Quotes on The Processes - How to Raise Vibration

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Re: Quotes on The Processes

Post by spiritualcookie »

The Process of Pivoting

The process of pivoting will assist you in changing your negative point of attraction to a positive point of attraction.

Here is how it works:

Whenever you feel negative emotion, recognize that your Guidance System from within is telling you two very important things:
- First, there is something you want, otherwise you would be feeling no emotion.
- Second, you are not looking at what you want, but in the opposite direction.

Recognizing this, say to yourself,

"There is something important that I want, but I am not looking at it.
What is it that I want?"
You may continue to think along those lines by asking:
"Why do I want this?"

As you ponder what it is that you DO want, and why you want it, then begin to envision yourself as already being in that position. Already being it, or having it, or doing it, until you feel the positive emotion come forth within you.

The more you apply this process, the more proficient you will become, and the faster the pivot will occur.

You will know or recognize when you have successfully accomplished a pivot when you feel better.


If you are very sensitive to the way that you feel, you may find one hundred to one thousand opportunities to pivot in just one day.

However, there will not be 100 or 1000 different things that you want. You will begin to discover that all of this pivoting is pointing to a few things that are extremely important to you: Freedom (usually highest in priority), Growth, Joy, Upliftment

- Excerpt from A New Beginning II, 1991, pg83


Pivoting is utilizing the negative things that are happening in your life to help you pinpoint what you would rather have. And that is the reason for the physical life experience. That is the value of the "bad guys". Bad guys help you identify what you would prefer. Interacting with those that make you feel bad helps you to be aware that you want to feel good.


And so, as you are feeling negativity, let it do for you that which it is intended to do for you: help you to clarify what you DO want. And don't try to figure it all out at once.

- AH
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Re: Quotes on The Processes

Post by spiritualcookie »

Wallet Process for the attraction of dollars:

If you conclude that your balance of thought regarding the subject of dollars is more on the side of the lack of dollars, rather than the pure wanting of dollars, here is an effective process that will help you to tip the balance:

Set aside, from your budget, or savings, a clump of money. $100 is a very good sum to begin with.

Put it in your pocket, or pocket book, or purse, and keep it with you wherever you go.

As you move through your day, identify as many things as possible that you could do, if you wanted to, with those dollars.

Note the things that you could buy or use or experience or eat, in exchange for your $100.

We have been teased, "Abraham, you obviously have not been physical lately, because $100 buys very little today." However, if you mentally spend that $100 one thousand times today, you have spent the equivalent of $100,000 and it is our absolute promise to you that you have changed the balance of your thought.

- Abraham
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Re: Quotes on The Processes

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

into Abundance, and into everything else that you want!
(The Morning Process)

We're eager to visit with you today! We want to help you to understand, that the
laws of physics, that you understand, like the law of gravity- which is consistent,
you don't have to go to a school about gravity. They don't say to you in your first
days in school:

"You know, if you don't come to this class, you could fall up! Many many children
are missing!" -because the law is consistent. It works the same for everyone. And
you learn to utilize the law to your advantage.

And the law of attraction is such a law.
It is utterly consistent. It never makes an exception,
and it never makes a mistake.

So, you have to figure out how to work within the laws of the universe! We cannot
talk about the Law of Attraction, without introducing to the subject the word

Because Law of Attraction is the reason that momentum exists!
When you give your attention to something for as little as 17 seconds,
at that 17 second point, there is a momentum that is discernible as
another thought like it, joins it. And so forth!

So the more you focus the more momentum.

But the most important thing to understand about the way momentum works is,
that when you are sleeping, you have a reprieve of the momentum. In other words
your beliefs are in suspension, while you sleep. Which means, the momentum
of them, the Law of Attraction-momentum of them, is slow to non-existent,
depending upon how well you are sleeping.

So what that means is, when you awaken in the morning, you have the
opportunity to re-establish, if you want to, a vibrational starting point that law of
attraction will begin to respond to, right away.

Now usually, when you wake up in the morning, you remember what you were
thinking about yesterday. Or, more important, you re-achieve the emotional feeling
place of what you were feeling yesterday. It's like "oh yeah, I remember: I'm not
happy." Or: "oh yeah! I remember: I'm lonely. I'm lonely now." Or: "oh yeah,
I remember: I'm confused."

But what we want you to realize, is that you don't have to be the same lonely today
that you were yesterday! Because that night's sleep changed the momentum!

