Quotes on Being Observant & Observing What Is

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Quotes on Being Observant & Observing What Is

Post by spiritualcookie »

Many people... find it difficult not to observe what is happening around them;
and the problem with being such a tenacious observer is that
when you are observing unwanted things,
you are at the same time attracting more unwanted things.

But there are positive aspects to seeing what you do not want:
Whenever you see something you do not want,
you automatically send a rocket of desire outward,
for you always know more clearly what you DO want
when you are seeing something you do not want.

As you are observing those things in your work environment that seen unfair or unjust or inappropriate,
you are, in those moments, creating a Vibrational Escrow of an improved work environment.
And your Inner Being has now focused its attention upon those improvements.

The negative emotions that you are feeling arise because YOU are still focused upon the unwanted What Is, while your Inner Being has moved on to the thought of improvement.

- Abraham


Have you accomplished your point of attraction deliberately or by default?
Have you prepared the climate or atmosphere around you by deliberately meditating;
by quieting your mind; by looking for thoughts that feel good;
by making lists of things that please you?

Or is your point of attraction a knee-jerk response to something someone else said;
or to something you are observing around you?

What is the reason for your point of attraction?
Why are you thinking the thoughts that you are thinking?
Are you doing it on purpose?
Or are you doing it by default?

Excerpted from North Los Angeles, CA on 2/22/14, Daily Quote – January 24, 2024
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Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

Don't take reality and try to improve it.
Step into the daydream, where there's no resistance!

Abraham Hicks
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Post by spiritualcookie »

Observation & Comparison is Looking Outside Yourself for Guidance, and Looking outside yourself and not Inside yourself only leads to confusion of what is right for you

Because he has forgotten the existence of his own guidance mechanism, physical man looks outside of himself for the guideposts. (...)

("For if there are many that believe that it is right, it must surely be.")

And as he looks outside of himself, into the inconsistencies that abound,
into the vast divergence of intentions and beliefs,
he finds only confusion.

As man seeks his measure of right and wrong, he become a comparer.
Indeed he was born into a world of comparers.

As he emerged, he was compared to others in terms of size, amount of hair, alertness, beauty, ability in many areas;
And in every day of his experience, from his first day upon this Earth, he is compared by others - and eventually by himself - to all others.

Out of that comparison, also comes more confusion, for thre are many different intentions, and many different beliefs that affect all that he compares himself to.

Indeed, it is difficult to discover, in all of this comparing, what is better or what is right, for there are so many differing viewpoints of every subject.

- AH


You are living the balance of your thought.
For as you think, you feel, and the combination of your thought and feeling equals your creation.

You are thinking on many levels, and you are thinking about many different facets of your experience, and you are thinking about many different phases of your experience.

In one day, or even in one hour, you may think about many different subjects such as you home, your relationships, your physical body, your financial affairs, the organization of your home or office, the relationships your children are having with one another or with other children, others from your social circles or from your work environment... You think about what you are doing right now; you think about yesterday, or last year, or a relationship of many years ago. You think about what you will do later today or tomorrow, or the direction of your life...

In other words, your thoughts move across broad ranges of subjects and times.

Some of the thoughts are clear and emphatic, while others move softly across your mind, barely noticed.

And in all of that, the balance is what you are living.
For as you stand today, is evidence of the balance of your thought and feeling.

- Abraham


If you're mostly thinking positive thoughts, why would you rendezvous with lower vibration people?

"If the fearful ones, if the aggressive ones, if the sick ones, don't exist, then there's not much chance with me bumping into them.

[But] what we're saying to you is, [even if they DO exist] there's not any chance of you bumping into them unless you are vibrating somewhat there too.

And why would you vibrate somewhat there too?
Because you're still observing, more than you are projecting your thought energy.

- From the youtube clip: When You Feel Lonely-ABRAHAM HICKS (LOA)
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Post by spiritualcookie »

When you observe someone who is feeling bad...

In this process of seeing this person not feeling good, you have put the new and improved version of them (which means - the better feeling version of them)
in your vibrational escrow.

And so there they are.
And the broader part of you has focused upon the better feeling version of them.

But you, in your [observant] human form are not focused upon the better feeling version of them.
You're looking at them where they are.
And in doing so you've separated yourself from who you are.

[Any bad feeling you have when you look at them]
is present because you're looking at them in a way that the broader part of you is not now looking at them.

Your exposure to them caused you to expand your version of them
They, in what you observed them lived, caused you to give birth to an expanded version of them that you're not living up to.

