If you feel drawn to someone
but you are annoyed because you think that they are telling you some lies,
try to look beyond the lies and try to focus upon the feeling.
People offer all kinds of words for all kinds of different reasons.
Most lies are offered to try and keep things in alignment.
We're not encouraging it,
but the motive behind lying is usually a pretty honorable motive.
IOW, when a child lies to their parents,
it's usually because they want to be free to do what they want to do,
and they don't want their parents to be upset about it.
It's about wanting an alignment.
Physical ears have a hard tiem hearing this.
You keep talking about:
"We need to be honest".
And we say, we don't meet any of you who are honest.
Even those who claim to be the most virtuous, are not honest,
but your vibration always is.
We would trust the feeling more than the words.
- Abraham Hicks, Houston, Texas 1/13/01
Quotes on Lying
- Paradise-on-Earth
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- Posts: 4565
- Joined: Sun Dec 17, 2023 9:19 am
This one might fit here as well...
Don't try to talk yourself out of your desires by diminishing them!
How how did you feel about me, wanting to look more attractive?
I mean, I... as I was writing today about that, in my positivistic book- I remember that one time, I felt that it was important for me to accept...
You are upon something very important here!
See, here is the way it has come about, not just with you, but with almost all that we know. You have this desire; you are born with it, for freedom and growth and joy. And as you look around the world, you choose things that you want. But because, for the most part, you have not understood (you or anyone else) the power of thought, or how it all fits together, you have found yourself seeing things that you want, that you're not believing that you have.
Or even in the comparison, seeing someone who is beautiful and comparing yourself, and not feeling as beautiful. And so, in the comparison you say: "I don't want those grapes anyway, for they're sour." and so, from that has become the attitude, that it is not proper to be vain! In other words, "one should not give so much attention to something so vain as beauty... after all, beauty is only skin-deep" or, "after all, the true merit of a being is within." -That sort of thing. And all of that is alright. We are not saying that that is not all right to feel that way! What we are saying is, that
when you don't feel that way, but you say the words, then you are resisting.
You're actually adding unto the thing that you do not want!
From the youtube clip "Abraham Hicks - It's Ok To Want To Be Beautiful"
Don't try to talk yourself out of your desires by diminishing them!
How how did you feel about me, wanting to look more attractive?
I mean, I... as I was writing today about that, in my positivistic book- I remember that one time, I felt that it was important for me to accept...
You are upon something very important here!
See, here is the way it has come about, not just with you, but with almost all that we know. You have this desire; you are born with it, for freedom and growth and joy. And as you look around the world, you choose things that you want. But because, for the most part, you have not understood (you or anyone else) the power of thought, or how it all fits together, you have found yourself seeing things that you want, that you're not believing that you have.
Or even in the comparison, seeing someone who is beautiful and comparing yourself, and not feeling as beautiful. And so, in the comparison you say: "I don't want those grapes anyway, for they're sour." and so, from that has become the attitude, that it is not proper to be vain! In other words, "one should not give so much attention to something so vain as beauty... after all, beauty is only skin-deep" or, "after all, the true merit of a being is within." -That sort of thing. And all of that is alright. We are not saying that that is not all right to feel that way! What we are saying is, that
when you don't feel that way, but you say the words, then you are resisting.
You're actually adding unto the thing that you do not want!
From the youtube clip "Abraham Hicks - It's Ok To Want To Be Beautiful"
- Paradise-on-Earth
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- Posts: 4565
- Joined: Sun Dec 17, 2023 9:19 am
The Value of Politics
I never really paid attention to politics, until about 10 years ago, and...
Stop!! (HS: You'r right. -laughter-)
It all it is the streams of consciousness, that are pitted against each other, as an excuse to pinch each other off from the clarity and well-being that would be there, if they weren't doing that.
And there is nothing about politics, that have anything to do with you, or what will happen to you!
You can use it as a reason to not allow yourself to be aligned. But that's it's only real use: To pinch you off!
Jeah. I realize that the world is a reflection of what I have going on, inside me.
The world is a reflection of what everyone has going on! And there are a lot of things going on. In other words, it's not only your reflection. The world is the things, that have come from the thoughts, that the world has thought. But you didn't think all the thoughts!
Well the the thing that caught my attention is: I've been observing people, in how they pay attention to politics and politicians, and it seems to me that a lot of people will... they'll go by what one the politician says. But totally disregard what the politician does, which is often completely different!
