Realms of Reality - Physical & Non-Physical Realities

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Re: Realms of Reality - Physical & Non-Physical Realities

Post by spiritualcookie »

Similarities between physical & non-physical beings

From our current non-physical perspective, we do not differ so much from you. (...)
We are all, physical and Non-physical, very much alive.
Whether physically or non-physically focused, we are, through our currently chosen format, seekers of experience, stimulation and growth.

- AH

Non-physical beings have a broader perspective than physical beings

From our Non-physical perspective, our focus can easily be extended to include a clear awareness of your physical experience, while from your physical dimension, it is more difficult for you to extend your awareness to include out Non-physical experience.
You might say we have a broader perspective. And from this broader perspective, we actually have a clearer view of who you are and why you are currently focused through your physical bodies in this physical dimension, than you do.

- Abraham


Part of Physical Man is in the Non-Physical Realm

Many stories have evolved to help physical man catch a glimpse of the Non-physical in an effort to help him understand himself more broadly. For physical man is an extension of the Non-physical realm.

Not only his roots exist there, but the very core of his current physical being exists within the non-physical realm.


Every part of your physical world is, and always has been, supported by that which is non-physical.

The very Energy that created, and now supports your physical existence, is focused into your physical realm from the Non-physical dimension.

Your physical bodies are composed of the physical stuff of your physical plane and the life force ,or Energy that supports you comes forth from the Non-physical dimension.

It is not possible to separate your world or even your physical body from the Non-physical dimension, for the two dimensions are eternally intertwined.

- Abraham
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Re: Realms of Reality - Physical & Non-Physical Realities

Post by spiritualcookie »

Nothing here in your physical environment can be explained ONLY through physical terms, and so that which you do not understand, you force into a sort of logic. And the result of that is that the majority of you are living and working and seeing through eyes of tremendous misconceptions. (...)

Here are a few of your greatest misconceptions:
- I make things happen through effort and strain
- Pain and hard work are the ingredients of the greatest accomplishments.
- The more time I spend pitting my body against the struggle, the more effective or triumphant I will be.
- Physical action is what makes things happen."

Working under those assumptions, you are not only tremendously handicapped and limited, you are usually soon defeated and tired.

After years of working but not succeeding, most stop trying and resign themselves to a tired body and lost dreams, looking for others, defeated also, in order to justify their own failure.

- Abraham, 1991
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Re: Realms of Reality - Physical & Non-Physical Realities

Post by spiritualcookie »

Not All Non-Physical Beings are Wise & Worth Listening to

Physical man often mistakenly believes that all beings who are part of the Non-physical dimension are older and wiser than those focused in the physical realm, and that certainly is not the case.

The beings who are focused in the Non-physical dimension hold tremendous variety in intentions, desires, beliefs, expectations, abilities and attitudes.

- Abraham


In your Now,
you are at a most powerful junction -
where your physical world meets the Non-physical world.

- AH


Your physical world, indeed everything you see and know as your physical environment, including you and all other physical beings, are supported by a Non-physical energy.

Without the focus on this Non-physical Energy, you and everything else that you know as your world, would not exist.

That Non-physical energy is the Energy that supports your planet.

We call it Creative Life Force, and it streams into you in a strong, steady current.

We can liken it to the electricity that flows through the walls of the homes of those in your community.

Each of you, individually, plug into, or tap into, that electricity with a variety of electric appliances, utilizing that constant Energy toward whatever ends you seek.

And in a like manner, all physical beings are receiving a similar Non-physical current, or Energy although you do not choose your end result by plugging in an appliance. You choose your end result by contouring that constant flowing Energy with your thoughts.
Indeed, the thoughts that you offer are continually contouring the stream of Non-physical Energy toward your end results.
And the end result that we speak of here is the life experience that you are living.

- Abraham
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Re: Realms of Reality - Physical & Non-Physical Realities

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

The Acting-Process

As an actor sometimes I morph and I don't look at it as me, stepping outside of myself.
I look at as me becoming in the moment.

What is your preparation when you are attempting, or getting ready to receive inspiration
about a character that you might express?
-Is the character placed in his mood or attitude?
-Is the character placed in his circumstance?

Because it's only once you understand those things, and you're actually able to
acknowledge and emanate the mood, the MOOD of your character,
that the appropriate words would then flow through.

On camera or in pictures, a lot of people say:
"That's not you!" or "that doesn't look like you at all!" and I say, "Isn't that cool? That's my job."
But I look at it as frames per second on camera as same as frames per second in time-space reality.
And just capturing the essence of who I am. So, if I focus that essence while it's being captured,
it's logical that what you watch back on the tape may not even physically resemble Who I am now,
because that was my focus but...