- Abraham

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Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

About "being right"...

We're saying to all of you, who are so interested in finding the "reality" of things, and trying to find the rightness of reality, and sorting out alllll of the components of life on the planet, we say:

Ooh what a big job you have, first of all! And what really a waste of time it is to try to sort it all out, and put it into good piles and bad piles, when what you really want to do, is let life cause you to expand. And then, do the only thing that is necessary, or that you can do, or that is a value to you, or that will help you fulfill your reason for being!

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Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

We all came as a Divine Creators!
The Ferrari is AS important as World-Peace!

-Become a POINTER: Point at- and update what you want.

You know that you are more than you see here, in these bodies!? Do you?
Are you beginning to realize, that you in your human form- and a lovely form it is!- in your human personality, that you are an extension of source energy, and that you've come as source energy to create in a time and place in a time and space, under the vibrational laws of the universe,

with the explicit intention of consciously becoming more, and getting to witness the more that you are becoming?
You've come here into this time-space reality, to turn thoughts to things!

And sometimes you've... especially those of you, out here on this leading edge! On this leading edge of spirituality and deliberate intent, deliberate creation- sometimes you argue with yourself about the importance or the value, or even the correctness, of wanting to create things. Like, maybe you should be more interested in spiritual things? ...More heavenly things. Maybe, you should care more about World Peace, and not so much about the Ferrari?

And we want you to understand, that your Ferrari won't stop world peace!

You're carving out for yourself holding your thoughts upon something that you care about, to the point that you learn not to deviate from the things that you care about. In other words, thinking about what you want and not thinking so much about its absence, and not using the absence of things you want as justification for flowing your thoughts toward more virtuous things! There's no supply line that has been cut off.

In fact, you get to create whatever it is, that you focus upon!
In fact, you DO create whatever it is, that you focus upon!

And by creating one thing, you don't disallow another. You can have it all!!
Did you hear that? So, what keeps you leading edge creators, what keeps any of you from experiencing, from having, from possessing, from living, from owning, from knowing, something that you desire?

What does pinch it off?
If it isn't that: "There just isn't enough to go around. And the greedy ones are getting it all!" -if it's not that, and it isn't! -if it isn't that, someone else has decided what you're worthy of, or not worthy of. And holding back on your behalf, then what is it?

It is, that only you can hold yourself apart, from something that you want.
And the only way that you do it is by focusing upon the absence of what you want.

Because what you're pointing at, with your thoughts and with your words, is what you're practicing a vibrational frequency of. And that's what you're getting! That's what you're letting in. But you get confused about it, because sometimes when you are in a state of desiring something, you're pointing right at what you desire, and you feel good when you're thinking about it. There's no resistance! There's no pinching it off, when you feel like that!

But when you feel jealous of what someone else has, or angry at yourself that you haven't created more effectively or efficiently, when you feel negative emotion- that's when you are pointing in opposition to what you want. And the reason that we are so sure about that is, because every time you pointed at what you wanted, your Inner Being pointed at it! And Law of Attraction began amassing around this powerful pointing of you and YOU. And even when you, in your human form, got discouraged and stopped pointing at what you want, but instead began pointing at all the reasons that you are using to justify why you don't have it-

your Inner Being continued to point in the direction of what you want!

And that is, in fact... that pointing difference is what your emotions are all about. Esther has been saying to anyone who asks, and since hardly anyone does, she tells a lot of people who aren't asking, if they say "what do you do?" -she says "I'm a Pointer." And that's usually about as far, as that conversation goes, because she looks crazy, you know. But what she means is:

"I point at what I want! And law of attraction and the Universe take care of it!
Cooperative components are gathered, and what I want begins to take shape.
And the more I point at what I want, then the more of what I want comes into form.

And the more I point at it, the more awarenesses I have, of other things that I think, might be helpful to assist me in the receiving of it!"

Sometimes you point at something like a new house. And then you need to point at someone who's going to build it, unless you're going to do it yourself! And Esther's not going to do it herself, so she points at the idea of the new house, and as it comes into being, then she points at all kinds of things about the house.

"I'd like that, for the floor. And I would like that for the paint color. And I would like that for the tile, and I would like that, and I would like that one, I would like that, and I would like all of those people who know how to do it, just the way I like it, to come and assist!"

I'm a pointer! I'm a pointer. I'm a pointer: that's what a creator is!
A pointer and a deliberate creator is someone, who continues to point at what you want.