But when you wake up in the morning, and you deliberately- and you do!- call
those same people, talk about those same things, focus in the same
ways- you reactivate your vibration much as it was before. But you do not have
to do that. And that is the most important thing we want you to realize:

That you are at a new starting point in every moment!

But it is unlikely for you to begin to think all new thoughts when you wake up.
Some of you have suggested a lobotomy. We don't recommend it (laughter in
audience), because there are many things that you believe, that are serving you
really well!

You just want to become a better sifter.
You want to become a better discerner.
You want to become better at caring
about how you feel, and then focusing in
ways that accomplish that!

If we can in some way offer enough words... words don't teach. And analogies-
words don't teach. And conversations? Words don't teach.
We've enjoyed this interaction immensely. (Laughter)

If we can offer enough that will stimulate within you the awareness that your
point of Attraction is everything- because you are the center of your universe!

And you are the perceiver of it- which means, you are the vibrational interpreter of it.
You translate your vibration into the reality, that you are living. Into what you're
seeing and hearing and smelling and tasting and touching! If we can convince you,
that since all those things are true, that

the only thing that matters to you is how you feel!

If we if you can leave this room with a new determination within you, that you, now
more than ever before, care about how you feel, and mean to do something about
soothing yourself!

(Abe tell the story of Esther witnessing how the flight attendant didn't allow a mother
of a very frightened little child, not to move over into the other seat and soothe the
little one.) So the airplane got in the air, and once it was stable- long after Esther
thought it was stable, the flight attendant gave her the knowing nod, like now- now
that your child is out of oxygen- so, now mother moved over into his seat and held
him tight in her arms. Just tight in her arms, kissing the back of his head and holding
him tight in her arms. And gradually he settled down, back into his knowing that all
was well. And Esther watched that, and she said to her friend, sitting next to her:

"I want to do that with everyone on the planet. I want them to sit on my lap and I want
to hold them in my arms and I want to say, "it's okay! It's okay. Everything's okay!
Everything's okay, everything's okay!" -she wants to do it to herself. She wants to soothe
herself into a point of attraction, that allows her what she wants and deserves.

She wants you to be soothed into a point of attraction, that allows you what you want
and deserve! Because that is the only missing Factor: How you feel!

How you feel if you're terrified, if you're angry if you're resentful, if you're depressed.
If you're aggravated, if you're overwhelmed! Those negative emotions are you,
beating up on you. Now, it doesn't feel like that to you! It feels like somebody else is
doing it! Esther was pretty mad for a minute at the flight attendant, who was just
doing her job. But it made Esther want with everything that she is, to just make sure
that she takes care of feeling good! In other words...

Someone asked us the best question that has ever been asked a few weeks ago, and
the question was "Abraham how do you get rid of doubt?" and we said
"you get rid of it before it starts."

Which was so annoying. Because when you're in the middle of it, that question- that
answer doesn't apply. "How do I get rid of it, before it starts when I've already got it??" -and
we say well, eventually you're going to sleep and you're going to get up tomorrow- and tomorrow

you're going to soothe yourself better,
so that doubt never gets started.
Doubt will never get a foothold, if you're watching
what you're doing!

So, Esther began applying that to herself. She woke up every morning with a determination,
that she was going to find a good feeling place, and that she was going to maintain it as long
as she could.
And she for the first day, she didn't even get out of bed before it was too late.
The second day it was better. The third day, she didn't make it through breakfast...
in other words, it took quite a while of caring more about how she felt, than tending to
emails. Caring more about how she felt, than tending to what was going on with other
people. In other words,

you've got to put yourself first! You've got to be so selfish!
You have to care about how you feel- which means you
have to tend to the self that you really are.
You've got to find a way of closing that gap
between who you're being right now,
and who you really are!

And who you really are loves you so much. Adores you. Appreciates everything that
you are. Flows constantly to you, assisting you in every possible way.

Last week, Esther came bouncing up the steps and the step wasn't stable. When she stepped
on it, it caved in and her foot went between the step and the stage scraped up her shin. She
stumbled onto the stage. It was funny- it was it was really funny, and Esther thought,
"for the life of me, I do not know how I went down!"

So, Esther has a dear friend who sees energy. She always comes to the seminars in the city
where she lives, and sits in the back of the room because she not only likes to see the energy
around Abraham, she liked to see the energy around Jerry when he was sitting at the table, and
the energy around you. She could see- she could actually see, who was all lighted up. She knows
who Abraham is likely to call on, because she can read this energy.

