Quotes on Belief & Believing

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Re: Quotes on Belief & Believing

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

There is NOTHING else, anywhere,
there is NOT a set of rules,
there is NOT a stack of books,
there are NOT teachers,
there are NOT hidden documents,
there is NOTHING outside of you that can come anywhere close
to the GUIDANCE that comes forth FROM WITHIN YOU!

Abraham Hicks
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Re: Quotes on Belief & Believing

Post by spiritualcookie »

As you strive to be something that you do not believe that you are, you will not become that which you strive toward.
First must be the belief that you are.

You must first feel successful to attract it.
You must feel prosperous to attract more dollars.
You must feel your health to attract more of it.

- AH


We really think it would be a wonderful idea if you could break your addiction to beliefs that don't serve you,

which just means: For a very brief period of time,
use your focus - call it willpower if you want -
and stop making sentences that work against you.

- Abraham

Thank you FeelGood :heart:
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Re: Quotes on Belief & Believing

Post by spiritualcookie »

Everyone is just living the story that they are telling - AH

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Re: Quotes on Belief & Believing

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

We are wanting to take you beyond the need to SEE it, before you can believe it.
We want you to understand, that if you believe it, THEN you will see it.

Abraham Hicks
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Re: Quotes on Belief & Believing

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

Beliefs are old thoughts,
and every single thought that you've been thinking
has an improved version.

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Re: Quotes on Belief & Believing

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

You came to turn thoughts into things!

It's a different orientation when you begin to understand, that you create your own reality.
And that you are a attractor, you are an attractor, you are an attractor, you are an attractor, you are an attractor- by your attention.

You are an attractor by your attention.

Your life is created by the story you tell!
Your life is created by the memories, that you remember.
Your life is created by the conversations that you have.
Your life is created by how you feel about things- and you have the ability to feel differently, than you do, if you want to!

Just not all at once, because the Law of Attraction -while it is your very best friend, because of its consistency, and because of its power- it also will give you what you BELIEVE. And so, as you believe something, Law of Attraction gives it to you, and then you say: "see, I knew it was true!" and we say: but that didn't have to be true. It's only true, because you made it true for you!

"Well, I saw it happen to a lot of other people! So I began to suspect it might be true for me, too. See, there!"
-See how it works? So, we know it isn't easy to hold thoughts that are different in a world, or in an environment that is thinking things. But it's why you came to this Leading Edge!

You are brilliant creators here, in this new environment. New in every moment! This combination of being has never been before, and to all of the universe we are unique here, today! And so, as you find something that you can focus upon, and you feel your way to clearer and purer, and less resistant thought.

You're going to discover in that clarity of thought, which means: In that resistance-free thought, you're going to discover elation and joy and productivity beyond anything that you have ever experienced before!

It's only about you, personally, wanting enough to feel good, that you're willing to reach for better feeling thoughts. That you're willing to clear your mind, and start new again. That, after a good night sleep, that you focus a little more deliberately on things that feel better! And the most important thing that we would like to awaken and activate within you today, is your personal desire to feel good. Because, when that is active within you, your personal desire to feel good- when you haven't given up on that, when you still want to feel good, then you can guide yourself to those awarenesses and observations, that will help you to feel good.

And when you do, you clarify your vibration. Your point of Attraction becomes non-resistant.
And when that happens, oh so many wonderful things begin to flow into your experience! And the thing that is so wonderful about that is, you get to watch- you get to witness!- your clarity turning into experiences and things.

Thoughts turning to things, thoughts turning to things: That's what you came here for.

from the youtube clip: Abraham Hicks ✨ BELIEVE IT ~ IT WILL BE! ✨🎉✨ Law of Attraction
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Re: Quotes on Belief & Believing

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

When you don't get wanted movement, you probably tell an "old story" with lots of unwanted momentum

Whatever you're living-
whether it is about your body, or whether it is about your relationship, or whether it is about your money- no matter what it is about, whatever you're living is only a temporary, in-the-moment INDICATOR of your temporary in-the-moment vibrational offering. That's all it is! The only problem is, you don't know that your vibrational offering is temporary.

