Quotes on The Processes - How to Raise Vibration

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Re: Quotes on The Processes

Post by spiritualcookie »

Milk every moment
for all the pleasure you can get from it.


When you say:
"It is my dominant intent to look for things that feel good, today,
No matter where I'm going,
No matter what I'm doing,
No matter who I'm doing it with,
it is my dominant intent to look for what I'm wanting to see,
to look for things that feel good."

And the more you develop the habit of that kind of vibration
the more the Universe understands that that's who you are!

And so, the more you have access only to those kinds of things!

Abraham Hicks, Albuquerque, NM, 5/9/99

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Re: Quotes on The Processes

Post by spiritualcookie »

Positive Memory Activation Process

Just try to remember ever having felt like you now want to feel.
And just by reaching for that,
just by saying:
"Have I ever felt like that?"
right away those things will become active again in your memory of when you felt like that.

You'll say: "I remember this, and I remember this, and I remember this...
and you'll cross the 17 second mark and the 34 second mark and the 51 second mark,
focused on that which feels good,
and you'll stand here in your powerful now,
having activated every powerful moment that you've ever lived.

- Abraham Hicks


Use your Emotions to Guide your Process

If you get an emotional response - whether it is positive or negative -
stop in the middle of that feeling, and acknowledge whether it's connecting you to Source or not.

If it is connecting you to Source, go with it.
Milk it for all it's worth.

If it isn't connecting you to Source,
but doing the opposite,
then take your pivot:
"I know what I don't want.
What is it that I do want?"
Let the desire be born, and then try to find the feeling place of that.
Try to remember something else like that.
Come back into your power.
And then stand on that new platform where you will now have access to things in your environment that a moment ago you didn't have access to.

- Abe
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Re: Quotes on The Processes

Post by spiritualcookie »

Book of Positive Aspects Process:

Hotseater: "So if I'm going back to interact with them, how do I set myself up to activate the marbles I want and not the ones that bring up a lot of bad memories for me?"

The first way we approached this in terms of a process was The Book of Positive Aspects.

You just take a notebook and write your name on a page and just write their positive aspects, the easy matches.

But there's a tendency to try to turn negative aspects into positive aspects, and that still gathers up the marbles and activates them.
It's like deciding you're gonna quit smoking, you never,ever want to smoke so much as you've ever wanted to smoke this when you decided you're not gonna smoke. It's active, yes?

Pick one [positive aspect] in your mind. You don't have to name them or even describe them. But give us your best, easiest-to-find, most comfortable positive aspect of this family member.

HS: I like the feeling of being together.

Abe: There you go. There,it is. That's really enough for a good rendezvous. (...)

HS: I can create any new vibration in any situation I want.

Abe: Yes, you can. And the way you do it is by trying, and then you get the first one in the hot seat. “I just wrote that down, connect those dots.” And then you get a little momentum until you begin to really believe in your deserving worthiness to be the recipient of the steady constant unerring gaze of your own Inner Being.

And once you practice that alignment, then you put that gaze on other people who have never experienced their Inner Being before... (...)
A lot of people, they are so focused on what-is then when you activate in their what-isness non-diluted appreciation--

That's what we were describing about Jerry did to Esther. He focused so steadily on what he saw as her positive aspects that those positive aspects just had to be, and Esther had to feel them too.

That's what the power of influence is.
And we have to say, when you are in alignment with your Inner Being and you are focused upon someone, your power of influence is more powerful than millions of disconnected people giving you attention.

HS: Yes.

Abe: Complete?

HS: yes,

Abe: Really good.

From the youtube clip: Abraham Hicks 2023 - You can control the behaviour of all others as relates to you ✨ LOA):
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Re: Quotes on The Processes

Post by spiritualcookie »

Pre-paving process:

As you begin to talk about what you will be doing,
you begin to feel as though you are doing it,
and in your feeling
you begin the positive attraction.

- Abraham Hicks

Thank you for this one FeelGood :heart:
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Re: Quotes on The Processes

Post by FeelGood »

spiritualcookie wrote: Sat Jan 06, 2024 11:34 pm Pre-paving process:

As you begin to talk about what you will be doing,
you begin to feel as though you are doing it,
and in your feeling
you begin the positive attraction.

- Abraham Hicks
FeelGood wrote: Sat Jan 06, 2024 11:15 pm Image
Thank you for this one FeelGood :heart:
you are welcome cookie :greetings-wavingyellow: :happy-partydance:
Seeing things to celebrate. Good Version, good version.
😎🎈🥰🎵💖💰 :flowdownstream: :goodjob: lemon
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Re: Quotes on The Processes

Post by spiritualcookie »

Stream of Well-Being Visualization Process

See yourself right where you are now,
as the beneficiary of the powerful Stream of Well-Being.

Try to imagine that you are basking in the flow of this powerful Stream.

Feel yourself as the Leading Edge beneficiary of this unlimited Stream,
and smile... You are worthy of it.

