Quotes on Magic & Miracles

Introducing the Abe Quotation sub-forum We've been noticing more and more members enjoying and sharing Abraham's words of wisdom in many different forms. The momentum of such generous sharing has caught our attention so we've created a place here on the forum to assemble such gems "under one roof," so to speak.
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Re: Quotes on Magic & Miracles

Post by spiritualcookie »

On "Out of Body Experiences"

Esther said: "Abraham, I want an out-of-body-experience." Again, she had a few. "And I´m wanting it to be fun, and clarifying." And so, she got into bed, her mate was already sound asleep, and as Esther put herself in bed- before her body was fully reclined, she was out of it.

So for those of you who don´t have had out-of-body-experiences, Esther describes it as being a piece of metal, that is sucked out of by a magnet. Iow, it is a powerful force that she relaxes into, because there is no point in doing otherwise- she IS going. Iow, you surrender into it, because there is no way of going back, once it begins. And off she went, and she finds herself standing in the middle of her bedroom. Now, this is a large bedroom, and she is looking out of a window, that is NOT really there.

It is 1 o´clock in the morning, but as Esther looks out of this window, it is broad daylight. And as Esther hears sounds, and she looks out of the window, and hears the gravel crunching in the driveway, she sees Scarecrow and Tinman, and Dorothy and Toto- the whole gang- all skipping up the driveway.

Esther had the benefit of Abraham to describe what she was seeing, was a thoughtform.

Iow, so many physically focused humans having given SO much attention to these characters that they actually have amassed thought, that they have taken form! Now as Esther saw them, they were delightful. Each of them maintained the personality, that she has come to know and believe. She knows the words to every song that they sing, and danced and sung with them, it was a glorious night! Esther was having such a good night, she wanted her mate to join her.
And she went to get him, but her hands went right through him! She could not wake him up- because Esther was other-dimensional!

* * *

If Esther would not have had the benefit of knowing what she knows, if she had not have the careful talking-to, about dimesnions, if she had not been interacting with Abraham, Esther would have been CERTAIN that she had actually seen those characters!

Except, that Esther KNOWS they don´t excist. And then, Esther would have questioned her sanity.

And instead of being one who is demanding that these (characters) exist (and who gets taken to a mental institute...). Because her rational mind would not let her accept these characters.

* * *

Now, here is the whole of what we´r wanting you to hear from this:
The reason that Esther (who wanted an) out-of-body-experiences, attracted thoughtforms from what you would call your world of fiction, is because we wanted Esther not to have a difficult time understanding that
she was attracting by the virtue of the power of her thought, thought-vibration.

(If she had attracted an experience with an ET / Alien, then maybe she would have had a tougher time understanding whether it was a real experience or a meeting with a fictional thoughtform.)
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Re: Quotes on Magic & Miracles

Post by spiritualcookie »

On witches / witchcraft / spells

(HS thinks he's under a spell which is making bad things happen to him and wants to know how to get his freedom.)

In this environment where LoA is the basis, what you give your attention to is already vibrating. And if you give your attention to it, if you give your attention to it long enough, a few seconds really is all it takes! -you begin to activate this vibration WITHIN YOU!

So, when you look at something you want and you give it your attention- you activate the vibration of it within you, and LoA will give you MORE of it.

But when you look at something you don´t want, and you give your attention to it, LoA brings you more of THAT!

So it´s a very common thing for someone to live something- not knowing about LoA, and not knowing about their attention to it. And have an experience- and give their attention to that experience, even more- now that that they´ve lived it, and that caused even MORE vibration of it, so that the MORE they think about it, the MORE they activate the vibration. And the more they activate the vibration, the more they get it!


So it turns out that ALL this spell is, is not something that somebody else does to you!
NOBODY can vibrate for you. So, anything that is happening to you, you are doing to yourself!

But when things happen that you don´t want to happen, the logical explanation of it is: "I wouldn´t do this to me, because I care about how I feel- I wouldn´t do this to me- therefore somebody else must be doing it."

And there are so many who would like to agree with that, because their lives are out of control, too. When almost everybody on this planet does not understand LoA, so that´s why they are running around, trying to control conditions, so that they can feel better!