-Because you've been speaking those words for so long, they're stuck in your vibrational craw.
-You've been telling the same story for so long, you don't know any new stories!
-Somehow you got convinced that you should tell it "like it is".

Now, let's play that over! What we were just saying, "tell it like it is": Your mother says "tell me the truth of what is!" -so you say: "I don't have enough money. I don't have enough money. I don't have enough money. I hate you! I hate you! I hate you! I hate you! I don't like what you're doing. I don't like what you're doing with my money. I don't like what you're doing with my government! I don't like what you're doing..." -we're making a point here. And we know it's getting annoying to you, but

we want you to understand, that you got to tell a different story!!

Did we make a point with you about these two points of vibrational offerings, that are going on? There's the larger you, and then there's the physical you. Do you get that? Do you believe it? Do you understand that you are this Source-energy-being? So, listen to the difference in the drums that are being beat!

-"I don't have enough money. I don't have enough money. I don't have enough money. I don't have enough money. I've never had enough money!"

-"There's plenty of money! The money is here. The things are lined up. The resources are in place. Circumstances and events have been arranged! The money is here. The money is here! Look over here! Look over here! Look over here! Look over here! Look over here!"

Now we want to depict the emotional difference:

-"I don't have enough money! I don't have enough money. Why don't I have enough money? I'm so sorry that I don't have enough money! What have I done wrong? I should have known better! They should have known better!"

-"There's plenty of money! Nothing has gone wrong. Everything that you want is lined up for you! Whenever you're ready, it's right here for you! There's nothing you need to do. You've done all the work. All you need to do, is relax and allow what you want, to flow into your experience!"

You want to begin to listen to the drum of the source within you!
You want to listen to the call of source source, that is calling you in the direction of what you want.

And the way you know that you're moving in the direction, is because things start lighting up for you. Meaning, that they begin feeling really really good to you, when you get on this track of following the trail, that has been pre-paved by you, and being tended by the Source within you, and is calling you toward what you're wanting!

You feel energized. You feel enthusiasm! And yet, you know what your physical world trains you to do. Your physical world says: "if it feels good, you need to be wary." You say to your friends: "Oh, I'm so excited about this!" and they say: "Watch out! Watch out, that positive emotion could mean something's going very very wrong for you! I've known other people, who were positive. And bad things happened to them. I think, you better play it safe. I think, you better stay right where you are! I know he beats you, but he makes a good living!"

And what we're wanting you to understand, is the way you feel is everything.
Because the way you feel is your indication of whether you're closing the gap between who you're letting yourself be, and who you really are. Or whether you're widening the gap.

And you're going to get so, that you can feel statement by statement, whether it's downstream or upstream, downstream or upstream.

The downstream statement always feels like relief.

It doesn't always feel like sunshine, lollipops and roses. It doesn't always feel like the best-feeling thing that you've ever felt! But the downstream thought, from where you stand, always feels better.

from the clip "Tell a New Story to Yourself and Get What You Want Abraham Hicks"
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Re: Quotes on Belief & Believing

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

What is Art?
How to attract money for your Art?
Can I save people with my Art?

So I have three questions.
The first is: What is art? I want to hear it straight from source! What is art, and what is the purpose of it all? (...)

We love the question because it gives us an opportunity to continue the conversation that we were just having, in a very powerful way.

(Art) exists for satisfaction and for pleasure, period.

...And that twists the brains of most practical humans into a knot! "It's for fun? It's the pleasure? Doesn't it have some more practical purpose?? Does it save lives? Does it put food in cans? ...But the point that we're making is, that It gives us an opportunity to say, that things that are pleasurable are of MOST importance. And that's what it's for! The satisfaction factor is a big big factor, and so, that's what it's about. It's interesting, because

an artist puts into -whatever he is sculpting or painting or creating, he/she imbues it with how they feel, while they're doing it.

