Quotes on Desire

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Re: Quotes on Desire

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

Does the Planet need us to stop driving our SUV's?

One of the big topics these days, that is a subject of a lot of heated discussion and political activity is climate change. Global warming, and, uh, there's a lot of people that are very invested in suggesting that we are responsible for global warming and climate change, and therefore we can or should do something to alleviate it. In understanding that you look at things from a different perspective than most of us, I was wondering if you could enlighten us, as to whether or not we should be considering buying hybrids, and uh, getting rid of our SUVs, and uh, generating power in green ways, and all those other things- to see if we can, uh, lower the temperature of the planet? Or are we just wasting our time, and it will all take care of itself anyway?

Well, it will all take care of itself, that is certain.
It's a sort of tricky subject, because when we say to you that you create your own reality, we mean that in every sense of the word. You create your own reality! But you do not create someone else's reality. So, as we have these discussions, it is of great interest to us to help you recognize your vibrational gap, and manage it.

But you never hear us talking about managing someone else's vibrational gap!

So, as we are interacting with humans, sometimes we meet someone- in fact almost all humans that we meet, your vibrational gap seems to be continually influenced by what other people are doing. Not because they have power in your experience, but because you've got your nose in their business! So, two people- let's say, two people who want... (stay with us: we're really answering your question! It just seems a bit off the way!) ...two people, who -let's say they're living together, who seem to want two different things.

If this one would focus upon what he wants, and become a vibrational match to it, the universe must deliver it to him, in the fullest sense of the word. And if the other wants what they want, -even though it's different from what the other wants!- and if this one focuses upon it completely, then the universe must deliver it!

And so, both
-even when they're living together,
-even when they're cooperating together,
-even when they're working together,
each of them can receive exactly what they want. Provided, each of them focuses upon exactly what they want!

But what happens with most humans is: This one wants what they want, but notices what that one wants. So, this one's vibration isn't in alignment with what they want! And this one knows what they want, but notices what that one wants- so this one's vibration isn't in alignment with what they want.

So now neither one of them are a match to what they want.
Neither one of them are getting what they want-
and they're both blaming each other for it.

Now let's take a human and a beast, one of the magnificent animals on your planet. The more you domesticate them, the more they begin to act like you do! But animals, for the most part, don't have a difficult time managing their own gap. They live their contrast, they give birth to what they want, they line up with it and...

the beasts of your planet are doing a better job of allowing, than most humans are!

The beasts of your planet are much better allowers than the humans of your planet. They are born in vibrational alignment with Source! Nothing that they live gets them much out of alignment with Source, and they are inspired from that calling. And human... when human watches the beasts of your planet, human calls it Instinct in the Beast. We call it alignment! Alignment, and seeing the world through the eyes of source, and responding to the world through the eyes of source!

Now let's talk about the planet. And we want you to understand that the planet -like you!- is a being also!
In other words, it is infused with Spirit. It has Soul, as you do. Just as every particle of Consciousness, even that which you call dirt does, so your planet is an extension of source energy. It was once an idea or a thought, that was thought upon. But it is a being in its own right! And it is having its experience of expansion, as are all of the participants upon it.

So, in the same way that we were leading you to understand
-that human can align with what he desires, and accomplish it easily;
-that the beast is more likely to do that, because he is less Intoxicated by the resistance-prone ideas; and
-your planet is even more than the beast in alignment with its own expansion.

Now, human is easily influenced by other humans.
Beasts are rarely influenced by other humans!

Earth is never influenced by human!

So what that means- in other words, it's like a very small flea on the back of a very big dog, the amount of influence that you actually have about it!
So, what we notice about humans, and this goes back to what we were talking about as we began here today, -as you explore this contrast, so many of you want to find a problem in order to be motivated to a solution. So many of you want to find a way to control conditions, so that you can have better feeling responses to conditions! But when any of you begins to see your world through the eyes of source- then you understand.

And this is what the last part of your statement is: That you have nothing to worry about!
Because you understand, that in the same way, that anything that any of you live in contrast, causes you to ask for something more, that the source energy -which is feeding everything from its origin, is always answering from that Leading Edge perspective! We'll say that in another way: Even if humans could affect the planet... let's just play that game for just a moment! So let's say that your planet is really out of balance.

Which causes all of the people on the planet in the evaluating of that contrast, to desire the realignment of the planet!

-As you're giving birth to that desire, and source is answering that desire, and old ornery resistant ones are croaking, and new in-alignment ones are being born, and those like you, who are old and ornery and coming into alignment... what you begin to understand is: That with every problem there is a solution! With every question, there is an answer.

Which means, you will never get yourself, in terms of your Earth-life, in a place where where you are so out of balance, that you cannot receive the answer, or the improved life-experience that you are asking for! It's just too big of an environment, with so much well-being.

We touched on this briefly, as we began about the the enormous well-being of the source-energy part of you. And how law of attraction is responding to that, so much so, that we could say accurately: Every human on the planet could get so out of whack vibrationally, that you could be depriving yourself for the most part of the well-being that is there for you, and all you would do is create a miserable life for yourself, again and again and again self self self self self -all the trillions of you.

But in all of that, you're launching further rockets! So, that the new ones being born, are even more in a place of alignment than the generation that came before! In other words, the expansion is always better! What comes next is always better than that, which came before. And it is just such an interesting thing to watch, generation after generation, look around their planet to find things that are wrong with it! And try to use what's wrong as their justification for then asking for something, or letting something be improved... When it's just the natural process of all things!

The population of your planet is managed from that broader non-physical perspective.

Don't you find it remarkable, that humans have not been able to gather enough dirt together, to launch into orbit, to create another planet? In other words, that is so illogical! And so, when you step back just a little bit and you try to see your planet through the eyes of source, you understand
it is not diminishing.
It is not fading.
It is not in trouble!
It is thriving!

And it is thriving in the next generation even more, than the last generation. And it has always been thus! And it always will be thus!

And I understand that, and I know that. And my concern is, that more and more people are coming from the other viewpoint of thinking, somehow they can do something...

Doesn't matter! All they are doing, is using that one thing, one more thing, as their excuse to not allow their own alignment with Source. That's all!

In other words, we know -even in an audience as enlightened and leading edge as this one, we can feel your confusion on this topic. Because your logic says, almost all people have been taught from the begin of their experience, that you are either born flawed or that you are reaching a peak, that you are sliding away from later. In other words, you're all worried about this, this, uh "prime of life" that you are then sliding down from. And somehow you've got yourself convinced that the Earth has gone past her prime, and now she is sliding down into into endedness.

