Quotes on Split Energy & Mixed Vibrations

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Quotes on Split Energy & Mixed Vibrations

Post by spiritualcookie »

Q. If I want something so very much, like, say a beautiful home, and I don't see it within my means to buy a new home, but I still want it, and can feel excited about it, am I still creating it?

In the moment that you are excited about it, you are.
In the moment that you are worried about it and thinking you can't afford it, you are pushing it away.
And that is the way most of your creations are.

They are floating around in limbo out here somewhere,
created, just not coming into your experience,
because you attract them and push them,
attract them and push,
attract them and push them.

The key is to monitor the way that you feel,
and whenever you feel negative emotion,
stop doing whatever you're doing.
Stop thinking, speaking or acting;
stop doing whatever it is that has brought forth that negative emotion.

Now that doesn't mean you have to fix the thought.
That doesn't mean you have to convince yourself you can afford it.
It means you have to stop thinking that you can't afford it - by thinking of something else.

- Abraham Hicks, March 1988
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Post by spiritualcookie »

Because you counter the majority of your thoughts
with opposing thoughts,
you believe that you are not [a] powerful [creator].

When you no longer split your flow of energy
with contradictory thoughts,
you will know your power.

- AH, 1991
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Post by Tara »

spiritualcookie wrote: Sat Dec 30, 2023 12:01 am Q. If I want something so very much, like, say a beautiful home, and I don't see it within my means to buy a new home, but I still want it, and can feel excite dabout it, am I still creating it?

In the moment that youare excited about it, you are.
In the moment that you are worried about it and thinking you can't afford it, you are pushing it away.
And that is the way most of your creations are.

They are floating around in limbo out here somewhere,
created, just not coming into your experience,
because you attract them and push them,
attract them and push,
attract them and push them.

The key is to monitor the way that you feel,
and whenever you feel negative emotion,
stop doing whatever you're doing.
Stop thinking, spreaking or acting;
stop doing whatever it is that has brought forth that negative emotion.

Now that doesn't mean you have to fix the thought.
That doesn't mean you have to convince yourself you can afford it.
It means you haveto stop thinking that you can't afford it - by thinking of something else.

- Abraham Hicks, March 1988

Thank you for this 💜
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Post by spiritualcookie »

:heart: :wave:

When you offer a thought, sending [some] Non-physical Energy off in the direction of that thought,
but then you question it, or doubt it, or worry about it, or hesitate about it -
you now send a part of the Energy in the opposing direction and neutralize the [initially sent-out] Energy.

This splitting of the Energy gives you the sensation of standing still, and it is an accurate sensation because you are not moving one way or the other.
The balance of your thoughts in this case, is leaving you standing still.

- Abraham


What is most present in your experience
is what is dominant in your vibration.

- Abraham

(Thank you FeelGood! :heart:)

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Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

What is the definition of procrastination?
It means: I can feel within my Energy sensor,
that this action is not in perfect alignment at this time.

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Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

When people use their partners desires to discourage themselves...

As we are interacting with humans, sometimes we meet someone- in fact almost all humans that we meet, your vibrational gap seems to be continually influenced by what other people are doing. Not because they have power in your experience, but because you've got your nose in their business! So, two people- let's say, two people who want... (stay with us: we're really answering your question! It just seems a bit off the way!) ...two people, who -let's say they're living together, who seem to want two different things.

If this one would focus upon what he wants, and become a vibrational match to it, the universe must deliver it to him, in the fullest sense of the word. And if the other wants what they want, -even though it's different from what the other wants!- and if this one focuses upon it completely, then the universe must deliver it!

And so, both
-even when they're living together,
-even when they're cooperating together,
-even when they're working together,
each of them can receive exactly what they want. Provided, each of them focuses upon exactly what they want!

But what happens with most humans is: This one wants what they want, but notices what that one wants. So, this one's vibration isn't in alignment with what they want! And this one knows what they want, but notices what that one wants- so this one's vibration isn't in alignment with what they want.

So, now neither one of them are a match to what they want.
Neither one of them are getting what they want- and they're both blaming each other for it.