So, after every Workshop she watches all of the live streams! She sends Esther an email and
she says "yeah, Jerry walked on the stage with you!"
Esther said "yeah, I know. I can feel him there." and then she said, "he caught you last week!"
and Esther thought: "that's why I didn't fall down!! Didn't make sense to me. I didn't have my
balance! I didn't have anything close to my balance, but I didn't go down!"

This is the thing that we want you to understand:
We've got you!
But if you're not knowing that, if you're mad at yourself, then you don't let us get you!
You prevent yourself from receiving the inspiration.

Do you know, when you yawn- that's because you need more oxygen. And we yawn you!
All of you are receivers, you see!
How often are you in traffic and you know to do something that prevents something? How
many things do you prevent that you don't even know you prevent? So many!! Because
you're receiving constant impulses.

You are so blessed! You are so tentative. We are so aware of you, and you are so in
your own way, so much of the time- as you're complaining about this and worrying about
that, watching CNN...

so we want you to know, that you are the focal point of so much awareness. And that,
when you ask for something, we all know it! And we see clearly the path for you to move
from where you are, to where you want to be. And you know what? You want it to be a direct
path. WE DON'T! We want you to have fun along the way!!

We want you to pick up more things along your physical trail, along the path!
We want you to gain more clarity along the path.
We want you to continue to fill your Vortex full of more things, that you want, along the path!

Because you know why?
-It's a very long path, you know! Why... it's a path of Eternity.
So, you keep being in such a hurry to get over there. "I really want to be over there. I'm not
happy over here!"

-Then you're not ever going to get over there. Can't get over there! Can't get there,
from here, if you're unhappy over here, about what's over there that you don't have over here!
You can't get over there.

So, what we want you to understand is that it's never about getting over there.
It's about preparing over here, so that over there can come over here, where you are, do you
get that? Because this is about Law of Attraction. This isn't about law of assertion. It's not law
of getting things done! It's not the law of proving worthiness! It's the Law of Attraction.

It's about you, finding some way to think some sort of thought, to get on to hold yourself on
your own lap and soothe yourself!

"I am a good person I am doing well and all is really well. And it's getting better, and I am figuring
this out and that's all that matters.Things are going my way, and I'm getting clearer every day.
And I'm having fun in the process of doing this! And I'm understanding the creative process and I
know that this is a universe based upon attraction. And I know about vibration, and I know what
I'm doing with vibration. I'm getting better at it every day! And there's evidence every day, that lets
me know that."

As you soothe yourself, as you do something about tending to your point of Attraction, which is
all that matters, because everything else is already done, you see...

It's like sometimes would just give you a sort of analogy. You've asked for it, and you're summoning
it. But you've got your shield up, your cloaking device. You've got your umbrella up- old style-
you've got your umbrella up and everything that you want is flying to you.

But you're deflecting it with your habits of thought! With your bogus, ridiculous habits of thought like,
unworthiness or unreadiness or not in the right place enough, or... or... be mad at somebody else!

So we're eager to talk with you about whatever is important to you. Nothing is off limits: you will notice
a perfect unfolding in the way this all comes together. We are collective consciousness! This combination
of beings has never been before onto all of the universe! There are far far far more of us, than the
seven or eight hundred of you, that are in this room. And the other thousands, that are around the planet,
watching this.

There are more of us participating with you here, than you have the ability to comprehend.

from the youtube-clip
Abraham Hicks 2023 You Want the Freedom and Security, Not Money!


Someone asked us the best question that has ever been asked a few weeks ago, and
the question was "Abraham, how do you get rid of doubt?" and we said
"you get rid of it, before it starts."

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Re: Quotes on The Processes

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

The Morning-Process

Often you begin the day much as you ended the day before.
But if we where standing in your physical shoes, we would
acknowledge the fresh new day:

"I can push the reset-button!
I have complete control over my point of attraction, today.
I will look for things that feel good, today!"

Abraham Hicks
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Re: Quotes on The Processes

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

Giving up on your resistant habits /Telling a better story:

Give up not being serious about going into the Vortex!

Abe, speaking for the Hotseater, what would be good for them to say:

"I want to announce to everyone listening. To the entire universe, who is vibrationally out there, somewhere, picking up on pieces of this in some way. I want to announce to everything and everyone who exists, that I here, now, proclaim my determination to release my resistance, once and for all.

