Quotes on Truth - What is True
- spiritualcookie
- Posts: 3158
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Quotes on Truth - What is True
Q. How do you learn to separate in your own mind actual truth and knowledge from sheer perception?
Abraham: There is a difference? (...)
You are wanting to [know] that which is truth.
You are wanting to find that which is good.
But you are not knowing where to look for it.
Who to trust?
Who has the truth?
There is so much diversity in what is believed to be truth
that it is usually a lifelong search
and it is never certain that it has been found, you see. (...)
"Truth" can only be
that which is perceived to be true
in any point in time. (...)
There is truth in every experience,
and it is a changing thing
as experiences and wantings and understandings change. (...)
As you are looking for your truth outside of yourself,
hearing it through the words of others,
you will always have that question,
for you will hear many different answers.
But as you are looking for your truth from that which comes from within you,
then you will never question it,
for your Inner Being knows the truth that is apporpriate for you
and you may trust it.
And so, when you are feeling positive emotion,
you are moving toward that which is perfect for you in this time.
When you are feeling negative emotion, you are moving away from that which is good for you.
- Abraham, March 1988
Abraham: There is a difference? (...)
You are wanting to [know] that which is truth.
You are wanting to find that which is good.
But you are not knowing where to look for it.
Who to trust?
Who has the truth?
There is so much diversity in what is believed to be truth
that it is usually a lifelong search
and it is never certain that it has been found, you see. (...)
"Truth" can only be
that which is perceived to be true
in any point in time. (...)
There is truth in every experience,
and it is a changing thing
as experiences and wantings and understandings change. (...)
As you are looking for your truth outside of yourself,
hearing it through the words of others,
you will always have that question,
for you will hear many different answers.
But as you are looking for your truth from that which comes from within you,
then you will never question it,
for your Inner Being knows the truth that is apporpriate for you
and you may trust it.
And so, when you are feeling positive emotion,
you are moving toward that which is perfect for you in this time.
When you are feeling negative emotion, you are moving away from that which is good for you.
- Abraham, March 1988
- spiritualcookie
- Posts: 3158
- Joined: Sat Dec 02, 2023 10:32 pm
Q. There are so many metaphysical books (hotseater gives names of two he is reading currently). I was just wondering if you had anything to offer regarding those two books?
In each of those works that you have spoken of,
there is that that we are absolutely in harmony with
and that which we are not in harmony with.
Q. So will I know what I...
Abraham: Indeed you will.
That which you feel as you are reading will be your signal
to let you know whether it is appropriate to who you are. (...)
Both books that you speak of
are not currently in absolute harmony with where we are wanting to guide those of you who are in physical form,
but at the time that they were written
they were most appropriate,
because of where you were at the time that they were written. Do you see?
Now, when we say "you", we are speaking of mankind, in physical form, upon Planet Earth in general.
And that is always tricky business, for you are not the same, but in general. (...)
There will be a time when this process, with beings coming here to this woman, Esther, will be something that we will no longer agree with.
We will say, "It is not our truth in this time"
because what we would rather, is that each of you individually bring forth from yur own being that whic his appropriate.
But in this time, most beings do not trust themselves,
and so it is good that you come here for this stimulation for this which you do trust. (...)
And so every book, every being, every experience is adding to this evolution of knowing.
We recommend to you that you do that which excites you.
If a book stimulates you,
if you find that yo ucannot put it down, if you are feeling excited as you are reading it - then read it.
There is benefit for you within it.
But as you are reading it, if it brings forth more negativity within you than it does positivity, then discard it.
- Abraham
In each of those works that you have spoken of,
there is that that we are absolutely in harmony with
and that which we are not in harmony with.
Q. So will I know what I...
Abraham: Indeed you will.
That which you feel as you are reading will be your signal
to let you know whether it is appropriate to who you are. (...)