Abraham Hicks
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Post by spiritualcookie »

Recognize that Non-physical Energy is coming into you for you to utilize just as your electricity is here for you to utilize.
Whatever you plug into the wall usually works, you see.
And so, it is a matter of your contouring that powerful Energy with your thought, getting it all going in ONE DIRECTION.

"I want a new red car - but it is too expensive."
What have you just done with the Energy?
You have set it in two directions.
And so, where are you going? No-where.

And so, as you say, and you have described it very well,
"I am excited about all of these things that I can do, but I'm afraid."

And so we say that it isn't a wonder that your neck is hurting a little bit because you are giving yourself a sort of tug-of-war!

- Abraham
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Post by spiritualcookie »

Split Energy & Resistance can be Physically Tiring & Exhausting

In the early days, as Esther was speaking for us, she would sit very still, allowing it, because there was great wanting, but really a little bit afraid also.

And so at the end of 10 minutes, she was very tired.

She would say, "Abraham is using me up too fast!"
She felt as if her physical body was being depleted.
And at the end of 10 minutes, there was not enough Energy in her body for her even to remain seated or standing. She went right to bed!

And so, we would speak for 10 minutes and she would spend the morning in bed. Not because the Energy was not of value to her. Not because there was detrimental Energy being offered. Not because there was anything bad happening. But because she was going in two directions.
She wanted and didn't' want.
And resistance is very tiring!

Once she relaxed and realized that we are good guys, not bad guys,
Once she realised that this is a glorious, uplifting, beneficial experience to her, and to anyone who participated within it,
now she is saying "yes" to all of it,
and now the Energy comes through and out, through and out, and she feels WONDERFUL!

- Abraham
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Post by Paradise-on-Earth »


Sometimes in your human form, you don't realize what you're offering vibrationally. Because often you are saying words, that are different than what you're offering. You could be saying: "I am so sure of myself." While you're not so sure of yourself! While your words are to cover up your insecurity. Well, the law of attraction doesn't respond to your cover-up words! The law of attraction is responding to your insecurity. And your words, that cover it up, are meaningless. Really, they just serve to distract you, and to confuse you!

Abraham Hicks
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Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

About how Attraction works (Co-Creation with your IB, aka Step 2). How Emotions become, Split Energy.
"Being Attractive!"

We can feel the potency of what you are about, individually and collectively. It's such a wonderful thing what this life on planet earth does, for the whole of all that we are! And so, as you've been living, and therefore focusing, therefore coming to your own awarenesses of what you prefer- launching rockets of desire, requests, to the universe- those requests have already been received by that larger, non-physical part of you.

That part of you, that remains non-physical, even while you come forth into the physical. And this collective consciousness, this non-physical part of you, is being responded to, as are you, by the powerful law of attraction. And so, when your life causes you to ask your request, it's understood and responded to with a focus and a response, that you usually don't recognize.

It causes an attraction power.
It causes a "calling".

You kind of get the idea, of how the law of attraction works, when you focus upon something? -You offer a vibration, and the Law of Attraction recognizing that vibration responds to your vibration so you get what you think about, whether you want it or not. You get what you're offering, vibrationally.

Sometimes in your human form, you don't realize what you're offering vibrationally. Because often you are saying words, that are different than what you're offering. You could be saying: "I am so sure of myself." While you're not so sure of yourself! While your words are to cover up your insecurity. Well, the law of attraction doesn't respond to your cover-up words! The law of attraction is responding to your insecurity. And your words, that cover it up, are meaningless. Really, they just serve to distract you, and to confuse you!

So, we want you to feel with us the power of attraction, and the power of what you are offering vibrationally.
But at the same time, we also want you to recognize that -while you are hearing your physical form having those experiences, sometimes you feel very secure. Sometimes you feel honored and blessed and worthy and loved- and the universe responds to you, accordingly. Sometimes you feel insecure and taken advantage of, and insignificant- and the universe responds to you accordingly.

Nothing bucks the law of attraction! It's powerful, and it is not discriminating, and it's not giving you what you want: It's giving you what you're vibrating.

