Quotes on Death

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Quotes on Death

Post by spiritualcookie »

You do not have to justify leaving this physical plane by attracting illness, or agedness.

- Abraham

Blue__Butterflies wrote: Tue Apr 18, 2023 6:08 pm At no time can you not come into Pure Positive Energy.
And actually that's what the death experience is…it's the ultimate getting into the receptive mode. And oh, what a party that is.
You are very funny when you make your transition into non-physical and you get into that receptive mode and you get a look at all of the things that didn't matter that you were making such a big deal about.
That's a party worth going to. (Fun)
We all line up, "Oh, here are new ones coming, listen to them laughing."
It's not quite like that...
No, it's exactly like that; it's exactly like that as it occurs to you how simple it all was and how complicated you all made it.

~ Abraham-Hicks
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Post by spiritualcookie »

Blue__Butterflies wrote: Tue Apr 18, 2023 6:06 pm Q: You’re talking about vibrations and raising vibrations, and it occurred to me that at the moment of death or transition that many people go through illness, they go through trauma, they go through heart attacks in order to go to that next level. And I’m wondering if it’s possible for us to just raise our vibration to that level that we can just step over into the other…?
A: Of course, of course. What you’re talking about is about when you accept that in that Source Energy place there is no resistance. The reason that so many people suffer so greatly before they make their transition is because they don’t let go of resistance until they have no other choice, and you can let go of resistance any time you want.
The best story we have about this is when a friend of Jerry and Esther’s (at the time that Esther was not traveling so much and was doing telephone consultations) called with two conversations, and there was going to be a 15-minute break in between. And during the first segment she spoke with us about her father who had been lingering on his death bed for a long time. He was suffering, he was not happy, and nobody in the family was. It was causing a financial burden, and it was not pleasant for anyone.
And her question to us was this: “Abraham, what am I doing wrong?” And we said to her nothing has gone wrong here, everything is unfolding just right. And when she felt that, a huge relief washed through her that caused a sort of ripple in the Universe, the relief was so great. And then they took their segment of refreshment. And when she called back in 15 minutes to resume, she told Esther that the hospital had called and in that precise moment her father had made his transition.
Now, why? Why was her attention to that an influence to his release? Because her attention to the opposite had been an influence to his holding on. In other words, when you think there’s something wrong with death or when you’re worried about it or when you’re struggling, you just keep a vibration active. And resistance is always the same thing - resistance always keeps you from going where you want to go.
Esther says for her point of view she wants to be happy, healthy, happy, healthy, happy, healthy, dead. In other words, with no gap in between - happy, healthy, happy, healthy, happy, healthy, dead. It’s like one day they were sitting on the porch where they had a house with big glass windows, and a bird tried to fly through, hit a window and there it lay, not breathing. And since Esther and Jerry had been sitting there when it happened and it was a sort of shocking thing to see, Esther scooped the little bird up and felt bad about her responsibility, thinking she’d provided the window that it had killed itself on.
And Esther just sort of stroked the little bird. She held it tight in her hands for a minute and then she felt it beginning to squirm, and she opened her hands and it flew away. And she said “Abraham, I thought that bird was dead.” And we said no, it was just getting ready to be dead. In other words, it was happy either way because it is life or life for the bird - the bird really doesn’t care if it’s life here or life there. It’s life or it’s life or it’s life or it’s life. And by holding it, what Esther accomplished was she made either case feel the same. In other words, the comfort she provided made reemerging into the physical feel as normal or as good as reemerging into the Nonphysical.
And that’s really the way we would like all of you to regard the subject of death: As long as there’s still something here that’s interesting, that’s calling you, that’s giving you reason to want to wake up in the morning - as long as you’re feeling frisky, as long as you’re feeling joyful, as long as the day is making your heart sing, then why not live your life here on this platform that you have provided?
But if you’ve sorted through all the contrast that you’ve allowed, and if you’ve given birth to all the rockets of desire that you think you’re going to give birth to, or if you’ve let there be too big of a gap between who you’ve become and what you’ve allowed, then there’s nothing wrong with releasing and reemerging into Nonphysical. In either case, it’s the same result - in either case, you become instantaneously who you really are.
It’s just that when you do it the way that you are proposing it, it’s not such a bouncing-off-the-wall enthusiasm experience. Esther recognizes what the feeling of this full-blown life is what people call death because she tastes the feeling of that Broader Perspective as she is allowing the merging of the you and the You here.
So you don’t have to get sick to take your transition. And sometimes people worry “Well, if I get too happy, will I croak? I don’t want to get too happy. I better keep a little resistance going - not too much and not too little, just enough resistance to remain physical.” And we say your intentions are known. In other words, as you live life, you’re building your Vibrational Escrow. You can’t fake it. And every time it happens, it happens exactly right - no exceptions, no exceptions. Nothing ever goes wrong about that, ever. Nothing ever goes wrong.
Q: I’ve got a little dog that is blind and really losing energy every day, every day he’s getting worse.
A: Let it go. Let it go.
Q: And I tell it, it can go, but…
A: But you don’t mean it.
Q: I don’t want to put it to sleep, you know. I want it to go…
A: You don’t need to. You don’t need to. But if you really mean go to who You are, if you really mean that, if you get into that Vibrational Escrow and you feel the frisky fullness of that and you really mean it, your dog will make its transition immediately because it’s not having fun. But it will hang around for you if you make a big enough deal of it.
Q: Yeah, thank you.
~ Abraham-Hicks
San Francisco, CA 2/17/2008
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Post by spiritualcookie »