And we want you to understand: It does not work this way!
The universe is this expansive, ever increasing, always, always evolving experience! It is. It has always been true, and always will be!

So, what comes next will always be more expansive. More expressive, and potentially more enjoyable than what came before!

So the worst thing that could happen to an individual, is that he could find something -whether it's global warming or terrorism or government, or spouse, or anything that he uses as his excuse to not allow himself alignment with that broader perspective. Think about what we're talking about here today! How you are Source energy. You come into this experience, and the contrast causes you, as Source-energy, to become yet more.

And it's only when you don't go, to that which you become, that you feel worse.
So, think about that in terms of this conversation over global warming! Think about why it is so disruptive and so uncomfortable for people, who are beating the drum of those sorts of of things, when every fiber of your non-physical non- beingness knows that we are all eternally expanding.

And knows, that this time-space-reality is the stuff that causes the Catalyst for the expansion! And so, to have all that life-experience, that's accumulated in the eternal nature of your being, and then to be focused in saying "but wait, there's a flaw in this whole process! And this Earth, upon which I am standing is dying. And it is my fault!"

-Have you ever heard a string of sentences, that is more out of alignment with what you know your Source knows about all of those subjects??

So, do I spend my time following my Bliss, staying in alignment with me, focusing on what I want and and putting the emotion behind it, and ignore all the folks out there, that want to, uh, change the way I live, and how I'm taxed, and what I'm allowed to do... because they are so concerned, uh, uh, and they think that somehow I'm... because I'm driving a car and using premium gasoline, I'm going to destroy their habitat... or do I, do I pay any attention to any of that? Or do I just recognize what I know to be true, that you've just explained so eloquently, and just go on, about finding my own bliss?

Well we'll we'll reflect that question back to you in another way. In more the Abraham-speak, that we gave you earlier: Can you control those conditions?

Certainly not.

And, and... can you be happy without controlling them?

I'm working on it.

You see, that's got to be the answer! They must be allowed to feel, however they feel! Just as you must be allowed, to feel however you feel. We're saying, they may very well be using you, and what they think you're doing to your planet, as their excuse to not allow their connection with source. And in their not allowing their connection with with Source, they may, very well, then be trying to motivate people to action. Because, after all- so many people of the world are trying to affect conditions, so that they feel better, in looking at those conditions!

But it's too big and they try and try on subject after subject- and they eventually give it up. Everything always falls of its economic weight! It always does.

From the youtube-clip:
Abraham Hicks 2024 || Get Ready A Big Global Shift Is Coming ! || Abraham Hicks


Planet Earth

Let's talk about the planet. And we want you to understand that the planet -like you!- is a being also!
In other words, it is infused with Spirit. It has Soul, as you do. Just as every particle of Consciousness, even that which you call dirt does, so your planet is an extension of source energy. It was once an idea or a thought, that was thought upon. But it is a being in its own right! And it is having its experience of expansion, as are all of the participants upon it.

So, in the same way that we were leading you to understand
-that human can align with what he desires, and accomplish it easily;
-that the beast is more likely to do that, because he is less Intoxicated by the resistance-prone ideas; and
-your planet is even more than the beast in alignment with its own expansion.

Now, human is easily influenced by other humans.
Beasts are rarely influenced by other humans!

Earth is never influenced by human!
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Re: Quotes on Desire

Post by spiritualcookie »

[Where do desires come from?]

As physical beings - the majority of your wanting has come fro ma a position of lack.

- Abraham
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Re: Quotes on Desire

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

About how Attraction works (Co-Creation with your IB, aka Step 2). How Emotions become, Split Energy.
"Being Attractive!"

We can feel the potency of what you are about, individually and collectively. It's such a wonderful thing what this life on planet earth does, for the whole of all that we are! And so, as you've been living, and therefore focusing, therefore coming to your own awarenesses of what you prefer- launching rockets of desire, requests, to the universe- those requests have already been received by that larger, non-physical part of you.

That part of you, that remains non-physical, even while you come forth into the physical. And this collective consciousness, this non-physical part of you, is being responded to, as are you, by the powerful law of attraction. And so, when your life causes you to ask your request, it's understood and responded to with a focus and a response, that you usually don't recognize.

It causes an attraction power.
It causes a "calling".

You kind of get the idea, of how the law of attraction works, when you focus upon something? -You offer a vibration, and the Law of Attraction recognizing that vibration responds to your vibration so you get what you think about, whether you want it or not. You get what you're offering, vibrationally.

Sometimes in your human form, you don't realize what you're offering vibrationally. Because often you are saying words, that are different than what you're offering. You could be saying: "I am so sure of myself." While you're not so sure of yourself! While your words are to cover up your insecurity. Well, the law of attraction doesn't respond to your cover-up words! The law of attraction is responding to your insecurity. And your words, that cover it up, are meaningless. Really, they just serve to distract you, and to confuse you!

So, we want you to feel with us the power of attraction, and the power of what you are offering vibrationally.
But at the same time, we also want you to recognize that -while you are hearing your physical form having those experiences, sometimes you feel very secure. Sometimes you feel honored and blessed and worthy and loved- and the universe responds to you, accordingly. Sometimes you feel insecure and taken advantage of, and insignificant- and the universe responds to you accordingly.

Nothing bucks the law of attraction! It's powerful, and it is not discriminating, and it's not giving you what you want: It's giving you what you're vibrating.

And so, what you want to do, is to get what you're vibrating, and what you want, in the same vibrational vicinity! So that what you're offering and what you're getting are pleasing to you, you see! So at the same time that you're doing all of that, and you're doing quite well- we want to say: Your Inner Being, who remains non-physically focused while you are here; that part of you is non-diluted about your desire.

When life causes you to know what you don't want, and therefore to know what you do want, you offer a vibration that your inner being becomes one with. And your inner being stands as the... proponent... it's so much more than, that but it's the best word Esther can find right now... the proponent of the reflector of the "keeping the light burning", of the "advocate for what you've been asking for". So, when you feel insecure and want more security, your Inner Being stands in that security. And the law of attraction responds to that vibrational output of your Inner Being.

And that is why you can have split energy: Because your Inner Being is always not just advocating for, but a vibrational representative, and therefore attractor of what you're asking for. Which means, who-you-have-actually-already-vibrationally-become, while you may be a hold out to your own desire; to your own Self. You may be splitting your energy. You may be so focused upon what's manifested so far, and using what's manifested so far, as the reason that you offer your vibration rather conditional: If you don't have enough money and you're standing in insecurity, because you've got all this proof of debt or lack of funds, and that proof seems so valid and so real, so you notice it and you talk about it, and you think about it, and you brew about it, and you stew about it, and you offer enough vibration about it that you hold yourself chronically in a vibration of deprivation- your Inner Being does not do that.

