Your Job, Work & Career

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Your Job, Work & Career

Post by spiritualcookie »

When you act because of your awareness of negative recourse if you do not - you are working against your own quest for freedom, growth and joy, whether it is upon the subject of health, wealth, relationships or whatever.

In other words, as you go to your job feeling distaste for it because you believe that if you do not work you will not have money, and that will be worse - then your negative feeling of distaste is the predominant factor, and from your state of feeling, you will attract more and more reason to feel distaste.

However, instead of acting first, if from your state of being you will identify:
- Your quest for freedom - and the dollars you earn are synonymous with freedom,
- Your quest for growth - your interaction with others always affords you new understanding,
- Your quest for joy - you can find that, whenever and wherever you look for it,
you will be inspired to the action that will harmonize with those core intentions.

- Abraham
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Re: Your Job, Work & Career

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

I think it is crucial to take Abes advice literal, about "what to do" and "what our job" is! Especially, when it comes to "work" and "job"! :D

"What should I do?"

We would never do anything, that wouldn't make our heart sing!
And you say, "This choice doesn't seem to be here. There is a choice that doesn't make my heart sing, and sort of staying where I am. What should I do?"

And we say: We'd hang around and wait for something that makes our heart sing- and then,
we would jump in with all four feet.

Abraham Hicks
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Re: Your Job, Work & Career

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

All you have to do, is pay the "terrible price" of HAPPINESS!

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Re: Your Job, Work & Career

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

My work today is, to do nothing, and not feel guilty.
Talking myself to feeling good.
Ease up, and let myself feel good.
I like knowing, that this is my work!

Happy where I am, and eager for the Vortex
to take me, where I want to go.

Abraham Hicks
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Re: Your Job, Work & Career

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

What is your standard of success?

The standard of SUCCESS in life isn't the things.
It isn't the money or the stuff...
It is absolutely the AMOUNT OF JOY, that you feel!

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Re: Your Job, Work & Career

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

Being a Boss, or a Leader
(LoA, being the "Manager")

You've heard us refer to Law of Attraction as a manager, who understands your vibration and understands the vibration of everybody else, and puts you together in a perfect dance. So, when you have a business, or a corporation, or a project, there are many different facets of it, that need to be answered by many different talents, and many different willingnesses.

As you look at the balance of your planet today, every day Jerry and Esther appreciate those who work in the Food Service Industries. And those that repair the highways! And those that build the buildings. Even though, they don't want to do any of that! And as they feel appreciation for the variety of talents and willingnesses, the universe then can yield to them whatever is necessary to augment their experience, as they are moving along.

Now if they were to sit in a restaurant and feel guilty that they are living this extraordinary life, and that there are Cooks in the kitchen, having to cook food, or waiters having to bring the food to them- they could use that focal point as their excuse not to allow their own wellbeing to flow. And nothing would change for those people, because those people are at the vibration where that is the best suited thing for them, right now!
-For some of them it's a perfect vibrational match, to what they want.
-For some of them it's not a match to what they want, but it's a match to what they believe.

But Jerry and Esther don't have to orchestrate that! Because law of attraction is the manager, that is orchestrating all of that, you see.

So, as you realize that there are people who are working for you, who are very happy working for you, right now- who are in the process of working for you, launching desires that will later be satisfied, outside of your work environment, but right now the Law of Attraction has put them with you because right now they are a vibrational match to you... what troubles you is that sometimes they are a vibrational match to you, and that's why you're all together. But then they're speaking their discord, which makes you think that you've done something wrong, or that you should free them, or that you should teach them something different.

And sometimes it's a little bit of a struggle, because if all of the people, who are working with you, were vibrating exactly as you are- they would not fit in your life.

If you are the creative genius of an organization, you don't need 20 creative Geniuses. You need somebody to run the computers, and somebody to do the accounting. You need people that are at different vibrational places, that all work together with you! And we think that your struggle has been, we can feel little a large part of it at least, is that you're trying to find their places for them. And that's not your job.

Your job is to stay true to your desire- and let Law of Attraction bring them to you, at the perfect timing.

And it's going to be a passing parade that moves through your experience. You are an uplifter, and everyone who interacts with you will benefit from the interaction- whether they stay with you a week, or a month, or a year, or 10 years, you see. It's going to be a passing parade. And we think you are sensitive, and you care very much how they are doing. And because you care very much how they are doing, you listen too much to what they are saying! And then it takes a toll on your vibration. And then you feel a little resentment about that. That's the "sometimes not a very good day", that you were describing!

