Quotes on The Vortex

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Quotes on The Vortex

Post by spiritualcookie »

see also Quotes on Alignment


When we speak of The Vortex
it's not a place.
It's a state of Being.

- Abraham

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Post by spiritualcookie »

They say: "Oh you want us to focus on that FAIRYTALE
that they're telling over there?"

And we say,
"Yes we do.
We want you to focus on this Vortex
that by physical standards is a fairytale,
because you can't hear, see, taste or touch it,
but you can FEEL it!

- Abraham

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Post by spiritualcookie »

How to get into The Vortex

Ask yourself:
How can I be a match to my Vortex?
Not "How can I fix this situation?"
What does that mean?
- How can I feel good right now
- What thoughts can I find that feel good
- What touchstones did I put in my pocket
- What memories do I have
- What things make my heart sing

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Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

You know, there is a vibrational currency,
that it is time for you TO CASH IN.

Playa del Carmen, Mexico, 2014-04-02
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Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

Before Abe used the term "Vortex", they used the term "Vibrational Escrow."

Oh, we want so much for you to get a sense of what we see lined up, outside of your door!
The arial view of the Vibrational Escrow that is being held for you is amazing!
And as you just RELAX a little bit, it begins to flow in.

Abraham Hicks
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Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

In this segment is hidden a very interesting description of what "the Vortex" is. I'll highlight it with color:

How to shape and mold your Expectation (The Inactive-Box Process)

There's this Continuum... we've been seeing it, or describing it sort of like a train track.
And you're like the Train on the track and on one end,
going that < way, is the stuff you don't want.
And going that > way is the stuff you do want.

And so, you're on this track. But you're noticing what isn't happening and so you're
pointed that < way. And then you do it a little more, and pretty soon you get
trending enough, you get believing enough, you get expecting enough...

...you can't create outside your expectations!
And that's so confounding to people. Because life makes you expect things.
And then, you expect them and then you can't get past those expectations!
So, you've got to find a way to selectively sift and to improve your expectations,
a little bit at a time, you see.

So, this train track...
you're going 100 miles an hour we'll say in the direction of what you don't want.
Well, you're not going to stop all at once and go 100 miles an hour in the
direction of what you do want!

But you can SLOW that train down.

And this is the thing that most people haven't heard from us. And they don't really understand,
and it's time for you to really get this picture in your mind!

So, did you hear us when we talked about your Inner Being? Your inner being, who's focused
in your vibrational reality, where all of your requests are being stored, like on a hard drive for you?
They're there, ready for you to collect them anytime, when you're vibrationally or emotionally ready.
So, there your inner being is, being a very strong point of Attraction, and calling the
Cooperative components, and calling you, too.

But if you're headed in the wrong direction,
if you're headed toward what you don't want, because of the things you're saying and thinking
and observing and living... -and it's all right!!-. As you think more about what we've talked about
here, and when you feel some negative emotion,

you render the thought inactive by saying
"it doesn't serve me. I'm not going to think about that".

Esther's words are, as she writes on her little card to drop into her inactive-box:
"It is my intention to render inactive my propensity to worry about stuff that I can't do
anything about."
So, she'll write that down and drop it in the box. Well, just having done that sets her in a little
less resistant stance! Now she might drop a card similar to that in her box 20 or 30 40 times and
it might happen all today. If there's something really bothering her about something,
but every time she decides that she's going to release that, and then goes through those sort of
antics of writing it down, making it so, and dropping it in the inactive box, she's a little less resistant!

And this is what we really want you to hear: Which means, her train that's headed away from what
she wants- which is the whole reason for negative emotion- is SLOWING. And eventually it will
slow enough that there it will feel to you like a Tipping Point.

What it really is, is: you'll slow it enough that this calling will be able to grab you, as a
Cooperative component, and begin pulling you in the direction of what you want!
So, your expectation will improve and improve and improve and improve- until there will be
another Tipping Point, where it will drop right into your "see it- hear it- smell it- taste it- touch it-
physical manifested awareness.

That's how every single thing works.
Nothing that any of you are living is coming to you outside of your expectations.

Now we will acknowledge that some of your expectations...
you're born into a family that expected that. And you saw them expect that,
and they expected it, and they lived it, and you watched them live it, so you expected it.
It's like, Esther talking about her mother when Esther went to school and started learning
about grammar. It was pretty easy for her, because her family spoke good grammar.
(...) She'd been observing that it was easy for her. And so, some of you have come
from environments where people just expected life to go well- and it did. And you observed it
and then you expected life to go well!

