"You know you are an Aber, when..."

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"You know you are an Aber, when..."

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

This is an idea from the very first days of the old Forum. It was always fun to play, and to expand on.
If the "Practicing" Subforum isn't the right place for this lighthearted "mini-rampages", please feel free to move it!

Some examples are:

You know you're an Aber, when your friend says she's taken two steps forward and three steps back and you (gently) ask her to tell you about the two steps forward.

You know you're an Aber, when a friend says, "I'm God," and you go High-5.
You also know you're an Aber when you look in the mirror and say "I'm God," and give yourself a High-5!
(And then when you break the mirror you don't care because you know you can manifest another one!)

You know you're an Aber, when you want to discover, taste, feel and smell things all the time, when for the fun of it, you want to order a different tea each time you get into the tea shop with millions of different tastes, and you get one with the taste of smoked bacon with a funny name, and your friends can't believe how exciting that is to you!

You know you are an Aber, when you decline someone's offer or suggestion saying, "That feels upstream to me." and they look at you like :shock:

You know you are an Aber, when the dog just dropped her guts and you try to look for the positive aspects and start appreciating your wonderful ability and sensitivity and how much you do appreciate to smell the beautiful smells in the world. :lol:
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Re: "You know you are an Aber, when..."

Post by spiritualcookie »

ah I never saw this thread in the old forum! I like the idea! Thank you for bringing it back ^_^
Paradise-on-Earth wrote: Mon Feb 19, 2024 2:35 pm You know you're an Aber, when your friend says she's taken two steps forward and three steps back and you (gently) ask her to tell you about the two steps forward.
Yes! A similar one:

You know you're an Aber when you notice with some humour how someone starts ranting to you about everything they don't want, and your gently encouraging answer is: "Now tell me what it is you DO want."

Paradise-on-Earth wrote: Mon Feb 19, 2024 2:35 pm You know you're an Aber, when you want to discover, taste, feel and smell things all the time, when for the fun of it, you want to order a different tea each time you get into the tea shop with millions of different tastes, and you get one with the taste of smoked bacon with a funny name, and your friends can't believe how exciting that is to you!
milking at every chance! :in_love:
Paradise-on-Earth wrote: Mon Feb 19, 2024 2:35 pm You know you are an Aber, when you decline someone's offer or suggestion saying, "That feels upstream to me." and they look at you like :shock:
This makes me think of a similar one:

You know you're an Aber when... you're about to say something to someone, and just before you open your mouth you catch yourself because it was an upstream thought, and instead say "oh never mind, it was an upstream thought"
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Re: "You know you are an Aber, when..."

Post by spiritualcookie »

hmm let's think of some other ones:

You know you're an Aber when someone tells you of an amazing coincidence they had, like that they were just thinking of someone and then they just happened to run into that very same person that day - and since you know how the Law of Attraction works, you just nod and smile knowingly and are not surprised at all.

You know you're an Aber when... you notice a toddler listing all their favourite things without even being asked, and you marvel at their natural ability to look for positive aspects :romance-heartsmiley:

You know you're an Aber when... while watching tv, you find yourself making statements like: "Ah of course he attracted that event; he was already in Disappointment".

You know you're an Aber when... you find yourself noticing people's currently active vibrational disc when you meet them.

You know you're an Aber when... you use words like vibration, energy and resistance in everyday conversation :lol:
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Re: "You know you are an Aber, when..."

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

haha, exactly!! :hearts: all of them... :beating-the-drum:
spiritualcookie wrote: Mon Feb 19, 2024 5:11 pm
You know you're an Aber when... you use words like vibration, energy and resistance in everyday conversation :lol: [/b][/color]
yes, and the "Vortex", as well. It translates in German really weird, because "Vortexes" are in German "Strudel". Which is a rolled cake.
I could definitely go into an applestrudel (yumm!!), while others, again, look at me like that: :shock: :lol: :lol: :lol:
So, you know you'r an Aber when you find yourself explaining the lingo quite a lot when you'r with new people!

And: You know you'r an Aber, when English is not your mothertoungue, but you keep adding english words into the conversation- as those are the ones that come most easily. AND, -we love you very very much- you add Esther's typical phrases, you see! :lol:
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Re: "You know you are an Aber, when..."

Post by spiritualcookie »

Paradise-on-Earth wrote: Mon Feb 19, 2024 5:23 pm the "Vortex", as well. It translates in German really weird, because "Vortexes" are in German "Strudel". Which is a rolled cake.
I could definitely go into an applestrudel (yumm!!), while others, again, look at me like that: :shock: :lol: :lol: :lol:
haha Strudel! I looove it! :lol: ✨

I'm curious, does your husband & children also use these Abe-ish phrases, or are they not Abers? In my family 3 out of 4 of us have been Abed :lol:

Yes! Esther's phrases are so contagious! :lol: :lol:
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Re: "You know you are an Aber, when..."