I give up. I give up, I give up, I give up!
I give up my control of the uncontrollable.
I give up my determination to make things better for others.
I give up my attention to things that bother me!
I give up my trying so hard.
I give up my struggle.
I give up my confounding confusion.
I give up my excuse for negative emotion. I'm giving up my excuses!
I'm giving up my statements of what is not working.

I'm giving up.
I'm yielding! Abraham- I'm yielding to the truths and to the laws that you've been speaking to me! What I've been doing has been halfway, even
though I've been wanting to do it all the way. I've given it more effort than anybody that you know, in all of the people that you have been teaching! I've given it more effort and in my struggle from outside the vortex, I have not managed what I want.

And so, now I see the light a little bit, Abraham! I see why you began depicting a Vortex as a vivid reality, with a line that I could cross. I'm beginning to understand that your request for me to get into the Vortex,
is the only thing that will ever work for me.

I have to let go of all of those pieces!
Because in my interaction with all of those pieces, I just hold myself out, and hold myself out, and hold myself out... and my frustration -and it's huge- when I hold myself out, as I'm trying to explain. But I'm only out, because of this reality and this reality and this reality, Abraham I Now understand that you were never trying to say to me, that those realities didn't exist.

You were only trying to say to me, that those realities do not serve me when I focus upon them!

You have convinced me, Abraham, that
it's time for me to tell the story of my empowerment.
It's time for me to tell the story of my worthiness.
It's time for me to tout the benefit of my knowledge of Law of Attraction!
It's time for me to understand the vortex, whatever in the hell it is, and get into it.
It's time for me to begin finding my way to begin feeling my way.

I'm going to feel my way into the Vortex!
And I'm going to stop thinking my way into the Vortex.
I'm going to feel my way in!! It feels good here.
It feels like Clarity. It feels like power. It feels like love! It feels like solution.
It feels like answers to questions! It feels like something that I've been looking for,
for a very long time.

Abraham, clearly you're in the vortex. You have demonstrated that you're in the vortex! Your words reflect that you're in the vortex! I will not admit that I am in the vortex, but I like the sound of the way you sounded from inside the vortex. And it will be my Eternal Quest to give up, whatever I have to give up, in order to spend more of my time in the vortex!

It's my time. It's my time to reap the benefit of the work I've done! And now I'm going to turn my undivided attention toward getting into the Vortex as best I can. I want to be a Cooperative component!
I want to be a vibrational match to all that I've been asking for.
I want to be a Cooperative component.
I want to be a vibrational match to the source within me, to the culmination of all that I have become.
I want to fulfill my reason for being here.
I want to have step one moments!
I want to acknowledge that source is having step 2 moments!
I want to be aware of the difference between a step one and a step three vibration.

I want to acknowledge that it's all right for me to have step one moments!
I want to know that it's okay to be out of the vortex.
I want to make peace with where I am.
I want to look for the positive aspects wherever I am.
I want to make lists of things, that feel better than other things.
I want to make lists of things that feel good, until I've increasingly improved lists!
I want to activate within Myself, thoughts about things that feel good.
I want the dominant thoughts that I think, to be inside-the-vortex kind of thoughts.
I want the majority of the beliefs that I hold, to match the beliefs that Source holds.
I want to relieve myself of the flawed premises that I picked up along the physical Trail!
I want to let all other people live as they want to live.

I no longer want to use anyone or anything as my excuse, to be outside the vortex! I'm an in-the-vortex person! I'm someone who wants to be in the vortex, but I'm still physically focused, and while my source is always in The Vortex, I'm willing to come out and play and put more good stuff in. But now I understand the relationship- I understand what emotions are. I understand the vibrational frequencies between who I am, and who I'm being.

I love the emotional guidance system, that is within me.
I love feeling my way into the Vortex! I love knowing the well-being of the vortex.
I love knowing that all truly is well with me!
I love feeling the worthiness of my beingness, and the prosperity of my being,
and the Vitality of my being, and the clarity of my being, and the knowing of my being!
I love being.

The feeling of abundance, its the feeling of well-being!
It's the feeling of good, attracting.
It's the feeling of good creation.
It's a feeling of worthiness!
It's a feeling of being in the right place.
It's the feeling of being blessed.
It's the feeling of being fortunate.
It's a feeling of being in the right place, at the right time!

It's not just my point of Attraction! (We're speaking from you!)