Abe (interrupting):
That is the best description of deliberate creation that we've ever heard!!
Because everyone is an actor in the sense, that they get to project whatever vibration that they
choose to project.

But if everyone who's listening in, would understand that deliberate creation is just exactly that:
-Understand the role you want to play,
-and find its vibrational emotional basis first,
-and then practice that, so that that's who you ARE.

When you are an actor with other actors around you,
they're responding to who you are, because you are emanating who you are.
And it would be illogical for them to not react to who you actually are.
Well, this is the way the entire universe is responding to you!
The universe is responding to EACH of you.

You are an actor in a role, and everything and everyone else is responding to that
which you are emanating, you see! So, you just need to decide:
Am I a prosperous person, standing here in this role that the universe is reacting to?
Am I a revered and respected co-worker in this environment-
or am I someone that gets beat up and picked on?

Who am I?
Who am I now, what has life brought me to? Who am I, as I stand in this point of Attraction?
Because everyone else is responding to who you are.

This is why everyone who has ever written a movie, wants a really good Cornerstone-
Key Actor. Because they know, you get an actor like that- you just need one actor
like that, an actor that is really in sync with who he is and what's going on!
He will extract from everyone that interacts with him the exact performance or behavior.

You can set the tone in your family!
You can set the tone at your work.
You can set the tone in the part of traffic that's driving where you are!
You are the center of this universe!

I've been in a situation of, an actor- maybe he's not up to speed, will kind of like
break the scene, and I'm like, how that happened? -Cuz, then I fall off the momentum
and I can feel falling off the momentum...

We would spend no time figuring out how well someone is going to respond to you.
That's their job. And if you try to get in their head, then you've lost your character:
You've forgotten who you are.

That's what happens to people all day every day!
You get in the head of your kids, or you get in the head of your mates. Or, you get in
the head of your friends! When you try to dawn the perspective of another, you've
lost your point of attraction. And now, they don't know what to do, you see!

So, just stay in character, friends! Define who you are, and stay in character.
If they throw you off, then they were the dominant character, weren't they?
You're the lead! And everyone else is a cooperative component, who will read your script,
and fill in the pieces- exactly as you have defined it, by the vibrational frequency
that you offer.

Abraham Hicks,
from the clip Abraham Hicks - The Actor Process
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Re: Realms of Reality - Physical & Non-Physical Realities

Post by spiritualcookie »

How you were created from Non-physical to physical:

You very much wanted freedom, and by exercising your absolute freedom, you accomplished a setting forth of non-conflicting Energy which literally resulted in your physical emergence.

As you, from your Non-physical perspective, wanted this physical emergence, you offered clear, focused, non-challenged, non-conflicting thought of being in this physical body.

And by virtue of the absolute freedom of creation that abounds, you emerged.

- Abraham
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Re: Realms of Reality - Physical & Non-Physical Realities

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

Are Abraham Aliens?
-How to see an Alien?

Can I experience my fantasy into reality- specifically, having an encounter with an alien spaceship, or an alien being? Or have I had that experience already,
by having praying mantises, hummingbirds flying around me, and if so... could I handle it well?

We're going to start first, by saying that because the vortex is a vibrational place, because it's a vibrational experience, because it's an
emotional experience -then anything that you tune to completely, you have the ability to see it.

Jerry and Esther where talking about what they see, when they're asleep, as they were sitting out on board on the deck on the ship. Looking out to the
beautiful ocean, yesterday. They were contemplating the amazing well-being that they were witnessing, and talking about how -depending upon where you are standing at any point in time- you proclaim your degree of well-being that you are witnessing. And again, they were talking about the differences in
perspectives, and so on, and then they began thinking about the reality of it all... in other words, thinking about this earth spinning in its orbit; thinking about how it got here, thinking about it in relationship with other planets or other galaxies, thinking about the bigness of all of it, and the bigness of the consciousness that they are feeling.

And then, Esther began talking about how she cannot identify the place that Abraham comes from. We are placeless to her! We are non-physical, which means, we are... we are faceless and placeless to her. We are energy. We are focused energy.

And then, they began contemplating about maybe this whole planet, and everything that they are seeing is actually an illusion, not really a manifestation that is witnessed by a particular vibrational perspective! And we've been saying to you all, for a long while, that what you see with your eyes
is a vibrational interpretation! What you smell is a vibrational interpretation. Everything about your physical senses is:
You're interpreting vibration.

And as Esther sat there, she took hold of the bench she was sitting on. And touched the rail of the ship that they were sitting near, and and looked at the
massiveness of the ship, and the the metal and the the realness of the water. And she said: "It is really a stretch to accept, that this is perspective! Because it seems like it's reality, that I'm observing, not perspective, that I am part of the creation of!" and then Jerry said: "But what about in your dreams? You accept your dreams as something that isn't a reality. But what did you dream last night?"