And some of you are saying, "well that's not fair!" -will that feeling of Justice that'll get you
every time, because there is this equal opportunity for you to be or do or have anything
that you want! And some of you chose situations that were not a Feathered Nest- because
you wanted to launch your own Rockets of desire. You wanted to ask for your unique things.
You wanted to build your life in a way that wasn't like everybody else did.

Everybody gets to build the life that they want. And your Source energy, who is part of
your authentic self, will help you with every part of that, you see! And so, really, friend,
we want to tell you two things:

We love you. And you gotta stop complaining about what's not coming.

from the youtube-clip Abraham Hicks ~ Improve Your Expectations
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Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

How the Vortex becomes

A little clarification about, when you said: "a specific desire that I'm putting into the Vortex"... your Vortex is made up mostly of unspecific desires. They become
specific, as they gather momentum! The Vortex contains a powerful basis or you might say essence, of every specific desire that you consciously are aware of.
But it's not because you specified and put it there, it's because you generalized and it became specific and then you received it!

Right. So it's...

Wait! Don't say "right" so easily. Make sure you got that. That was BIG!

That was big.

That was really big. Repeat it back to us!

Since... what you're saying is, that you cause a desire to go in, but it's in its Essence. It's not necessarily the specific desire, it's the essence of that desire that you're looking for.

It's the WHY you want it, that you've been putting in, all of your life experience! But you've also then been living life and acknowledging other things that you prefer. And

all of your preferences are considered! And law of attraction is bringing them to very specific probabilities, that will thrill you when you allow them!

But your attention to the specifics which you don't understand often prevents you from getting them. (...)
We've been saying for a while, that everything that everyone wants, they want it because they believe in the having of it, they will feel better. So for example, if you're rude to someone, it feels awful and in the being rude you create a focal point of being the loving being that you really are. And in fact, the more rude you are, the more love you crave or ask for!

When you're confused, you want Clarity.
When you're unsure, you want stability.
When you are lost, you want to be found.
When you don't have enough money, you want more money.

All of these things that happen all day long are causing you to create this vibrational... you call it a soup, we like that, of desire of intentions. And law of attraction is gathering all of those Cooperative components together. Now, something else we've never said this to anyone before- something else that is happening, when
life causes you to know what you don't want, which causes you to ask for what you do want, your inner being who is pure positive energy, who has infinite
intelligence, who knows everything about the becoming of you, not the having become of you- the Becoming of you! can vibrationally fast forward to a very clear picture of the Fulfillment of everything that you're asking for.

Can you imagine that in a Petri dish, or an environment of no resistance- how fast your desires can become a reality? The things that you are asking for are shaping up to be magnificent things, that you can't see yet! Because you haven't achieved the vibrational Acuity to receive the picture that your inner being has
about it. But as you get on the beat of it, as you get on the frequency of it- then you get to begin to watch what you created coming into being, right before your eyes. What's unknown to you, is known by your inner being! Now let's go back to what we said several times today already:

When you are experiencing the absence of something you want, the presence of what you want takes form.

But you can't see the presence of it, because you're focused upon the absence of it.
When life shows you a problem, you create a solution. But you can't see the solution, but that doesn't mean it isn't there and that doesn't mean that your inner being doesn't know that it's there!

We can turn this into more positive sound. What it does mean is, that what you're asking for is in the state of becoming and that's just a given. You don't know it's a given. We keep telling you it's a given, because we see it! So, for us it is a given! Things that you want are a given. You just got to stop focusing upon
their absence, in order for them to come into awareness or perspective for you.

We're way out there friends and if you followed us, you're as far on the Leading Edge as any human has ever been!

from the youtube-clip
Abraham Hicks 💛 How To Allow Incredible Things Happen To You?


What you're asking for is in the state of becoming and that's just a GIVEN! You don't know it's a given. We keep telling you it's a given, because we see it! So, for us it is a given! Things that you want are a given. You just got to stop focusing upon their absence, in order for them to come into awareness or perspective for you.

Abraham Hicks
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Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

Apologies and Forgiveness are letting go of what is holding you OOTV.
(Source never apologizes, because sources never condemned to begin with!)

My question is how does source energy see apologizing, or apology?

Unnecessary. Source never does it. Source never apologizes, because sources never condemned to begin with!

So there's no undoing to do.
But from a practical standpoint, in terms of what we are talking about here today-

anything that makes you feel better is a good thing.