My point of Attraction isn't just about money flowing!
It's about ideas flowing, and people flowing, and when people and ideas and money flow together, it's so exhilarating to be able to merge all of those things together! Of people and places and ideas and the means to accomplish it! It's ease! It's fun. It's full. It's who I am!! I have the leverage of the universe, supporting me! The energy that creates worlds is Flowing to me and through me! I feel invincible and and complete and sure, and eager! I feel eager about..."

..You see? So, you see how it gets going!
Before you know it, you just... you're just on top of the world! And the financial experience in this moment is irrelevant to this equation. Because your point of Attraction has been enhanced! And you are rich with a vibrational offering that just brings this, and this, and this, and this, and this! And besides the reason that you want any of that anyway, is for the feeling of it. And once you accomplish the feeling of it, now you're
there, where the details have to fill in- it is law. It must happen! It has to happen.

It can't not happen, once you achieve that grid.
Everyone that you know -for no matter how they got there, has that going on, if they're in! And do you know anyone, who is finding financial
balance, but doesn't have the other balance? Of course you do! In other words, the the more you work on these grids, and the more they line up, then the more you'll feel good in all moments, regarding all things.

from the clip: Abraham Hicks I GIVE UP!
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Re: Quotes on The Processes - How to Raise Vibration

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

It's all about your vibration!

We want you to understand that every process we've offered, and there are many more not in the book ( AAIIG) and many more to come. We're eternal spewers of processes. We feel sorry for any of you trying to do them all (audience laughter). Every process is with the one intent of helping you to close that vibrational gap. Because when you close that vibrational gap...hear this! -You then send one singular signal that cannot be denied.

When you look at powerful people, charismatic people, people that you call masters of whatever it is, they are masters of, it is because they want something that they believe they can do.

When you are a vibrational match to your own desire and you are sending one signal, you are literally invincible!
Nothing can keep it from happening! And you hear of those people, who are so stubborn, you might call them, or determined. In other words, they hold themselves in vibrational alignment with what they want: They don't allow themselves to split their own energy.

Everything that you are living has everything to do with whether your energy is aligned or you energy is split. Because when your energy is split, you water down your power. When you say, "I want this, BUT!", you are offering two signals that are in contradiction to each other, and the Universe cannot respond to your clear signal because you're not offering a clear signal. But when you fork your way up the emotional scale, and you come into vibrational alignment with what you want, so

(when) you are sending one signal, then is must be! It is law! It has to be! Heaven and Earth part! Amazing things happen!

People who don't understand this, who don't understand about forking, who don't understand about closing the gap, who don't understand about vibration, stand back in amazement and complain at your good fortune, when they don't have the same good fortune. Everyone is entitled to the same good fortune! But you've got to work your own magic! You've got to work yourself up that emotional scale. You cannot continue to fork off in the direction of what you don't want and then be surprised when what you don't want manifest. (audience laughter)

9/24/05-A-Detroit, MI
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Re: Quotes on The Processes - How to Raise Vibration

Post by spiritualcookie »

Process: Book of Positive Aspects

This exercise will assist you in finding a more deliberate, constant place of positive attraction.

Purchase a new notebook.
Write across the front of your book in bold letters: "Book of Positive Aspects."

The primary objective of your Book of Positive Aspects is to quickly bring you to a position of feeling good, therefore to a position of positive attraction,, but there are many other benefits:

A daily entering of positive aspects on old and new subjects will help you to maintain your positive balance. As one area of your life draws you to your Book of Positive Aspects, the recording of your entries will bleed over into other aspects of your experience.
Because you are feeling better more of the time, more of the things that you consider to be good will begin to flow smoothly into your experience.

Many of the things that you have been wanting - but have been blocking by offering thoughts that attract resistance in the form of negative emotion - will easily flow into your experience.

The balance of thought and feeling in your experience will shift from predominantly negative to predominantly positive.

You will soon discover that no matter what the emotional state of your world, your economy, or even those close around you in your work or home, you will find yourself in a more positive balance, and by law, indeed by the Law of Attraction, your own life will begin to show the result of that , immediately.


This "Book of Positive Aspects" is not offered as a process whereby you take a negative and turn it into a positive.

It is a process to assist you in giving your attention to that which is positive. And as you are focusing upon that which is positive, you cannot focus upon that which is negative. And when you withdraw your attention fro that which is negative - it will leave your experience.