When you ask about the value of politics... let's focus there just for a moment. If it has done anything for you, as a mass consciousness, we're talking globally, not just nationally! ...If it has done anything for you as a mass consciousness, it must surely help you to know this one powerful thing:
You can't sort it out.
You can't even begin to know what is really going on!
Esther's phrase is: "The words don't match the music."
The lyrics don't match the music- which is sort of a little bit, what you're talking about. But, oh, talk about a rat's nest of vibrations that just has the potential of holding you apart from everything, that you've been asking for! And what's so interest, this is another thing that it'll do for you, we want you to hear this!-
People think that they can think their way out of things.
But all they do, is think their way deeper and deeper into things. You've got to feel your way out!!
And so, a lot of rabbit holes, that a lot of people are going down- the rabbit holes just get deeper and deeper and deeper and deeper and deeper and deeper. And they keep thinking, they're gonna find satisfaction in there! But they don't.
The thing that... it occurred to me was, that I look at them and I'd say their thoughts in their words, and their actions...
"...are non of my business!" That's the thing that you should say!! "They're not any of my business!" Because you're assuming that they're thinking and they're acting, in order to get your approval! -That's what you'd like! But that's not working out well for you. So, what you're saying is: There are those that think this, and there are those that think that- and I want to choose those that think that. "Okay! Got my party picked! I've picked my affiliation! -But now they were saying these things, which I resonated with- but now they're not doing those things!" So, you've found yet another reason to feel dissatisfied.
Because you're looking for love in all the wrong places!
-You're looking for satisfaction in all the wrong places. You're following us, at all?
Oh, absolutely! I am in agreement with you. But the thing that it also pointed out to me is, that I feel like MY thoughts, MY words and my actions don't all line up. And I wonder if that's the reason why they don't manifest things, the way that I wish that are they would?
For sure! It's true of everyone. But you see, can you let your thoughts be an evolving thing? and can you let what you believed at one time which served you be something that you don't believe at this time... in other words, can you be the evolving being that you are? Can life experience give you new asking? (HS: yes!) We really like you! We like what you've stirred up. We'd like where you now are! We like the vibrational becoming, that has happened here. We're like the clarity, that is in your being, that is exaggerated from where you started! We like that you have a sense of what to do next. We like that you don't feel any great big agenda. That you don't have any really strong sense of responsibility. But that you do feel more alive! We like that you are in closer proximity to the unfolding of the things, that you've been asking for. And we like that you will be more aware of your part in it, as it unfolds!
We like most of all, that you are going to feel your conscious awareness of the relationship between what you're doing with your reaching for satisfaction, and the reason that things are unfolding for you, as they are. That's the piece that we'd like the most! It's that you are more in control, than you've ever been in your life- of what comes next! We cannot express with enough words, there just are not enough of them. So we flow vibration to you all day, every day! You don't have to be in the presence of Abraham, who has flowing through Esther's apparatus. We are flowing to you, all day every day. Our appreciation of where you are, the important part you play in this expanding universe!
It is our desire for you, that every single thing that you think you've ever wanted, comes to you and comes to you quickly, and comes to you easily. But we have one thing that we want more than all of those things put together, and that is that you have FUN in the process of the unfolding of the perfection, that is you!
from the youtube-clip "Abraham-Hicks About politics"
I never really paid attention to politics, until about 10 years ago, and...
Stop!! (HS: You'r right. -laughter-)
It all it is the streams of consciousness, that are pitted against each other, as an excuse to pinch each other off from the clarity and well-being that would be there, if they weren't doing that.
And there is nothing about politics, that have anything to do with you, or what will happen to you!
You can use it as a reason to not allow yourself to be aligned. But that's it's only real use: To pinch you off!
Jeah. I realize that the world is a reflection of what I have going on, inside me.
The world is a reflection of what everyone has going on! And there are a lot of things going on. In other words, it's not only your reflection. The world is the things, that have come from the thoughts, that the world has thought. But you didn't think all the thoughts!
Well the the thing that caught my attention is: I've been observing people, in how they pay attention to politics and politicians, and it seems to me that a lot of people will... they'll go by what one the politician says. But totally disregard what the politician does, which is often completely different!
When you ask about the value of politics... let's focus there just for a moment. If it has done anything for you, as a mass consciousness, we're talking globally, not just nationally! ...If it has done anything for you as a mass consciousness, it must surely help you to know this one powerful thing:
You can't sort it out.