And then the law of attraction gathers others, who feel the same way to it. So when you buy a painting, you're sort of high-fiving the artist! -Sort of like saying "oh yeah, man. I felt like that. I feel like that- I see desperation in your painting! High-five!" Or: "Hey man! I see joy in that! High-five!"

What I feel like, is that the art that I create, and from listening to you, lowers the resistance for people to come closer, to who they are.

Maybe, but that's not your job. (HS: that's not my job...?)
Because if you are considering someone's lower vibration, you're putting it in your painting! You can't consider it, without putting it in your painting. So it's your job to tend to who you are.

And that's their job to find harmony with that, or not! You know what teachers like you... you know what your biggest discomfort is? You keep wanting to go save people. But in order to save them, you have to harmonize where they are! And then you don't save them.

So talk to us more about that, if you want to! We believe in bridges. If we were standing in your physical shoes, we would tune to the highest frequency in every individual on the planet. Our attitude would be: "I'm painting from source. And when you are in tune with source, you're gonna love what I paint, or what I sculpt, or...

HS (almost crying):
Yeah. Metal sculpture. Metal sculpture is what I do, and...

What's touching you in that tender place?

HS (crying)
Like, am I now going to give myself the permission to create the sculptures? It's JUST between source and I...?

Here's what's bothering you. You sense- and this is not inaccurate, you see- you're a high fiver. You are a deliberate harmonizer. So many artists of music and artists of... ART! Artists of all creative fashion have discovered, that harmonizing with people who are wadded up in their discomfort- there's a bigger audience. In other words, most of the love songs are love-gone-bad! Because more people high five to that.

So when you say "give yourself permission", you see- you ALWAYS sculpted from where you are! Are you now telling us, that you feel regret, that some of your sculpting was from a lesser vibration, than where you now are? (HS: I don't regret it.) Ohh, we're so so happy to hear that!

No no! It's growth, its growth, yeah!

And it will never stop! The evolution will never stop. So, what's troubling you?

My desire is to create beautiful art that feels good to me. That I enjoy making it, and to be paid very very well for it. I am stopping myself. The art is beautiful, but finding the affluent clients, are allowing the affluent clients...

Here's the thing. You're gonna like this, and you know this already. But hearing it will be good:

The same connection required to create the beautiful art- it's a same connection required, to find the affluent seekers of your art. It's the same thing.

So if you can do one; if you are doing one- you are doing the other! Except that you're talking about not doing the other, you see. This is a really common thing with so many of you, we love you so much! The things that you are doing on your own, when you accept something, one of the things that is so freeing for artists is, that they often feel that it's just between them and their source. And so, there aren't a lot of other factors to consider. So, that part of it comes easily to you. Because you know when you get tuned in- it flows! And when you're not tuned in, it does'nt.

And so you tune in and it flows. But when you think about other people, you don't have confidence in them, being tuned in! You don't trust them. Why? Because they're not trustworthy! We don't want you to trust other humans! ...Stay with us: we don't want you to put your trust in them.

We want you put your trust in your point of Attraction!

One who's connected to source is a million times more powerful than one who is not. And so, never mind what they're doing. It's NOT your job to sort it all out. It's your job to harmonize with your source and feel the joy, that is evidenced when you are with your source, and let that take care of everything else! But in the sentence that you spoke to us, that was based with some momentum of vibration, what you said is: "I'm really good at this. But I'm not good at that!" "But I'm really good at this. But I'm not good at (that.) But I'm really good at this! But I'm not really good at (that)!