[In your Book of Positive Aspects],
upon each page begin a new subject.
Write what flows easily from you.
Do not work at it.
When you work at it, you may find yourself trying to stretch something you actually feel negative about into a positive, and in giving it attention, even giving it positive words - you further your negative attention.

When the thoughts regarding a particular subject have stopped flowing, turn to a fresh new page and begin a new subject.

15 minutes at the beginning of each day is enough time for this process.


On the second day, read what you have written before ,and add as the thoughts come to you.


Notice how good you feel during and following this process.


If you find yourself feeling negative emotion regarding a specific person in your experience, begin a page of positive aspects regarding that person.

If you find yourself feeling negative emotion regarding any subject such as not enough money, not enough time, too much work to do, not enough respect from another... begin a page in your book to help yourself to identify the positive aspects of that particular situation.


You will notice, right away, that your overall feeling is improved. Not only will the specific situations upon which you have written, improve immediately, but also, other experienced not yet identified in your book, because as you feel better, you attract more of that which you consider to be good. As you feel bad, you attract more of that which you consider to be bad.


Continue for a full week, each day reading what has been written before and adding to that.

At the end of the first week, put your book aside and purchase another.

Again, writ across the front of your book: "My book of Positive Aspects".

You may now begin to see this book as the treasure it really is, for it is the key to your cantered, balanced place of Well-being.

It is the key to your deliberate positioning of yourself in a place of positive attraction.

- Abraham


If you are wanting to affect the outcome of your physical experiences in a positive way, put your primary attention upon the way you feel - and look for reasons to feel good.

There is not enough action in your world to compensate for feeling bad. You simply cannot act enough. There aren't enough hours in the day and there isn't enough Energy in your body to compensate for the negative attraction that occurs when you feel negative emotion.

And for that reason, we give tremendous emphasis to the value of your Book of Positive Aspects. In deliberately looking for reasons to feel good, you will find them. And in focusing upon those reasons you will feel good. And in feeling good you will begin the attraction of that which you consider to be good.

- Abraham
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Re: Quotes on The Processes - How to Raise Vibration

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

Book of Positive Aspects:
What you activate- and appreciate becomes MORE!

Years ago, we offered a process called "my book of positive aspects",
where you take a page- and it can be a person, it can be an experience, it can be a job, it can be anything!- and just take your best shot at writing the positive aspects. Because when you look for aspects that feel good to you, you're sharpening up your bag of marbles. And when you do that, the Law of Attraction will not let you down! And you will have a conscious awareness, that you just did that:

"I (clicking) put it in my bag, on purpose. And almost as soon as I turn around, something reflects that. And when I'm aware of it, I'm empowered!"
But if you're just running around, talking about things you want and things you don't want, and how things are and how you'd like things to be- then you've just got such a mixed bag going on. Than it feels like it's chance, or it feels like somebody else is doing it- when nobody else is doing it! Not ever! It's all 100% you. 100% you!

What kind of marbles do you want to put in your bag? Don't you want your marbles that are in this bag, to match up the marbles that are in that bag? What do you think is in that bag? What do you think, your Inner Being is focused on, on your behalf? What's in there?

More money? More opportunity? More rendering with more people? More ideas exploding into the room? More fun every day? More free time? More time to do what you really want, to do more? Freedom to choose your projects?
-You get to have it more your way!

from the youtube-clip "I am Ready For The Major Breakthroughs Awaits! ~ Abraham Hicks Ideas"
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Re: Quotes on The Processes - How to Raise Vibration

Post by spiritualcookie »

When you use the processes to raise your vibration, you "ascend" & experience "Ascension"

Our definition of this is the raising of vibration. (...)

All of you, in your physical form, - as we said many times here this day -
are extensions of Source energy.
And to the degree that you focus to align you with your Source,
you ARE the physical embodiment of that Source.

And we gotta believe that this is what anyone means with "Ascension".
When you train your vibration into a place that matches your Source
then you´ve got to have the perspective of that, which is your Source.

And as long as you´re focused in these bodies and doing that,
you have achieved the state of Ascension.
Our definition of this is the raising of vibration.

But people want to make everything literal.
And we wanna say: What are you gonna do with the physical body
in a nonphysical environment?
Iow, it just doesn´t translate in a way that we can make work out,
in the way we mean physical and nonphysical.

But, in fairness, EVERYTHING that is physical is nothing more
than an extension of that which is nonphysical.
So we have to go along with the idea that you could get so good
and so pure in your vibratory state
that you could create anything that you could imagine.