And in fact, that's the reason that you ever feel negative emotion! Negative emotion is how you feel, when you have an attitude about something that matters to you, that's different from the attitude that your Inner Being has about exactly the same subject. Your Inner Being has non-diluted, ever-present love and appreciation for you. And when you're hard on you, you've got something different going on about the subject of you, than your inner being does.

We just want you to know, that your Inner Being is dominant.
Your Inner Being will win!
Your Inner Being is the powerful Attractor of the energy, because one who's connected to this source energy and one who is non-resistant in that energy is more powerful than millions who are not.

So as you stand in opposition to how your Inner Being feels about you, you don't feel good.

When you're in love with you, like your Inner Being is, you're frisky. You're frisky and you feel good, and you're flexible, and you're quick-witted, and you're loving life, and all wonderful things are flocking around you! And others who are looking on, wonder what you've got going on. In fact, sometimes in your physical form, you say:

"Oh, that's really an attractive person!" -and we say: truer words could not be spoken.
-That's someone who is really allowing the attraction to flow to them, in the most natural way. They've hooked up with their powerful partner of attraction, and when you hook up with your powerful Inner Being-partner of attraction, you've got something going on, that makes the world stand up and notice! In other words, that's a powerful force! That's the energy that creates worlds flowing to you, and through you.

And that's what you knew, when you decided to come into this body, to begin with! You said: "I'll go into my body my physical human body." and your Inner Being says: "and we'll stay here in pure positive energy, reflecting back to you your choices." and you said: "And I'll focus a part of my experience -we call that step 1- into the sifting and the sorting and the coming into awarenesses of what I prefer, from all of this". And your Inner Being says: "And we'll hold steady of what your preferences are." and you said: "I will pay attention the way I feel, for that is the way I will know whether I'm in alignment with my desire and all of you. Or whether I've deviated from my desire, by focusing upon the reason that my desire was born."

You stand so often in justification- sort of explanation... sort of like you did with your mother, when you were little: "I really need it, because, because... it's unfair that I don't have it! And because I don't like the feeling of not having it. And so, please, please, please, won't you give this to me!!??" -and your mother, bless her heart, really did you a disservice when she gave you the impression, that you- through your begging, through your justification, and through your rationalization, could distort the laws of the Universe. Because you can't!

You could trick your mother. But you cannot trick the Law of Attraction.
You got to line up with what you want, and who you are, if you are to thrive in the way that you intended, when you came.

You got that, didn't you? You understand that. Therefore we're done. We're becoming very concise and efficient in the way we are teaching. Have a good day! Goodbye! (Laughter, because this is the Beginning of the Seminar).

from the youtube clip "Abraham Hicks 2020 — Why Some Are Attractive (NEW)"
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Re: Quotes on Desire

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

Don't try to talk yourself out of your desires by diminishing them!

How how did you feel about me, wanting to look more attractive?
I mean, I... as I was writing today about that, in my positivistic book- I remember that one time, I felt that it was important for me to accept...

You are upon something very important here!
See, here is the way it has come about, not just with you, but with almost all that we know. You have this desire; you are born with it, for freedom and growth and joy. And as you look around the world, you choose things that you want. But because, for the most part, you have not understood (you or anyone else) the power of thought, or how it all fits together, you have found yourself seeing things that you want, that you're not believing that you have.

Or even in the comparison, seeing someone who is beautiful and comparing yourself, and not feeling as beautiful. And so, in the comparison you say: "I don't want those grapes anyway, for they're sour." and so, from that has become the attitude, that it is not proper to be vain! In other words, "one should not give so much attention to something so vain as beauty... after all, beauty is only skin-deep" or, "after all, the true merit of a being is within." -That sort of thing. And all of that is alright. We are not saying that that is not all right to feel that way! What we are saying is, that

when you don't feel that way, but you say the words, then you are resisting.
You're actually adding unto the thing that you do not want!

From the youtube clip "Abraham Hicks - It's Ok To Want To Be Beautiful"
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Re: Quotes on Desire

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

What Jealousy is

But you know the one called jealousy! The one, when you see something that another has and you want it. But you don't have it, and your Inner Being is shouting to you loudly and clearly that you want this. But you're focused in opposition of it, right now- you're taking the non-physical energy of the universe and sending it in opposition of what you really want. And so, what we would say to you is:

It is alright for you to want anything!!
And we would not call you vain. We would call you a Wanter!

Abraham Hicks
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Re: Quotes on Desire

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

Paradise-on-Earth wrote: Sun Mar 17, 2024 7:45 am What Jealousy is

But you know the one called jealousy! The one, when you see something that another has and you want it. But you don't have it, and your Inner Being is shouting to you loudly and clearly that you want this. But you're focused in opposition of it, right now- you're taking the non-physical energy of the universe and sending it in opposition of what you really want. And so, what we would say to you is:

It is alright for you to want anything!!
And we would not call you vain. We would call you a Wanter!

Abraham Hicks

Full interaction to this outtake:

It's Ok To Want To Be Beautiful!

How how did you feel about me, wanting to look more attractive?
I mean, I... as I was writing today about that, in my positivistic book- I remember that one time, I felt that it was important for me to accept...

You are upon something very important here!
See, here is the way it has come about, not just with you, but with almost all that we know. You have this desire; you are born with it, for freedom and growth and joy. And as you look around the world, you choose things that you want. But because, for the most part, you have not understood (you or anyone else) the power of thought, or how it all fits together, you have found yourself seeing things that you want, that you're not believing that you have.

Or even in the comparison, seeing someone who is beautiful and comparing yourself, and not feeling as beautiful. And so, in the comparison you say: "I don't want those grapes anyway, for they're sour." and so, from that has become the attitude, that it is not proper to be vain! In other words, "one should not give so much attention to something so vain as beauty... after all, beauty is only skin-deep" or, "after all, the true merit of a being is within." -That sort of thing. And all of that is alright. We are not saying that that is not all right to feel that way! What we are saying is, that

when you don't feel that way, but you say the words, then you are resisting.
You're actually adding unto the thing that you do not want!

When you are seeing... let us say that you see a beautiful woman, and everything about her is really just right. Her figure is just right. Her attitude is dynamic, she seems free and happy. She is really the picture of a happy woman! And as you see her- if that picture uplifts you, then that is an indication to you, that you are on your way to that. That which you see harmonizes with that what you want, and in your moment of positive emotion, your InnerBeing is saying: "you and the energy of the universe and that which you are seeing, and the feeling that you have, are all one! You are in harmony with this."

