Quotes on Taking Action & Inspired Action

Introducing the Abe Quotation sub-forum We've been noticing more and more members enjoying and sharing Abraham's words of wisdom in many different forms. The momentum of such generous sharing has caught our attention so we've created a place here on the forum to assemble such gems "under one roof," so to speak.
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Re: Quotes on Taking Action & Inspired Action

Post by spiritualcookie »

Physical being are operating under some very great misconceptions.
One is that you get what you get through the action that you offer.
Most believe that action is what makes things happen.
Not true.
in fact, most of you spend most of your action putting out brush fires.
Most of your action is spent trying to compensate for inappropriate creating, which is offered, not through your actions, but through your thought and word and corresponding feeling.

- Abraham
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Re: Quotes on Taking Action & Inspired Action

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

It's not your work to make anything happen.
It's your job to dream it, and LET it happen!

In your joy, you create something, and then
you maintain your vibrational harmony with it,
and the Universe must find a way to bring it about.

That's the promise of Law of Attraction.

Abraham Hicks
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Re: Quotes on Taking Action & Inspired Action

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »


What is the definition of procrastination?
It means: I can feel within my Energy sensor,
that this action is not in perfect alignment at this time.

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Re: Quotes on Taking Action & Inspired Action

Post by spiritualcookie »

Why non-inspired, upstream, efforting action isn't great

You have been taught that action is important:
"You must work hard if you are to amount to anything."
"Those who work hardest, gain the most."
You give so much attention to action, that you fill your days very full.
So full, in fact that you feel restricted.
So full that you violate your own feeling of freedom and joy. (...)

You try so hard to act, that you become tired, frustrated and overwhelmed.
And from that position of negative emotion - you radiate a message to the Universe that is the opposite of what you really want.

- Abraham


Esther was feeling somewhat overwhelmed.
She and her mate had returned from a few days of travel, to find the mail box overflowing, and the telephone voice-box overflowing.
As Esther sat in the midst of all of this backlog of work, she felt overwhelmed.
And from her point of frustration, she said to us, "Abraham, what should I do?"

We said to her, "There you are, acting like a physical being again.
Always wanting to know what to DO.
How do you want to FEEL?"

"I want to feel free and happy,
and I don't feel free and happy when I have too much to do!"

We said, "There you are, acting like a physical being again, telling us what you DON'T want, when we asked you what you DO want."

Esther laughed and said, "I want to feel free and happy."

We said, "Good, now ponder that for a moment or two."

And Esther sat, closing her eyes, and envisioning sitting on the front porch, sipping some iced tea, visiting with her mate, watching the squirrels - and immediately she felt freer and happier.

We said, "Now, what is it that you want to have?"

"I want to have a clean and efficient organized home and office." Esther quickly replied.

"Good," we said, "Now ponder that for a few days.
Do not jump into action, but think of how you want to feel and what you want to have."

Within a few days, ideas began to flow to Esther.
"I can move this over here. I can move this over there. I can delegate this, I can eliminate this." She was bouncing around the house filled with happy , excited Energy. Not cleaning up the mess from a negative point of view, but excited as the ideas came. She was being drawn, or inspired from her positive wanting, rather than being pushed or motivated from her negative attention to lack.

- Excerpt from the book "A New Beginning II", 1991, pg 98


By stopping before taking any action and asking,
"Will this action enhance my intended state of being?"
you will always know the appropriateness of that possible action.

- Abe
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Re: Quotes on Taking Action & Inspired Action

Post by spiritualcookie »

While it is true that action can affect your state of being,
and while it is absolute that you state of being, or the way you feel, is your magnetic point of attraction,
it is not appropriate to consider your action first.

It is far more beneficial to your overall creation to first identify the state of being that you intend,
and next, the state of having that you intend -
and last what action you will seek.

- Abraham


Most of our physical friends act first and then allow their action to affect the way they feel.
And since the way they feel is their point of attraction, then they conclude that their actions, or what they do, is what is most important to their life experience.

You can move much more swiftly and effectively toward the joyous success you seek in life by giving your attention and emphasis to the way you want to feel, or to your state of being, rather than to the action.
And from your identification of the state of being that you seek - you will be inspired to the appropriate action.

Acting for the sake of being is not nearly as effective as being for the sake of acting.

- Abe


All action that is performed while you exist in a negative state of being is counter-productive to your objective of success.

All action that is performed out of inspiration - as you focus upon your positive goal of freedom, growth and joy - is absolutely harmonious with your objective

- AH
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Re: Quotes on Taking Action & Inspired Action

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

Imagine it being done!

We promise you, it is never more efficient to do anything,
than to imagine it being done.
Because in the imagery, you empower the entire Universe
on your behalf, to bring you circumstances and events, so
that lots of this stuff gets done BY ITSELF.