So our friend was talking about wanting to undo the center. And an apology is a little bit like trying to undo an argument. Only you can't undo the argument -you just reactivate it! Because you're undoing it from outside the vortex. Because you're focused on it, which takes you outside the vortex.

That's why our answer about how source sees it- it was so blunt we've said source doesn't get into forgiveness, because it's like overcoming the judgment! But source didn't judge to begin with. So there's no overcoming. And yet, someone who- let's speak in human terms, you're asking about source. Let's talk about you!

So, when you forgive, it would be like going into the vortex.
It would be like letting go of what was keeping you out of the vortex, and going in!

And maybe, "apology" and "forgiveness" or are sort of the same thing: It's letting go of what's holding you out. It's like saying to whoever you're forgiving, or whoever you're apologizing to, it's like saying: I'm no longer going to use this as my excuse to not be in the vortex. But but it's a little bit risky. In you're no longer using it, you're still focused on it!

It might reactivate it!

Yes. Precisely.

Yeah, well, I've noticed that. At least before today that I had an addiction to being right.

It's an epidemic. (Huge laughter) You'r not the only one who has it! It was born out of the competitive world of measuring the piles, and comparing them. And so a lot of people... Esther wrestles that to the ground, at least once a day! Because there's something about being right, that you've been taught that seems to have some reward.

And and we just want being in the vortex to be a higher criteria, then being right!
Because, everyone gets to have their perspective.

Which means, everybody gets to be right.

And just because you differ in your perspective, and so you differ in what you believe is right, doesn't make... it's not a very good argument, for anything that feels good, or will benefit you!

When I'm in the middle of being right or wanting to be right or being driven or feeling driven to be right, it's like...

Just ride it out. It's like jumping out of an airplane with no parachute: Don't worry! It'll be over, soon. (Big laughter)
In other words, sometimes in that free fall, there isn't anything else you can do! Because you've already got the momentum going. But in light of a conversation that we've had today, you could make a decision to get really general, really fast! In other words, for example, you want to talk about a situation where you wanted to be right?

Yes okay it's with my daughter. And I push against the way...

All right! That's as far as you need to go with that!
So, let's say that you have a disagreement about something. And you're sure you're right, and you're expressing it, and you're not feeling good. And now it's compounded, because now you're out of the vortex. And now it seems like the reason you're out of the vortex is, because of this situation! Which makes you resent it even more.

And so, the more specific you try to be, the more out of the vortex you are!

So now in light of the conversation that we've had here today, you decide to take a more general stance. And so you think, specific to the situation, you know you're right, and she's wrong. And specific to the situation she's sure she's right, and you're wrong- specific to the situation!

But generally speaking, and in terms of emotion, you adore this girl.
You love her! You love her! You love her. She loves you!

Generally speaking, you really love each other!!
Specifically, you're really hard to deal with.

Generally speaking, you really... and so, as you get general- you go in the vortex!
Isn't that a really good understanding? You're right in the vortex. And then you say: "Oh, now I'm in there. I love her. Now maybe we can work that out?" ohhhh don't go there!! It's too soon!

Don't go there, don't go there.... till you're stable in the vortex!
Don't don't go there! Don't don't sacrifice the vortex for the specific of needing to be right.
STAY in there.

That's what is unconditional love is: Remaining in the vortex, no matter what.
Because that matters more!

And so now what happens next:
You hang around there, more. Now- the vortex, who has already orchestrated circumstances and events to give you exactly the specifics that you're looking for, can now begin to reveal to you the specifics, you see! You don't want to be right, and her to be wrong. You want both of you to be right! You just think in order for both of you to be right, she has to agree with you!

HS (laughing and crying at the same time): Right!! She thinks the same way!

And what's interesting about that is: Everybody thinks that! "I want you to be right with me. So, come over here, and believe like I do!" and how is that working out? It's not working out very well, is it?

So, unconditional love is seeing the subject at hand through the eyes of source.
And source always finds a reason to love.

And when you do, no matter how many reasons you've found not to- that's irrelevant!- right here, right now, where all of your power is, where you meet YOU- you come into alignment completely, with who you are. And love the feeling of it! We saw how you love the feeling of it! You love the feeling of love. And so, as you come into alignment with that ,and you practice the feeling of that, then more specific thoughts come, that complement and enhance and dovetail with that vibration!