But as humans- and it's all right!!- you've come to sift and sort. And to come to conclusions about what you prefer, in the sifting and sorting process! Often you're pointing at what you don't want. In fact, you usually point at what you don't want, before you get clear about what you do want! But what we've noticed about so many of you is, even though you come into greater clarity about what you do want, as you've been aware of the things that you don't want- so often, and we love you so much!- you continue to point at what you don't want while you talk about what you do want.

You keep noticing how things are.
And what we really want you to hear is, that your life is so full and fantastic! And you have so many facilities in order to observe it! Your physical senses, your hearing and seeing and smelling and tasting and touching- everything that's around you, and that makes you more likely to keep pointing at what you see! But if you are pointing at it, just because it is: "look over there!" (happy voice) -you say, "well, look at that" (cynical, bummed out voice). How often rather than(happy eager voice) "look at that!", you're saying (disgusted voice) "well, look at that!" and you can tell by your own attitude when you're saying "look at that", it might not be something that you really want to point at!

Because you're going to move in the direction of what you point at!

Jerry learned that with Esther. They're driving down the highways, and the big old 45-foot bus with the car behind it, yesterday. Esther did most of the driving, and Jerry would say: "Look at that rainbow!" and then he would notice, that Esther would start moving in the direction! It wasn't long before he learned to only point out things to her that were right ahead!

Because you do move in the direction of what you're pointing at, at what you're looking at!

And so we want you to just pay attention over the next few days especially, at how many things you're pointing at, coming to your experience, in a very very strong way! Because law of attraction is relentless. The law of attraction brings back to you- and fast- what is active in your vibration. Sometimes, something happened in your experience, maybe 20 years ago. And of course you observed it! You were pointing at it, maybe a lot of people were pointing at it. It was something really worth pointing about! It was a big deal in your experience!

But then, that time passed. But you kept pointing at it. Remembered, talked about it... 19 years ago, and 18 years ago, and 17 years ago... talked about it yesterday! Talked about it this morning, in fact! You talk about it:
-Sometimes, because it's entertaining.
-Sometimes, because you overcame something!
-Sometimes because it's interesting! Mostly, because it's entertaining or because it's stuck in your vibrational craw. But MOSTLY,
-because you have forgotten, that what you point at keeps coming with you.

So if there are things that happened 20 years ago, that you want to re-create in today's experience, then by all means, we encourage you to keep pointing at them! And keep pointing them out, and keep talking about them!

But if it's something that you really don't want to be coming up in your experience over and over again- then don't keep updating it!!
Don't keep renewing it!

Esther notices that if she doesn't update her software, pretty soon her machine doesn't work anymore. You've noticed that? -Gotta kind of keep updating, to keep things current! Well, when it regards things that you care about, and things you want to keep being active in your experience, by all means keep updating them! Keep talking about them. Keep them active in your vibration. But if there's something that you've lived, or something that you've observed, that you don't want to be present in your day's experience-

then do your best to take your attention from it which means give your attention to other things:
Decide, that you're going to point toward the things that you really want.

from the youtube clip "‘I am a Pointer’ | You can have it all"
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Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

About the Mastery of Buddha, Christ and Muhammad (And why aren't all of their messages alike?)
The TRUE Leader of ourselves is our Inner Being

HS (Jerry):
Why have the massive numbers of mankind followed primarily three teachers- Buddha, Christ and Muhammad, as opposed to the many other teachers who've lived here during the past say, 4,000 years?

The examples that you have offered without exception are examples of physical beings who came forth from the Inner World, as did all physical beings. But with greater and clearer intent. With greater wanting, with greater reason for being! They came forth as teachers, not only as participators.

And as they were physical beings, they allowed the opening of that passage-way, so that they could be physical beings; while at the same time allow a broader, greater part of that which is their Inner Being, to come forth into this physical experience. They were, in short, Blended Beings. You may also be aware, that as they came forth, they were not revered instantly. In fact in each of those cases, they were not really revered until long after they were no longer physical beings! It is always difficult for those who are physical to accept that which is new. It is easier to hold fast to the old thought!

It is our absolute knowing, that if those great leaders- any one of them-
were to come forth, expressing clearly their knowing in this time, that they would not be heard!

-That there would be great insistence on the part of those physical beings who are now in power, in the various parts of the world- wanting to hold to different thoughts, whether it is the thought of Christ or the thought of Buddha or the thought of Muhammad, or the thought of another great leader- they would rather hold to those thoughts of old, than to experience and accept that which is now.

