Health Quotes by Abraham Hicks

Introducing the Abe Quotation sub-forum We've been noticing more and more members enjoying and sharing Abraham's words of wisdom in many different forms. The momentum of such generous sharing has caught our attention so we've created a place here on the forum to assemble such gems "under one roof," so to speak.
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Re: Health Quotes by Abraham Hicks

Post by spiritualcookie »

All Cells have a consciousness of their own

Aren’t you just thrilled that there are billions of beings of intelligence within you?
Cells that each know what’s best for them?
And as they find what’s best for them, it is ultimately what’s best for you—

unless you’re focused upon something unwanted and using that as your excuse to block the flow.

They are asking, Non-Physical is answering.
Are you in the way or are you letting it flow?
That’s what this “Letting go and letting God” is all about.
It’s about relaxing and no longer hindering the communication between the individual askers.
Every particle gets to individually decide.
And as every particle asks, it is answered—and the Whole continues to thrive.

-Abe Sedona, AZ —8/5/00


Your sophisticated physical body exists because of the intelligence of your cells.
And the intelligence of your cells exists because of their Connection to Source Energy.

Your cells, because of their connection to the intelligence of Source Energy,
know exactly what to do in order to become the incredible variety of functioning cells
in your magnificent physical body.

And in the absence of the hindrance that is caused by your resistant negative thought,
that communication stays open to clear, up-to-the-moment interaction,
keeping your physical body at peak and perfect performance.

In the absence of negative emotion—
and therefore the allowance of complete alignment
and communication with Source Energy—
your physical body can reclaim its balance and recover from any imbalance.
And once balance has resumed,
it is easy to maintain with consistently good-feeling thoughts.

Excerpted from: Getting into the Vortex Guided Meditation CD and User Guide on November 01, 2010


Think about the energy-points in your body!
There are trillions of them in your cells.
Iow, every cell has all of these energy points,
and so, the reason that energy is even coming into your body is,
the cells are asking for it!

Babies have this pure energy moving through them.
The beasts of your planet have this pure energy moving through them.
You will never find a cat with a headache! Ever!

(...) As you try to manipulate the energy,
while it is really not your work to do it -
think about it: You don´t lay awake in your bed at night and think:
I'm gonna stay up for the next 5 hours and make sure that my blood flows appropriately!
Or, I´ll set the alarm for every 5 minutes and check if I'm still breathing in the night.

You ACCEPT [and expect] the function of your body.
And there is no function that is more supreme or more perfectly orchestrated, or more capable than this energy-flowing function of your body!
Iow, it is LIFE that is flowing through you!

And it's cellularly based!
The cells know EXACTLY what to do. And they summon exactly,
and the nonphysical energy answers!
And any headache, or negative emotion means, you are holding yourself
in a tension, for some reason. In a sort of TENSION, that is not allowing it to flow through.

So your work is JUST to relax, and let it flow!

from the clip
Abraham Hicks ~ Pain in a Positive Context


Every cell in your body has a direct relationship with Creative Life Force,
and each cell is independently responding.
When you feel joy, all the circuits are open,
so the Life Force can be fully received.

When you feel guilt, blame, fear, or anger,
the circuits are hindered and Life Force cannot flow as effectively.

Physical experience is about monitoring those circuits
and keeping them as open as possible.

Your cells know what to do;
They are summoning the Energy.

There is no condition that you cannot modify into something more,
any more than there is any painting that you cannot re-paint.

There are many limiting thoughts in the human environment
that can make it seem that these so-called incurable illnesses
or unchangeable conditions cannot not be changed.

But we say that they are only "unchangeable",
because you believe they are.

Someone asked us recently,
"Is there any limitation to the body's ability to heal?"
And we said, None, other than the belief that you hold.

And he asked,
"Then why aren't people growing new limbs?"

And we said, Because no one believes they can.

- Abraham
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Re: Health Quotes by Abraham Hicks

Post by spiritualcookie »

Your cells are capable of regenerating endlessly (you need to be a cooperative component to co-create with them)

Your body is a cellular mass
that is monitored and created through electrical charges,
and the cellular mass has the capability of regenerating itself.

- Abe


Each of the consciousnesses of the cells of your body
have a relationship with nonphysical energy, too!
So they are asking on their own accord, without your permission!

Just as you look into the microbes in the forest, and you accept,
that they are consciousnesses! That they are beings, that they have
their own relationships with your planet. Do you acknowledge that?