So, just talk about what you're good at. And leave it there:

"I'm really good at this. And my intervene as good at the rest of it. I'm really good at this." -It's attraction, attraction, attraction, attraction, attraction! Its attraction. Now if you can cure this, and we think you can! Because we are stubbornly gonna stay here, till you do! It's attraction. It's your attraction. Its attraction! It's your attraction! Its attraction. It's your attraction. Those patrons- they're irrelevant: Its attraction. Its attraction. Its attraction! If you put your mind on who you think they are, you screw up your attraction, because you've decided that they are something (that some of them are). But you've decided, that all of them are something, that all of them aren't!

The world is awash in money!

There are people with soo much money, just looking for something meaningful, and satisfying to do with it! And your Inner Being is finding those cooperative components. That's NOT your work! Your work is to keep your vibration in the place where what your source lines up for you, and the co-operative components there lined up for you- you're not blocking with your negative belief.

It's attraction. That's attraction.
It's NOT about what they're doing, about what you're doing! It's about what you're doing.

Because there's enough of them that are doing what you need them to do for you, to live happily ever after- for 20 or 30 or 40 or 50 lifetimes. The proportion is huge. It isn't what they think it's what you think, that they think. That is messing up your point of Attraction! And you're making it up. You've known so many people that didn't have any money, that you've decided to feel that way about everybody!

I feel like, my life is just gonna get easier now! Because if I only have to worry about me and myself, and the art that I love to create... so...

Now that you've said that, we're going to offer a ridiculous analogy, just to confirm what you just said. Because you heard clearly what we said to you! -Let's say that you're someone who really wants to feel good. And you still are looking to others for their confirmation, and affirmation, and approval. And you're so determined to feel good, and now you're an Internet-genius. You know how to create programs, and you know all about optimization. And so, you send out your profile to the world. You hook in to every meaningful search engine in the world, and here's your picture, and it says "This is me. This is my name, and these are my requirements of you. So when you meet me- I might be in an airport, I might be in the grocery store, I might be walking down the street in any number of cities... keep your eyes open and watch out for me. And when you see me, behave in these ways..."

OR, you could just accept that it's your point of Attraction, and do something about that!
In other words, you could ineffectively and absurdly try to control the behavior of one other, or all others, OR you could accept that it's attraction. Attraction, attraction, attraction, attraction, attraction, attraction, only attraction! Only attraction. Only attraction. Only attraction! Only attraction! Only attraction.

And just clarify your own point of attraction, by getting out ahead of it. It's so easy to let a situation be your reason for calibration! Something happens to you, somebody says something to you, you overhear something, you observe something... is so easy to observe that, until you have harmonized with it, and then your point of Attraction is affected by that. And it has affected you strongly! -So you keep thinking about it, and regurgitating it, and even talking to others about it -so that it really gets a foothold. Then more and more and more and more and more and more of it comes to you, until it becomes a belief, that it's hard for you to get around. But... if you could just wipe your mind of those kind of beliefs! We're gonna make a really strong statement here, that is absolutely accurate. Hard to do, but really accurate.

All you have to have, is a desire. Period! And the Universe will answer your desire.
But if you have a desire in an opposing belief- nope. Not.

Because the Universe isn't answering it! It IS- but because you're not letting it in, so you're missing all the clues. So if you could just have desire, that's why new desires feel so good! Because you haven't figured out how to trample them. That's why new relationships feel so good: you don't know anything about each other. It's so fun to calibrate! To calibrate to the clarity of your Inner Being! To your Inner Being who knows your value, and knows what you want, and cares about it, and knows every person on the planet, who is looking for what you're offering!

If you're not blocking it with past experience, or law of averages. Law of averages is nothing!! Law of averages is just a consensus of the negative thoughts of the humans of the planet.

It's the law of attraction, that matters.

from the clip: Abraham Hicks 2020 The Real Purpose of Art NEW
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Re: Quotes on Belief & Believing

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

Strong enough Desire can override negative Belief.
Alignment helps so much better than Alcohol to fill the Void!