And in fact, get ready for this:
THAT is what you have done in this earth-state.
The earth-state is the physical extension of nonphysical.

Asheville, 04/30/05
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Re: Quotes on The Processes - How to Raise Vibration

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

About healing your Shortage-Consciousness.
(The Checkbook-game)

Almost everyone has feelings of sort of sealings, or limitations, on how much money you associate with "living the good life". In other words, you have these feelings of how much money is enough money! And, how much money is "too much" money. There are a lot of people that are spending a lot of money, and they're feeling joyful in it. But you can't find them, from your place of believing that spending money is an inappropriate thing!

So let's work on that just for a little bit. Because we we want to ask you some questions: If you were to purchase something that you really don't need, something that costs a lot let's say. You go into a jewelry store and you find something that's really shiny and beautiful, and that attracts you, because of its beauty. And you inquire what it costs, and they tell you it's $200,000 -and you have the money to pay it! Let's say that you have $220,000 in your bank account right now. So, you can afford it. So you buy it. What's the feeling from where you currently stand about that? Do you feel like nobody should spend that much money on something? Like, that it feels wasteful?

So, now you're receiving that trinket. And you are giving someone some money, and that person is receiving that money, and paying someone who moved it from one place to another. So they're receiving a little bit of benefit from it. And the person who created it, is receiving some money from it. And the materials that went into it, those people are receiving some money from it. So, let's say that there are 20 people- or more, but let's say there are 20 people who will financially benefit from your purchase. Is it wasteful for you to add to the financial well-being of others?

Some of them will send their children to school with the money, that you have paid for that. Some of them will buy food with the money that you've paid for that. Some of them will donate it to orphanages. Some of them will pay taxes. So, what has really happened here? Have you added to the economy? Have you added a lifestyle? Has there really been any wastefulness? In other words, you could say "I didn't really need this."

But when you think about it in terms of the economy, and the people that benefited from the spending of the money, where do you get the idea that your participating in the economic system is somehow doing something that is wrong?

How did this Shortage-consciousness occur- when you are all exchanging your gifts and services in this economic world, that you have going on? We want to submit to you, that the more money that you allow to flow through you, and the more places that you funnel the money that flows through you, the more you uplift!

Have you taken a look at your economy? Do you know that your economy is at an all-time high? And do you understand that it was not that long ago, that you were trading beads and fur and things- in other words, your economy isn't bigger because you have connected to some spaceship that has been piping in resources from other galaxies! Your economy is only improving because you have found different ways exchanging your human vitality with one another!

And the more you exchange that, the more vital you are.
And the more vital your economy is!
Everyone wins, when you find ways to attract and release, to "breathe" them.

Now if you were sucking it in and holding it, and not letting it out- we can understand how there could be some imbalance. Just like if you were to try to breathe air in, as you breathe air in and you don't allow it to flow out- in other words... there is a little hangup even about breathing, that is going on!

In other words we like to use the analogy "breathing in and out, in and out, in and out, in and out." It's effortless. When you run, you want more. When you sleep, you want less: In and out, in and out. You never suck it in and hold it, for fear there won't be more, later! You never stand out on your porch for fear that there won't be enough left in the afternoon: "I need to get it all while I can!" -you expect the air to be there when you want it. And we want you to understand that the vitality, and the clarity, and the money, is THERE.

It's always there for you, breathe it in in and breathe it out. And breathe it in and breathe it out.

And that's the point of that game, that's what that game is designed to help you to do is: To think of things that you would like to use as your excuse to allow the money to flow in. But if you feel guilty about spending money, if we were standing in your physical shoes, now as you're spending that money, think about what those will do! Who will receive the money? Think about that!!

Think of yourself as a philanthropist in the uplifting of others from whom you buy!

It it's a checkbook game where you deposit $1,000 into your account vibrational dollars and you spend that 1,000 on the second day you deposit 2,000 and spend them on the third day you deposit 3,000 and spend them on the 365th day you you deposit 365,000 and spend it. So, as you are spending this money vibrationally, as you are mentally spending it, what's happening is: you are creating Outlets out there for it to go. When you create a vibrational Outlet it draws you, and everything, for the accomplishment of it through you!

That's what eagerness is. That's what passion is! That's what your feeling of enthusiasm is!

From the youtube- clip "Abraham Hicks 💸 BE DONE WITH THE STRUGGLE! 💸💸💸 LET THE MONEY FLOW WITH EASE! ~ Law of Attraction"
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