And as Esther contemplates her dreams... her dreams are full of, as much motion and emotion, and perspective and reality... she's touching and moving and feeling in her dreams are a sort of reality. But she has trained herself not to believe in that reality as much, as she believes in this reality. So, what we're saying to you is, that when you get into this vortex, anything that you have put there, the universal forces have the ability to gather the cooperative components, in order to give you the experience, the life experience- the real experience, that you are looking for.

And in response to "would you be able to handle it?"... the most important thing to understand is, that since you put every component into your vortex, it's all there for you! And of course, not only you will you be able to handle it- you would REVEL in it, no matter what it is, you see!

So the question again really is, "am I in the vortex? Or am I not?"

When we talk about the frequency of your inner being, and wanting to bring yourself the frequency, you gotta accept. In other words, we don't proclaim ourselves to be aliens from another planet. But we are certainly not physically focused upon the planet in which you dwell!

In other words, we are not the extension of Source Energy that you all are. We are a different vibrational frequency. And for Esther to find us, she had to release enough resistance for a long enough period of time, to tune into the frequency that is us. So, that in real time she is receiving everything that we
are, and able to translate it into this physical time-space reality in a way that is meaningful for you. So when you think about it, it does not matter whether we, Abraham, are from another planet- or whether we are consciousness that is assembled in the ethers of that which you call "your universe", we are
collective consciousness that is gathered and perceivable and tunable-in-able to... - in other words, we are a signal that you can receive and we are
not the only signal in the universe that you can tune into!

There are endless signals in the universe that you can tune in to. Different frequencies. So, when you say "well, I want to tune my vibration to the frequency now", what do you want?
When you say: "would I be able to handle it?" -well tune into the frequency of that which you want - to align with you!

It's such an interesting thing! People tune into frequencies and create things. They don't want they have traffic accidents, and they fall down and they trip over things and they develop cancer, they... they create all kinds of things that they don't want to be their reality. Because they are sloppy in the way they are assembling and projecting the vibrational frequency from their thought process, you see! And so, when you say "can I handle it?" -we are assuming that you are intending to rendezvous with wisdom, and with love and with collective consciousness that knows.

And we promise you- the consciousness is there! We'll rendezvous with you, and it doesn't matter what label you give it. You will LIKE IT, when you rendezvous!

from the youtube clip: Abraham Hicks - When You Encounter An Alien Being
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Re: Realms of Reality - Physical & Non-Physical Realities

Post by spiritualcookie »

In non-physical we don't even have clocks or calendars.
In other words there is no time in that sense where we are,
and yet it is all Now.

- Abraham, From the youtube clip: Abraham Hicks - Breathe And Everything Turns Around
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Re: Realms of Reality - Physical & Non-Physical Realities

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

What the World is...

I realize that the world is a reflection of what I have going on, inside me.

The world is a reflection of what EVERYONE has going on! And there are a lot of things going on. In other words, it's not only your reflection. The world is the things, that have come from the thoughts, that the world has thought. But you didn't think all the thoughts!

Abraham Hicks
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Re: Realms of Reality - Physical & Non-Physical Realities

Post by spiritualcookie »

Non-physical enjoys the Abraham seminars too!

Even though it is a small gathering here, thousands are sitting upon the non-physical sidelines who are delighted with the clarity that has come forth as a result of your offering here this evening.

This gathering has never been before unto all of the Universe.
It is an absolutely unique experience.
And your participation within it is tremendously appreciated.

- Abraham
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Re: Realms of Reality - Physical & Non-Physical Realities

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

Why do people think, Life would not be for the Fun?

Why have humans come to believe that life is about being trained for no fun and not feeling good?

Jerry would like to say to you: "Not all of them."
Esther would say: "those people are mean." And he would say: "Mean people are mean." or: "(...) People don't pay attention to what they're doing." and Jerry would say: "Well, people who don't pay attention to what they're doing, don't pay attention to what they're doing." But he was always wanting to help Esther to not throw everybody in a basket. ...Why have humans come to believe that life is about being trained for no fun and not feeling good... well, we will agree with you, that that is sort of rampant among your planet.

And the specific reason for that is, because most people are believing more in action than they are in the leverage of aligned energy!

And so they get into a time shortage consciousness, where they're... they just can't get it done without working too hard, or focusing too much.

And so, they train- as you say- the fun out of themselves by trying to leverage with action, something that they could have easily leveraged with energy and focus. (That's the) Primary reason!

from the official clip "Abraham NOW excerpt - June 18, 2020"
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