You can't even begin to know what is really going on!
Esther's phrase is: "The words don't match the music."
The lyrics don't match the music- which is sort of a little bit, what you're talking about. But, oh, talk about a rat's nest of vibrations that just has the potential of holding you apart from everything, that you've been asking for! And what's so interest, this is another thing that it'll do for you, we want you to hear this!-
People think that they can think their way out of things.
But all they do, is think their way deeper and deeper into things. You've got to feel your way out!!
And so, a lot of rabbit holes, that a lot of people are going down- the rabbit holes just get deeper and deeper and deeper and deeper and deeper and deeper. And they keep thinking, they're gonna find satisfaction in there! But they don't.
The thing that... it occurred to me was, that I look at them and I'd say their thoughts in their words, and their actions...
"...are non of my business!" That's the thing that you should say!! "They're not any of my business!" Because you're assuming that they're thinking and they're acting, in order to get your approval! -That's what you'd like! But that's not working out well for you. So, what you're saying is: There are those that think this, and there are those that think that- and I want to choose those that think that. "Okay! Got my party picked! I've picked my affiliation! -But now they were saying these things, which I resonated with- but now they're not doing those things!" So, you've found yet another reason to feel dissatisfied.
Because you're looking for love in all the wrong places!
-You're looking for satisfaction in all the wrong places. You're following us, at all?
Oh, absolutely! I am in agreement with you. But the thing that it also pointed out to me is, that I feel like MY thoughts, MY words and my actions don't all line up. And I wonder if that's the reason why they don't manifest things, the way that I wish that are they would?
For sure! It's true of everyone. But you see, can you let your thoughts be an evolving thing? and can you let what you believed at one time which served you be something that you don't believe at this time... in other words, can you be the evolving being that you are? Can life experience give you new asking? (HS: yes!) We really like you! We like what you've stirred up. We'd like where you now are! We like the vibrational becoming, that has happened here. We're like the clarity, that is in your being, that is exaggerated from where you started! We like that you have a sense of what to do next. We like that you don't feel any great big agenda. That you don't have any really strong sense of responsibility. But that you do feel more alive! We like that you are in closer proximity to the unfolding of the things, that you've been asking for. And we like that you will be more aware of your part in it, as it unfolds!
We like most of all, that you are going to feel your conscious awareness of the relationship between what you're doing with your reaching for satisfaction, and the reason that things are unfolding for you, as they are. That's the piece that we'd like the most! It's that you are more in control, than you've ever been in your life- of what comes next! We cannot express with enough words, there just are not enough of them. So we flow vibration to you all day, every day! You don't have to be in the presence of Abraham, who has flowing through Esther's apparatus. We are flowing to you, all day every day. Our appreciation of where you are, the important part you play in this expanding universe!
It is our desire for you, that every single thing that you think you've ever wanted, comes to you and comes to you quickly, and comes to you easily. But we have one thing that we want more than all of those things put together, and that is that you have FUN in the process of the unfolding of the perfection, that is you!
from the youtube-clip "Abraham-Hicks About politics"
- Paradise-on-Earth
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- Posts: 4565
- Joined: Sun Dec 17, 2023 9:19 am
Uncheatable Uponable
I was feeling that way for the last nine months really up until the date the night before I came on this cruise which I was feeling awesome about and then I found out that he's been cheating on me for a really long time.
We agree that you all have different levels of how much you're willing to put up with. And whether he's just annoying, or whether he is violating some commitment that the two of you have established- in other words, we get it that there are narrower and wider gaps! But we want to be so bold as to say that,
whoever you are interacting with, is going to violate the commitment
that almost all of you want them to keep!
And the commitment that almost everybody wants everybody
that they're up close to impersonal to keep is,
"I want you to promise to put me first- no matter what."
And that is a commitment that no one keeps!
Because you're not wired like that!
You were not born like that!
You you've come to establish... We would like your marriage vows, or your relationship vows, to go like this:
"Dear one, I want you to know that- as much as I love you, there's someone who comes first before you.
And that is my alignment with the source, within me!
That's my inner being, that's who I'm devoted to.
That's why I'm aligned to.
That's who I'm feeling for.
That's what my commitment is to.
And my promise to you is, that I will give you, as much as I can, the fullness of me!
Not as the separated me.
I'm going to do my best to satisfy my alignment, and therefore give you the gift of living with someone, who has aligned.