Anytime you EXPECT something, it becomes your experience.

from the clip Abraham Hicks ~ Voodoo is just Power of Influence
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Re: Quotes on Magic & Miracles

Post by spiritualcookie »

Are there pixies, fairies, leprechauns etc? There IS Non-physical energy in the form of thought-forms of these things

HS asks if "the little people" are real, or thought forms?

It would be very difficult for us, to define all of the experiences that have ever been had! But for the most part, all of this would be in the form of thought. Until you start digging up little bones, we would say.

They appear to some people as thoughts.


They thought up themselves, in some point in time?

They are not able... Certainly, it is by someone giving thought to something. You see, this business of the spreading of thought, as someone has an idea and they think about it, and someone else has an idea and they think about it, those 2 ideas can meet and they become MORE than the sum-total of what either of the two thought- because now, they can exist on their own!

May not be their thought-form...?

Not necessarily! It is very difficult for you to pin down the origin of any thought! We do not even bother with it.
We´d just attract thoughts, that are in harmony with where we are, and if they´re of value to us, we´d go beyond with them- but we´d not worry about where they came from.

from the clip
Abraham Hicks - Are elves and leprechauns thought forms?


There’s a huge Nonphysical staff aware of you,
working with you,
hoping with you,

hoping- not in the sense that it might not be,
but hoping in the sense that they are looking forward
to you becoming a Vibrational Match
to what you’re asking for.

It’s a huge Nonphysical cheering section.

And as our friend asked earlier,
Are there fairies or gnomes or elves or, angels or…
In other words, and we say: yes,

yes, yes, yes, yes, yes.

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Re: Quotes on Magic & Miracles

Post by spiritualcookie »


[HS asks if mermaids and unicorns are real or fairytales.]

The human consciousness that is living on the planet
has not reached a state of expectation
to allow that (mermaids and unicorns) to show itself
in that full manifested form!

And yet, the evolution of all species-
the evolution of all things, but let´s just talk about
the evolution of all species, really is about
life, causing you to hold a desire,
and then finding a way not to resist it-
until it becomes part of your evolution.

Phoenix, Dez. 2014


[Abe tell the story of Esther´s friends in Australia, asking the driver while on the road, where all the kangaroos are?
And he answers "They don´t just hop down the road, all the time!" But then, one did!]

Expectation is EVERYTHING.
There are a lot of writers.
Where they begin to receive thoughts,
and those thoughts are manifestations.

And if there is anything we would like you to hear in this room today,
and this very example is a tripping point, for some of you,
We want you to have her let her unicorns.

When something hasn´t manifested, it doesn´t mean
that it can´t!

You are not miles away from what you want!
And you are not years, or hours, or months or weeks or days away,
from what you want!

You´re only vibrations away, from what you want!

[... same HS, later in the interaction: ...]

We wouldn´t try to stretch the biological boundaries of this world. (...)
We would start with things that are EASY,
until we had convinced ourselves,
that if I have the ability to imagine it-
than I have the ability to have a relationship with it.

Not as satisfying as some would like.
We will NOT say that they (mermaids and unicorns) are not real!
Because our work all day everyday is, to get you to accept this Vortex-
And who knows what´s in there!

Everything that you want is in there!
It is your work to get into the receptive mode!

And so, how far will those things that you have desired
or imagined- imagination, that´s pretty far down the momentum trail,
isn´t it!
-You want it, you allowed yourself to imagine it-
that´s a thought, that you are REALIZING.

So, what stops the momentum?
... what keeps the momentum, the thought that you have imagined,
from manifesting ALL THE WAY out?

Thoughts that contradict it. Period.

Phoenix, Dez. 2014
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Re: Quotes on Magic & Miracles

Post by spiritualcookie »

Esther let Abraham Dance through her:

And we said to Esther, “Would you like to have some fun?”
And Esther said “always.”
And so, she stood up or she allowed us to stand up,
and we leaped over the sofa.

And danced to this high speed in a way Esther had never danced before.
She did not know that her physical body was capable of hearing,
first of all hearing all of the different nuances of the music
and she didn’t know that her body had the ability
to define and interpret in music in that physical way.