Blue__Butterflies wrote: Tue Apr 18, 2023 6:04 pm

People say to us all the time
“Abraham, I’m wanting to have this rapture;
I’m wanting to have this experience where I do not die,
where my physical body goes with me.”

And we say, and what will you do with a physical body in a Nonphysical dimension?

And they’ve never really thought about that
because they’re not thinking it through. (...)

Nothing that is matter ever leaves this Universal sphere in which you are living,
it just continues to reconstitute itself; i
t continues to take on new form
as the Nonphysical Energy addresses it. (...)

But this physical body will one day have that which you call death,
and it will remain - the matter of this physical body will remain for centuries for those who dig it up, who look at it.

Even if you are ashes in a can, that physical body of yours will remain a part of the physical context of this time/space reality
because you came forth from Nonphysical and you expanded into this physicality,
and once something exists it does not cease to exist.
But it constantly changes forms.

~ Abraham-Hicks
Boca Raton, FL 11/5/2005
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Post by spiritualcookie »

How your Inner Being sees death:
Blue__Butterflies wrote: Tue Apr 18, 2023 6:26 pm So you are aware that a child has died
and your Inner Being is aware that that child is eternal.
And you are aware that that child is no longer in its physical body
and your Inner Being is aware that there’s no separation of non-physical and physical
and the communications and the relationships can continue on, if they are wanted.

~ Abraham-Hicks
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Post by spiritualcookie »

[The idea of death] is not something to push against but something to relax into.
Something to accept as part of the ongoing, eternal process of physical life. (...)
You must accept that that which is not wanted is part of that which is wanted.

- Abraham
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Post by spiritualcookie »

When a pet dies, are they still around?

HS: I would like to know if what can I tell clients when their animals pass to give them some peace?

Abe: we'll tell you a couple of stories.

So some years ago Jerry and Esther were visiting some friends in Portland
and they saw them once a year. And they always went to their house. And they always had a barbecue, and picked cherries from the big trees. And they always had a nice time.
And their big black dog was always there.
And then this time they showed up and they were having the barbecue and they
were getting all of their cherries picked, and all of the things that they usually did. And they sat down to eat and Esther said:
"Where is this big black furry beast?"
And they both immediately went into sad mode.
Because since Jerry and Esther had been there last, that dog, who was very old in human years, had made his transition.

And Esther said:
"Well, the reason I ask is because he keeps running past!
I've never experienced anything like it!
I keep having this Sensation that he's over there,
and then he's over there,
and then he's over there!
I halfway expected my clothes to be blowing!"

And it was the first time that Esther had ever had an experience with non-physical in a beast.

She's aware that lots of her dearly not so departed are hanging around,
but she had not realized that.

And so relationships are eternal.


How can you communicate with or feel the presence of a departed pet?

If you have lost your furry friend, he's not lost.

In fact [he is] still aware of you.
Still aware of you, but this is the most important thing: (...)
You gotta know that being non-physical is really good.
It's Clarity. It's fun. It's free. It's full. It's whole. It's love.