And what that will be for you, what that will mean for you, how that will play out for you, is:
I won't be needing or demanding from you behavior, in order to keep myself happy!
My happiness will be dependent upon my focus."
There are people who feel betrayed, if their partners think about other people.
There are people who feel betrayed if their partner doesn't give their undivided attention to them.
There are people who feel jealous if anyone feels happy at the thought, or in the conversation with somebody else!
There are all kinds of degrees of cheating on you, and for the most part, any part of someone else cheating on you just means: "You've taken your attention away from me! And I was dependent upon your attention, being upon me, so that I could feel good! And now you've taken your attention away from me...!" (Towards the HS) This is too strong for you.
But, we really want you all to not be dependent upon anyone for the alignment.
That it is the epitome of looking for love in all the wrong places!
And when you say you've cheated on me, we know. We know there are agreements that you make! We get what you're talking about.
But we would like you to be uncheatable-upon-able!
"I'm stable in my self-respect! My sense of well-being is not dependent upon your behavior."
So what you're really wanting to do, is decide what you want, and become a vibrational match to what you want. And you will attract a partner who is a vibrational match to what you want, you see! And so we're not suggesting that you will not find another partner!
We're just suggesting that you find true alignment with who you are before you go looking!
from the official Abraham Hicks youtube-clip "Uncheatable Uponable", 2014
I was feeling that way for the last nine months really up until the date the night before I came on this cruise which I was feeling awesome about and then I found out that he's been cheating on me for a really long time.
We agree that you all have different levels of how much you're willing to put up with. And whether he's just annoying, or whether he is violating some commitment that the two of you have established- in other words, we get it that there are narrower and wider gaps! But we want to be so bold as to say that,
whoever you are interacting with, is going to violate the commitment
that almost all of you want them to keep!
And the commitment that almost everybody wants everybody
that they're up close to impersonal to keep is,
"I want you to promise to put me first- no matter what."
And that is a commitment that no one keeps!
Because you're not wired like that!
You were not born like that!
You you've come to establish... We would like your marriage vows, or your relationship vows, to go like this:
"Dear one, I want you to know that- as much as I love you, there's someone who comes first before you.
And that is my alignment with the source, within me!
That's my inner being, that's who I'm devoted to.
That's why I'm aligned to.
That's who I'm feeling for.
That's what my commitment is to.
And my promise to you is, that I will give you, as much as I can, the fullness of me!
Not as the separated me.
I'm going to do my best to satisfy my alignment, and therefore give you the gift of living with someone, who has aligned.
And what that will be for you, what that will mean for you, how that will play out for you, is:
I won't be needing or demanding from you behavior, in order to keep myself happy!
My happiness will be dependent upon my focus."
There are people who feel betrayed, if their partners think about other people.
There are people who feel betrayed if their partner doesn't give their undivided attention to them.
There are people who feel jealous if anyone feels happy at the thought, or in the conversation with somebody else!
There are all kinds of degrees of cheating on you, and for the most part, any part of someone else cheating on you just means: "You've taken your attention away from me! And I was dependent upon your attention, being upon me, so that I could feel good! And now you've taken your attention away from me...!" (Towards the HS) This is too strong for you.
But, we really want you all to not be dependent upon anyone for the alignment.
That it is the epitome of looking for love in all the wrong places!
And when you say you've cheated on me, we know. We know there are agreements that you make! We get what you're talking about.
But we would like you to be uncheatable-upon-able!
"I'm stable in my self-respect! My sense of well-being is not dependent upon your behavior."
So what you're really wanting to do, is decide what you want, and become a vibrational match to what you want. And you will attract a partner who is a vibrational match to what you want, you see! And so we're not suggesting that you will not find another partner!
We're just suggesting that you find true alignment with who you are before you go looking!
from the official Abraham Hicks youtube-clip "Uncheatable Uponable", 2014
- Paradise-on-Earth
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- Posts: 4565
- Joined: Sun Dec 17, 2023 9:19 am

When you'r ITV, there is no reason to be guarded.
And when you're guarded, you're not ITV!
Abraham Hicks
- Paradise-on-Earth
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- Posts: 4565
- Joined: Sun Dec 17, 2023 9:19 am

People aren't lowering your vibration or pulling you from your Alignment.
It's your perspectives about them, or the way they treat you, that pulls you down!
Abraham Hicks