Quotes on Feeling Tired & Energy Levels

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Quotes on Feeling Tired & Energy Levels

Post by spiritualcookie »

spiritualcookie wrote: Tue Dec 05, 2023 3:59 pm

If you're tired,
then you're not in the receiving mode,
because when you are in the receiving mode,
you feel infinite willingness to experience infinite things.

There's such an appetite for more
when you are really in the receiving mode,
because when you're in the receiving mode the effort factor doesn't apply at all,
It's just the receiving of the next and the next and the next.
It really is what going with the flow is all about.

~ Abraham Hicks

Feeling Tired is a Sign of Resistance

In your resistance you get tired,
and so, you need rest.
And so, you go from resistance to rest to resistance to rest.

But what about rest to eagerness?
rest to passion?
rest to alignment?
rest to clarity?
rest to brilliance?

You can get this Energy moving within you.
And when you are up to speed with that Energy,
you are clever; you are fun; you are full of vitality; your timing is good!
Then you are living life as you intended!

Excerpted from Phoenix, AZ on 2/1/14


For more on how to let go of Resistance & get into the Allowing mode, see:
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Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

My work today is, to do nothing, and not feel guilty.
Talking myself to feeling good.
Ease up, and let myself feel good.
I like knowing, that this is my work!

Happy where I am, and eager for the Vortex
to take me, where I want to go.

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Post by spiritualcookie »

Split Energy & Resistance can manifest as exhaustion, feeling tired & low energy

In the early days, as Esther was speaking for us, she would sit very still, allowing it, because there was great wanting, but really a little bit afraid also.

And so at the end of 10 minutes, she was very tired.

She would say, "Abraham is using me up too fast!"
She felt as if her physical body was being depleted.
And at the end of 10 minutes, there was not enough Energy in her body for her even to remain seated or standing. She went right to bed!

And so, we would speak for 10 minutes and she would spend the morning in bed. Not because the Energy was not of value to her. Not because there was detrimental Energy being offered. Not because there was anything bad happening. But because she was going in two directions.
She wanted and didn't' want.
And resistance is very tiring!

Once she relaxed and realized that we are good guys, not bad guys,
Once she realised that this is a glorious, uplifting, beneficial experience to her, and to anyone who participated within it,
now she is saying "yes" to all of it,
and now the Energy comes through and out, through and out, and she feels WONDERFUL!

- Abraham
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Post by spiritualcookie »

Resistance and not embracing What Is, is what tires us out

Nothing can deplete you when you are in the receptive mode.
Nothing depletes you.
Because you've embraced contrast.
You're not judging it in any way, against yourself or any other.

- AH
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Post by spiritualcookie »

Tiredness can be overcome with a different focus & state of mind

We were watching Esther and her mate, they were driving to their place of sleep last night, as many of you were. It was very late and they were very tired.
Esther was driving the last leg of the journey, and she was feeling so tired that she was not certain that she was safe behind the wheel.
Things were getting a little fuzzy and the car did not feel as if the wheels were on the ground.
She felt suspended as if her manoeuvring of the car had no effect on the car.

And so she said, "I'm too tired to drive," and immediately she felt herself even more enervated.
And then she said, "Wait a minute.
The Energy of the Universe is available to me.
What do I want to use it for right now?
I am wanting to feel refreshed.
I am wanting to feel safe i my body and in this car.
I'm wanting to transport us to our bed."

Instantly. INSTANTLY she was alert. She was refreshed, she was smiling and she was looking around the car, a very new car to her, looking for things to play with.
What's this? Oh! Cruise control! How does that work?
Windshield wipers!
Now she was not only driving, she was investigating the car and sailing home in safety.

And the important part of the story is, not in the drudgery, not just "getting there, because I don't have a choice other than sleeping on the side of the freeway."

Getting there in absolute JOY, because the power of the Universe is available for her is she will but decide how she wants to use it.

By the time they got back to the room she wanted to go out dancing!
Instant manifestation, is it not?


She didn't have to decide anything beyond that moment.
All she had to say was, "What do I want right now?"
And she said, "I want to feel happy and uplifted."
That's all you need.

- Abraham
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Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

Don't have the conversation!
Don't ask what's wrong.
Don't worry about what's wrong.
Pull as quickly as you can away
from any thought that is giving you
the feeling of frustration.

Abraham Hicks
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Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

You want to be an Advocate to the wanted,
not a protester for unwanted.

Abraham Hicks
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Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

Nothing is worth any struggle.
If there is struggle involved, there is resistance involved.

Abraham Hicks
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Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

Why do people think, Life would not be for the Fun?

Why have humans come to believe that life is about being trained for no fun and not feeling good?

Jerry would like to say to you: "Not all of them."
Esther would say: "those people are mean." And he would say: "Mean people are mean." or: "(...) People don't pay attention to what they're doing." and Jerry would say: "Well, people who don't pay attention to what they're doing, don't pay attention to what they're doing." But he was always wanting to help Esther to not throw everybody in a basket. ...Why have humans come to believe that life is about being trained for no fun and not feeling good... well, we will agree with you, that that is sort of rampant among your planet.

And the specific reason for that is, because most people are believing more in action than they are in the leverage of aligned energy!

And so they get into a time shortage consciousness, where they're... they just can't get it done without working too hard, or focusing too much.

And so, they train- as you say- the fun out of themselves by trying to leverage with action, something that they could have easily leveraged with energy and focus. (That's the) Primary reason!

from the official clip "Abraham NOW excerpt - June 18, 2020"
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Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

You'r all trying too hard!
You'r all thinking too much.
It's exhausting and impossible,
you'r not EVER going to sort it out!

But you could just find a reason to feel good!
And milk that, for a little while.
And then, tap into your Inner Being- who does feel good!

Abraham Hicks
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