Both books that you speak of
are not currently in absolute harmony with where we are wanting to guide those of you who are in physical form,
but at the time that they were written
they were most appropriate,
because of where you were at the time that they were written. Do you see?
Now, when we say "you", we are speaking of mankind, in physical form, upon Planet Earth in general.
And that is always tricky business, for you are not the same, but in general. (...)
There will be a time when this process, with beings coming here to this woman, Esther, will be something that we will no longer agree with.
We will say, "It is not our truth in this time"
because what we would rather, is that each of you individually bring forth from yur own being that whic his appropriate.
But in this time, most beings do not trust themselves,
and so it is good that you come here for this stimulation for this which you do trust. (...)
And so every book, every being, every experience is adding to this evolution of knowing.
We recommend to you that you do that which excites you.
If a book stimulates you,
if you find that yo ucannot put it down, if you are feeling excited as you are reading it - then read it.
There is benefit for you within it.
But as you are reading it, if it brings forth more negativity within you than it does positivity, then discard it.
- Abraham
- spiritualcookie
- Posts: 3158
- Joined: Sat Dec 02, 2023 10:32 pm
We encourage you not to solicit opinions from others.
They confuse.
We encourage you to follow that which comes forth from you.
If you ask for opinions, whose do you select, for they are all so very different, you see?
Trust yourself. (...)
As you are hearing that which is not in harmony with who you are, discard it.
- Abraham
Q. Can you trust other channellers to give truth?
Just as when you are interacting with your physical beings,
there are those whose opinions seem more appropriate
because their life experience has brought them more knowing, you see?
And so it is with those who are Non-physical.
But you don't know the difference until you receive that which they offer.
For we all will tell you that we are the best.
"We are the smartest of the Non-physical beings" you see?
A belief is only a practiced vibration.
IOW once you have practiced a thought long enough,
then, anytime you approach the subject of that thought,
the Law of Attraction will take you easily into the full vibration of your belief.
And so, as you have a life experience that matches those thoughts you were pondering,
you conclude: "Yes, this is truth."
And while it may be accurate to call it "truth",
we would prefer to call it attraction, or creation.
- Abraham
They confuse.
We encourage you to follow that which comes forth from you.
If you ask for opinions, whose do you select, for they are all so very different, you see?
Trust yourself. (...)
As you are hearing that which is not in harmony with who you are, discard it.
- Abraham
Q. Can you trust other channellers to give truth?
Just as when you are interacting with your physical beings,
there are those whose opinions seem more appropriate
because their life experience has brought them more knowing, you see?
And so it is with those who are Non-physical.
But you don't know the difference until you receive that which they offer.
For we all will tell you that we are the best.
"We are the smartest of the Non-physical beings" you see?
A belief is only a practiced vibration.
IOW once you have practiced a thought long enough,
then, anytime you approach the subject of that thought,
the Law of Attraction will take you easily into the full vibration of your belief.
And so, as you have a life experience that matches those thoughts you were pondering,
you conclude: "Yes, this is truth."
And while it may be accurate to call it "truth",
we would prefer to call it attraction, or creation.
- Abraham
- Paradise-on-Earth
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When it feels bad, it is not true.
- Paradise-on-Earth
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- Posts: 4484
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Don't take reality and try to improve it.
Step into the daydream, where there's no resistance!
Abraham Hicks
- spiritualcookie
- Posts: 3158
- Joined: Sat Dec 02, 2023 10:32 pm
Tell a story that feels GOOD rather than one that is True
Start telling a better-feeling story about the things that are important to you.
Do not write your story like a factual documentary, weighing all the pros and cons of your experience,
but instead tell the uplifting, fanciful, magical story of the wonder of your own life and watch what happens.
It will feel like magic as your life begins to transform right before your eyes, but it is not by magic.
It is by the power of the Laws of the Universe and your deliberate alignment with those Laws.
Excerpted from Money and the Law of Attraction
For your Energetic Well-being, it is more important to "not resist" an untruth, than to prove to others that you are Right
If you don’t meet resistance with resistance, it dissipates dramatically. It just softens. Try it!