But if you see it, and you find reason to be critical... "Probably never worked a day in her life. Probably just sits around and puts mud packs on her face! Probably has no stress, but..." -you are getting the picture!- then what is happening is: You are in your position of lack, now trying to justify your position of lack. And doing so, by putting the other one down, so to speak. It is a common thing. (...) doesn't matter what it is that they have, that you want- that you don't feel you have, anytime you are feeling jealousy (and you know the feeling!) ...there are only two emotions. One feels good, and one feels bad.

But you know the one called jealousy! The one, when you see something that another has and you want it. But you don't have it, and your Inner Being is shouting to you loudly and clearly that you want this. But you're focused in opposition of it, right now- you're taking the non-physical energy of the universe and sending it in opposition of what you really want. And so, what we would say to you is:

It is alright for you to want anything!!
And we would not call you vain. We would call you a Wanter!

The reason that you have come to feel vanity or see it in others, is because you are coming from position of lack. And then you are trying to ease the pain of that position of lack, by saying "I don't want that anyway", you see. There are only two ways to get rid of negative emotion! First of all, let us remind ourselves what is negative emotions.

Negative emotion is your Inner Being reminding you, that you're resisting whatever you're giving this thought to.

If someone you did not know called you on the telephone and said: "I will never call you again", you would say: "What? Who cares?" -in other words, you didn't want them to begin with, so they're going away wouldn't involve you. And so there would be no negative emotion. But if someone very important to you were to call you on the telephone and say: "I will never see you again!" -you would feel lack. You would feel negative emotion. You're getting the point. Therefore, what we are saying is: Whenever you are feeling negative emotion, your Inner Being is saying: "you are not allowing this, that you'r wanting. You are resisting it."

You take part of the non-physical energy and you say: "I want."
And then in your negative feeling, you are taking part of the non-physical energy and say: "I want it, but I'm not going to get it."
And so, that is resistance. That is what that is, a little tug of war. That his why it is uncomfortable. You're not in the flow of things, you see.

Now I enter a sketching class that I took. The teacher said... we sketched each other, we were looking at it in two pairs. And she said, an older person who is much more interesting to sketch... there's a lot more to sketch there. Well, a young person doesn't have the interesting lines, and that's what came to my mind, and that may be part of even the negative... I was wondering. Should I be... What you're saying to me is in the sense that "what I want is legitimized. That's all there is. I want it.

...And that is ENOUGH.

...And that's ENOUGH!

You cannot want something without having the potential of having it! It defies law. If you are wanting it, it can be yours.

And you have this glorious guidance system, telling you every time (when) you're going astray from having it! Every time you feel negative emotion, that is your guidance system telling you: you're pushing against something you want! Relax! Change the thought and let it be.

I do! It feels like I want my body to catch up with the rest of me! It seems like, in terms of money and and relationships, and there's a lot of things which I will feel as if I've made quantum-leaps of what I was before I knew! But if...


And then... and I thought I were trying too hard.

That is part of it. Trying too hard is resisting! For this reason... when you think about this... if you decide that you want to go to the grocery store and buy a quart of milk. Did you ever find yourself trying too hard? Or do you just go get it? And the reason you just go get it is, because you have absolute knowledge! ...You know that you have the ability to go. You know you have the money in your purse. You know the milk will be there. When you get there... in other words, that there is no doubt! And so there is no trying against anything!

And so, whenever you're trying too hard, what is happening is: There is a part of you, that is not believing that it can be. And so, in your wanting to compensate with action, you offer more action. And what we are wanting you to understand is, that you cannot act enough.

There is not enough action in the world to compensate for your taking part of the energy, and sending it in the other direction in the form of negative emotion.

If you've got negative emotion about something, you're stuck there. And no action is going to change it!

The only thing that's going to change it, is by releasing the thought.

Which is bringing forth the negative emotion, and replacing it with the thought that brings positive emotion. And then, the action will come joyfully, you see!

Yes, many many examples are flashing through my head now...

If you'll just look for reasons to feel positive emotion! And the best time to do it, is in a time when you're feeling negative emotion. In other words your positive aspect book will serve you very well. Even a mental one, if you will stop for a moment and say: "Now, wait a minute. I'm feeling rotten here." -Don't try to figure out why you're feeling rotten! What you tend to do is, you try to justify it, because at the core of your being, you're wanting to be right. You're wanting to be balanced, you're wanting to feel good. And so, when you don't feel good, the tendency is to try to justify.

We heard Esther, regarding the hotel that kept being not prepared for them. And so, as she is making her statements of criticism to them, she is feeling negative emotion. And then she feels like she must defend her statements of criticism! And so she says things like: "I have called them just today. I wrote them a letter. What kind of... why don't these people listen? What kind of staff do they have?"

All the while she is now picking on them, attracting more negative from them in an attempt to justify her own negative emotion! And we say:

You don't have to justify your negative emotion!
Your negative emotion is your guidance.
Acknowledge your negative emotion!

Nobody's judging you! You don't have to justify your position. Acknowledge your negative emotion, recognize you'r resisting something that you want- and then look for the positive aspects within this. And as you look for the positive aspects, you are feeling changes. And as soon as you're feeling changes, you're no longer resisting, and as soon as you're no longer resisting: You're getting what you want.

From the youtube clip "Abraham Hicks - It's Ok To Want To Be Beautiful"


What Jealousy is

But you know the one called jealousy! The one, when you see something that another has and you want it. But you don't have it, and your Inner Being is shouting to you loudly and clearly that you want this. But you're focused in opposition of it, right now- you're taking the non-physical energy of the universe and sending it in opposition of what you really want. And so, what we would say to you is:

It is alright for you to want anything!!
And we would not call you vain. We would call you a Wanter!

Abraham Hicks
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Re: Quotes on Desire

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

Everything in your experience is a "Sign" or an Indicator of how you are doing, in relationship to your Desires!

I was curious if the universe or even Abraham gives signs?
Uh, for example... I was introduced to "the Secret", and to "Ask and it's given" from my girlfriend, who by the way, wants to kill me because she always wants to come up here. But, when I first heard about it I was very open-minded but, um it seemed a little foreign to me, the idea of... channeling and non-physical entities and everything, but I was open-minded. And as I was turning the corner to her place, I saw a car right in front of me, on the back and it said "Abraham". And I've never never seen a brand "Abraham"! I've seen Toyota... I mean it was literally like, like it said "Toyota". So, what's up is, that I mean, is that me, manifesting it? Telling myself... or is that some kind of sign from you or the universe?