I woke up the other night and I was having a bit of a rampage for sleep- half awake. And, um, I was sort of tossing around with what you spoke about on the first few days, about getting ahead of things. I've wrote some notes here, "calibration", making little lists of what is going on and then turning that over and getting it into who I am. What I really love. And I realize, that I LOVE interaction!

And a few times, I get held back with fear of rejection, and other things. And what I've really discovered about myself is, when I've had a few drinks, I don't have that. I'm straight in there, and I'm realizing, that the more I learn what you've been teaching, I'm not needing that alcohol half as much! I enjoy the alcohol, and it's a lot easier to be open and less guarded. But I just think it's amazing, how good I actually am- realizing that I am! And that's allowing me to be uh, exploring more and more and more! Things are actually coming together. My life's amazing, and it is getting better....

And before you go further, we want to stick something in here! We' wanting to make this strong statement: When you have a strong enough desire, that word "enough" is key here! -

When your desire is sufficient enough, what you believe becomes not a big factor. So, when your desire is strong, it will override belief.

But most of you practice your beliefs so steadily... in other words, you are opinionated. And you want to express your opinions. And whether you mean to or not, you're seeking agreement with your opinions! Let's just start with this premise: You are HARMONIZERS. You are harmonizing beings. You are co-creators, and therefore natural acclimators, adapters, and harmonizers. So we get it, why you harmonize with those around you! We just want you to

always be aware of whether you're harmonizing with others at the loss or expense or sacrifice, of harmonizing with who you really are!

So, what you're describing to us here, is a desire that is not strong enough under normal conditions, for you to override a belief system that you've been practicing along with so many others, for a rather long time. But when you participate with some substance that simply
-diffuses your ability to focus,
-it sort of dulls your memory.
-It blurs your awareness of what's going on around.
-It makes you less attempting to care what anybody else is focused upon.

So, the alcohol in an environment of a desire that is not strong enough to override belief, in other words: You have not allowed it to get enough momentum that it overrides belief. Well, we don't want you to be those who are trying to override beliefs!

We want you to be those who are practicing the enhancement of desires.
And we don't want you to have to drink your way into covering up beliefs, in order to temporarily- and that's an operative word- make them not a big factor!

In other words, when you drink- and that's the reason that a vibration isn't active, then nothing has changed. Except there is a propensity then, to want to drink more often, because you're wanting that experience to be your experience, more! Of course the remedy for all of this is to find ways of allowing your desire to naturally become more and more and more and more and more. And the way you do that, is by looking for those moments- not when you're under the influence of something that you're drinking.

But those moments, when you are naturally in your own frequency of desires, and everything around you is responding to that!

In other words, look for those episodes! And there are many of those, do you get what we're talking about?

I do. I totally get that! and that's one of the main things I wanted to express is: How much it's helped me to get ahead, get ahead of it to talk myself up and get into alignment before I take on any activity. And then it just flows, like you just said, as if I'd already had the alcohol! And I'm just open and easier and...

Let's make sure that we understand together, that the alcohol is not the issue! It's the vibrational state of being, that always is. But the alcohol falls into the category that so many people live in, where you're attempting to fill the void with something other, than alignment. And you can't fill the void with anything other than alignment!

Because the void is pinched off from who you really are!

from the clip Abraham Hicks ~ The Alcohol Factor
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Re: Quotes on Belief & Believing

Post by spiritualcookie »

I loved this quote out-take from the above so much that I made a little graphic for it :hearts:


Your beliefs serve as a backup system, as a sort of ballast, to assist you in your decisions and in your creations.

If you had no beliefs, any idea that touched you would carry you away toward that creation.

Stimulated to a new thought, you would take the powerful Energy and boom, you would go there.

You wouldn't like that [though].
It would not be good. (...)

We like the fact that you have beliefs within you that you use to temper new ideas.
And that is the way you decide in every day, and every segment of every day, what it is you most want.

- Abraham
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