I have a question that I've kind of concerned myself with, since my childhood: As teachers like Moses, Buddha, Christ, Muhammad... went off to themselves and as we understand, made direct contact with the Divine Being, and received these messages, I never could understand why their messages were not all the same! Since I thought, they were reaching the same Supreme Being and being informed. Could you respond to that?

There are a number of reasons for that.

The most important reason is because, they were not all asking the same questions.

They were not all at the same point of wanting.
They were not all at the same point of understanding.
They were not all at the same point of experience.
They were at different times, in history.
In different places upon the world.
And they were making contact, or communicating with those,
who were at different points of wanting, and at different points of understanding!

Thank you, that was very good! There was Muhammad- let's say 1500 years ago, and Jesus 2,000 years ago, and Buddha 2500 years ago and then Moses, centuries before that, who went to themselves and received the information, that started these major religious movements that exist today.

But why do you feel that it is, that there have been no such powerful leaders of thought that have stood out in the last 1500 years? Why have we had such a long spell without, anymore?

They are not allowed by those physical beings who are here, to receive them!

And why is that?

It is easier to hold to the thoughts of old, than to create new thought.
It is easier to act out of habit, than to act out of your wanting.

The beliefs that surrounded you when you were born are very powerful. And it takes a very strong being, to live surrounded by beliefs and still allow the knowing that comes forth from within, to guide. Most are not strong enough! They allow the pressure of the group, that surrounds the pressure of the beliefs that abound to keep them from doing the very thing that they intended to do, as they came forth.

The people that... the adults, the people that are older than them, have more experience. The tendency is to look toward them for guidance and leadership and then, granted yes, this Inner Voice is speaking. But how much can a person actually learn from that personal Inner Voice, without any guidance from those who have had physical experience? That are here, when we're here?

The guidance that comes forth from within in the form of emotion,
is the most profound guidance that you will ever experience.
It is much more emphatic, much more precise, much more deliberate,
and much more appropriate than any set of rules that you might gather,
or any set of conversation that you might gather from anyone else, who experiences.

Because they do not see through your eyes!
They have not lived the experience that you are living, you see. In order to understand the value of this guidance system, you must understand that you are more than you see, here!

You are a being that has lived on and on and on, through many births and deaths. You are a cumulative being, that is much much more than you recall from this one physical life experience!

And when you accept that, then you may begin to accept that that broader part of you, that older, wiser You, that You that is connected to all-that-is, has the ability to offer you in any moment emotion or even clear lucid thought to assist you. In knowing the appropriateness of any thought, word or action, in the the moment.

Your guidance system not only knows who you are and what you want in the here and now, it knows the You from the broader perspective, and it knows all of the Inner Beings of all of those, that you are interacting with!

from the youtube-clip Abraham-Hicks: Why Buddha, Christ & Mohammed?
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Post by spiritualcookie »

No one, nothing, can deny you your desire.
Only YOU can deny your own desire, through contradictory vibration.
No one has ever kept you from anything.
Nobody's keeping you from being rich and famous.
Nobody's keeping you from being well.
No one but you.
And the reason that you do it ie because you observe things that cause you to offer a vibrational outpouring that doesn't match the vibration of your own desire.

- Abraham
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Post by spiritualcookie »

One who is predominantly an observer thrives in good times, but suffers in bad times,
because what you observe is reflected in your vibration.

The Universe accepts that vibration as your point of attraction and then matches it with other things like it.
And then you have more to observe which causes you to offer more of a vibrational offering which the Universe accepts as your point of attraction and gives you more like it...

So the good gets gooder
and the bad gets badder.

But a visionary thrives in all times!
Because a visionary is one who learns to flow Energy because of decision, not because of What-Is.

- Abraham


Keep saying: "What I'm getting is what I'm vibrating.
Hum. What I'm getting isn't pleasing me in every way.
I think I could use a little more visualization and a little less observation."
The key for most of you will be to goose up your visualization and play down your observation.

As far as your observation goes, we would like you to become very good selective sifters,
because there's so much that you can observe that does not match your own desire.

- AH


The Universe does not know if your vibrational offering is because of what you are observing or visualizing.
In either case, the Universe is matching it with things like it.
So your work is to deliberately offer vibrations that are a Vibrational Match to what you want.

- Abraham 2/24/96
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Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

Ignore Reality!

Abraham Hicks
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