This may be the strangest question that anyone ever asked us, in this sense: "Within me was pulsing a question, to which I received an answer. And is it really the answer to my question? In other words, am I really powerful enough, that when I ask for something- it will be given to me straight away?" -It's a pretty interesting question isn't it?

The answer to the question is: yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes!!

When we talk about this vibrational escrow, we're not kidding you about it! Do you get it, that before there is any manifestation, there is a prepaving of vibration, or thought, first. And once something has been thought into alignment, then and only then does the manifestation come about. So when you have those sort of interesting signs, what it means is: You're on the vibrational wavelength of the answer to your question and the universe literally is just feeding you a a never ending stream of those kinds of signs, leading you in the direction of the fulfillment of your never ending stream of expanding ideas, of how life would be better for you!

We want you to think about creation. "I am the creator of my own experience"- let's start with that powerful statement that Seth spoke through Jane (Roberts): You are the creator of your own reality. So, you are the creator of your own reality, what that really means is: You are the projector of the thought that law of attraction will respond to. And rather than thinking in terms of creating your reality, use another word: Rendezvousing with your reality, vibrationally rendezvousing. Law of Attraction says, that which is like unto itself is drawn. So what creation is is rendezvousing!

Now there are endless things out there, that physically surround you that you are not rendezvousing with, because they are of a different vibrational nature than you are. You could walk down the streets of Manhattan with millions of other people, on any given period of time, and as you are moving about, you're having your unique experience that is based upon your unique vibration.

You could be two people walking in the same vicinity having opposite experiences because you're rendezvousing with different things- even in a given area! And if you had an aerial view of it you, might find it ironic or interesting that two people could be in such close physical proximity, and having such entirely different experiences. But that would be, because you're not factoring in the only thing that really matters- which is the vibrational countenance.

Rendezvousing, rendezvousing, rendezvousing, rendezvousing constantly... with whatever is active in your vibration. So of course, when you say "I'm curious about something. And I'm wanting to know if there's anything to what I sincerely want to know." -You weren't dabbling in it, you weren't pretending, you sincerely wanted to know if there is anything to this Abraham- Law of Attraction crap, and immediately a car drives right into your experience and shows you...!

And we want to tell you, when you are in that place of allowing, there are at all times in your experience 20 or 30 or 40 or 50 or 100 or a thousand ready to pop, right now, synchronistic signs like that- ready right now, for your vibrational alignment with them! That's why it is so powerful when you start deliberately reaching reaching reaching! But the universe is always giving you a sign.

A sign of what? -A sign of where you are, now. A sign of where you are now. A sign of where you are now- in relationship to what that's the big question! A sign of where you are, at any point in time.

In relationship to what? -In relationship to who you really are, and who you have become.

Because that's the only thing that matters! It's not a sign in relationship to where someone else is! It's not a sign in relationship to where you ought to be. It's always signs in relationship to where you are are, and who you have become.
And yes, they are REAL.

Well they... you talk about um, emotional indicators. But this is sort of just outside of you! Just things happening, that kind of...

Nothing's outside of you!
Nothing that comes to you, is apart from you. Because everything that comes to you, is a response to the vibration of you.

If there's a lovely person speaking with you- it's in response to your vibration.
If there's a trickster or a gangster or a robber speaking to you- it's in response to your vibration.

Nothing comes into your experience, that is not vivid, perfect feedback to your vibration! Everything's an indicator!

In other words, you cannot focus on anything without activating it in your vibration. So whatever is coming to you is a sign, an indicator, of your vibration. And when you know it, that's just the best best best best best! When those signs are vivid enough, and this is the thing that you're helping us to say, and we love saying it back to you in this way:

When you're offering vibration all over the place and you're not doing any of it on purpose, you're just having knee-jerk responses to life. So you're thinking of that, cuz somebody's talking about it, and you're thinking of that because you saw it. You're thinking about that, and then life is giving you back things that replicate those vibrations... there's no feeling of control in any of that. Or ,any feeling of deliberateness in any of that!

But when you have deliberately been thinking about Abraham, or signs, when you've been deliberately thinking about something- and the universe shows it to you, and you're able to make the correlation between what you thought, and what happened, now you are empowered, you see! So we love it. We watched Esther years ago, when she got it that life is reflected back to her, by the way she thinks and feels. So, something wonderful would happen and she would crow: "I did that!!" and something not so wonderful would happen and she would say: "I did that, too." "I did that, I did that"... and once you acknowledge "I did that. I am the vibrational reason that I am having this experience!" -now you can love the others, because they're just vibrational indicators. And you can make a decision about how the experience feels.

from the youtube clip: Abraham Hicks – How Signs from the Universe Work 🦋
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Re: Quotes on Desire

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

About healing your Shortage-Consciousness.
(The Checkbook-game)

Almost everyone has feelings of sort of sealings, or limitations, on how much money you associate with "living the good life". In other words, you have these feelings of how much money is enough money! And, how much money is "too much" money. There are a lot of people that are spending a lot of money, and they're feeling joyful in it. But you can't find them, from your place of believing that spending money is an inappropriate thing!

So let's work on that just for a little bit. Because we we want to ask you some questions: If you were to purchase something that you really don't need, something that costs a lot let's say. You go into a jewelry store and you find something that's really shiny and beautiful, and that attracts you, because of its beauty. And you inquire what it costs, and they tell you it's $200,000 -and you have the money to pay it! Let's say that you have $220,000 in your bank account right now. So, you can afford it. So you buy it. What's the feeling from where you currently stand about that? Do you feel like nobody should spend that much money on something? Like, that it feels wasteful?

So, now you're receiving that trinket. And you are giving someone some money, and that person is receiving that money, and paying someone who moved it from one place to another. So they're receiving a little bit of benefit from it. And the person who created it, is receiving some money from it. And the materials that went into it, those people are receiving some money from it. So, let's say that there are 20 people- or more, but let's say there are 20 people who will financially benefit from your purchase. Is it wasteful for you to add to the financial well-being of others?

Some of them will send their children to school with the money, that you have paid for that. Some of them will buy food with the money that you've paid for that. Some of them will donate it to orphanages. Some of them will pay taxes. So, what has really happened here? Have you added to the economy? Have you added a lifestyle? Has there really been any wastefulness? In other words, you could say "I didn't really need this."

But when you think about it in terms of the economy, and the people that benefited from the spending of the money, where do you get the idea that your participating in the economic system is somehow doing something that is wrong?