She had never experienced it, not to that degree before.
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Re: Quotes on Magic & Miracles

Post by spiritualcookie »

Esther manifesting perfect eye sight

Esther went to get her new drivers license in a new state,
and when she looked through the contraption and she
couldn´t read anything. And she said to the lady:
"This is broken." (laughter)

But it had been a long time, since she had looked into one of those things!
And so, the woman said "You´r gonna get your eyes checked, and get
some glasses, and then come back and do this again- because you have to
be able to see this."

And Esther said, "Abraham, can you read this?" -And we did.

We just tipped her eyes, focused them a little different,
stood her up straighter, looked her up out of the top of her eyes,
then out of the bottom of her eyes, played with her eyes a little bit
until she knew, we were in her eyes-
and then we read it.

Same eyes, just different expectation, you see!

And that´s what you´ve got going on with your IB, all the time!
Same opportunity to look at same events- in same situations.
But the vibrational KNOWING of your IB, the vibrational leverage
that you get by your IB loving you, and knowing your worthiness,
carries you SO far! And that´s what clarity, and security, and stability
and balance ALL feel like!

It´s the leverage of that alignment, you see.

Asheville, 2016.10.15 - 16, from the thread
Abraham Hicks 2016 - Experience different perspectives as soon as you reach alignment (new)
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Re: Quotes on Magic & Miracles

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

If you would stop talking to others,
who will talk you out of your crazy, wild dreams,

If you will stop trying to fit in with the others,
and justify to them through your normalcy

all kinds of what they will call MAGIC
that you will come to call NORMAL
will occur to you!

Abraham Hicks
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Re: Quotes on Magic & Miracles

Post by spiritualcookie »


How is it that miracles happen, that suddenly something happens or something that is obviously going to happen is interrupted and the miracle occurs?

It is the greater intentions that you have set forth, saving you from the lack of intentions in this moment.


For example, you are getting in your automobile and you are moving off and the only thing that you are thinking about is that you are wanting to be on time.

You are leaving later than you should be leaving, and this is very important, and so you just go, and you have one intention and that is to drive as fast as you can to get where you are going.

And you don't stop to think in terms of safety or anything like that.
And so, as a result of these intentions of just getting there, not thinking in terms of the greater good, which is arriving safely and refreshed, you become swept up in the influence of another who is in the middle of having an automobile accident.

Even though your intent, in the moment, doesn't seem like it should be powerful enough to save you, your greater intentions have been established for such a long period of time that miraculous things happen.
We like to say that the "fairies of the Universe" arrange circumstances and events to save your neck.
All of it coming because of the combinations of intentions that you hold.

- Abe

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Re: Quotes on Magic & Miracles

Post by spiritualcookie »


There is not really such a thing as Divine Intervention in the way that most think of it.

It is the way many justify the experiences that they get because they can't understand what happened.

Everything that happens to you, everything, without exceptions, is by virtue of the combination of intentions and beliefs that you hold.
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Re: Quotes on Magic & Miracles

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

How to allow miracles within your body
(The differences between sensations and pain)

Now, what about parts of my body, that are not youthing? They're they're getting older. I mean, can I use this method that you're teaching us about being in the feeling state, uh, create regeneration of parts of my body? Such as gray graying hair, wrinkles... I've had a hysterectomy. I have a bad knee or shoulder. Can I...

You can! But not from that vibrational feeling place that is there! And, in other words, what we're getting at is this: Jerry and Esther were in New England last fall. And as they walked, and drove through the extraordinary color of these aging leaves, we did not hear them or any other standing under the trees demanding, that they'd be screen spring green, again! Everyone seemed to accept the natural cycling of the leaves. Now as you understand that you are more like the tree than you think... in other words, as the tree drops its leaves, and they become new again...

Esther said, she would like to be a chicken. Because she can't tell her little spring chickens from the old chickens because every year, they all get new feathers. She said: "Ladies should have feathers! Every year, we would get new feathers!" ...well, what we are getting at here, is that the cells of your body are continually regenerating. And if you could find yourself appreciating the spring and the summer and the fall and the winter of your experience, then in that appreciation, you would regenerate the cells. And that which you are wanting, as youth, would would be maintained eternally! In other words, you can't tell the old wolf from the middle-aged wolf. They are as agile and as clear-minded, you see!