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Re: Your Job, Work & Career

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

True Leadership ONLY works in Alignment.
And when you'r in Alignment -you can't other than lead!

So my question today is, I'd like to talk about leading from an Abraham inspired perspective. I'm an entrepreneur, start and build businesses. And I really would love to find... you know, we talk a lot about individually. But how can I take that into the corporate environment?

Well you know it's much easier than you might think!

Because everything that we've been talking about, is about influence. And your greatest influence is in your alignment- so you can't help but lead, when you tune in to who you really are, and hold it consistently!

So that there's not much, if any, dip in your vibration. Then you'll get a lot of momentum going! And that is, in fact what leadership is, isn't it! The thing that must be understood in all of that, is you've got to decide who it is that you're leading. And it would be easier for all of you if you would just accept that

You can only lead those who are on your spinning disk.
("disc"=emotional stance that you are in, in the very moment)

The thing that goes wrong with so many is, that you get there.
-They're not there!
-You notice they're not there,
-you join them where they are-
and you don't lead.

But if you get there, you practice it, you maintain it- it's yours.
You interface with them, and you'll dip every now and again, but if you're aware of this, so that you are deliberately reaching for those higher vibrations- THEN you keep finding them!

You find them, and find them, and find them, and find them, and find them. And then, more people jump on your disk! And really, don't you want to lead those, who are in tune with who you really are? (HS: absolutely!) It's really a good time to talk about healing, or teaching, or mentoring in this context. Because what it always is, is LEADING. Leading by the clarity of your example! Or leading with the clarity of your vibrational momentum.

Have you ever had an experience, where you decided that you were going to lead- and you had it all lined up, and then you witnessed something that sort of got your goat a little bit, so you lost your alignment. And now you're struggling to lead. You're efforting to lead. And it seems like, the inmates are running the asylum!

Yes, yeah. I have experienced that.

It's all about what's going on with your vibration! Always!

So then, to that end, the momentum... so if I jump into a business that's already going- it'll have a certain momentum to it, as well. And so the best thing i can do, is just then stay aligned, and stay focused!?

Well, momentum is everywhere! What you're wanting to do is, more consciously exercise your choice, about which disc you jump onto. And the more you practice in the privacy of your own mind, it may sound odd,

but true leadership is a rather solitary experience!
Because you spend most of your time tuning. And then, you go out, and lead for a while. And then you tune, and then you go out and lead for a while. So many leaders think, they have to be ever present! And then, they don't stay tuned.

from the youtube-clip Abraham Hicks - Secrets of Leadership
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Re: Your Job, Work & Career

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

Your TRUE "job"!!

So, whats your job? -RELAXING.
So, what's your job? -TRUSTING.
What's your job? -Having fun! Being easy about it!
What's your job? -ALLOWING.

Can you feel the absence of effort in allowing?
What does allowing mean?

Allowing means: It's DONE.

Abraham Hicks
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Re: Your Job, Work & Career

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

Business-man loving his job.
(Witnessing an Enlightenment-moment!)

Good afternoon.

It is!

I have cognitive dissonance between my world of business which I play in and have fun, and the world you share, of the spiritual side. I- I found- you know, I wanted to sort of run away from it. So I said, let's go on a cruise. It just happened to be an Abraham cruise! My wife was thrilled. And I find, that the business side is so easy and fun! And the spiritual side is a lot of work for me.

Well, if your business side is easy and fun, then you've got the spiritual thing down! And don't worry about it!

I'm there!

Because, there's not something that you're supposed to do! And there's not some vocabulary that we want you to learn. In other words: If you say, "I have found something and when I focus upon it, it thrills me, and calls me forward" then we say: You have intuitively listened to your guidance and you're right on track, and these words are superfluous.

I'm there. I'm there! Thank you.

Yes indeed! (HS leaves the chair and walks out) ...Now he's going to the Lido Bar. No point in listening to, anymore, of this crap! (Audience hilarious)

from the official youtube-clip Abraham: A CASE OF COGNITIVE DISSONANCE - Esther & Jerry Hicks
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Re: Your Job, Work & Career

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

Your work is to accomplish Alignment with the Source within you.
Everything else takes care of itself.

Abraham Hicks
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