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

spiritualcookie wrote: Mon Feb 19, 2024 5:53 pm
Paradise-on-Earth wrote: Mon Feb 19, 2024 5:23 pm the "Vortex", as well. It translates in German really weird, because "Vortexes" are in German "Strudel". Which is a rolled cake.
I could definitely go into an applestrudel (yumm!!), while others, again, look at me like that: :shock: :lol: :lol: :lol:
haha Strudel! I looove it! :lol: ✨

I'm curious, does your husband & children also use these Abe-ish phrases, or are they not Abers? In my family 3 out of 4 of us have been Abed :lol:

Yes! Esther's phrases are so contagious! :lol: :lol:
:lol: :hearts: I love the AI-Strudel ;) while mine really looks different :lol:

All my children and hubby are familiar with the lingo, but I guess I would only call my husband a deliberate "Aber". My daughter loves the teaching, but is more an "natural" Aber. She cares for doing things so that it feels good to her, and she loves our discussions about Abe and the teachings, but doesn't read.

My younger sons are quite "naturals", too, and not very interested- I guess they want to figure it all out on their own. But they like my thoughts, when we talk. And my oldest is very polite (in the last years, at least :D :hearts:) but would prefer to think that he stays clean of any of it. :lol: While, whenever he has a problem, we phone for hours and he asks for- and enjoys small segments of advice, but I'M VERY careful to phrase it all in my very own words! :animals-frog:
Well, to be true, lately I enjoy "shocking him" with throwing a short line of Abe in, here and there, just for the sake if teasing him a bit. He always smiles.

How about your family, or friends? :hearts:
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Re: "You know you are an Aber, when..."

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

You know you are an Aber, when you achieved a pretty accurate sensor about which people eagerly enjoy direct and bold Abe-information, which ones need it wrapped a bit into camouflage, and which would prefer to sleep on ants, rather than talk about "weird stuff" ;)
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Re: "You know you are an Aber, when..."

Post by spiritualcookie »

Paradise-on-Earth wrote: Mon Feb 19, 2024 7:58 pm You know you are an Aber, when you achieved a pretty accurate sensor about which people eagerly enjoy direct and bold Abe-information, which ones need it wrapped a bit into camouflage, and which would prefer to sleep on ants, rather than talk about "weird stuff" ;)
:lol: :lol: :heart:

oo that's so cool so many of your children are naturals! I guess something rubs off :smile2:

Having an Aber husband sounds like a wonderful recipe for creating harmony :heart:

In my family, my mum, brother and myself are all Abers. My dad is the kindest, sweetest man, so he lovingly accepts his Aber family, whilst he is very loyal to his mainstream-learned scientifically-minded beliefs. I used to think like my dad - and by the sounds of it, like your oldest son - when I was a teenager, and gave my mum some resistance to her "weird beliefs" in the early days, :lol: but since learning to listen to my heart more and to the influence of the mainstream less - things have changed quite a lot since then! :D In terms of friends, I have yet to meet an Aber friend in real life :romance-romance:
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Re: "You know you are an Aber, when..."

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

spiritualcookie wrote: Mon Feb 19, 2024 10:26 pm :lol: :lol: :heart:
oo that's so cool so many of your children are naturals! I guess something rubs off :smile2:
:hearts: I'm not so sure of it "rubbing off"! I have a deep belief that there really is nothing as a real non-Aber. Someone had phrased that we all come from source. Some still remember, and some resonate with that inner knowing when you remind them, and some have built heavy resistances against what is their origin and home, and so they do not want to hear anything about it, as it challenges their plans (who knows with which intentions they came in, it's ALL good!).
So, I guess it depends what people decided to learn and do in this particular life! Which, of course, also evolves, as we sift further...
Having an Aber husband sounds like a wonderful recipe for creating harmony :heart:
Again I don't know... :oops: we had roles of me being the teacher and reminder in this topic, and him being the hopeful/reluctant one that "tries" and doubts :crazy:
We are living since 40 years on the cusp of this madness.( DEEPLY in love, though! :romance-romance: ) but I hope the tipping point of the contrast is behind us!
In my family, my mum, brother and myself are all Abers. My dad is the kindest, sweetest man, so he lovingly accepts his Aber family, whilst he is very loyal to his mainstream-learned scientifically-minded beliefs. I used to think like my dad - and by the sounds of it, like your oldest son - when I was a teenager, and gave my mum some resistance to her "weird beliefs" in the early days, :lol: but since learning to listen to my heart more and to the influence of the mainstream less - things have changed quite a lot since then! :D In terms of friends, I have yet to meet an Aber friend in real life :romance-romance:
Your family sounds so lovely! And it seems there is deep respect and joy between you all- even in the differences!? That must be so very nice! :hearts:
I have no Abers AT ALL (with 10 exclamation marks!) in my family of origin. They all where avid atheists- and my Mom a fundamental Catholic. No "weirdness" at all (duh!!), just intensely "being right" :lol: :lol: :lol: My best friend (whom I meet once a year or so) gets her "Elke fix" when we meet, and I set all her doubts straight in one go, while we giggle, talk talk talk and celebrate for 4 hrs- until we meet again. Next year. So, I'm pretty much a hermit, and really, I like it that way...
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Re: "You know you are an Aber, when..."

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

You know you are an Aber, when all the animals and small children flock to you, and you have a jolly good time on the surface with everybody. But besides nature, source and the little or furry ones, "there is no crowd on the leading edge" around you.
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