How did this Shortage-consciousness occur- when you are all exchanging your gifts and services in this economic world, that you have going on? We want to submit to you, that the more money that you allow to flow through you, and the more places that you funnel the money that flows through you, the more you uplift!

Have you taken a look at your economy? Do you know that your economy is at an all-time high? And do you understand that it was not that long ago, that you were trading beads and fur and things- in other words, your economy isn't bigger because you have connected to some spaceship that has been piping in resources from other galaxies! Your economy is only improving because you have found different ways exchanging your human vitality with one another!

And the more you exchange that, the more vital you are.
And the more vital your economy is!
Everyone wins, when you find ways to attract and release, to "breathe" them.

Now if you were sucking it in and holding it, and not letting it out- we can understand how there could be some imbalance. Just like if you were to try to breathe air in, as you breathe air in and you don't allow it to flow out- in other words... there is a little hangup even about breathing, that is going on!

In other words we like to use the analogy "breathing in and out, in and out, in and out, in and out." It's effortless. When you run, you want more. When you sleep, you want less: In and out, in and out. You never suck it in and hold it, for fear there won't be more, later! You never stand out on your porch for fear that there won't be enough left in the afternoon: "I need to get it all while I can!" -you expect the air to be there when you want it. And we want you to understand that the vitality, and the clarity, and the money, is THERE.

It's always there for you, breathe it in in and breathe it out. And breathe it in and breathe it out.

And that's the point of that game, that's what that game is designed to help you to do is: To think of things that you would like to use as your excuse to allow the money to flow in. But if you feel guilty about spending money, if we were standing in your physical shoes, now as you're spending that money, think about what those will do! Who will receive the money? Think about that!!

Think of yourself as a philanthropist in the uplifting of others from whom you buy!

It it's a checkbook game where you deposit $1,000 into your account vibrational dollars and you spend that 1,000 on the second day you deposit 2,000 and spend them on the third day you deposit 3,000 and spend them on the 365th day you you deposit 365,000 and spend it. So, as you are spending this money vibrationally, as you are mentally spending it, what's happening is: you are creating Outlets out there for it to go. When you create a vibrational Outlet it draws you, and everything, for the accomplishment of it through you!

That's what eagerness is. That's what passion is! That's what your feeling of enthusiasm is!

From the youtube- clip "Abraham Hicks 💸 BE DONE WITH THE STRUGGLE! 💸💸💸 LET THE MONEY FLOW WITH EASE! ~ Law of Attraction"
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Re: Quotes on Desire

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

Chronic physical Pain is the Indicator of many Desires, that you are denying yourself to fulfill!
(same trains of thought as with not having enough money!)

I'm kind of new to thinking this way, and I can feel everything feels right, with what you're saying. Does it work physically, too?

Abe: Yeah.

I have chronic pain. And when I live with pain, all the time- how do I unthink the pain?

Well, it is harder just like with our friend. It's harder to have an occupation where she's focused continually on something that we're encouraging not to think about for a while. And so, when something's hurting in your body, it's hard not to notice it. So look at it this way... you're gonna like this. So let's say that your goal is to have a whole lot more money than you have. And your logic tells you, that it's not just going to fall into your bank account today. But you could -in five or ten minutes of conversation- you could find the feeling or the essence of prosperity!.

So, you could accomplish the feeling of prosperity even though the reality, the manifested actualization of money, hasn't come, yet.

Does that make sense? So, you could have physical pain - which is the same thing as the absence of the money - and focus upon or find the feeling place of alignment, and freedom from that pain. It's like calling pain the manifestation of something that you are changing the vibration of. We like that analogy. If you can feel rich, when you don't have any money, you can feel pain free when you've got pain. It's the same process of thinking.

It's just a little harder when it's so up... money is tricky, too, because money or lack of it, affects you all day long. And pain affects you all day long! And maybe not having something that you want affects you all day long- but not as much. So, you have to use the power of your mind, you have to be a little more disciplined, you have to be a little more decided.

So, we're gonna tell you some things about pain that we think, will help you a lot.
If you have resistance - if you have a belief that is contradicting a desire - you're gonna feel negative emotion about it. And the more you want the desire and the more you don't believe it, the stronger that resistance is going to feel. So, if you've got resistance - if you've got that negative emotion within you, which is simply the indication that you're not up to speed with who you really are - you're holding yourself back.

Part of you is going, and the other part of you isn't going which causes this tug of war. Which is what the feeling of negative emotion is. If you've got negative emotion and you don't recognize it and do something to soften it, it will get bigger. It will become more and more and more and more and more- and eventually it becomes physical pain.

Physical pain is just an extension of - it's an indication of - resistance!

But it's not very helpful to someone to say, "Well, your pain is because you've got resistance. Get rid of it," because if you could get rid of it, you would. But it is helpful to know that you can do something about it, and the thing that is most important for you to understand...oh... most people think that when they have physical pain, that there must be something really, really big and important that they are denying. And that is rarely the situation. What it is, is a whole bunch of things that you care about that you're just denying. And a lot of people are doing the same thing.

You have so many beliefs that are contradicting so many desires. That's all that it is!
Beliefs that contradict desires.

And so, now you've focused on that, when it comes up and you're actually in the moment of doing it, you'll catch yourself doing it. And then maybe, if you care about it, you can soften the thought just a little bit. Here's the other thing, now that was not all that helpful. Because what we just said to you is, "You're doing stuff and you don't know you're doing it and that's why you hurt. So don't do that anymore." That was completely not helpful.

But it is the basis. It's important to understand that, so, in that way it has the potential of being helpful! It's just not helpful, yet. But this will be helpful right away: In the same way that we're talking to you about your open-circuit, relative to something that you want, your body has trillions of cells that are consciousness - that are open circuits. And when the circuits in your body are open to each other, and to the impulses that are coming from your central nervous system and from your thinking system, in other words, when your circuits are open, you thrive. Open circuits are what makes you intend to pick up that glass of water, and be able to do it. It's what makes your body respond to your thought. Those are open circuits, you see. And so, even though you have more open circuits than not- all of you-, you might be closing some of those circuits down through thoughts or beliefs that you have.

So, in the same way that we were demonstrating that if you have a desire, and a belief that matches it- then the circuit is wide open and the Universe can deliver to you - you can get back - what you want. It's just an open circuit. But if you want something that you don't believe, then it's like electrocuting yourself. And you don't get it back, and it doesn't feel good, and the result is negative emotion. Stronger result than negative emotion is physical pain. Which means... Pain always means this:

The cells of your body are requesting things that are being offered, that you're resistant thought is keeping them from receiving. So, pain means - first and foremost - help's on the way!

