan 10, 2024 11:48 am
Tara wrote: Wed Jan 10, 2024 11:04 am Sitting in the pharmacy, waiting for my appointment, trying to connect with my Soul… then I glance at some sort of medicine just to see a message: “ Lot’s of love”
Wouldn’t it be nice if I was opened and let in Lot’s of love?

That would be nice if we could fast-track our way to letting in feeling genuine Source-connected love like that!
I wonder if perhaps it could be good for a visualization exercise to help us to receive & allow it to flow to & through us :)
WoW! Love the box so opened with the infinite light ❤️❤️❤️

One of the imaginations I am doing (suggested by the book I’m reading “Soul love” is I am connecting with light (the soul)).

Thank you for sharing these 🥰🥰🥰
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Re: Easy Matches

Post by Tara »

Easy Matches…
- Today I had a GP appointment for my ear and had lovely easy matches:
- In the morning someone from hospital called me to remind me of my appointment with the doctor (it’s a simple ear check up, but what a service 😊) Easy Match.
- I double checked the address and realised the hospital I was sent was just a stop and 16min walk away. Easy match.
- I absolutely loved this cold winter weather (have been for a while at home), so absolutely loved being outside.
- I think my ear slightly unblocked while I was on my way. I felt a pop. Easy match
- I found the way to hospital very easily and came just on time for my appointment. Easy match.

- Then I was sent by receptionist to the wrong section 🙈 well initially I was not aware. I came and saw just a few people, it was for ear checks as far as I knew I was in the right place. I sat to easy match: that I came on time, that I love this weather and that so nice that there are just a few people waiting, I thought of the book I’m reading where they wrote that there are some souls who even after liberation are so in love with humanity that they come back on earth to help, I thought it would be nice to meet those souls. The nurse came out just after I waited for 10 min (I thought to myself: maybe you are that person). She was very nice and she made us aware that reception makes many mistakes here 😬 I found out that one person was waiting here since 8:30 am and it was 10:15am 😬, the nurse also sent one girl home saying the doctor is not working today and he never works on Thursdays and that people who booked her made a mistake. I waited just 10 min, but thought will check on my situation. She said let me check and my name was not there 🙈basically I was not booked! I told her that I should be, because the address is same and someone even called me to check if I’m coming (not sure why I was receiving this special service 😅), anyways, I called my GP, they did not answer.
so was planning to go back home: thinking anyways, my ear is no longer in pain, just blocked and even the block is getting better. A waste of time but not a biggie. Then (just when I was deciding to go home) I received a call from someone telling me that my ear doctor is waiting and asking where am I. It turned out that in the same building they had some sort Royal GP hospital or sth. similar. The guy on the phone explained me how to get there (it was just 2 min walk). As I entered this section, the vibe was so different, the guy welcomed me, asked me to wait saying the doctor will call me shortly. The doctor called me very soon and it was the happiest person Ive ever seen in working in hospital.He was truly a happy human being. He checked me efficiently and prescribed some antibiotics.
- It was such a good timing for them to call me. Easy match.
- The vibe of that place felt like a private hospital or sth like that. Easy match.
- The clarity came very quickly (just after 10 min of wait that nurse came out)
- The doctor was such a happy human being (maybe he is that liberated soul with compassion for people;))
- The chemistry where they sent my prescription was on my way home and before I left the tube I received a notification that it’s ready for me to pick it up. So it was on the way home.
Great service
Vortexy ear check up 😊😊😊
BOOM! I know it’s not the most exciting story but felt so GOOD along the way 🥰 easy matching as I go …
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