- Abraham, 2008


In the same way that sculptors mold clay into the creation that pleases them,
you create by molding Energy.
You mold it through your power of focus -
by thinking about things, remembering things and imagining things.
You focus the Energy when you speak, when you write, when you listen,
when you are silent, when you remember and when you imagine.
You focus it through the projection of thought.

- Abraham


Fine-tuning the language you use to help you point downstream

Consider the following common statements:

I can beat this.
I'm not going to let this get the better of me.
I will triumph over this.

We want you to try to understand that those statements are upstream, resistant statements.
For in each of them you are looking at the thing that you do not want, and holding yourself in vibrational alignment with the unwanted, rather than the wanted.
Your very belief that you need to overcome this adversity has you pointed upstream and away from the solution.

- Abraham


When doing the Processes...

There's no right or wrong.
Just do your best to apply as much as you know
and don't beat up on yourself.

- Abraham Hicks
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Re: Quotes on The Processes

Post by spiritualcookie »

Process of Deliberately Seeking Downstream Thoughts that offer Relief

Changing your vibrational alignment right now IS an option - a powerful one.

You are not, right now, choosing between feeling fabulous or terrible.

Your choices right now are more subtle and more fine-tuned than that.

You are making the simple choice of feeling a little better, or a little worse.

You can choose an upstream thought, or a better-feeling, downstream thought.

Those are your only choices: upstream or downstream.
But those choices are enough.


As you insist on getting yourself pointed slightly downstream over and over,
before you know it, downstream will be your natural tendency.
And soon there will be obvious evidence in your physical body of the improvement in the direction of your thoughts.


[If thinking downstream] is not the way you usually think about [a] situation,
it is likely that your thoughts will return to the more usual upstream thoughts.
So in order to hold your vibrational ground, so to speak, it is helpful to try to stay there longer by reaching for more statements of relief.
The longer you remain in the improved feelings of relief,
the more those better-feeling thoughts will attract other better-feeling thoughts,
until in time, you will be in alignment with your own desire.


It is possible, as you are reaching for some thoughts of relief, that you will come across a statement that you thought would make you feel better, but which actually makes you feel worse. (...)

If a thought feels worse than the one before it, it's not a problem.
Just reach for more relief.
And in time, and usually a rather short time - you will find what you are reaching for.

- Abraham, Excerpts from The Astonishing Power of Emotions book
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Re: Quotes on The Processes

Post by spiritualcookie »

Process of Scripting:

Scripting is one of those processes that we offer to assist you in telling the Universe the way you want it to be.

Scripting will help you break your habit of talking about things as they are,
and will help you begin talking about how you would like things to be.

Scripting will help you offer your vibration deliberately.

Get a notebook, call it My Life Story, and begin writing.

Chapter 1: My Life Story Relative to Abundance

And just fabricate a fabulous fairy tale that is pleasing to you and say:
This is the new me!
The vibrational virtual me!

We promise you, if you'll tell that story for just a little while instead of the story that you've been telling, the Universe doesn't know whether the story you are telling is the reality you're living or not.

The Universe only knows that it's the vibration that's activated.
And the vibration that's activated is the vibration that the Law of Attraction is responding to.


Q The topic of writing a script has been mentioned throughout this afternoon.
Could you give me some more specifics are you referring to?
Like imagery in your mind?

Abraham: Yes or storytelling.
Here is a good way to see it.
If you were a screenplay writer writing a movie or a screenplay,
the first thing you would do is identify your characters.
And then you would weave your characters together in a scenario that pleases you.

Now imagine this screenplay writer who has written this scenario but who now
wants to tell the audience who the characters are, so that the audience will understand why the characters behave as they do.

So you would begin by identifying the characters.

Now Esther would say: "The character known as Esther is..."
rather than "I" or "me" -
"The character known as Esther is a Deliberate creator and she's very good at what she does. She is full of fun and full of life. It's like a party going on wherever she is.
She likes to have fun. It seems to be her dominant intention. Although she can be very serious. She is someone who is in love with life and it is evident every day and
everywhere that she goes. Everywhere she goes people brighten up.
Everything she does she makes fun around it.
Everything that that comes to her is satisfying and fulfilling.
This is a character of deliberate creation.

The character known as Esther has a partner who is known as Jerry.
He too is a deliberate creator.

And you can go into as much detail as describing your characters as you feel inspired to do. Don't make work of it just speak whatever comes.

Now you could begin to weave them together in a script.

In other words:
"The character of Esther and Jerry are in the process of living happily ever after.
They are happy wherever they are.
They travel immensely and find that doors open for them everywhere/
If there is a an airline flight it is always perfect in every way.
Their baggage always arrives - usually it's the first three bags off the conveyor belt,
and it is always in perfect condition.
They go to their rental car agency and pick up their car with the greatest of ease
and always find themselves moving about the city with great ease.
As they move from hotel to hotel they find each experience new and exciting
and they anticipate always the deliciousness of the people that will gather with them."

You see what we're getting at?
You tell it like you want it to be, and the entire universe complies.
That's what script writing is.


What trips most of you up is that you write a script but then you say "where is it?" which produces resistance that doesn't allow the fruition of the script.