It means, the cells are asking, because they know how to stay in balance. The cells of your body are so brilliant! They are such genius consciousness. Think about it. Do you ever think about your body? How incredible it is? You don't lie in bed at night and keep your own blood pumping. You don't make that a conscious thing, that you do. There are so many things, that you call unconscious! Unconscious success in your body, that the cells of your body are tending to. And the cells of your body are regenerating, they're becoming new, over and over and over again.

And so, they don't hold old beliefs!
Because they're becoming new again. But you teach them the beliefs that are hindering through your thoughts. In other words, when you think about getting older and, therefore, you're teaching the cells of your body things that cause resistance- that don't let the circuits flow. So, when your cells ask for something and the circuit is closed, that equals pain. That's all that it is. And you get a few trillion cells asking, and not receiving- then the physical result to you is: you don't feel so good.

Did you hear us when we said, "It's not a big thing?" You don't have some big, terrible, hairy, secret doubt within you! It's just a whole bunch of stuff, like, "I'd like to do that, but I can't." -Something that simple. And just multiply that by a few dozen times a day, about a few hundred subjects, and then you've got resistance. That's all that it is.

Is... is that why when I get really angry about something... I can move!

It gets worse?

No, I can move for a while.

When you get angry... What happens when you really know what you don't want is: you know what you do want.
And so, your belief or your desire has just been emphasized! This is really good, because this is something that we said for the first time today, and this is the follow-through on it. So we are appreciating your observation! Because this is, what it means. You know earlier, when we said to you that if you've got a very clear desire, it doesn't matter what you believe?

So, when something happens that really made you angry, because you knew you really didn't want it, it made you know you really did want it and for a moment, the energy really flowed in a powerful way. Yeah, the desire was dominant for a moment! As you said: "FOR A MOMENT." Yeah.

So, I don't wanna stay angry all the time, though!

Well, beats hurting! (big laughter) Clarifying is just gonna keep coming to you. But, don't overthink it, but pay attention to the way you feel. Haven't you noticed that, all of you!- we're asking, all of you, that- but you'll be able to answer this specifically, too. But, all of you think about this:

Isn't one of the most uncomfortable moments that moment of indecision?

About anything. Should I do this or should I do that? That uncomfortable decision that...it's kind of like you just sort of paralyzed, and then, isn't the opposite true when you've decided something?
-When you decide something, don't you then feel like getting into motion?
-Don't the ideas begin flowing?
-Doesn't the magic start happening, once you've decided about something? And so, the same thing is true about this.

The helpful things that we've given you here... first of all, there's not anything big that's gone wrong. You don't have some big belief that is hindering you! You just have - like almost everybody else - a lot of hindering thoughts about things that do matter to you.

And our friend who said earlier, "I just decided not to care. I just accepted that I was probably not going to get called on." -And there was such power in that! Because as soon as she accepted that she wasn't going to get called on, she'd let go of the struggle of that. And when she let go of the struggle, the resistance went away, and the light around her - it was like suddenly she turned to beacon of light on that!- took our attention right to her.

When you decide that you're just not gonna worry about the physical discomfort... you're just not gonna worry about it! You're not going to exaggerate it, you're not gonna try to explain it to anybody, you're just gonna accept it. You're just not gonna try to make a big thing about it. You're just gonna accept it. You're just gonna accept it. Just accept it without trying to change it, without wondering how it got there, without feeling like you did something wrong, without turning it into more.

It just is and it's okay.

"Well, it just is and it's okay." That feeling of, "It's okay," diffuses so much!
One day, not too long ago, Esther was in a hotel like this and she was going through the kitchen, back to her suite on the segment of refreshment. And she rides the service elevator, because it's a more direct route up - she doesn't bump into so many of you. So, she got on the elevator with a man who belongs on the elevator, because he works back there. And he saw Esther and knew she didn't belong. And so, he explained to her there's another elevator for you. And Esther's looking at him - he was so sweet - and then his next words were, "But you didn't know. But you didn't know."

And, Esther just wanted to lick his face! She just wanted to wrap him up. She felt such tenderness and such understanding from him! Not wanting to make her wrong. And she thought, 'Oh, this is the most delicious moment that I think I've ever stood in, where I'm doing something totally off-limits and totally inappropriate. I could not be doing anything more wrong in this moment, than being on the elevator, with all the dirty clothes... "But you didn't know. You didn't know."

And this is the way we want you to feel about anything that isn't going the way you want it!
You didn't know that the cells of your body are communicating with each other! And you didn't know that you were blocking them, with your negative thoughts. You didn't know! You just thought, your negative thoughts were just negative thoughts. And you also thought, that they were logical negative thoughts! And that they were understood negative thoughts. And that they were commonly thought negative thoughts! You didn't know...!

But now you know! Now you know. In other words, now you know! Esther explained to him, "They gave me permission for this," and then she wanted to give back to him. She said, "but you didn't know." -Just giving everybody the benefit of the benefit of the benefit! Give yourself the benefit of the doubt. Everything's all right. And the cells of your body know, that everything's all right! And the cells of your body are not letting you down: They're asking for what they need and in that softer vibration...

See that? See that? You got that? You know what that is? You feel that? ...That's your confirmation! That's your inner being saying to you, "You didn't know! But now, you know." Did you feel that on your cheek, just now? (HS mumbles)

Yeah. You're not having a stroke. Lots of things like that. That's you, releasing enough resistance that you're allowing energy to flow where a moment ago you weren't allowing it to flow. You're gonna begin feeling a lot of twitters. Yeah.

It's a good thing?

It is a VERY good thing.

from the youtube clip "The Root Cause of Chronic Pain | Abraham Hicks"
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Re: Quotes on Desire

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

A master of manifestation wants to achieve "what others deem impossible".
(with Grid for greater physical height)

I was really nervous this whole time, because uh, I wanted to be up here! And it wasn't, until I relaxed just now.

And you finally lighted right up! You lighted right up.

But then it hit me, like while I'm here and I'm nervous again yeah...

Now you've disappeared. (Laughing audience)

Now, compared to many people, I consider myself a master manifestor. I do get a lot of everything I want...

As it should be!

Yeah! But there's some exciting challenges that I'm...

It means, you're still alive!
And we mean that in the broadest sense of the word. Because, did you just hear us say- because they were the words that that made this transition so important: You never get it done. There's always, there's ALWAYS! going to be more. So the question is, is it so much more that it's making you uncomfortable, and you're using it as a sticking point?

More or less. Sometimes yes, sometimes no. Because I know I can be or do, I have anything else. When I feel that, no matter what I'm desiring...