And while you feel superior to them
- you ARE different then they are, certainly, - but not superior,
because their relationship with nonphysical energy is MUCH purer,
MUCH more in sync than yours, as a human species.

So the cells of your body are requesting,
and source is answering the request.
But the request is translated through your brain!
Through your thinking-center.
And so, you are translating the HELP as PAIN.

Nice to know, isn´t it?
"Oh, hurt me a little more." (laughter)

So when you realize that the cells are asking,
and that they have the ability to get into the receiving mode-
and what have we been calling the receiving mode- the REGENERATING MODE.
THAT´S where that renewal comes.

Your body is new again and new again and new again and new again,
and new again and new again. Your cells are CONTINUALLY replenishing themselves.

But so many of you, as you move through time,
your cellular replenishment that is natural - you disallow.
Because of the worry.
And because of the stress and because of the struggle.
And because of the feeling of unworthiness, you see.

So, if you can from now on, do your best when you feel some discomfort, to just say:
"This discomfort means, help is on the way."
And instead of tensing against it, or planning to do something against it-

instead do your best to RELAX into it.
To accept it, to let it be alright.
To NOT feel unworthy, because you feel pain.

Alaskan Cruise, July 01 - 08, 2016, from the clip
Abraham Hicks 2016 - A process to reach alignment despite physical pain (new)
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Re: Health Quotes by Abraham Hicks

Post by spiritualcookie »

The feelings in your body reflects your focus

When you take the problems of the world on your shoulders,
your body doesn't feel good.

It's just that simple!

Leave the problems of the world
to the individual problem-makers of the world,
and you be the joy-seeker that you are.

--- Abraham

Every condition is heal-able

Someone asked us recently,
"Is there any limitation to the body's ability to heal?"
And we said, None, other than the belief that you hold.
And he asked,
"Then why aren't people growing new limbs?"

And we said, Because no one believes they can.

- AH


There is no state of physical decline or damage that you could not recover from—none—not any,
if you knew it…
If you wanted it and knew that you could.

And that’s those miracles that they talk about every day.
They’re not miracles at all.
They are the natural order of things.
But because they are rare, people think they are miraculous.
They’re not. That’s the way it is supposed to be. You’re supposed to thrive.

Excerpted from San Diego, CA on 2/23/02


You can reduce lines in your face.
You can receive a psychic, vibrational facelift.
You can regenerate your heart valves.
You can restore the fillings in your teeth.
You can add marrow back to your bones.
You can add resiliency back to your joints.

If they can take a cell from your toe and create a whole ‘nother you
from the cell from your toe,
we think there's enough regenerative power to get what you want.

But you can't get there from a place of being unhappy
with where you are- because while you're summoning,
you're blocking at the same time.

Abraham-Hicks, N. Los Angeles, CA, 7.14.12


In time you will come to recognize that nothing can ever hurt you,
because you have the power to focus wherever you want to focus.

- AH


There is no condition that you cannot modify into something more,
any more than there is any painting that you can paint and not like
and just paint over it again.

There are many limiting thoughts in the human environment
that make it feel like it is not so, as you have these incurable illnesses,
or these unchangeable conditions.
But we say, they are only "unchangeable"
because you believe that they are.

Excerpted from: San Antonio, TX on April 21, 2001

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Re: Health Quotes by Abraham Hicks

Post by spiritualcookie »

You could stand here sick with ten illnesses today,
and tomorrow have no evidence of any of them.
Your body has the ability to replenish itself that fast.

But most of you do not have the ability to change your thoughts that fast.
So the amount of time that it takes between sickness and wellness is only
the amount of time that it takes for me to figure out how to let it in —
for me to figure out how to feel good,
when I'm looking at something that makes me feel bad.

Excerpted from: Atlanta, GA on November 04, 2000


...A desire, to move from their inferior-by earth standards-bodily condition
to something improved.
-And so, now the Spirit that is them, joins them in that new thought
and NOW they have essentially, ENERGETICALLY BEEN RE-BORN.

And now as the human form, as they bring themselves up to speed with this NEW IDEA,
their body will transform

Guest: Really?

Abraham: REALLY.

Guest: Ooooooooh!

Every cell in your body is resilient, and responsive, and flexible, and able, you see.
And your body is just made up of those trillions of cells
that are cooperative and compliant.
And so when life experience causes you to want something more,

Now all you’ve got to do is come up to speed with it.
Which means, follow the thoughts that feel best.