Next time somebody says to you,
“I’m right, and you’re wrong,” [instead of resisting it, go with the flow of what they're saying]
Say, “you’re right. You are right. You’re right.” And mean it.
In other words, don’t mock them. Don’t be sarcastic.
“You’re right.”
And then watch how, all of a sudden, their legs almost go right out from under them.
They don’t have the energy to blast you,
because you just took the fuel away from the fire.
Excerpted from Boston, MA on 5/17/03, Daily Quote – January 26, 2024
Lies vs Truth
If you feel drawn to someone, but you are annoyed because you think that they are telling you some lies,
try to look beyond the lies and try to focus upon the feeling.
People offer all kinds of words for all kinds of different reasons.
Most lies are offered to try to keep things in alignment.
We’re not encouraging it,
but the motive behind lying is usually a pretty honorable motive.
In other words, when a child lies to their parents,
it’s usually because they want to be free to do what they want to do,
and they don’t want their parents to be upset about it.
It’s about wanting an alignment.
Physical ears have a hard time hearing this.
You keep talking about “We need to be honest.”
And we say,
we don’t meet any of you who are honest.
Even those who claim to be the most virtuous, are not honest,
but your vibration always is.
We would trust the feeling more than the words.
Excerpted from Houston, TX on 1/13/01
Start telling a better-feeling story about the things that are important to you.
Do not write your story like a factual documentary, weighing all the pros and cons of your experience,
but instead tell the uplifting, fanciful, magical story of the wonder of your own life and watch what happens.
It will feel like magic as your life begins to transform right before your eyes, but it is not by magic.
It is by the power of the Laws of the Universe and your deliberate alignment with those Laws.
Excerpted from Money and the Law of Attraction
For your Energetic Well-being, it is more important to "not resist" an untruth, than to prove to others that you are Right
If you don’t meet resistance with resistance, it dissipates dramatically. It just softens. Try it!
Next time somebody says to you,
“I’m right, and you’re wrong,” [instead of resisting it, go with the flow of what they're saying]
Say, “you’re right. You are right. You’re right.” And mean it.
In other words, don’t mock them. Don’t be sarcastic.
“You’re right.”
And then watch how, all of a sudden, their legs almost go right out from under them.
They don’t have the energy to blast you,
because you just took the fuel away from the fire.
Excerpted from Boston, MA on 5/17/03, Daily Quote – January 26, 2024
Lies vs Truth
If you feel drawn to someone, but you are annoyed because you think that they are telling you some lies,
try to look beyond the lies and try to focus upon the feeling.
People offer all kinds of words for all kinds of different reasons.
Most lies are offered to try to keep things in alignment.
We’re not encouraging it,
but the motive behind lying is usually a pretty honorable motive.
In other words, when a child lies to their parents,
it’s usually because they want to be free to do what they want to do,
and they don’t want their parents to be upset about it.
It’s about wanting an alignment.
Physical ears have a hard time hearing this.
You keep talking about “We need to be honest.”
And we say,
we don’t meet any of you who are honest.
Even those who claim to be the most virtuous, are not honest,
but your vibration always is.
We would trust the feeling more than the words.
Excerpted from Houston, TX on 1/13/01
- Paradise-on-Earth
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- Posts: 4484
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There are a lot of people in your life, that you are holding there
as if you would need to prove it to yourself,
that you can get along with everybody.
When the reality of it is, that the Path of Least Resistance
doesn't include most of them.
Abraham Hicks
- Paradise-on-Earth
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How you feel right now
is the only thing on your resume that matters to the Universe.
Abraham Hicks
- Paradise-on-Earth
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- Posts: 4484
- Joined: Sun Dec 17, 2023 9:19 am
Don't let your criteria be the TRUTH of something.
Let it be the PLEASURE of something.
