Introducing the Abe Quotation sub-forum We've been noticing more and more members enjoying and sharing Abraham's words of wisdom in many different forms. The momentum of such generous sharing has caught our attention so we've created a place here on the forum to assemble such gems "under one roof," so to speak.
How to shape and mold your Expectation (The Inactive-Box Process)
There's this Continuum... we've been seeing it, or describing it sort of like a train track.
And you're like the Train on the track and on one end,
going that < way, is the stuff you don't want.
And going that > way is the stuff you do want.
And so, you're on this track. But you're noticing what isn't happening and so you're
pointed that < way. And then you do it a little more, and pretty soon you get
trending enough, you get believing enough, you get expecting enough... can't create outside your expectations!
And that's so confounding to people. Because life makes you expect things.
And then, you expect them and then you can't get past those expectations!
So, you've got to find a way to selectively sift and to improve your expectations,
a little bit at a time, you see.
So, this train track...
you're going 100 miles an hour we'll say in the direction of what you don't want.
Well, you're not going to stop all at once and go 100 miles an hour in the
direction of what you do want!
But you can SLOW that train down.
And this is the thing that most people haven't heard from us. And they don't really understand,
and it's time for you to really get this picture in your mind!
So, did you hear us when we talked about your Inner Being? Your inner being, who's focused
in your vibrational reality, where all of your requests are being stored, like on a hard drive for you?
They're there, ready for you to collect them anytime when you're vibrationally or emotionally ready.
So, there your inner being is, being a very strong point of Attraction, and calling the
Cooperative components, and calling you, too. But if you're headed in the wrong direction,
if you're headed toward what you don't want, because of the things you're saying and thinking
and observing and living... -and it's all right!!-. As you think more about what we've talked about
here, and when you feel some negative emotion,
you render the thought inactive by saying
"it doesn't serve me. I'm not going to think about that".
Esther's words are, as she writes on her little card to drop into her inactive-box:
"It is my intention to render inactive my propensity to worry about stuff that I can't do
anything about."
So, she'll write that down and drop it in the box. Well, just having done that sets her in a little
less resistant stance! Now she might drop a card similar to that in her box 20 or 30 40 times and
it might happen all today. If there's something really bothering her about something,
but every time she decides that she's going to release that, and then goes through those sort of
antics of writing it down, making it so, and dropping it in the inactive box, she's a little less resistant!
And this is what we really want you to hear: Which means, her train that's headed away from what
she wants- which is the whole reason for negative emotion- is SLOWING. And eventually it will
slow enough that there it will feel to you like a Tipping Point.
What it really is, is: you'll slow it enough that this calling will be able to grab you, as a
Cooperative component, and begin pulling you in the direction of what you want!
So, your expectation will improve and improve and improve and improve- until there will be
another Tipping Point, where it will drop right into your "see it- hear it- smell it- taste it- touch it-
physical manifested awareness.
That's how every single thing works.
Nothing that any of you are living is coming to you outside of your expectations.
Now we will acknowledge that some of your expectations...
you're born into a family that expected that. And you saw them expect that,
and they expected it, and they lived it, and you watched them live it, so you expected it.
It's like, Esther talking about her mother when Esther went to school and started learning
about grammar. It was pretty easy for her, because her family spoke good grammar.
(...) She'd been observing that it was easy for her. And so, some of you have come
from environments where people just expected life to go well- and it did. And you observed it
and then you expected life to go well!
And some of you are saying, "well that's not fair!" -will that feeling of Justice that'll get you
every time, because there is this equal opportunity for you to be or do or have anything
that you want! And some of you chose situations that were not a Feathered Nest- because
you wanted to launch your own Rockets of desire. You wanted to ask for your unique things.
You wanted to build your life in a way that wasn't like everybody else did.
Everybody gets to build the life that they want. And your Source energy, who is part of
your authentic self, will help you with every part of that, you see! And so, really, friend,
we want to tell you two things:
We love you. And you gotta stop complaining about what's not coming.
from the youtube-clip Abraham Hicks ~ Improve Your Expectations
AI gives you the experiences you EXPECT (as every other topic would, too)
Artificial Intelligence, like EVERY other subject that you could bring up,
affects you AS YOU EXPECT IT TO.
Iow, if you are fearful and guarded and focused upon- and therefore amplifying-
the negative aspects of it, THAT'S the way it will interact with you.
If you are looking at this subject (or ANY other subject!) from a place of improvement
and movement, and you are looking for positive aspects, THAT'S how it will affect you.
Keep expecting your abundance.
Keep expecting the answer to every problem.
Keep expecting your every need to be met.
And be happy in anticipation of everything coming.
It’s in the eye of the beholder!
In other words, you see what you are vibrationally tuned to, but more importantly, you see what you expect. The expectation is a vibrational practice, and anything is possible.
We want you to know that there is only one source of well-being, which is dominant.
And if you’re picking up on any of that other stuff, it’s because you’re outside the vortex on the raw and ragged edge. You’ve got a pretty good vibration going, and all that stuff floating around out there, congealing and able to pick up. In other words, transmitting and receiving mechanisms is all it is.
Then I was just wondering if there is something called a ghost. And if there is, what are they?
Well, certainly there is that which is called that, it's called spirit sometimes, is called ghost, or apparition. (Laughter.) Or Casper. In the same way, Esther interprets vibration verbally or auditorially; it is possible to interpret vibration visually. And so sometimes the person, the seer, is in a vibrational place, close enough proximity that they can interpret the energy visually.
Sometimes the energy is a projection from Source. Sometimes it is the thought-form — in other words, as you are here in your physical body, you have to understand what a great focal point you are! There’s that word focus’ again. You are focused energy, so as you perceive life from your vantage point, that vantage point becomes a sort of energy vortex, and as others perceive you, the same thing happens.
So, long after you are no longer in your physical body, the energy that surrounds you still exists, and those who care to see it and want to see it sometimes can see it.
We think the most crucial question is: when someone sees a ghost, does that always mean that the nonphysical vantage point, where they are now, is being expressed in that apparition? And the answer to that is: Sometimes yes. But not always. That’s what a haunted house is: someone had a dramatic experience or an exciting experience in a place, so the energy was potent. People continue to activate it and keep it alive, so that even those who weren’t part of that, sometimes can see that.
And so the easiest way for you to distinguish what is Source energy from what is a thoughtform is the intensity of it and the purity of it and the deliciousness of it. In other words, if there is Source energy associated with it, it always feels delicious at the moment you participate.
As you gradually train your own thoughts into those of positive expectation, as you align with thoughts of Worthiness and Well-Being, as you align with your true power by seeking good feeling thoughts, you will no longer offer resistance to your own Abundance. And when your resistance stops, your Abundance will come.
HS: When you have negative expectations of someone and are attracting negative behaviour from them, how do you get rid of that expectation in order to attract a nicer behaviour from them?
Some of those negative thoughts are very sticky. [like a Tar Baby]. [...]
We'll tell you how to get rid of the Tar Baby.
Look over here.
Give your attention to ANYTHING other than the Tar Baby,
and in the moment that you give your attention to anything else,
it will just release its grip and off it will go.