Abraham-Hicks. 2005

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Re: Health Quotes by Abraham Hicks

Post by spiritualcookie »

How to handle naysayers who don't believe you can heal yourself
Just don't listen to them / don't take their words seriously or to heart - they don't know

And so you say, “Well, I’m going to grow my arm into perfection.”
And the sociologist or the psychologist says, "You’re delusional.
Don’t wish for something that is impossible!"

And we say, “Don’t listen to someone who does not know.
Don’t listen to someone outside of your vibrational crack, you see.”

Abraham-Hicks. 2005


On Re-growing a Limb

(HS lost his left arm, and wants to regrow it.
He received very realistic feeling dreams, where the arm is back, again.)

When you have a vivid dream like that, it means,
the vibrational aspect of your desire is complete.
And in your dream-state, since there is no resistance in your dream-state,
then you were able to experience the manifestation of it!

Now there are a lot of people- realists, that would say:
"Abraham, you should not be encouraging something, for as life goes,
seems pretty unrealistic, or illogical." And we say:
There is NOTHING that falls into that category!

You don't look at your television and think, that there are
little horses and little people, running around in there.
You KNOW that it is a vibrational TRANSLATION, of an image
that´s being offered, and there is a receiver that is depicting it.

And we want you to understand, that this thing, that you are calling
your real life experience, that feels SO flesh-blood-and-bone-real,
so knock-on-wood-real, is ONLY an extension of vibration!

It´s all about vibrational interpretation!

So, as in your dream-state, which you accept as a vibrational interpretation,
you dreamed it and those images were "real",
you said it was as real as life itself- and we say, YES, IT WAS!
And as you know that you were able to accomplish that
in your dream-state, as you have that knowing- it does not matter,
what anybody else thinks about it, as YOU hold that knowing,
you have the ability to accomplish it in your wake-state!

You just have to not let the "reality" set you off your course
of what you are reaching for.
(...) And when you come into alignment enough, that you have
a VIVID dream about something, your alignment is very well in place.

So, iow, you believed it enough to dream it.
Do you believe it enough to live it in your physical life-experience?

And the answer to that will be given to you in your emotions.
A feeling of doubt says: No, not yet.
A feeling of worry says: No, not yet.
A feeling of exhilaration says: Yep, right on track!
A feeling of anticipation says: Right on track!
A feeling of hope says: Enough, to dream it.

from the clip
Abraham Hicks-Dream meaning!


(Abe said) that we could grow our limbs back, if we believed we could.

There isn't anything... if you desire it, NO MATTER WHAT IT IS,
and you are able to find a consistent thought with it, that doesn´t oppose it,
No exceptions!

So, if I wanted to change my brown eyes to green, if I really...

What is it about "no exceptions", that needs clarification?

Denver, 06.20.2015

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Re: Health Quotes by Abraham Hicks

Post by spiritualcookie »

On healing visual health issues that you are reminded of every time you look at them

HS feels perfect often, but gets thrown OOTV when she looks into a mirror.

Avoid the mirrors! Esther does it every day. Avoid the mirror!
Avoid ANYTHING that causes you to feel any discomfort! Just avoid it.
Don´t look there. Just don´t look there.
Don´t look anywhere, that doesn´t feel good
when you look there.

I thought by avoiding looking means, I´m focusing on what I don´t want, as well!

You sorta kinda are. But there´s a difference in not looking, and
looking somewhere else.

Here´s a good way of thinking about it.
It will feel a little off the subject, but it´s right on.
And because it´s a little off the subject, it´s distracting- so it´s beneficial.
So it´s like wanting appreciation,
Wanting to be appreciated.

So you are looking around for evidence, that you are being appreciated.
Which is really tricky, because people are so fickle.
And they are not all that interested in you, anyway.
And so you have to make a sort of spectacle out of yourself,
to even get them to look at you!
And so, it´s the hard way of going about it.
But YOU can easily appreciate something!

So when you're going for appreciation,
rather than trying to get someone shine it on you- you just shine it outwards.

So, IN THE SAME WAY, focus where it feels good.
Don't try to take the subject that doesn't feel good,
and try to make it feel good.

Focus on what feels good.
Focus on what feels good easily.
And let the Universe show you, how quickly it respond to that.

from the clip
Abraham Hicks - Comfort Comes Before Money

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Re: Health Quotes by Abraham Hicks

Post by spiritualcookie »

Sometimes using medical cures is the fastest route to wellness

In talking with us, she said "Should I not just be able to adjust my vibration to achieve my well-being? Should I really go outside of myself to have [the medical treatment] done?"