So the answer there is continued appreciation, to keep the valve open? (Abe: yes!) and create whatever it is I want to create in my body- whether it's a healing of a joint, or coloring of my hair...?

Yes! As you acknowledge the beauty of your hair, even if it is gray- in that vibration, your valve is open. And then your truer wanting is satisfied. As you want your hair to be different than it is, and in that lackful mode you look- then vibrationally, you close the valve that could allow it to be different.

So the key is: how do I look at a wrinkled face and feel appreciation?
How do I feel prosperous when my checks are bouncing?
How do I feel well, when they tell me I have cancer?

And we say: You must not put so much credence upon the current condition! And you should let your vision be dominant.

And when you are able to look and see what you are wanting to see, rather than what everybody else sees- then you have the true vision of energy flow. And that's when you begin to create miracles, and we're not kidding you about it!

In other words, that's when the physical manifestation that defies all of the properties of your physical laws, begin to take place!
It's because your knowing has superseded the vibrational habit of thought that is physical perspective. And has entered into the realm of the broader awareness.

And that's where the pain from the knee joint disappears? (Abe: Yes!) -When I've achieved that?

The pain from the deep joint disappears, when you open your valve and acknowledge that the cells are doing their work. It's a very subtle difference between that which most of you call sensation, and pain. So what happens is- let's say that you have an injury to a leg, or or you're just out of balance for some reason. You... you twist... One day somebody gave Esther a hug that was so tight, that it separated one of her ribs. And so, as she has this this sort of pain in in her side, what is her first thought: "Something's wrong!"

Well, what the pain was, was non-physical energy knowing that there is something out of whack in her body, (and) going right to work!

And so, the cells in that part of body are on active duty! The cells in that part of her body are vibrationally asking for non-physical energy. And if Esther, in feeling the sensation, would relax and say:

"Ah! Help is on the way! All is well here. I feel this sensation, and what it means is, the cells and that right part of my body are acting much stronger. And they are summoning non-physical energy!" -and she would relax into the pain, rather than tensing against it!

Then she would allow the cells, and the non-physical energy to do their work. And that, which we would call a near-instant-healing!
You're sitting on an airplane. Somebody next to you is hacking, coughing, dripping, dribbling this virus. This person coughs into the air, and you inhale the virus into your body. When that happens, the cells of your body, in that part of your body, know that the intruder is there! And right away, begin to vibrationally respond to it. They vibrationally ask for non-physical energy to compensate.

So, the cells are asking, and the non-physical energy is answering. Now, if you're basking, if you are having a wonderful time, if you're appreciating, if your valve is wide open- then the communication between the cells and the non-physical energy is perfect. That virus is dealt with instantly! You don't even know it's happened. And you continue to thrive.

But if you're ornery, if the flight attendant has made you mad, if you are angry about something, if you are on your way to a funeral, if you are in a negative state of mind and you ingest this virus, without even being aware of it- then, as the cells are doing their part, and the non-physical energy is doing its part, you're setting up a resistance. So, as you set up a resistance, the cells work harder. The non-physical energy works harder! You set up more resistance! Then you have that, which you call sensation or pain. And then you say: "Um... something's wrong!" -and in the moment you identify something negative, and you turn your attention to it- now the cells are working harder! The non-physical is working harder. But you've got an iron door closed. So, when you feel pain, what we would encourage you to do is, say:

"Ah, this is good! The cells know what they're doing. The non-physical energy knows what it's doing!
And this thing that I have once called pain, I'm now going to call "help on the way." And in the same way that I would relax, and allow my mother to take a sliver out of my hand- even though I didn't really like it, I'm going to relax and allow these little psychic surgeons to deal with my body, on a cellular level!"

If you will allow the psychic surgeons to do it, there will be no scars. The resiliency of your body will be near perfect! If you go to the physician, it's like turning a chainsaw loose. In other words, the comparison of allowing the cellular surgery and the physical surgery is a big difference!

from the youtube clip I want to be beautiful again🔥 ABRAHAM HICKS Can I regrow 🔥 I want to be beautiful
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