We have a question for you! All the stuff that you want to be or do or have, you want to be or do it all NOW? (HS: Kinda.) Really?? Really? Because that's a lot! It'd be a lot to focus on, and and sometimes too many things to focus on, all at the same time, keeps you from being able to get the the specifics of the detail, and the deliciousness from it! So, so... don't you want to say:

"I just want as much good stuff, as I can stand, at any moment in time.
As I can as I can comprehend, as I can take in, as I can be receptive of!
I just want to tune to it."

And that... we tell you a brief story, we've told it before. Hold your place, because we want to hear everything you want to say!
Esther was basking at beautiful things around her swimming pool. More beautiful than she could even hardly stand. Rapturous! The tree, the statues, the pool, the water... so beautiful, it was hard to stand! And then she got really smart in her brain and and said: Abraham, I think i found a flaw in your philosophy. You're talking about unconditional love, and I'm looking at conditions that I am loving. And we said: Feel this, Esther. It's the most important moment of your life experience, in understanding something big:

You were in alignment before you saw the conditions. You were unconditional in your alignment, which allowed connection to all that we are. And the reason that you felt that way just now, is because you were receptive to our appreciation of these things. -Did you hear that?

You weren't using those things, in order to get to appreciation. You got there first, and because that was the receptive mode that you were in, your appreciation was so massively enhanced, so... what we're saying to you, we're just gonna be really blunt about it:

You don't want to create those "be and do and have", all of those things, so that you can feel good.
You want to find that feeling, so that -as you explore those- you're exploring them with the whole of you, instead of with a scanty piece of you.

Did you hear what we said?

Yeah. Are you ready for me? (Abe: we're ready for you!)
So, the few challenges that I have in manifesting things, are all things that collectively people would argue are "impossible". And that's probably where the resistance is a little, but I'll pose...

Instead of a challenge, call it an invitation!
Let's make the word "challenge" into that word forevermore: It's an invitation for expansion. And it is...

Everybody doesn't get those invitations!
Sometimes, big invitations come to those who are ready for it!

So I'll pose the one that's got the least resistance, so I can solve one, I could solve all of them. And that is... uh... of of height. So, somewhere in my vortex I'm about five inches taller. Now you said, you know where my expansion is and you know the path of least resistance to it. So I've come for that guidance!

Well you didn't start with the easiest one you started with the hardest one because you started you started with the one where your expectation is the most powerfully entrenched. So, because how you get from where you are, in terms of manifestation, to some place that you prefer is: by ignoring the manifestation that exists, and ignoring the current translation of what is, while you focus upon the vortexual version of it. But the vortexual version, since you can't see it or hear it or smell it or taste or to touch it- you can only feel it, so you have to think about what does it feel like?

What does it feel like. What does that feel like? And not not as it's reflected back from others! What does it feel like? What does that feel like? Because when you try to reflect it back through the eyes of others, it gets all distorted. Because they're all messed up on it anyways! Almost no one has gotten inside that vortex for the feeling of that! So, what does that improve by your definition? Physical characteristics- what in the vortex does it vibrationally feel like? What does that translate into?

-Not something that you see! Not something that you're hearing back. What does that feel like? ...It feels like presence. It feels like stability. It feels like stance. It feels like perspective. It feels... it feels big! It feels... it feels aligned. It feels powerful. It feels empowered. It feels sure-footed. It feels confident. It feels aligned! It feels energetic. It feels powerful.

Because every single thing that everybody wants, no matter what it is- a material object, a state of being, a pile of money, a relationship, no matter what it is they want it because they believe they would feel better in the having of it. If you can accomplish the feeling better of it without the condition, unconditionally feeling it, watch what happens! We are not kidding you!

The cells of your body will conform to the vibrational stance that you accomplish!
And anybody that hasn't had the experience, has not accomplished the vibrational integrity of the idea. They keep looking at what is, and complaining about what isn't, and keep reflecting the same, you see!

Now we know, there's so much that you can say... "oh well, what about them? I'm sure, Abraham, that big tall basketball player did not sit in his room and contemplated his vortexual Beingness! I'm just sure of that!!" -Well you're not sure. You don't know! You don't know what anybody else was doing vibrationally- you don't know!

Yeah, but I know I can do it. I just kind of needed you, you know...

You can do what?

Anything I want!

"I know I can accomplish the vibrational feeling, that will be at the end of that manifestation. Without needing that manifestation to be there, before I accomplish that feeling!"
That's the key to everything that you want.

You say sometimes... people hear this, and they think that what we're saying to them is: Okay, just put up with things as they are. Tolerate. We're not talking about toleration!! We're talking about allowing. Tolerate what you don't want! And if you tolerate it long enough, then you'll get to where you want to be. And people worry that we're just trying to get you to be accepting of what is. That is not what this message is! We are not trying to get you to be accepting of what is. We are not trying to get you to be accepting of current reality.

We are wanting to assist you in creating the reality of your choice, and there are no exceptions!
When you said "I can be, or do, or have anything that I choose" -it's just a matter of identifying it. And then finding... what?

HS: Vibrational Alignment!

...And being- where?

HS: Receptive.

Receptive. Receptive of what's in the vortex!

HS, (funny voice)
And then, I can tolerate it! (laughter)

That was good. That's really good!

Speaking of your, your wit, humor...

Well, well okay so we're really good together!

We are um... to to be wittier, you can you just... feel it?

You know what it mostly is? It's timing. And timing is about receptivity. (HS: It's all the same!) It's all... everything's about timing. And timing's about receptivity, it really is! Oh, you've got writers behind you, that we can't even explain! You live in a situation comedy!

From the youtube-clip "Abraham-Hicks Can Law of attraction change my appearance?"


"I just want as much good stuff, as I can stand, at any moment in time.
As I can as I can comprehend, as I can take in, as I can be receptive of!
I just want to tune to it."

Abraham Hicks

You don't want to create those "be and do and have", all of those things,
so that you can feel good.
You want to find that feeling, so that -as you explore those- you're exploring them with the whole of you,
instead of with a scanty piece of you.

Abraham Hicks

Instead of a challenge, call it an invitation!
Let's make the word "challenge" into that word forevermore: It's an invitation for expansion. And it is...

Everybody doesn't get those invitations!
Sometimes, big invitations come to those who are ready for it!

Abraham Hicks

"I know I can accomplish the vibrational feeling, that will be at the end of that manifestation. Without needing that manifestation to be there, before I accomplish that feeling!"
That's the key to everything that you want.

Abraham Hicks
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