And so, if you are mourning the loss of somebody that's not where you are,
so you're doing Step 1, you're asking,
And furry friend is doing Step 2, is answering,
But you're nowhere near the receptive mode,
so even though Sabbath [the black dog in the story above] is running all over the place for them, all the time too,
they did not even know it!

Their sadness prevented them from recognizing his presence.

Now is he running around there all the time?
No, he's got other things to do.

But any time you are wanting words from anyone,
they're there for you.


So if we were standing in your physical shoes and you were wanting to comfort someone,
you've got to know where they are at.

And if they're sad, and they usually are,
you got to say to them:
"I don't blame you for being sad. I get that.
But your [pet] is not sad.
And so if you want to feel [them] then pay attention to when you accidentally get happy; when you're forgetting that you're supposed to be mourning the loss
of someone;
And you forget for a minute and something lifts you out of that for a
minute, and you're accidentally happy for a minute,
and then you get an Impulse about [your departed pet], that's real.

- Abraham, From the youtube clip: "Abraham Hicks ~ 2022 Workshop ~ When pets transition" Dec 13 2022
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Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

You can reverse anything.
As long as you are consciously releasing resistance,
and not allowing it to mount,
you can remain joyously physically focused!

Abraham Hicks
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Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

When you die, the first thing you do when you cross over is LAUGH

Laughter might be the most profound state of Alignment that exists.
Laughter is your first impulse, when you re-emerge into nonphysical!

And you realize, how idiotically seriously you've been taking all this stuff.
In that final recognition of the Wellbeing of you, and the worthiness of you,
and the value of you,

there will be a laughing feast
the likes of which you have not yet experienced in this physical form.

Abraham Hicks
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Post by spiritualcookie »

When you die, you still have a non-physical life, so are still alive

You [humans] think so much in terms of being dead or alive
that you miss perhaps the biggest point of all:
There is no death!
There is only life!
Eternal, everlasting Life. (...)
[Because when you die, you just re-connect with the non-physical plane where you are still "alive".]

From our current non-physical perspective, we do not differ so much from you. (...)
We are all, physical and Non-physical, very much alive.
Whether physically or non-physically focused, we are, through our currently chosen format, seekers of experience, stimulation and growth.

- AH

We hear some of you speaking about your past life experiences, sometimes explaining in great detail who you were last time, and the time before that, and the time before that. Carefully summing up past lifetimes in a neat chronological row.

Much of the information you have gathered is absolutely accurate, but there is one common misunderstanding that gets in the way of your accepting who you really are, and that is the idea that you are born into a physical body, and so now you are physical. And then you die, so now you are non-physical. And then you are born into another body, so now you are physical again. Eternally bouncing back and forth between physical and Non-physical dimensions.
It is just not that way.

Right now, at the same time that you are living this physical experience, in this physical body, there is another part of you that exists in the Non-physical dimension -a Non-physical counterpart, older, wiser, with a much broader perspective than you currently hold through your physical eyes. Words such as "soul" or "higher self" have been used to describe this Non-physical you. We use the words "Inner Being."

Your Inner Being exists as the culmination of all the lifetimes and experiences, both physical and Non-physical, that you have lived, and it continues to benefit and evolve because of the experiences that you are having here in this physical teim and place.

- Abraham


Every living thing, animal or human, or tree experiences that which is called death, with no exception.
You’ve all accepted that one a long time ago.

Spirit, which is who we really are, or Source, is eternal.
So what death must be is a changing of the perspective of that Eternal Spirit.
If I am standing in my physical body and am consciously connected to that Eternal Spirit,
then I’m Eternal in nature and I need not ever again fear any endedness,
because, from that perspective I understand that there is not any of that.

AH, Excerpted from Albany, NY on 5/6/00


Make fun of death.
We are as dead as it gets, and we are fully aware of this joyous experience.
We are with you every time you allow it.
We are in every singing bird and in every joyful child.
We are part of every delicious pulsing in your environment.
We are not dead, and neither will you ever be!
You will just get up, one day, and get out of the movie.

Excerpted from Boulder, CO on 6/11/05, Daily Quote – January 16, 2024
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Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

When someone croaks (we try to be as disrespectful as we can about the death experience. As there is no death!) -when someone releases their consciousness here in this physical body, and re-emerges into the non-physical,

they don't bring those worrysome, lackful force with them!

They become what life caused them to become!

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