You say: "This is what I'd like but it's not here," which causes resistance which doesn't allow the fruition of the script.

Or you say: "Life is really good for me relative to this, but did you see that jerk on the highway?"
And as you give your negative attention to something you feel yourself with resistance that does not allow the fulfilment of the script.

- From the youtube clip Here’s How To Script. Manifest Your Desires By Scripting Them In Your Lifebook. ~ Abraham Hicks


Paradise-on-Earth wrote: Wed Jan 24, 2024 11:31 pm We talked some time ago about scripting,
about actually telling a story the way you want it to be.
But there is a trying-too-hard factor that many people began.
It was like trying to use the script to make it happen,
rather than receiving the script, because it had already happened.
Can you feel the difference?

— Abraham-Hicks
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Re: Quotes on The Processes

Post by spiritualcookie »

it is not necessary that you continue [to do processes] in one sitting
until you feel... wonderful.
Sometimes just letting go
and discontinuing the upstream battle is enough.

- Abraham


Example of Intending Process done by Esther

[Esther begins] her day making a clear deliberate statement of intent:

"Today, no matter where I go,
no matter what I do,
no matter who I interact with,
it is my dominant intent to look for that which makes me feel good."

- Abraham
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Re: Quotes on The Processes

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

The Acting-Process

As an actor sometimes I morph and I don't look at it as me, stepping outside of myself.
I look at as me becoming in the moment.

What is your preparation when you are attempting, or getting ready to receive inspiration
about a character that you might express?
-Is the character placed in his mood or attitude?
-Is the character placed in his circumstance?

Because it's only once you understand those things, and you're actually able to
acknowledge and emanate the mood, the MOOD of your character,
that the appropriate words would then flow through.

On camera or in pictures, a lot of people say:
"That's not you!" or "that doesn't look like you at all!" and I say, "Isn't that cool? That's my job."
But I look at it as frames per second on camera as same as frames per second in time-space reality.
And just capturing the essence of who I am. So, if I focus that essence while it's being captured,
it's logical that what you watch back on the tape may not even physically resemble Who I am now,
because that was my focus but...

Abe (interrupting):
That is the best description of deliberate creation that we've ever heard!!
Because everyone is an actor in the sense, that they get to project whatever vibration that they
choose to project.

But if everyone who's listening in, would understand that deliberate creation is just exactly that:
-Understand the role you want to play,
-and find its vibrational emotional basis first,
-and then practice that, so that that's who you ARE.

When you are an actor with other actors around you,
they're responding to who you are, because you are emanating who you are.
And it would be illogical for them to not react to who you actually are.
Well, this is the way the entire universe is responding to you!
The universe is responding to EACH of you.

You are an actor in a role, and everything and everyone else is responding to that
which you are emanating, you see! So, you just need to decide:
Am I a prosperous person, standing here in this role that the universe is reacting to?
Am I a revered and respected co-worker in this environment-
or am I someone that gets beat up and picked on?

Who am I?
Who am I now, what has life brought me to? Who am I, as I stand in this point of Attraction?
Because everyone else is responding to who you are.

This is why everyone who has ever written a movie, wants a really good Cornerstone-
Key Actor. Because they know, you get an actor like that- you just need one actor
like that, an actor that is really in sync with who he is and what's going on!
He will extract from everyone that interacts with him the exact performance or behavior.

You can set the tone in your family!
You can set the tone at your work.
You can set the tone in the part of traffic that's driving where you are!
You are the center of this universe!

I've been in a situation of, an actor- maybe he's not up to speed, will kind of like
break the scene, and I'm like, how that happened? -Cuz, then I fall off the momentum
and I can feel falling off the momentum...

We would spend no time figuring out how well someone is going to respond to you.
That's their job. And if you try to get in their head, then you've lost your character:
You've forgotten who you are.

That's what happens to people all day every day!
You get in the head of your kids, or you get in the head of your mates. Or, you get in
the head of your friends! When you try to dawn the perspective of another, you've
lost your point of attraction. And now, they don't know what to do, you see!

So, just stay in character, friends! Define who you are, and stay in character.
If they throw you off, then they were the dominant character, weren't they?
You're the lead! And everyone else is a cooperative component, who will read your script,
and fill in the pieces- exactly as you have defined it, by the vibrational frequency
that you offer.

Abraham Hicks,
from the clip Abraham Hicks - The Actor Process


-and then PRACTICE THAT, so that's WHO YOU ARE.

When you are actor with other actors around you, they'r responding
to who you are. Because you are emanating who you are,
and it would be illogical to them to not react to who you actually are.

Well, this is how the whole Universe is responding to you!
The Universe is responding to each of you!
You are an actor in a role. And EVERYTHING and EVERYONE else
is responding to that which you are emanating, you see!

So, you just need to decide:
Am I a prosperous person, standing here in this role,
that the Universe is reacting to?
Am I a revered and respected co-worker, in this environment?
Or am I someone that gets beat up, and picked on?

Who has life brought me to? Who am I, as I stand in THIS point of attraction?

Abraham Hicks,
from the clip Abraham Hicks - The Actor Process
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