Then the relationship just continues to expand, and evolve, and be all of the things, that all those moments in time were issues have caused you to ask for the specifics- every argument you had, caused the creation of something that you want. But we would like to say to all of you, and we think you're ready to hear it now! Where, maybe at the beginning of yesterday morning, you might not have heard it so easily. We really like saying this to you, knowing that now you're going to get it in the way that we mean it:

The specifics that you think you want, are not anywhere close to what the vortex is able to deliver!

Because you've been putting those pieces there so incrementally, you have no real conscious idea of what the big picture, that you've created, is! You can sense it. You can sort of kind of feel it. But you can't articulate it yet!

But as you hang around in the vortex longer, you'll be able to translate it into real-life experience. Which will make you feel that "hands in the clay"- feeling of creating your own experience. THATS that feeling of pride! And appreciation, for your ability to create!

And there isn't anything that makes you feel RIGHTER than that.

Because you begin to recognize all the little pieces that you put together!

from the clip Abraham Hicks ❤️ Apologies And Being Right
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Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

"Creating my vibrational escrow (my Vortex) is my greatest work!"
-Example of a better feeling story for financial Abundance

Abraham, thanks for everything that you do! As I've begun to work the processes, the one that gets my attention the most is a financial piece. And I'm so aware, and it been for many years, that I hold my myself in a place. financially, that's just enough to get by. I have a, you know, relatively high standard of living. But still there's this... edge, that I maintain.

All right, well. That's a strong statement, and it's good that you recognize it.

But every time you recognize it, and focus upon it, and speak it, you activate it and hold yourself there!
So, can you see that the way to change things is to tell a different story?

So, tell that story the way you want it to be, rather than the way that it is! ..."Now, well, hi Abraham! Glad to be here. Thank you for everything you do! I...?" (waiting for the HS to chime in).

Well, that's the question!

...I? ...I? Try it! ...I?
...I'm a good Creator. I have a high standard. I'm I support myself well there are a lot of things that I like so many things I'm looking forward to having and being and doing! I like knowing that, whatever I want, will flow to me! I like this understanding of these laws. And I like getting better at them, every day. And I'm eager to see the results of my improved focus! And I like telling a story until it gets easier to tell. And every story is easier to tell, every time I tell it. And I'm determined to tell stories, that move in the direction of the vortex!

And stories that people tell that are in the opposite direction, are more and more annoying to me. There used to be television programs that I actually took solace in watching, that now just aggravate me. Because as I watch them, they remind me of the opposite of what I want! They hold me out of the vortex. I love directing my thought, and I love shoring up my thought with words, and images.

And I love prosperity, and I love being a Creator! And I get it, that I've put a lot into my vibrational reality. I get it that there's a Vortex of creation over there, that's full of all kinds of stuff. I can feel that's a precursor to everything that I am, and everything that I want. And I so adore knowing, that the Universe has my back! It's consoling to me to realize, that the source within me is holding counsel on all of that. I like realizing that cooperative components have already been assembled, and I eagerly watch for evidence of them in my life. And every day I become a more cooperative component, just by my leaning in more optimism, and my effort at being in the vortex more.

There are so many wonderful things in my life! You should see where I live! I've created a really nice nest for myself! I take pride in the way it came together, and it really is beautiful! And I like that others who don't live as well, are often uplifted by what they see with me. And I have seen a steady progress of financial Improvement in my life, for a very long time. And I know that I'm a powerful Creator! And I can tell that I have amassed a vibrational expectation that is far greater my financial Nest Egg, than anything that I own, in terms of assets. It's my vibrational asset.

It's my vibrational escrow, that is my greatest work!

And, oh, I have amassed something so magnificent, and I so enjoy cashing it in a little bit here and a little bit here and reaping the benefit of it and enjoying the pleasure of it! I love being alive! And I love being alive in these financial times! Because these financial times have made me feel more alive than ever before. The contrast has served me! I have put more into the assets of my vibrational escrow in the last while, than I've done in a long long time: I felt it really really really get moving.

And it's taken a little bit for me to get up to speed with it. And I'm still in the process of doing that! But I'm expecting big dividends to start paying off, once I tune in to these assets, that are all lined up for me, with the support of the creator who create worlds, backing them up. I'm glad to have had this conversation with you Abraham! I just wanted to report into to you, of who I am. And how I feel! And how well life is going for me!"

from the youtube-clip
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Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

The Vortex is your own, emotional, vibrational state.
It is not a place, or THE place,
It is a state of being.

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