And we said,
Well we understand what you are getting at,
but if you really want to carry this "I've got to do it myself" to an extreme,
we think we would see you at your stove today banging rocks together, to make fire to cook your food!

In other words there is certainly not anything inappropriate
about benefiting by the technology of your environment.

So, if we were standing in your physical shoes, we would receive the best of all of all of it.

We would say "Universe, wellness is what I want.
Guide me to fastness route to it."

-And sometimes traditional Western medicine is the fastest route, that you are wanting.
And sometimes its through something that is less traditional.

And ALWAYS, it's through relaxing and allowing the well-being to come.

But there is a danger that we feel in the attitude that "Ive got to make it happen on my own".

Because usually behind that vibration is a sense, that "I have to prove something to somebody" and that is so full of RESISTANCE that it rarely gets anything done.
And so they just end up living frustrated lives,
refusing the benefit that they could receive, and not really allowing the wellness that would be there for them, otherwise.

Extract from Abraham-Hicks tape G-6/3/95
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Re: Health Quotes by Abraham Hicks

Post by spiritualcookie »

On scientific testing of the body & diagnostic test results

[ "Impossible" healings- medical statistics]

Doctors come up with formulas of standards so much so,
that they say to you: "This is the way that it must be."
They do not understand that you are individual beings.

You see, it is our knowing that if any of you would go to a doctor
every 15 minutes in the next few days,
and have your blood-pressure checked,
and the count of your blood checked,
and those different things that they can do quickly and easily,
that every reading would be different.

And depending on how much you where vibrating in harmony,
or not in harmony with who you are, would depend on
how drastic the results of this tests where!

And so we say, it´s a very fortunate thing when you get there in a good vibrational state-
although being there takes most of you pretty far from a good vibrational state!

As they say to you
"The standard is this, as your thyroid drops to such and such level,
it will be there FOREVERMORE",
they are evaluating the standards of people who believe in that garbage!

Iow, it is really an interesting thing to watch our physical friends,
as they explore the statistics of life experience.
They hear the statistics, and then they vibrate in accordance to that statistic -
and become part of them.

So it takes a pretty weird duck,
that is strong enough to say:
"Those statistics are only a product of the vibration
of those, that were involved in it!
They have NOTHING to do with me!"

from the clip
Abraham Hicks: How can I restore my thyroid?

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Re: Health Quotes by Abraham Hicks

Post by spiritualcookie »

Medical research does not consider the spiritual & emotional factor

When doctors and scientists try to find cures for diseases
without taking into consideration the Vibrational relationship
between the physical Being and Source Energy,
they are looking for cures in all the wrong places.

If the resistance that disallowed the Well-Being to begin with
is not released, it will show up in the form of another and another disease.

- AH

How to create good health?

(Source ONLY sees your wellness, and so...)´ve gotta look over HERE, too.
Look over HERE!

You've gotta believe in this VIBRATIONAL reality,
with such fervor, that you distract yourself from the sickness,
even though it hurts! (...)

You HAVE TO WANT SO MUCH to tune into the wholeness
that you've become, that you are willing to IGNORE
all of the reality-details, and all of the evidence,

and all of the people from the peanut-gallery,
that are pointing at you and are calling you,
and all of the people that give you the diagnoses,
and all of the people that are giving you your credit-reports,

if you will ever move into the direction of vibrational reality!
Because you CAN NOT DO BOTH in the same time.

from the clip
Abraham-Hicks: Abraham's value is not seeing "reality" (no music)
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Re: Health Quotes by Abraham Hicks

Post by spiritualcookie »

Don't focus or nitpick about things you don't like about your body

We want you to look at your own body and not nitpick
about a wrinkle or an extra pound, or 20 or 30 or 40.

We want you to look at yourself and adore yourself.

If you will make this small effort to appreciate you,
and what is yours NOW,
you will soften, so quickly, any resistance that has been keeping you apart from the things you want.

It is the magic formula that you’ve been looking for.

It is the key to your blending.
It is the key to your allowing.
It is the key to you getting what you want.
It is the key to your abundance, your clarity, and to your stamina.
It is the key to your energy.
It is the key to your vitality.
It is the key to your flexibility.
It is the key to your wellness.

It is the key to all things that feel good to you.

Make some small effort, every chance you get,
at looking at where you stand NOW
and doing your best to soothe and appreciate you NOW,
to soothe and appreciate your NOW.

~ Abraham, 9/1/04

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