And so, what you want to do, is to get what you're vibrating, and what you want, in the same vibrational vicinity! So that what you're offering and what you're getting are pleasing to you, you see! So at the same time that you're doing all of that, and you're doing quite well- we want to say: Your Inner Being, who remains non-physically focused while you are here; that part of you is non-diluted about your desire.

When life causes you to know what you don't want, and therefore to know what you do want, you offer a vibration that your inner being becomes one with. And your inner being stands as the... proponent... it's so much more than, that but it's the best word Esther can find right now... the proponent of the reflector of the "keeping the light burning", of the "advocate for what you've been asking for". So, when you feel insecure and want more security, your Inner Being stands in that security. And the law of attraction responds to that vibrational output of your Inner Being.

And that is why you can have split energy: Because your Inner Being is always not just advocating for, but a vibrational representative, and therefore attractor of what you're asking for. Which means, who-you-have-actually-already-vibrationally-become, while you may be a hold out to your own desire; to your own Self. You may be splitting your energy. You may be so focused upon what's manifested so far, and using what's manifested so far, as the reason that you offer your vibration rather conditional: If you don't have enough money and you're standing in insecurity, because you've got all this proof of debt or lack of funds, and that proof seems so valid and so real, so you notice it and you talk about it, and you think about it, and you brew about it, and you stew about it, and you offer enough vibration about it that you hold yourself chronically in a vibration of deprivation- your Inner Being does not do that.

And in fact, that's the reason that you ever feel negative emotion! Negative emotion is how you feel, when you have an attitude about something that matters to you, that's different from the attitude that your Inner Being has about exactly the same subject. Your Inner Being has non-diluted, ever-present love and appreciation for you. And when you're hard on you, you've got something different going on about the subject of you, than your inner being does.

We just want you to know, that your Inner Being is dominant.
Your Inner Being will win!
Your Inner Being is the powerful Attractor of the energy, because one who's connected to this source energy and one who is non-resistant in that energy is more powerful than millions who are not.

So as you stand in opposition to how your Inner Being feels about you, you don't feel good.

When you're in love with you, like your Inner Being is, you're frisky. You're frisky and you feel good, and you're flexible, and you're quick-witted, and you're loving life, and all wonderful things are flocking around you! And others who are looking on, wonder what you've got going on. In fact, sometimes in your physical form, you say:

"Oh, that's really an attractive person!" -and we say: truer words could not be spoken.
-That's someone who is really allowing the attraction to flow to them, in the most natural way. They've hooked up with their powerful partner of attraction, and when you hook up with your powerful Inner Being-partner of attraction, you've got something going on, that makes the world stand up and notice! In other words, that's a powerful force! That's the energy that creates worlds flowing to you, and through you.

And that's what you knew, when you decided to come into this body, to begin with! You said: "I'll go into my body my physical human body." and your Inner Being says: "and we'll stay here in pure positive energy, reflecting back to you your choices." and you said: "And I'll focus a part of my experience -we call that step 1- into the sifting and the sorting and the coming into awarenesses of what I prefer, from all of this". And your Inner Being says: "And we'll hold steady of what your preferences are." and you said: "I will pay attention the way I feel, for that is the way I will know whether I'm in alignment with my desire and all of you. Or whether I've deviated from my desire, by focusing upon the reason that my desire was born."

You stand so often in justification- sort of explanation... sort of like you did with your mother, when you were little: "I really need it, because, because... it's unfair that I don't have it! And because I don't like the feeling of not having it. And so, please, please, please, won't you give this to me!!??" -and your mother, bless her heart, really did you a disservice when she gave you the impression, that you- through your begging, through your justification, and through your rationalization, could distort the laws of the Universe. Because you can't!

You could trick your mother. But you cannot trick the Law of Attraction.
You got to line up with what you want, and who you are, if you are to thrive in the way that you intended, when you came.

You got that, didn't you? You understand that. Therefore we're done. We're becoming very concise and efficient in the way we are teaching. Have a good day! Goodbye! (Laughter, because this is the Beginning of the Seminar).

from the youtube clip "Abraham Hicks 2020 — Why Some Are Attractive (NEW)"
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