- Paradise-on-Earth
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- Posts: 4484
- Joined: Sun Dec 17, 2023 9:19 am
The Acting-Process
As an actor sometimes I morph and I don't look at it as me, stepping outside of myself.
I look at as me becoming in the moment.
What is your preparation when you are attempting, or getting ready to receive inspiration
about a character that you might express?
-Is the character placed in his mood or attitude?
-Is the character placed in his circumstance?
Because it's only once you understand those things, and you're actually able to
acknowledge and emanate the mood, the MOOD of your character,
that the appropriate words would then flow through.
On camera or in pictures, a lot of people say:
"That's not you!" or "that doesn't look like you at all!" and I say, "Isn't that cool? That's my job."
But I look at it as frames per second on camera as same as frames per second in time-space reality.
And just capturing the essence of who I am. So, if I focus that essence while it's being captured,
it's logical that what you watch back on the tape may not even physically resemble Who I am now,
because that was my focus but...
Abe (interrupting):
That is the best description of deliberate creation that we've ever heard!!
Because everyone is an actor in the sense, that they get to project whatever vibration that they
choose to project.
But if everyone who's listening in, would understand that deliberate creation is just exactly that:
-Understand the role you want to play,
-and find its vibrational emotional basis first,
-and then practice that, so that that's who you ARE.
When you are an actor with other actors around you,
they're responding to who you are, because you are emanating who you are.
And it would be illogical for them to not react to who you actually are.
Well, this is the way the entire universe is responding to you!
The universe is responding to EACH of you.
You are an actor in a role, and everything and everyone else is responding to that
which you are emanating, you see! So, you just need to decide:
Am I a prosperous person, standing here in this role that the universe is reacting to?
Am I a revered and respected co-worker in this environment-
or am I someone that gets beat up and picked on?
Who am I?
Who am I now, what has life brought me to? Who am I, as I stand in this point of Attraction?
Because everyone else is responding to who you are.
This is why everyone who has ever written a movie, wants a really good Cornerstone-
Key Actor. Because they know, you get an actor like that- you just need one actor
like that, an actor that is really in sync with who he is and what's going on!
He will extract from everyone that interacts with him the exact performance or behavior.
You can set the tone in your family!
You can set the tone at your work.
You can set the tone in the part of traffic that's driving where you are!
You are the center of this universe!
I've been in a situation of, an actor- maybe he's not up to speed, will kind of like
break the scene, and I'm like, how that happened? -Cuz, then I fall off the momentum
and I can feel falling off the momentum...
We would spend no time figuring out how well someone is going to respond to you.
That's their job. And if you try to get in their head, then you've lost your character:
You've forgotten who you are.
That's what happens to people all day every day!
You get in the head of your kids, or you get in the head of your mates. Or, you get in
the head of your friends! When you try to dawn the perspective of another, you've
lost your point of attraction. And now, they don't know what to do, you see!
So, just stay in character, friends! Define who you are, and stay in character.
If they throw you off, then they were the dominant character, weren't they?
You're the lead! And everyone else is a cooperative component, who will read your script,
and fill in the pieces- exactly as you have defined it, by the vibrational frequency
that you offer.
Abraham Hicks,
from the clip Abraham Hicks - The Actor Process
-and then PRACTICE THAT, so that's WHO YOU ARE.
When you are actor with other actors around you, they'r responding
to who you are. Because you are emanating who you are,
and it would be illogical to them to not react to who you actually are.
Well, this is how the whole Universe is responding to you!
The Universe is responding to each of you!
You are an actor in a role. And EVERYTHING and EVERYONE else
is responding to that which you are emanating, you see!
So, you just need to decide:
Am I a prosperous person, standing here in this role,
that the Universe is reacting to?
Am I a revered and respected co-worker, in this environment?
Or am I someone that gets beat up, and picked on?
Who has life brought me to? Who am I, as I stand in THIS point of attraction?