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Re: Quotes on Taking Action & Inspired Action

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

Is it really so, that words don't teach?

If we can in some way offer enough words... words don't teach. And analogies-
words don't teach. And conversations? Words don't teach.
We've enjoyed this interaction immensely.

from the youtube-clip
Abraham Hicks 2023 You Want the Freedom and Security, Not Money!
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Re: Quotes on Taking Action & Inspired Action

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

Is a 11- day Silent Meditation a good thing?
The difference of "shutting up when OOTV", and "joyfully rambling from ITV"!

I'm going to a 11 day silent meditation, starting tomorrow. And I'm looking for advice of
how to take this time, to get the most out of it and springboard my life into bliss!

Abe (growling)
Well... the thing that's interesting about something as intense as that is, if you've trained
your mind to be very responsive -and you've trained yourself to be very communicative,
and so -to just stop communication, for... (pause, whispering: 11 days)...

I tried it once before, I made it seven, and it was profound. The results I got in those
seven days, and what I saw with it I can...

We can see why! We can see why. Because... because in the no longer speaking,
there is less perpetuation of the momentum of a thought. Because there's no one being
your soundboard and an adding to it. Our advice is... our advice is- don't go!
[Applause, HS laughing, mumbling]

Well of course you can go and of course you're up for it. But why make something so
difficult? Why go so hard against your natural nature? Why not...

...why not just modify gently and gradually? (...) and we know the answer! The answer is:
"Because I've got no self-discipline! Unless I surround myself with conditions, where
everybody has agreed to the same thing, then I'm not likely to keep my word to myself."

And we start to kind of get that. But so let's talk about the reasons that that was a profound
experience. So, momentum is the big subject here! Because when you give your attention
to something law of attraction responds to it.

And in silence, there is going to be less momentum.

Now, some people say "but Abraham, I have this mind that is just chattering all the time. And
just because I'm not talking..." in fact, sometimes if you are not expressing, then your mind
becomes even more active! (...)

It's not about the action of speaking or not speaking,
it's about the finding of the thought or the words or the action, that harmonize with who
you really are, you see!

Silent meditation implies something... oh, oh,
it implies something that is so contrary to what we know to be!
When Esther is in alignment with us, do you find her silent?


HS: Not at all!

When you're in alignment with well-being, don't you want to oooh and awwee about the
beauty of the surroundings around you? Don't you want to describe them in detail?
-The only time that silence is ever of value, is if you are out of the Vortex.

If you are in a place of misalignment. If you are beating the drum... if you've got negative
momentum! So, if you've got so much negative momentum going on, that you need to go
stand in a place of silence for a long period of time- then we can see how that would be of
advantage to you.

But source wants to express through you!!
Source wants to laugh through you!
Source wants to yodel down the canyon through you!

In other words, silence... silence... there's a misunderstanding!
And you help us say something very important.

If you got something negative going on: shut up.

We love you all so much! But when you are tuned in, tapped in, turned on- be boisterous
in your revelations!!! In your reveling of life experience!

from the clip
Abraham Hicks - KILL THE SILENCE
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Re: Quotes on Taking Action & Inspired Action

Post by spiritualcookie »

By giving 99% of your attention to bringing yourself to the feeling that you seek,
and giving 1% of your attention to inspired action -
you will be in a place of powerful motion forward
while you exist in a continuous state of joyful well-being.

- AH


If you feel resistance to the idea that action is not as significant as you have believed it to be,
it is because you are looking at your life experience purely from your physical perspective.

All of the days of this physical experience, you have been totally immersed in it,
believing that you are perceiving, through your physical senses, everything that has any real importance to you as a being.

From the narrow view of physicalness, it is logical that you would come to believe that your action plays the dominant role in your living or accomplishment, or creating.

And so, looking back over your lifetime, noting accomplishments or failures, you make the correlation between your action and yore success.

And you are not the only one judging you in terms of your action.
It is the way of those who have come before you, and those who surround you.

However, in looking back at your past experience - in analysing you current status - if you will not only consider the action that you believe is directly related to your success or failure but also make the correlation between the way you were feeling during that time of action, then you will discover the powerful understanding that we are offering to you here.

For it is our absolute knowing that the way you feel is your dominant point of attraction, and unless your action is harmonizing with your feeling, your action is counterproductive, and not powerful enough to make any real difference.

- Abraham
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Re: Quotes on Taking Action & Inspired Action

Post by spiritualcookie »

Action that is inspired from your positive awareness of that which you want, is always action in joy.

Action that is inspired from your negative awareness of lack, is never pleasant action.

In either case, the physical action is performed, but there is a tremendous difference in the outcome.
And there is a tremendous difference in the joy experienced during the action.

- AH
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