Abraham Hicks,
from the clip Abraham Hicks - The Actor Process
As an actor sometimes I morph and I don't look at it as me, stepping outside of myself.
I look at as me becoming in the moment.
What is your preparation when you are attempting, or getting ready to receive inspiration
about a character that you might express?
-Is the character placed in his mood or attitude?
-Is the character placed in his circumstance?
Because it's only once you understand those things, and you're actually able to
acknowledge and emanate the mood, the MOOD of your character,
that the appropriate words would then flow through.
On camera or in pictures, a lot of people say:
"That's not you!" or "that doesn't look like you at all!" and I say, "Isn't that cool? That's my job."
But I look at it as frames per second on camera as same as frames per second in time-space reality.
And just capturing the essence of who I am. So, if I focus that essence while it's being captured,
it's logical that what you watch back on the tape may not even physically resemble Who I am now,
because that was my focus but...
Abe (interrupting):
That is the best description of deliberate creation that we've ever heard!!
Because everyone is an actor in the sense, that they get to project whatever vibration that they
choose to project.
But if everyone who's listening in, would understand that deliberate creation is just exactly that:
-Understand the role you want to play,
-and find its vibrational emotional basis first,
-and then practice that, so that that's who you ARE.
When you are an actor with other actors around you,
they're responding to who you are, because you are emanating who you are.
And it would be illogical for them to not react to who you actually are.
Well, this is the way the entire universe is responding to you!
The universe is responding to EACH of you.
You are an actor in a role, and everything and everyone else is responding to that
which you are emanating, you see! So, you just need to decide:
Am I a prosperous person, standing here in this role that the universe is reacting to?
Am I a revered and respected co-worker in this environment-
or am I someone that gets beat up and picked on?
Who am I?
Who am I now, what has life brought me to? Who am I, as I stand in this point of Attraction?
Because everyone else is responding to who you are.
This is why everyone who has ever written a movie, wants a really good Cornerstone-
Key Actor. Because they know, you get an actor like that- you just need one actor
like that, an actor that is really in sync with who he is and what's going on!
He will extract from everyone that interacts with him the exact performance or behavior.
You can set the tone in your family!
You can set the tone at your work.
You can set the tone in the part of traffic that's driving where you are!
You are the center of this universe!
I've been in a situation of, an actor- maybe he's not up to speed, will kind of like
break the scene, and I'm like, how that happened? -Cuz, then I fall off the momentum
and I can feel falling off the momentum...
We would spend no time figuring out how well someone is going to respond to you.
That's their job. And if you try to get in their head, then you've lost your character:
You've forgotten who you are.
That's what happens to people all day every day!
You get in the head of your kids, or you get in the head of your mates. Or, you get in
the head of your friends! When you try to dawn the perspective of another, you've
lost your point of attraction. And now, they don't know what to do, you see!
So, just stay in character, friends! Define who you are, and stay in character.
If they throw you off, then they were the dominant character, weren't they?
You're the lead! And everyone else is a cooperative component, who will read your script,
and fill in the pieces- exactly as you have defined it, by the vibrational frequency
that you offer.
Abraham Hicks,
from the clip Abraham Hicks - The Actor Process
-and then PRACTICE THAT, so that's WHO YOU ARE.
When you are actor with other actors around you, they'r responding
to who you are. Because you are emanating who you are,
and it would be illogical to them to not react to who you actually are.
Well, this is how the whole Universe is responding to you!
The Universe is responding to each of you!
You are an actor in a role. And EVERYTHING and EVERYONE else
is responding to that which you are emanating, you see!
So, you just need to decide:
Am I a prosperous person, standing here in this role,
that the Universe is reacting to?
Am I a revered and respected co-worker, in this environment?
Or am I someone that gets beat up, and picked on?
Who has life brought me to? Who am I, as I stand in THIS point of attraction?
Abraham Hicks,
from the clip Abraham Hicks - The Actor Process
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